Exemplo n.º 1
void printResponseCb(Rx64IoSampleResponse& rx, uintptr_t data) {
	Print *p = (Print*)data;
	p->println("Rx64IoSampleResponse received:");
	printField(p, F("  From: 0x"), rx.getRemoteAddress64());
	printField(p, F("  Rssi: 0x"), rx.getRssi());
	printField(p, F("  Receive options: 0x"), rx.getOption());
	printField(p, F("  Number of samples: 0x"), rx.getSampleSize());
	printSamples(p, rx);
Exemplo n.º 2
void doTest(int messSize, int reportRank, int compIters, 
            int innerIters, int testIters)
     int x, totalSamples, myRank, worldSize;
     double *loopSamples, *opSamples;
     double totalLoopTime, totalOpTime;
     double loopMean, opMean;
     double *sendBuf, *recvBuf;
     double wtick;

     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &worldSize);

     if ( (sendBuf = (double*)malloc(messSize*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
          printf("Failed to malloc sendBuf\n");

     if ( (recvBuf = (double*)malloc(messSize*sizeof(double))) == NULL )
          printf("Failed to malloc recvBuf\n");

     /*  Collect Computation Loop Timing Data  */
     getLoopSamples(compIters, innerIters, testIters, &loopSamples, 
                    sendBuf, recvBuf, messSize);

     /*  Collect Operation & Computation Loop Timing Data  */
     getOpSamples(compIters, innerIters, testIters, &opSamples, 
                  sendBuf, recvBuf, messSize);

     totalSamples = testIters;

     totalLoopTime = 0.0;
     totalOpTime   = 0.0;
     wtick         = MPI_Wtick();

     listRankLocations(myRank, worldSize);

     if ( myRank == reportRank )
          for ( x = 0; x < totalSamples; x++ )
               totalLoopTime += loopSamples[x];
               totalOpTime   += opSamples[x];

          loopMean = totalLoopTime / totalSamples;
          opMean   = totalOpTime / totalSamples;

          printSamples("Loop Base Samples", loopSamples, testIters);
          printSamples("Loop Op Samples", opSamples, testIters);
          printf("\nMPI Allreduce test\n");
          printf("  for %d MPI processes, message size %d bytes, \n", 
                 worldSize, messSize*sizeof(double));
          printf("  %d operations per sample, %d samples\n\n", 
                 innerIters, totalSamples);
          printf("  Wtick resolution           : %11.3f us\n", wtick*1000000);
          printf("  Time between Allreduce     : %11.3f us\n\n", 
                 (getDoCompTime(compIters, sendBuf, recvBuf)*1000000));
          printf("  Mean Compute Loop Time     : %11.3f us\n", loopMean*1000000);
          printf("  Ticks per Compute Loop     : %11.0f\n", loopMean/wtick);
          printf("  Mean Op Loop Time          : %11.3f us\n", opMean*1000000);
          printf("  Ticks per Op Loop          : %11.0f\n\n", opMean/wtick);
          printf("  Op mean                    : %11.3f us\n\n", 
                 ((totalOpTime - totalLoopTime)/(totalSamples*innerIters))*1000000);
