Exemplo n.º 1
 * Called when the webview finished loading a new page
void PhoneGap::loadFinished( bool ok ) {

    // Change into the xml-directory
    QDir xmlDir( m_workingDir );
    xmlDir.cd( "xml" );

    // Try to open the plugins configuration
    QFile pluginsXml( xmlDir.filePath("plugins.xml") );
    if( !pluginsXml.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) {
        qDebug() << "Error loading plugins config!";

    // Start reading the file as a stream
    QXmlStreamReader plugins;
    plugins.setDevice( &pluginsXml );

    // Get a reference to the current main-frame
    QWebFrame *webFrame = m_webView->page()->mainFrame();

    // Iterate over plugins-configuration and load all according plugins
    while(!plugins.atEnd()) {
        if( plugins.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement ) {
            // Check if we have a plugin element
            if( plugins.name() == "plugin" ) {
                QXmlStreamAttributes attribs = plugins.attributes();
                // Check for name & value attributes
                if( attribs.hasAttribute("name") && attribs.hasAttribute("value") ) {
                    // Construct object & attribute names
                    QString attribName = attribs.value( "name" ).toString();
                    QString attribValue = attribs.value( "value" ).toString();
                    QString objectName = attribName + "_native";

                    qDebug() << "Adding Plugin " << attribName << " with " << attribValue;
                    // Check for such a plugin
                    PGPlugin *currPlugin = PluginRegistry::getRegistry()->getPlugin( attribValue );
                    if( currPlugin != NULL ) {
                        currPlugin->setWebFrame( webFrame );
                        webFrame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject( objectName, currPlugin );

                        webFrame->evaluateJavaScript( "PhoneGap.Qt.registerObject( '" + attribValue + "', " + objectName + " )" );
                        webFrame->evaluateJavaScript( "PhoneGap.enablePlugin( '" + attribValue + "' )" );
                    else {
                        qDebug() << "Unknown Plugin " << attribName;

    // Device is now ready to rumble
    webFrame->evaluateJavaScript( "PhoneGap.deviceready();" );
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Called when the webview finished loading a new page
void Cordova::loadFinished( bool ok ) {

    // Change into the xml-directory
    QDir xmlDir( m_workingDir );
    xmlDir.cd( "xml" );

    // Try to open the plugins configuration
    QFile pluginsXml( xmlDir.filePath("plugins.xml") );
    if( !pluginsXml.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) {
        qDebug() << "Error loading plugins config!";

    // Start reading the file as a stream
    QXmlStreamReader plugins;
    plugins.setDevice( &pluginsXml );

    // Iterate over plugins-configuration and load all according plugins
    while(!plugins.atEnd()) {
        if( plugins.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement ) {
            // Check if we have a plugin element
            if( plugins.name() == "plugin" ) {
                QXmlStreamAttributes attribs = plugins.attributes();
                // Check for name & value attributes
                if( attribs.hasAttribute("name") && attribs.hasAttribute("value") ) {
                    // Construct object & attribute names
                    QString attribName = attribs.value( "name" ).toString();
                    QString attribValue = attribs.value( "value" ).toString();

                    qDebug() << "Adding Plugin " << attribName << " with " << attribValue;
                    // Check for such a plugin
                    CPlugin *currPlugin = PluginRegistry::getRegistry()->getPlugin( attribValue );
                    if(currPlugin) {
                        emit pluginWantsToBeAdded(attribValue, currPlugin, attribName);
                        execJS( "Cordova.enablePlugin( '" + attribValue + "' )" );
                    else {
                        qDebug() << "Unknown Plugin " << attribName;

    // Device is now ready to rumble
    execJS( "Cordova.deviceready();" );