Exemplo n.º 1
LockSupportShip (ROSTER_STATE *rosterState, HSHIPFRAG *phFrag)
	const POINT *pship_pos;
	HSHIPFRAG hStarShip, hNextShip;

	// Lookup the current escort's location in the unsorted points list
	// to find the original escort index
	for (hStarShip = GetHeadLink (&GLOBAL (built_ship_q)),
			pship_pos = ship_pos;
			hStarShip; hStarShip = hNextShip, ++pship_pos)

		StarShipPtr = LockShipFrag (&GLOBAL (built_ship_q), hStarShip);

		if (pointsEqual (*pship_pos, rosterState->curShipPt))
			*phFrag = hStarShip;
			return StarShipPtr;

		hNextShip = _GetSuccLink (StarShipPtr);
		UnlockShipFrag (&GLOBAL (built_ship_q), hStarShip);

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
pamd_line(tuple **      const tuples, 
          int           const cols, 
          int           const rows, 
          int           const depth, 
          sample        const maxval, 
          pamd_point    const p0,
          pamd_point    const p1,
          pamd_drawproc       drawProc,
          const void *  const clientdata) {

    pamd_point c0, c1;
    bool noLine;  /* There's no line left after clipping */


    if (lineclip) {
        clipLine(p0, p1, cols, rows, &c0, &c1, &noLine);
    } else {
        c0 = p0;
        c1 = p1;
        noLine = FALSE;

    if (noLine) {
        /* Nothing to draw */
    } else if (pointsEqual(c0, c1)) {
        /* This line is just a point.  Because there aren't two
           distinct endpoints, we have a special case.
        drawPoint(drawProc, clientdata, tuples, cols, rows, depth, maxval, c0);
    } else {
        /* Draw, using a simple DDA. */
        if (abs(c1.x - c0.x) > abs(c1.y - c0.y))
            drawShallowLine(drawProc, clientdata, tuples, cols, rows,
                            depth, maxval, c0, c1);
            drawSteepLine(drawProc, clientdata, tuples, cols, rows,
                          depth, maxval, c0, c1);
Exemplo n.º 3
pamd_circle(tuple **      const tuples, 
            unsigned int  const cols, 
            unsigned int  const rows, 
            unsigned int  const depth, 
            sample        const maxval, 
            pamd_point    const center,
            unsigned int  const radius, 
            pamd_drawproc       drawProc,
            const void *  const clientData) {
  If lineclip mode is on, draw only points within the image.
  If lineclip is off, "draw" all points (by designated drawproc).  Note
  that the drawproc can't actually draw a point outside the image, but
  it might maintain state that is affected by imaginary points outside
  the image.

  Initial point is 3 o'clock. 
    if (radius >= DDA_SCALE)
        pm_error("Error drawing circle.  Radius %d is too large.", radius);

    pamd_validateCoord(center.x + radius);
    pamd_validateCoord(center.y + radius);
    pamd_validateCoord(center.x - radius);
    pamd_validateCoord(center.y - radius);

    if (radius > 0) {
        long const e = DDA_SCALE / radius;

        pamd_point const p0 = makePoint(radius, 0);  /* 3 o'clock */
            /* The starting point around the circle, assuming (0, 0) center */
        pamd_point p;
            /* Current drawing position in the circle, assuming (0,0) center */
        bool onFirstPoint;
        bool prevPointExists;
        pamd_point prevPoint;
            /* Previous drawing position, assuming (0, 0) center*/
        long sx, sy;  /* 'p', scaled by DDA_SCALE */

        p = p0;

        sx = p.x * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;
        sy = p.y * DDA_SCALE + DDA_SCALE / 2;

        onFirstPoint = TRUE;
        prevPointExists = FALSE;

        while (onFirstPoint || !pointsEqual(p, p0)) {
            if (prevPointExists && pointsEqual(p, prevPoint)) {
                /* We're on the same point we were on last time (we moved less
                   than a point's worth).  Just keep moving.
            } else {
                pamd_point const imagePoint = vectorSum(center,p);
                if (!lineclip || pointIsWithinBounds(imagePoint, cols, rows))
                    drawPoint(drawProc, clientData,
                              tuples, cols, rows, depth, maxval, imagePoint);

                prevPoint = p;
                prevPointExists = TRUE;

            if (!pointsEqual(p, p0))
                onFirstPoint = FALSE;

            sx += e * sy / DDA_SCALE;
            sy -= e * sx / DDA_SCALE;
            p = makePoint(sx / DDA_SCALE, sy / DDA_SCALE);