Exemplo n.º 1
Pothos::BlockRegistry::BlockRegistry(const std::string &path, const Callable &factory)
    //check the path
    if (path.empty() or path.front() != '/')
        poco_error_f1(Poco::Logger::get("Pothos.BlockRegistry"), "Invalid path: %s", path);

    //parse the path
    PluginPath fullPath;
        fullPath = PluginPath("/blocks").join(path.substr(1));
    catch (const PluginPathError &)
        poco_error_f1(Poco::Logger::get("Pothos.BlockRegistry"), "Invalid path: %s", path);

    //check the factory
    if (factory.type(-1) == typeid(Block*) or factory.type(-1) == typeid(Topology*))
        PluginRegistry::add(fullPath, factory);

    //otherwise report the error
        poco_error_f1(Poco::Logger::get("Pothos.BlockRegistry"), "Bad Factory, must return Block* or Topology*: %s", factory.toString());
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Tang dislikeCounts
 * @param item
 * @return bool
bool ItemDB::increaseDislikeCountItem(string itemID) {
    if (grassDB.check(itemID) == -1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "increaseDislikeCountItem: Don't exits item %s in grassDB", itemID);
        return false;
    Item item = getItemFromItemID(itemID);
    string content = convertItemToJson(item);
    addQueue(UPDATE, itemID, content);
    if (grassDB.replace(itemID, content) == false) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "increaseViewCountItem: Replace error in GrassDB %s", grassDB.error().name());
        cout << "error setting";
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
Tag TagDB::convertJsonToTag(string jsonString) {
    Tag itemReturn;
    Json::Value root;
    Json::Reader reader;
    bool parsedSuccess = reader.parse(jsonString, root, false);
    if (not parsedSuccess) {
        // Report failures and their locations in the document.
        cout << "Failed to parse JSON" << endl
                << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages()
                << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "convertJsonToTag: Failed to parse JSON %s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());
        return itemReturn;
    //Json::Value tagID = root["tagID"];
    Json::Value tagName = root["tagName"];
    Json::Value viewCounts = root["viewCounts"];
    Json::Value dateAdd = root["dateAdd"];
    Json::Value dateUpdate = root["dateUpdate"];

    //itemReturn.tagID = tagID.asString();
    itemReturn.tagName = tagName.asString();
    itemReturn.viewCounts = viewCounts.asInt();
    itemReturn.dateAdd = dateAdd.asString();
    itemReturn.dateUpdate = dateUpdate.asString();
    //poco_information(*logger, "convertJsonToTag: Convert from Json to Tag successfull");
    return itemReturn;
Exemplo n.º 4
vector<Tag> TagDB::getTopTags(int number) {
    vector<Tag> topTag;
    if (number == 0 || number<-1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getTopTags: Number %d is available", number);
        return topTag;

    vector<Tag> listTag = getAllTag();
    int n = listTag.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            if (listTag.at(i).viewCounts < listTag.at(j).viewCounts) {
                Tag temp = listTag.at(i);
                listTag.at(i) = listTag.at(j);
                listTag.at(j) = temp;
    if (number > n) {
        poco_warning_f2(*logger, "getTopTags: number= %d > listTag.size()= %d", number, n);
        number = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
    return topTag;
Exemplo n.º 5
void GraphEditorTabs::loadState(void)
    MainSplash::global()->postMessage(tr("Restoring graph editor..."));

    //load option topologies from file list
    auto settings = MainSettings::global();
    auto files = settings->value("GraphEditorTabs/files").toStringList();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
        if (files.at(i).isEmpty()) continue; //skip empty files
        if (not QFile::exists(files.at(i)))
            poco_error_f1(Poco::Logger::get("PothosGui.GraphEditorTabs.loadState"), "File %s does not exist", files.at(i).toStdString());
        auto editor = new GraphEditor(this);
        this->addTab(editor, "");

    //Nothing? make sure we have at least one editor

    //restore the active index setting
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Lấy Item có item.itemID=itemID.
 * @param itemID
 * @return "Item" tra ve Item co Item.itemID=-1 neu khong lay duoc.
Item ItemDB::getItemFromItemID(string itemID) {
    // Không tăng viewcount, để cho front-end tăng viewcount.
    Item item;
    item.itemID = "-1";
    if (grassDB.check(itemID) == -1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getItemFromItemID: Don't exits itemID = %s in GrassDB", itemID);
        return item;
    item = getItemInGrassDB(itemID);
    if (item.itemID == "-1") {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getItemFromItemID: Can't get itemID = %s in GrassDB", item.itemID);
        return item;
    return item;
Exemplo n.º 7
void BlockTreeWidget::populate(void)
    for (const auto &blockDescObj : *_blockDescs)
            const auto blockDesc = blockDescObj.extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>();
            if (not this->blockDescMatchesFilter(blockDesc)) continue;
            const auto path = blockDesc->get("path").extract<std::string>();
            const auto name = blockDesc->get("name").extract<std::string>();
            if (blockDesc->isArray("categories")) for (auto categoryObj : *blockDesc->getArray("categories"))
                const auto category = categoryObj.extract<std::string>().substr(1);
                const auto key = category.substr(0, category.find("/"));
                if (_rootNodes.find(key) == _rootNodes.end()) _rootNodes[key] = new BlockTreeWidgetItem(this, key);
                _rootNodes[key]->load(blockDesc, category + "/" + name);
        catch (const Poco::Exception &ex)
            poco_error_f1(Poco::Logger::get("PothosGui.BlockTree"), "Failed JSON Doc parse %s", ex.displayText());

    //sort the columns alphabetically
    this->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);

    emit this->blockDescEvent(Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr(), false); //unselect
Exemplo n.º 8
vector<Item> ItemDB::getListTopItem(int64_t number, string tagID, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    vector<Item> result;
    if (number < 1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getListTopItem: number = %d < 0.", number);
        return result;
    return getItemsFromListItemID(getListTopItemID(number, tagID, itemTagDB));
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Insert Item to GrassDB.
 * @param item
 * @return "string" return itemID neu thanh cong, return -1 neu that bai.
string ItemDB::insertItemToGrassDB(Item item) {
    string jsonItem = convertItemToJson(item);
    if (grassDB.set(item.itemID, jsonItem)) {
        return item.itemID;
    } else {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "insertItemToGrassDB: Error %s.", grassDB.error().name());
        return "-1";
Exemplo n.º 10
bool TagDB::deleteAllTag(ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (char* str) {
        //cout << "error deleteAllTag" << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "deleteAllTag: Error deleteAllTag %s", str);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Xoa tat ca cac item co itemID thuoc list itemIDs.
 * @param itemIDs
 * @return bool
bool ItemDB::deleteAllItem(vector<string> itemIDs, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    int size = itemIDs.size();
    bool result = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (!deleteItem(itemIDs[i], itemTagDB)) {
            poco_error_f1(*logger, "deleteAllItem: Error to delete ItemID = %s", itemIDs[i]);
            result = false;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Xoa 1 item.
 * @param itemID
 * @return bool
bool ItemDB::deleteItem(string itemID, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    if (grassDB.check(itemID) == -1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "deleteItem: Don't exits ItemID %s", itemID);
        return false;
    Item item = getItemFromItemID(itemID);
    if (!grassDB.remove(itemID)) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "deleteItem: Error in GrassDB %s", grassDB.error().name());
        return false;
    vector<string>::iterator it;
    it = std::find(lTopItemID.begin(), lTopItemID.end(), itemID);
    if (it != lTopItemID.end()) {
    int size = item.tagsID.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        itemTagDB.deleteItemIDinTag(item.tagsID[i], itemID);
    addQueue(DELETE, item.itemID, "");
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
bool TagDB::insertTag(Tag& tag, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    try {
        string jsonString = convertTagToJson(tag);
        string ckey = tag.tagID;
        if (grassDB.check(ckey) != -1) {
            //cout << "Data existed!" << endl;
            poco_error_f1(*logger, "insertTag: Data existed key=%s", tag.tagID);
            return false;
        grassDB.set(ckey, jsonString);
        addQueue(ADD, ckey, jsonString);
        //DBUtils::setLastID(grassDB, ckey);
        LASTID = ckey;

        vector<string> lItemID;
        itemTagDB.insertItemTag(tag.tagID, lItemID);
        return true;
    } catch (char *str) {
        //cout << str << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "insertTag: Error insertTag: %s", str);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool TagDB::deleteAllTag(vector<string> tagIDs, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    try {
        int n = tagIDs.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            deleteTag(tagIDs[i], itemTagDB);
        return true;
    } catch (char* str) {
        //cout << "error deleteAllTag" << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "deleteAllTag: Error deleteAllTag %s", str);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Lay number Item thuoc tagID, neu numberItems = -1 thi lay tat ca
 * @param tagID
 * @return vector<Item>
vector<Item> ItemDB::getAllItemshaveTag(string tagID, int64_t numberItems, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {

    vector<Item> listItem;
    if (numberItems == 0 || numberItems<-1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getAllItemshaveTag: number = %ld.", numberItems);
        return listItem;
    if (!itemTagDB.checkTagExits(tagID)) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getAllItemshaveTag: tagID = %s is not exits.", tagID);
        return listItem;

    vector<string> liststring = itemTagDB.getAllItemsIdHaveTag(tagID);
    int64_t n = liststring.size();
    if (numberItems == -1 || numberItems > n)
        numberItems = n;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberItems; i++) {
        int64_t index = Utils::getRandomNumber(numberItems);
        Item item = getItemInGrassDB(liststring[index]);
    return listItem;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool TagDB::setViewCountTag(string tagID, int viewCounts) {
    if (grassDB.check(tagID) == -1) {
        return false;
    Tag tag = getTag(tagID);
    tag.viewCounts = viewCounts;
    string jsonString = convertTagToJson(tag);
    try {
        grassDB.replace(tagID, jsonString);
        addQueue(UPDATE, tagID, jsonString);
        return true;
    } catch (char* str) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "setViewCountTag: Error editTag %s", str);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 17
Tag TagDB::getTag(string tagID) {
    Tag tag;
    string value;
    if (grassDB.get(tagID, &value)) {
    } else {
        cerr << "getTag: Get error: " << grassDB.error().name() << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getTag: Can't open tagID %s in GrassDB", tagID);
        tag.tagID = "-1";
        cerr << "getTag: Error on Item : " << tag.tagID << endl;
        return tag;
    tag = convertJsonToTag(value);
    tag.tagID = tagID;
    //poco_information_f1(*logger, "getTag: getTag In GrassDB: Get TagID = %s successful", tag.tagID);
    return tag;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Ham get Item co key=itemID trong GrassDB.
 * @param grassDB
 * @param itemID
 * @return "Item" Neu khong get duoc thi tra ve item.itemID=-1.
Item ItemDB::getItemInGrassDB(string itemID) {
    //int n_record = grassDB.count();
    string value;
    Item itemReturn;
    try {
        grassDB.get(itemID, &value);
        itemReturn = convertJsonToItem(value);
        itemReturn.itemID = itemID;
        return itemReturn;
    } catch (...) {
        //cerr << "Get error: " << grassDB.error().name() << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getItemInGrassDB: Can't open ItemID %s in GrassDB", itemID);
        itemReturn.itemID = "-1";
        //cerr << "Error on Item : " << itemReturn.itemID << endl;
        return itemReturn;

Exemplo n.º 19
vector<Item> ItemDB::getListTopItem(int64_t number) {
    vector<Item> result;
    if (number < 1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getListTopItem: number = %d < 0.", number);
        return result;
    if (lTopItemID.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "getListTopItem: lTopItemID is empty.");
        return result;
    int64_t sizeLTop = lTopItemID.size();
    if (number > sizeLTop) {
        poco_warning_f2(*logger, "getListTopItem: number = %d > lTopItemID.size() = %d", number, sizeLTop);
        number = sizeLTop;
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Them Item co value=content va thuoc nhung tag co tagID nam trong tagIDs. 
 * @param content
 * @param tagIDs
 * @return "string" Tra ve itemID neu thanh cong, tra ve -1 neu that bai, 
 * tra ve -2 neu content rong, tra ve -3 tagsID rong, 
string ItemDB::insertItem(string content, vector<string> tagsID, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    if (content.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "insertItem: Content is empty.");
        return "-2";
    if (tagsID.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "insertItem: List TagsID is Empty.");
        return "-3";
    string temp;
    int lastID = Utils::convertStringToInt(LASTID);
    Item item;
    item.itemID = Utils::convertIntToString(lastID);
    item.content = content;
    int sizeTagsID = tagsID.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeTagsID; i++) {
        temp = tagsID[i];
    item.viewCounts = 0;
    item.likeCounts = 0;
    item.dislikeCounts = 0;
    item.dateAdd = Utils::getTimeNow();
    item.dateUpdate = "0";
    //string result = insertItemToGrassDB(item);
    string jsonStr = convertItemToJson(item);
    try {
        grassDB.set(item.itemID, jsonStr);
        //DBUtils::setLastID(grassDB, item.itemID);
        sizeTagsID = item.tagsID.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeTagsID; i++)
            itemTagDB.insertItemIDToTag(item.tagsID[i], item.itemID);
        addQueue(ADD, item.itemID, jsonStr);
        LASTID = item.itemID;
        return item.itemID;
    } catch (...) {
        cout << "insertItem: Error to add itemID=" << item.itemID << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "insertItem: Error to add itemID=%s", item.itemID);
        return "-1";
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Ham convert mot chuoi string duoc ma hoa bang Json sang Item. ( Khong tra ve itemID cho item).
 * @param jsonString
 * @return Item
Item ItemDB::convertJsonToItem(string jsonString) {

    Item itemReturn;
    Value root;
    Reader reader;
    bool parsedSuccess = reader.parse(jsonString, root, false);
    if (not parsedSuccess) {
        // Report failures and their locations 
        // in the document.
        cout << "Failed to parse JSON" << endl
                << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages()
                << endl;
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "convertJsonToItem: Failed to parse JSON %s", reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());
        return itemReturn;
    Value content = root["content"];
    Value tagsID = root["tagsID"];
    Value viewCounts = root["viewCounts"];
    Value likeCounts = root["likeCounts"];
    Value dislikeCounts = root["dislikeCounts"];
    Value dateAdd = root["dateAdd"];
    Value dateUpdate = root["dateUpdate"];
    //cout << "Tags:" << tags << endl;

    //itemReturn.itemID = itemID.asString();
    itemReturn.content = content.asString();
    int n = tagsID.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        string str = tagsID[i].asString();
    itemReturn.viewCounts = viewCounts.asInt();
    itemReturn.likeCounts = likeCounts.asInt();
    itemReturn.dislikeCounts = dislikeCounts.asInt();
    itemReturn.dateAdd = dateAdd.asString();
    itemReturn.dateUpdate = dateUpdate.asString();
    return itemReturn;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Get number item co tagID va keyword
 * @param keyword
 * @param tagID
 * @param itemTagDB
 * @param numberItems
 * @return vector<Item>
vector<Item> ItemDB::getItemKeyword(string keyword, string tagID, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB, int32_t numberItems) {
    vector<Item> result;
    if (keyword.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "getItemKeyword: keyword is empty.");
        return result;
    if (numberItems < 1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "getItemKeyword: numberItem = %d < 1", numberItems);
        return result;
    int32_t index = 0;
    vector<string> lItemID = itemTagDB.getAllItemsIdHaveTag(tagID);
    int64_t n = lItemID.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Item item = getItemFromItemID(lItemID[i]);
        if (Utils::findStringInString(item.content, keyword))
        if (index == numberItems)
            return result;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Edit a Item.
 * @param itemID
 * @param newItemValue
 * @param newTagIDs
 * @return bool
bool ItemDB::editItem(string itemID, string newItemValue, vector<string> newTagIDs, ItemTagDB& itemTagDB) {
    if (newItemValue.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "editItem: newItemValue is empty");
        return false;
    if (newTagIDs.empty()) {
        poco_error(*logger, "editItem: listTag is empty");
        return false;
    if (grassDB.check(itemID) == -1) {
        poco_error_f1(*logger, "editItem: Don't exits Item has itemID= %s in DB", itemID);
        return false;
    Item item = getItemInGrassDB(itemID);
    //FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex);
    item.content = newItemValue;
    // Xóa trong ItemTagDB
    for (int i = 0; i < item.tagsID.size(); i++)
        itemTagDB.deleteItemIDinTag(item.tagsID[i], itemID);
    string temp;
    int size = newTagIDs.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        temp = newTagIDs[i];
        //Edit trong ItemTagDB.
        itemTagDB.insertItemIDToTag(temp, item.itemID);
    item.dateUpdate = Utils::getTimeNow();
    string json = convertItemToJson(item);
    if (!grassDB.replace(item.itemID, json)) {
        poco_error(*logger, "editItem: Error to update in GrassDB");
        return false;
    addQueue(UPDATE, item.itemID, json);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 24
Template::Ptr TemplateCache::getTemplate(const Path& path)
	if ( _logger )
		poco_trace_f1(*_logger, "Trying to load %s", path.toString());
	Path templatePath = resolvePath(path);
	std::string templatePathname = templatePath.toString();
	if ( _logger )
		poco_trace_f1(*_logger, "Path resolved to %s", templatePathname);
	File templateFile(templatePathname);

	Template::Ptr tpl;

	std::map<std::string, Template::Ptr>::iterator it = _cache.find(templatePathname);
	if ( it == _cache.end() )
		if ( templateFile.exists() )
			if ( _logger )
				poco_information_f1(*_logger, "Loading template %s", templatePath.toString());

			tpl = new Template(templatePath);

				_cache[templatePathname] = tpl;
			catch(JSONTemplateException& jte)
				if ( _logger )
					poco_error_f2(*_logger, "Template %s contains an error: %s", templatePath.toString(), jte.message());
			if ( _logger )
				poco_error_f1(*_logger, "Template file %s doesn't exist", templatePath.toString());
			throw FileNotFoundException(templatePathname);
		tpl = it->second;
		if ( tpl->parseTime() < templateFile.getLastModified() )
			if ( _logger )
				poco_information_f1(*_logger, "Reloading template %s", templatePath.toString());

			tpl = new Template(templatePath);

				_cache[templatePathname] = tpl;
			catch(JSONTemplateException& jte)
				if ( _logger )
					poco_error_f2(*_logger, "Template %s contains an error: %s", templatePath.toString(), jte.message());

	return tpl;