Exemplo n.º 1
void emitUnbox(HTS& env) {
  auto const exit = makeExit(env);
  auto const srcBox = popV(env);
  auto const unboxed = unbox(env, srcBox, exit);
  pushIncRef(env, unboxed);
  gen(env, DecRef, srcBox);
Exemplo n.º 2
void emitBindG(IRGS& env) {
  auto const name = topC(env, BCSPOffset{1});
  if (!name->isA(TStr)) PUNT(BindG-NameNotStr);
  auto const box = popV(env);
  auto const ptr = gen(env, LdGblAddrDef, name);
  destroyName(env, name);
  bindMem(env, ptr, box);
Exemplo n.º 3
void emitBindS(IRGS& env) {
  auto const ssaPropName = topC(env, BCSPOffset{2});

  if (!ssaPropName->isA(TStr)) {

  auto const value    = popV(env);
  auto const ssaCls   = popA(env);
  auto const propAddr = ldClsPropAddr(env, ssaCls, ssaPropName, true);

  destroyName(env, ssaPropName);
  bindMem(env, propAddr, value);
Exemplo n.º 4
void emitBindL(HTS& env, int32_t id) {
  if (curFunc(env)->isPseudoMain()) {
    interpOne(env, Type::BoxedInitCell, 1);

  auto const ldPMExit = makePseudoMainExit(env);
  auto const newValue = popV(env);
  // Note that the IncRef must happen first, for correctness in a
  // pseudo-main: the destructor could decref the value again after
  // we've stored it into the local.
  pushIncRef(env, newValue);
  auto const oldValue = ldLoc(env, id, ldPMExit, DataTypeSpecific);
  stLocRaw(env, id, fp(env), newValue);
  gen(env, DecRef, oldValue);