Exemplo n.º 1
int smsa_vunmount( void )  {
	uint32_t command;     		 //holds the generated "unmount" command.	
	ERROR_SOURCE err = 0;		 //holds return values of function calls to checkForErrors	

	if ( DEBUG )
		printCache( cache_hits, disk_reads);		

	//save the contents of the memory to a file, so that
	//it can be restored when mount is called again, rather
	//than setting it to all zeros. If an error occurs in this 
	//function we will not return a 1 since it is not a catastrophic
	//error, and the virtual memory will still function properly 
	//once mount is called
//	err = saveDiskToFile();

	//generate the op command so that we can use it to call
	//the smsa_operation function to unmount the disk. Once 
	//again, DONT_CARE is defined as 0. After function call
	//command will contain the value neccessary to call
	//smsa_operation in order to unmount the disk
	err = generateOPCommand ( &command, SMSA_UNMOUNT, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE );

	if ( DEBUG )
		logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "Sending UNMOUNT Command Across the Network");

	//call function with the "mount" op command,
	//and NULL set as the parameter for the char*,
	//since we will not use this char* in the mount
	if ( smsa_client_operation ( command, NULL ) ) {
		logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "_smsa_vunmount:Failed to send UNMOUNT command on the network");
		return 1;

	logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "Successfully Unmounted the Disk" );

	//free cache
	if ( smsa_close_cache() )
		logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "_smsa_vunmount:Failed to properly close cache in smsa_close_cache()" );
		return 1;

	//if checkForErrors finds that err is non-zero, it will return 1. 
	//see smsa_driver.h for error enum definition
	return ( checkForErrors ( err, "_vumount", DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE, 
Exemplo n.º 2
int main ()
	int blocksize = 8;
	int cachesize = 32;
	int type = 1;

	Cache* myCache;
	myCache = createAndInitialize(blocksize, cachesize, type);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
		accessCache(myCache, i);
Exemplo n.º 3
int evictLRU ( ) {
	if ( DEBUG )
		logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "Evicting Drum [%d], Block [%d], from Cache at First Index", cache[0].drum, cache[0].block );

	// Need to evict the oldest item (index 0), so that 
	// there is room at the end of the cache for a new item
	// which will be written in the function that calls this one
	for ( int i = 0; i < currentIndex-1; i++ ) {
		if ( cache[i].drum == cache[i+1].drum && cache[i].block == cache[i+1].block ) {
			logMessage( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "_evictLRU: Error: identical blocks in cache at index %d, and %d. drum = %d, block = %d", i, i+1, cache[i].drum, cache[i].block );
			assert( !(cache[i].drum == cache[i+1].drum && cache[i].block == cache[i+1].block) );	
			return 1;

		//copy the current line in cache to the line above it
		cache[i].drum = cache[i+1].drum;
		cache[i].block = cache[i+1].block;
		gettimeofday( &cache[i].used, NULL );
		cache[i].line = cache[i+1].line;	


	//if the cache is full the write the last cache line to the 
	//second to last cache line.
	if ( currentIndex == maxIndex-1 ) {
		cache[currentIndex-1].drum = cache[currentIndex].drum;
 		cache[currentIndex-1].block = cache[currentIndex].block;  	
		cache[currentIndex-1].line = cache[currentIndex].line;

	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 4
int justUsedAdjust ( SMSA_DRUM_ID drm, SMSA_BLOCK_ID blk, unsigned char *buf, int index ) {
	if ( DEBUG )
		logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "Current Position in Cache [%d], with Drum [%d], Block = [%d]", index, currentIndex, drm, blk);	
	//if it is the newest item in the cache already, then we do not
	//need to update it's postion
	if ( index == currentIndex-1 && currentIndex != maxIndex-1 ) 
		return 0;

	// This loop overwrites every index, with the values one index
	// ahead of it. This eliminates the object data in index 0 (LRU), and 
	// makes room at the very last index for the newest, soon to be
	// written item. 
	for ( int i = index; i < currentIndex-1; i++ ) {		
		//if there is a duplicate of a line in the cache, then 
		//the cache has failed, and return an error
		if ( cache[i].drum == cache[i+1].drum && cache[i].block == cache[i+1].block ) {
			logMessage( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "_justUsedAdjust: Error: identical blocks in cache at index %d. drum = %d, block = %d", i, cache[i].drum, cache[i].block );
			assert(!(cache[i].drum == cache[i+1].drum && cache[i].block == cache[i+1].block));	
			return 1;

		//make the current line equal to the one ahead of it
		cache[i].drum = cache[i+1].drum;
		cache[i].block = cache[i+1].block;
		cache[i].used = cache[i+1].used;	
		cache[i].line = cache[i+1].line;

	//After the for loop, we have two conditions. Either the cache 
	//is full, and we need to copy the second to last block to the 
	//last block, and then put our just used block in the currentIndex position.
	//Or, the cache is not full, and we just need to put our just used block
	//in the currentIndex-1 position.
	if ( currentIndex == maxIndex-1 ) {
		cache[currentIndex-1].drum = cache[currentIndex].drum;
 		cache[currentIndex-1].block = cache[currentIndex].block;  	
		cache[currentIndex-1].line = cache[currentIndex].line;

		cache[currentIndex]. drum = drm;
		cache[currentIndex].block = blk;	
		gettimeofday( &cache[currentIndex].used, NULL );
		cache[currentIndex].line = buf;
		if ( DEBUG )
			logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "New Postion in Cache Ss [%d] Out of [%d] Lines, With Drum [%d] and Block [%d]", currentIndex, maxIndex-1, cache[currentIndex].drum, cache[currentIndex].block );
	else {
		//place the item to be written at the newest point in the cache
		cache[currentIndex-1]. drum = drm;
		cache[currentIndex-1].block = blk;	
		gettimeofday( &cache[currentIndex-1].used, NULL );
		cache[currentIndex-1].line = buf;

		if ( DEBUG )
			logMessage ( LOG_INFO_LEVEL, "New Postion In Cache is [%d] Out of [%d] Lines, With Drum [%d] and Block [%d]", currentIndex-1, maxIndex-1, cache[currentIndex-1].drum, cache[currentIndex-1].block );

	if ( currentIndex == 0 )

	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    cache_params_t params;
    /* file handling stuff */
    FILE *tracefile;
    char instruction_ptr[50];
    char instruction;
    char mem_addr[50];
    int count;
    char *traceData;
    Cache_t cache;
    int tagSize, setSize, offsetSize;
    if(argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0){
        printf("help menu\n");
        return 1;
    if(argc < 2 || argc > 6){
        printf("ERROR: incorrect number of arguments\n");
        return 1;
     * TODO:
     * Check cachesize = numsets x setsize x blocksize
    /* Check if cachesize here and correct*/
    /* should check that these are numbers as well   */ 
        params.cachesize = atoi(argv[1]);
        printf("ERROR: cachesize must be a power of 2\n");
        return 1;
    /* check if blocksize is here and correct */
         params.blocksize = atoi(argv[3]);
        printf("ERROR: blocksize must be a power of 2\n");
        return 1;
    params.setsize = 1;
    /* check for associativit y */
    if(strcmp("direct", argv[2]) == 0){
        params.associativity = "direct";
    }else if( strcmp("assoc", argv[2]) == 0){
        params.associativity = "assoc";
        int i = 0, digit = 0;
        char* str = argv[2];
        char* test;
        while(str[i] != '\0'){
                digit = i;
         * setsize = 1 for d-m caches
        params.setsize = 1;
        test = malloc(strlen(argv[2]));
        strncpy(test, argv[2], digit);
        if(strcmp("assoc:", test) == 0){
            params.associativity = "n-way";
            if(isPowerOfTwo( argv[2][digit] - '0')){
                params.setsize = argv[2][digit] - '0';
                printf("ERROR: n must be power of 2\n");
                return 1;
            printf("ERROR: invalid associativity format\n");
            return 1;

    /* check for writepolicy*/
    if(strcmp("wt", argv[4]) == 0){
        params.writepolicy = "wt";
    }else if(strcmp("wb", argv[4]) == 0){
        params.writepolicy = "wb";
        printf("ERROR: invalid writepolicy format\n");
        return 1;
    /* check for tracefile */
    if(!(tracefile = fopen(argv[5], "r"))){
        printf("ERROR: could not find tracefile: %s\n", argv[5]);
        return 1;
        traceData = readFile(argv[5]);

<<<<<<< HEAD
     * create the new cache, do initialization stuff
     * create the new cache, do initializatino stuff
>>>>>>> 59f4c294c92c026c0d9d15ccfd2984234f2a3158
    cache = *newCache(params.cachesize, params.blocksize, params.setsize, params.associativity, params.writepolicy);
     * read each line of the tracefile
    count = 0;
     while(fscanf(tracefile, "%s %c %s", instruction_ptr, &instruction, mem_addr) == 3) {
        int tag_size;
        int lines;
        int offset_size;
        int set_size;
        int set_lines;
        unsigned int addr_int;
        char *addr_bin;
        char *formatted_bin;
        char *tag;
        char *setid;
        char *offset;
        formatted_bin = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * 35);
        addr_bin = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * 33);
        lines = (int)(params.cachesize / params.blocksize);
        set_lines = (int)(params.cachesize / (params.blocksize * params.setsize));
        if(strcmp(params.associativity,"n-way") == 0){
            set_size = (int) ceil((log10(set_lines)/log10(2.0))); 
            set_size = (int) ceil((log10(lines)/log10(2.0))); 

        offset_size = ceil((log10(params.blocksize)/log10(2.0))); 
        tag_size = (32 - (offset_size+set_size));
         * just for output
        tagSize = tag_size;
        setSize = set_size;
        offsetSize = offset_size;
        tag = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*tag_size+1);
        setid =  (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*set_size+1);
        offset =  (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*offset_size+1);
        addr_int = htoi(mem_addr);
        addr_bin = itob(addr_int);

        memcpy(tag, &addr_bin[0], tag_size);
        tag[tag_size+1] = '\0';
        memcpy(setid, &addr_bin[tag_size], set_size);
        setid[set_size+1] = '\0';
        memcpy(offset, &addr_bin[(tag_size+set_size)], offset_size);
        offset[offset_size+1] = '\0';
        if(DEBUG) {
            printf("%s %s %s \n", tag, setid, offset);
            printf("tag: %i, set: %i, offset: %i\n", tagSize, setSize, offsetSize);
         * Write to the cache
        if('W' == instruction){
                 printf("Write instruction\n Cache State:\n");
                 if( isInCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset)){ 
                        printf("\ncache already contains %s\n",mem_addr);
                     printf("\ncache does not contain %s\n",mem_addr);

                 if( isInCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset)){ 
                     printf("\ncache contains %s\n",mem_addr);
                 printf("\nCache State:\n");
            writeToCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset, lines); 
         * Read from the cache
        }else if('R' == instruction ){
           if(DEBUG) {
            printf("Read instruction\n Cache State:\n");
           if( isInCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset)){ 
                printf("\ncache already contains %s\n",mem_addr);
                printf("\ncache does not contain %s\n",mem_addr);
            if( isInCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset)){ 
                printf("\ncache contains %s\n",mem_addr);
            printf("\nCache State:\n");
            readFromCache(&cache, addr_bin, tag, setid, offset, lines); 
     return 1;