Exemplo n.º 1
void ClientInvade::moveCommander(const Position origin, const Position dest) {
	QJsonObject p;
	p["origin"] = pos2str(origin);
	p["dest"] = pos2str(dest);

	sendMessage("moveCommander", p);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ClientInvade::attack(const Position origin, const Position dest, bool bombshell) {
	QJsonObject p;
	p["origin"] = pos2str(origin);
	p["dest"] = pos2str(dest);
	p["bombshell"] = bombshell;

	sendMessage("attack", p);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ClientInvade::addUnit(const Position position, const UnitType type) {
	QJsonObject p;
	p["position"] = pos2str(position);
	p["type"] = static_cast<int>(type.id());

	sendMessage("addUnit", p);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: debug.c Projeto: lingmar/os16
void print_pipe_info(char *prefix, enum cmd_pos pos, int left_pipe[], int right_pipe[], char* msg) {

    struct stat left_stat , right_stat;

    char left_str[32];

    char right_str[32];

    char padd[] = "         ";

    if (pos == first  || pos == middle) {
        if (fstat(right_pipe[0], &right_stat) == -1) {
            perror("fstat ...");

        sprintf(right_str, "[%ld]", (long) right_stat.st_ino);

    } else {
        sprintf(right_str, "%s", padd);

    if (pos == middle || pos == last) {
        if (fstat(left_pipe[0], &left_stat) == -1) {
            perror("fstat ...");
        sprintf(left_str, "[%ld]", (long) left_stat.st_ino);
    } else {
        sprintf(left_str, "%s", padd);

    fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (%s) %s\n",
            pos2str(pos, 0),

Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: debug.c Projeto: lingmar/os16
void print_info(char *prefix, enum cmd_pos pos, int left_pipe[], int right_pipe[], char* msg) {

    struct stat s;

    if (pos == first || pos == middle) {
        if (fstat(right_pipe[0], &s) == -1) {
            perror("fstat ...");
        printf("[%ld][%d,%d]\n", (long) s.st_ino, right_pipe[0], right_pipe[1]);

    printf("%s [%2d, %2d] (%s) [%2d, %2d] %s\n",
           left_pipe[0], left_pipe[1],
           pos2str(pos, 0),
           right_pipe[0], right_pipe[1], msg);

Exemplo n.º 6
 * Prints a promt to the screen. Reads a command line of the following format from the  the user:
 *	cmd0 -a00 -b01 ... -z0n | cmd1 | cmd2 | ... | cmdN -an0 ... -znn
 * For each command, the fork_and_pipe() function is called with the
 * appropiate argv and relative position of the command.
 * NOTE: 
 * You only have to add code at the end of main, see TODO comment. 
int main() {
  // Allocate a buffer for the command line read from the user. 

  char line_buffer[COMMAND_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  // We parse the command line using the next_command() parser. The
  // parser will populate the following array with the result of each call
  // to the parse.
  char* argv[MAX_ARGV_SIZE];  
  // Count the number of non empty command lines.
  int line_nr = 0;
  // Position of each command in a command line.
  enum cmd_pos pos;  // {single, first, middle, last}
  // Pipe read descriptor to the pipe to the "left".
  int left_pipe_read_fd = -1;

  // Count the number of children forked for each command line. 

  int children = 0; 

  while(1) {

    do {
      // Print the command prompt including the command line counter. 
      printf(" %d> ", line_nr);
      // Read input from the user. 
      if ( fgets(line_buffer, COMMAND_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, stdin) == NULL) {
	perror("====== ERROR ====> READING COMMAND LINE FAILED :(");

      // Exit if the user types "exit" and presses enter. 
      if (strcmp(line_buffer, "exit\n") == 0) {
	printf("     Goodbye!\n");
      // If the user presses enter without typing anything else, don't
      // update the command line counter, just start over again.
    } while (empty_line(line_buffer));
    // We got some input from the user.
    // Parse the command line
    do {
      pos = next_command(line_buffer, argv);
      // After the call to the next_command() parser function, the
      // command possition within the command line is now available in the pos
      // varialble.
      DBG("\n%6s command %s\n", pos2str(pos), argv[0]);
      // Loop through the argv and print the command data. 
      int i = 0;
      while (argv[i] != NULL) {
	DBG("         argv[%d] @ [0x%x] = \"%s\"\n", i, (unsigned int) argv[i], argv[i]);
      // Create a pipe fork a new process for the command. We also
      // must remember the read descriptor to the new pipe. This
      // descriptor will become the read descriptor to the pipe to the
      // "left" for the next command (if any).
      left_pipe_read_fd = pipe_and_fork(pos, argv, left_pipe_read_fd);

      // When are we done?
    } while (pos != single && pos != last);
    DBG("\nAfter calling next_command(), line [0x%X]  ==>%s<==\n",  
	(unsigned int) &line_buffer, line_buffer);
    // The parent goes here after after all children have been 
    // created for the command. 
    // TODO: Make sure shell doesn't print a new prompt until 
    // all the command processes (children) have terminated.
  } // end while(1)
} // end of main()
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Command lines read from the user have the following generic format: 
 *	cmd0 | cmd1 | cmd2 | ... | cmdN
 * , i.e., a serie of command connected with pipes. In this sequence,
 * the command have the following relatve positions:
 *	cmd0 - first
 *	cmd1 - middle
 *	cmd2 - middle
 *	cmdN - last
 * If the command line only have a single command as in this example: 
 *	cmd 
 * , the position of this lonely command is defined as single.
 * To communicate, the commands writes and read data to various
 * pipes. In the fist example above:
 *   cmd0 - must redirect STDOUT to write to the pipe 
 *          "to the right" of cmd0.
 *   cmd1 - must redirect STDID  to read read from the pipe 
 *          "to the left" of cmd1. 
 *	    must redirect STDOUT to write to the pipe 
 *          "to the right" of cmd1.
 *    .
 *    .
 *    .
 *   cmdN - must redirct STDID  to read read from the pipe 
 *          "to the left" of cmdN. 
 * This function must create pipes and rediret STDIN and STDOUT as
 * described above and unused pipe descriptors must be closed. Once
 * this is done, a new process for the command can be created.
 *    pos  the relative position of the command. This should be one
 *         of {single, first, middle, last}.
 *    argv the argv for the command. 
 *    left_pipe-read_fd
 *         To enable one command to be aware of the pipe "to the left" 
 *         the read descriptor of this pipe must be given as an argument 
 *         to this function. 
 *    The read descripor of the newly created pipe (right pipe) is
 *    returned. This descriptor will then become the read descriptor
 *    to the left pipe for the next command.
 * NOTE: 
 * You must add code at various places, see TODO comments.
int pipe_and_fork(enum cmd_pos pos, char* argv[], int left_pipe_read_fd) {
  // A pair of file descriptors used for the pipe. 
  int new_pipe[2];  

  DBG("pos = %s\n", pos2str(pos));
  // TODO: The pipe must be created before the fork(), but only create
  //       a pipe if needed (use pos to make decision).
    if (pipe(new_pipe)==-1){
  }else if(pos==middle){
    if (pipe(new_pipe)==-1){
  // Once the pipe is created we can fork a child process for the command. 
  pid_t pid = fork();
  switch(pid) {
  case 0: // == CHILD ==
    DBG("CHILD  <%ld> %s says HELLO!\n", (long) getpid(), argv[0]);
    child_command(pos, argv, left_pipe_read_fd, new_pipe);
    // This will never be reached when you have sucessfully managed to call execv().
  case -1: // == ERROR ==
    perror("======= ERROR ====> Forking child process failed.");
  default: // == PARENT ==
    DBG("PARENT <%llu> just forked child <%llu> %s\n", (long long unsigned)getpid(), (long long unsigned)pid, argv[0]);
    // TODO: Close descriptors if necessary. 
    // Return the read descriptor of the newly created pipe. This
    // descriptor is needed by the next child. This is the left_pipe_read_fd 
    // for the next command. 

    return new_pipe[0]; 
  } // end-switch(pid)
Exemplo n.º 8
void Detect::detect(const cv::Mat &origin, Detect::RCS &standups)
    stamp_ = now();
    origin_ = origin;

    //if (masked_) {
    //    cv::bitwise_and(origin, mask_, origin);
    //imwrite("bitwise.bmp", origin);
    cv::cvtColor(origin, gray_curr_, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
    if (gray_prev_.cols == 0) {
        gray_prev_ = gray_curr_.clone();

    RCS motions;
    std::vector<Dir> dirs;

    detect(motions, dirs);

    cv::swap(gray_prev_, gray_curr_);

    //assert(dirs.size() == motions.size());

    if (dirs.size() > 0) {
        int a = 0;

    // 处理  motions/dirs 对 standups_ 的影响 ...
    for (size_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) {
        STANDUPS::iterator it = find_crossed_target(motions[i]);
        if (it == standups_.end()) {
            // 新的活动区域 ...
            // 如果是上升,则创建一个新的 standup
            if (dirs[i] == UP) {
                Standup s;
                s.enable_od = od_->enabled();

                std::vector<cv::Rect> faces;
                if (s.enable_od) {
                    // 在 motions[i].pos 的上半部分进行头肩识别 ...
                    cv::Rect roi = motions[i];
                    roi.height /= 2;    // FIXME:
                    faces = od_->detect(gray_curr_, roi);
                    if (faces.empty()) {
                        log("WRN: %u: 新目标:%s, 但是找不到头肩,失败\n", cnt_, pos2str(motions[i]).c_str());
                    else {
                        s.face = faces[0];

                s.pos = motions[i];
                s.stamp = stamp_;
                s.waiting = false;

                if (s.enable_od) {
                    log("INFO: %u: 新目标:%s, 头肩位置: %s, %lu\n", cnt_, pos2str(s.pos).c_str(), pos2str(s.face).c_str(), faces.size());
                else {
                    log("INFO: %u: 新目标:%s\n", cnt_, pos2str(s.pos).c_str());
        else if (it->waiting) {
            // 等待期,直接忽略新的活动 ...
            log("WRN: %u: 忽略 Waiting 活动, %s: pos=%s\n", cnt_, DirDesc[dirs[i]], pos2str(it->pos).c_str());
        else {
            // 进入等待期 ...
            it->waiting = true;
            it->stamp = stamp_;
            log("INFO: %u: 目标消失,进入Waiting,%s: pos=%s\n", cnt_, DirDesc[dirs[i]], pos2str(it->pos).c_str());

    // 检查超时 ...
    for (STANDUPS::iterator it = standups_.begin(); it != standups_.end();) {
        if (stamp_ - it->stamp > max_duration_) {
            log("WRN: %u: 删除超时站立: %s, max_duration=%.2f\n",
                cnt_, pos2str(it->pos).c_str(), max_duration_);
            it = standups_.erase(it);   // 超时删除 ...
        else if (it->waiting) {
            if (stamp_ - it->stamp > waiting_) {
                log("INFO: %u: 删除waiting区域: %s\n", cnt_, pos2str(it->pos).c_str());
                it = standups_.erase(it);  // 删除 waiting ...
            else {
        else {
            standups.push_back(it->pos);  // 有效目标 ...