Exemplo n.º 1
int pmRotRpyConvert(PmRotationVector const * const r, PmRpy * const rpy)
    PmQuaternion q;
    int r1, r2;

    q.s = q.x = q.y = q.z = 0.0;

    r1 = pmRotQuatConvert(r, &q);
    r2 = pmQuatRpyConvert(&q, rpy);

    return r1 || r2 ? pmErrno : 0;
int kinematicsForward(const double * joint,
                      EmcPose * world,
                      const KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags,
                      KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags)

   double s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6;
   double c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6;
   double s23;
   double c23;
   double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
   double sumSq, k;
   PmHomogeneous hom;
   PmPose worldPose;
   PmRpy rpy;

   /* Calculate sin of joints for future use */
   s1 = sin(joint[0]*PM_PI/180);
   s2 = sin(joint[1]*PM_PI/180);
   s3 = sin(joint[2]*PM_PI/180);
   s4 = sin(joint[3]*PM_PI/180);
   s5 = sin(joint[4]*PM_PI/180);
   s6 = sin(joint[5]*PM_PI/180);

   /* Calculate cos of joints for future use */
   c1 = cos(joint[0]*PM_PI/180);
   c2 = cos(joint[1]*PM_PI/180);
   c3 = cos(joint[2]*PM_PI/180);
   c4 = cos(joint[3]*PM_PI/180);
   c5 = cos(joint[4]*PM_PI/180);
   c6 = cos(joint[5]*PM_PI/180);

   s23 = c2 * s3 + s2 * c3;
   c23 = c2 * c3 - s2 * s3;

   /* Calculate terms to be used in definition of... */
   /* first column of rotation matrix.               */
   t1 = c4 * c5 * c6 - s4 * s6;
   t2 = s23 * s5 * c6;
   t3 = s4 * c5 * c6 + c4 * s6;
   t4 = c23 * t1 - t2;
   t5 = c23 * s5 * c6;

   /* Define first column of rotation matrix */
   hom.rot.x.x = c1 * t4 + s1 * t3;
   hom.rot.x.y = s1 * t4 - c1 * t3;
   hom.rot.x.z = -s23 * t1 - t5;

   /* Calculate terms to be used in definition of...  */
   /* second column of rotation matrix.               */
   t1 = -c4 * c5 * s6 - s4 * c6;
   t2 = s23 * s5 * s6;
   t3 = c4 * c6 - s4 * c5 * s6;
   t4 = c23 * t1 + t2;
   t5 = c23 * s5 * s6;

   /* Define second column of rotation matrix */
   hom.rot.y.x = c1 * t4 + s1 * t3;
   hom.rot.y.y = s1 * t4 - c1 * t3;
   hom.rot.y.z = -s23 * t1 + t5;

   /* Calculate term to be used in definition of... */
   /* third column of rotation matrix.              */
   t1 = c23 * c4 * s5 + s23 * c5;

   /* Define third column of rotation matrix */
   hom.rot.z.x = -c1 * t1 - s1 * s4 * s5;
   hom.rot.z.y = -s1 * t1 + c1 * s4 * s5;
   hom.rot.z.z = s23 * c4 * s5 - c23 * c5;

   /* Calculate term to be used in definition of...  */
   /* position vector.                               */
   t1 = PUMA_A2 * c2 + PUMA_A3 * c23 - PUMA_D4 * s23;

   /* Define position vector */
   hom.tran.x = c1 * t1 - PUMA_D3 * s1;
   hom.tran.y = s1 * t1 + PUMA_D3 * c1;
   hom.tran.z = -PUMA_A3 * s23 - PUMA_A2 * s2 - PUMA_D4 * c23;

   /* Calculate terms to be used to...   */
   /* determine flags.                   */
   sumSq = hom.tran.x * hom.tran.x + hom.tran.y * hom.tran.y -
           PUMA_D3 * PUMA_D3;
   k = (sumSq + hom.tran.z * hom.tran.z - PUMA_A2 * PUMA_A2 -
       PUMA_A3 * PUMA_A3 - PUMA_D4 * PUMA_D4) /
       (2.0 * PUMA_A2);

   /* reset flags */
   *iflags = 0;

   /* Set shoulder-up flag if necessary */
   if (fabs(joint[0]*PM_PI/180 - atan2(hom.tran.y, hom.tran.x) +
       atan2(PUMA_D3, -sqrt(sumSq))) < FLAG_FUZZ)
     *iflags |= PUMA_SHOULDER_RIGHT;

   /* Set elbow down flag if necessary */
   if (fabs(joint[2]*PM_PI/180 - atan2(PUMA_A3, PUMA_D4) +
       atan2(k, -sqrt(PUMA_A3 * PUMA_A3 +
       PUMA_D4 * PUMA_D4 - k * k))) < FLAG_FUZZ)
      *iflags |= PUMA_ELBOW_DOWN;

   /* set singular flag if necessary */
   t1 = -hom.rot.z.x * s1 + hom.rot.z.y * c1;
   t2 = -hom.rot.z.x * c1 * c23 - hom.rot.z.y * s1 * c23 +
         hom.rot.z.z * s23;
   if (fabs(t1) < SINGULAR_FUZZ && fabs(t2) < SINGULAR_FUZZ)
      *iflags |= PUMA_SINGULAR;

   /* if not singular set wrist flip flag if necessary */
     if (! (fabs(joint[3]*PM_PI/180 - atan2(t1, t2)) < FLAG_FUZZ))
       *iflags |= PUMA_WRIST_FLIP;

   /* convert hom.rot to world->quat */
   pmHomPoseConvert(hom, &worldPose);
   world->tran = worldPose.tran;
   world->a = rpy.r * 180.0/PM_PI;
   world->b = rpy.p * 180.0/PM_PI;
   world->c = rpy.y * 180.0/PM_PI;

   /* return 0 and exit */
   return 0;