Exemplo n.º 1
void main ()
	void praxis(int, real_t [], real_t (*)(int, real_t[]),
					real_t [], real_t []);
	real_t x[3],in[10],out[7];

	in[0]=1.0e-6;  in[1]=in[2]=1.0e-6;  in[5]=250.0;
	x[1] = -1.2;  x[2]=1.0;
	if (out[1] == 0.0) printf("Normal Termination\n\n");
	printf("Minimum is  %e\nFor x is  %e  %e\n"
			"The initial function value was  %e\n"
			"The number of function evaluations needed was %4.0f\n"
			"The number of line searches was %4.0f\n"
			"The step size in the last iteration step was  %e\n",
Exemplo n.º 2
void fit_praxis(void) {
	extern Symbol* hoc_lookup();
	extern char* gargstr();
	char* after_quad;	
	int i;
	double err, fmin;
	double* px;
	/* allow nested calls to fit_praxis. I.e. store all the needed
	   statics specific to this invocation with proper reference
	   counting and then unref/destoy on exit from this invocation.
	   Before the prax call save the statics from earlier invocation
	   without increasing the
	   ref count and on exit restore without decreasing the ref count.
	/* save before setting statics, restore after prax */
	double minerrsav, *minargsav, maxstepsizesav, tolerancesav;
	long int printmodesav, nvarsav;
	Symbol* efun_sym_sav;
	Object* efun_py_save, *efun_py_arg_save;
	void* vec_py_save_save;
	/* store statics specified by this invocation */
	/* will be copied just before calling prax */
	double minerr_, *minarg_;
	long int nvar_;
	Symbol* efun_sym_;
	Object* efun_py_, *efun_py_arg_;
	void* vec_py_save_;

	minerr_ = 0.0;
	nvar_ = 0;
	minarg_ = NULL;
	efun_sym_ = NULL;
	efun_py_ = NULL;
	efun_py_arg_ = NULL;
	vec_py_save_ = NULL;
	fmin = 0.;

    if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) {
	efun_py_ = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
	efun_py_arg_ = *vector_pobj(vector_arg(2));
	vec_py_save_ = vector_new2(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer);
	nvar_ = vector_capacity(vec_py_save_);
	px = vector_vec(vec_py_save_);
	nvar_ = (int)chkarg(1, 0., 1e6);
	efun_sym_ = hoc_lookup(gargstr(2));
	if (!efun_sym_
	   || (efun_sym_->type != FUNCTION
	      && efun_sym_->type != FUN_BLTIN)) {
		hoc_execerror(gargstr(2), "not a function name");
	if (!hoc_is_pdouble_arg(3)) {
		void* vec = vector_arg(3);
		if (vector_capacity(vec) != nvar_) {
			hoc_execerror("first arg not equal to size of Vector",0);
		px = vector_vec(vec);
		px = hoc_pgetarg(3);
	minarg_ = (double*)ecalloc(nvar_, sizeof(double));

	if (maxstepsize == 0.) {
		hoc_execerror("call attr_praxis first to set attributes", 0);
	machep = 1e-15;
	if (ifarg(4)) {
		after_quad = gargstr(4);
		after_quad = (char*)0;

	/* save the values set by earlier invocation */
	minerrsav = minerr;
	minargsav = minarg;
	tolerancesav = tolerance;
	maxstepsizesav = maxstepsize;
	printmodesav = printmode;
	nvarsav = nvar;
	efun_sym_sav = hoc_efun_sym;
	efun_py_save = efun_py;
	efun_py_arg_save = efun_py_arg;
	vec_py_save_save = vec_py_save;

	/* copy this invocation values to the statics */
	minerr = minerr_;
	minarg = minarg_;
	nvar = nvar_;
	hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_;
	efun_py = efun_py_;
	efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_;
	vec_py_save = vec_py_save_;

	err = praxis(&tolerance, &machep, &maxstepsize,	nvar, &printmode,
		px, efun, &fmin, after_quad);
	err = minerr;
	if (minerr < 1e9) {
		for (i=0; i<nvar; ++i) { px[i] = minarg[i]; }

	/* restore the values set by earlier invocation */
	minerr = minerrsav;
	minarg = minargsav;
	tolerance = tolerancesav;
	maxstepsize = maxstepsizesav;
	printmode = printmodesav;
	nvar = nvar_; /* in case one calls prax_pval */
	hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_sav;
	efun_py = efun_py_save;
	efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_save;
	vec_py_save = vec_py_save_save;

	if (efun_py_) {
		double* px = vector_vec(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer);
		for (i=0; i < nvar_; ++i) {
			px[i] = minarg_[i];
	if (minarg_) {