Exemplo n.º 1
uint32_t pc1350_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const int contrast = m_dsw0->read() & 7;
	int color[4] =

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

	for (int k = 0, y = DOWN; k < 4; y += 16, k++)
		for (int x = RIGHT, i = pc1350_addr[k]; i < 0xa00; i += 0x200)
			for (int j = 0; j <= 0x1d; j++, x+=2)
				for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
					bitmap.plot_box(x, y + bit * 2, 2, 2, color[BIT(m_reg[j+i], bit)]);

	/* 783c: 0 SHIFT 1 DEF 4 RUN 5 PRO 6 JAPAN 7 SML */
	/* I don't know how they really look like on the LCD */
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+45, s_shift, BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 0) ? color[2] : color[3]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+55, s_def,   BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 1) ? color[2] : color[3]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+5,  s_run,   BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 4) ? color[2] : color[3]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+15, s_pro,   BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 5) ? color[2] : color[3]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+25, s_japan, BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 6) ? color[2] : color[3]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT-30, DOWN+35, s_sml,   BIT(m_reg[0x83c], 7) ? color[2] : color[3]);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
UINT32 pc1251_state::screen_update_pc1251(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x, y, i, j;
	int color[2];
	running_machine &machine = screen.machine();

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

	/* HJB: we cannot initialize array with values from other arrays, thus... */
	color[0] = 7; //pocketc_colortable[PC1251_CONTRAST][0];
	color[1] = 8; //pocketc_colortable[PC1251_CONTRAST][1];

	for (x=RIGHT,y=DOWN, i=0; i<60; x+=3)
		for (j=0; j<5; j++, i++, x+=3)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],
	for (i=0x7b; i>=0x40; x+=3)
		for (j=0; j<5; j++, i--, x+=3)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+134, DOWN-10, de,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+142, DOWN-10, g,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+146, DOWN-10, rad,
						m_reg[0x3d] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+18, DOWN-10, def,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT, DOWN-10, shift,
						m_reg[0x3d] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+38, DOWN-10, pro,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+53, DOWN-10, run,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+68, DOWN-10, rsv,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	/* 0x3c 1 def?, 4 g, 8 de
	   0x3d 2 shift, 4 rad, 8 error
	   0x3e 1 pro?, 2 run?, 4rsv?*/
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
UINT32 pc1403_state::screen_update_pc1403(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x, y, i, j;
	int color[3];

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

	/* HJB: we cannot initialize array with values from other arrays, thus... */
	color[0] = 7; // pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][0];
	color[2] = 8; // pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][1];
	color[1] = (m_portc & 1) ? color[2] : color[0];

	if (m_portc & 1)
		for (x=m_RIGHT, y=m_DOWN, i=0; i<6*5; x+=2) {
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i++, x+=2)
			m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
		for (i=9*5; i<12*5; x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i++, x+=2)
			m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
		for (i=6*5; i<9*5; x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i++, x+=2)
			m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
		for (i=0x7b-3*5; i>0x7b-6*5; x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i--, x+=2)
				m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
		for (i=0x7b; i>0x7b-3*5; x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i--, x+=2)
			m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
		for (i=0x7b-6*5; i>0x7b-12*5; x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5; j++, i--, x+=2)
			m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->opaque(bitmap,cliprect, m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,
	/* if display is off, busy is always visible? it seems to behave like that. */
	/* But if computer is off, busy is hidden. */
		if (m_portc&1)
			pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT, m_DOWN-13, busy,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 1 ? color[2] : color[0]);

		else pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT, m_DOWN-13, busy, color[2]);
		pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT, m_DOWN-13, busy, color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+18, m_DOWN-13, def,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+43, m_DOWN-13, shift,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+63, m_DOWN-13, hyp,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+155, m_DOWN-13, kana,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+167, m_DOWN-13, shoo,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+178, m_DOWN-13, sml,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+191, m_DOWN-13, de,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+199, m_DOWN-13, g,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+203, m_DOWN-13, rad,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+266, m_DOWN-13, braces,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+274, m_DOWN-13, m,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+281, m_DOWN-13, e,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+10, m_DOWN+27, line /* empty */,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+31, m_DOWN+27, line /*calc*/,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+52, m_DOWN+27, line/*run*/,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+73, m_DOWN+27, line/*prog*/,
				m_reg[0x3d] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+94, m_DOWN+27, line /* empty */,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+232, m_DOWN+27, line/*matrix*/,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+253, m_DOWN+27, line/*stat*/,
				m_reg[0x3c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, m_RIGHT+274, m_DOWN+27, line/*print*/,
				m_reg[0x7c] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
UINT32 pc1401_state::screen_update_pc1401(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	running_machine &machine = screen.machine();
	int x, y, i, j;
	int color[2];

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

#if 0
	/* HJB: we cannot initialize array with values from other arrays, thus... */
	color[0] = pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][0];
	color[1] = pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][1];
	/* Above can be unreadable or misleading at certain contrast settings, this is better */
	color[0] = 7;
	color[1] = 8;

	if (m_portc&1)
		for (x=RIGHT,y=DOWN,i=0; i<0x28;x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5;j++,i++,x+=2)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,x,y);
		for (i=0x67; i>=0x40;x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5;j++,i--,x+=2)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,x,y);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+149, DOWN+24, line,
			m_reg[0x3c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT, DOWN-10, busy,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+18, DOWN-10, def,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+43, DOWN-10,shift,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+63, DOWN-10,hyp,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+38, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+23, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+8, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+183, DOWN-10,e,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+176, DOWN-10,m,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+168, DOWN-10,braces,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+138, DOWN-10,rad,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+134, DOWN-10,g,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+126, DOWN-10,de,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+165, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);

  603c: 3 STAT
  603d: 0 BUSY, 1 DEF, 2 SHIFT, 3 HYP, 4 PRO, 5 RUN, 6 CAL
  607c: 0 E, 1 M, 2 (), 3 RAD, 4 G, 5 DE, 6 PRINT
	return 0;