// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageSockets ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
	// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
	char  buf [ 128*1024 ];
	SafeBuf p(buf, 128*1024);
	int32_t collLen = 0;
	const char *coll = r->getString( "c", &collLen );
	char tmp_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
	if(coll) {
		//copy collection name into tmpbuf and nul-terminate it
		if ( (size_t)collLen >= sizeof(tmp_coll) )
			collLen = sizeof(tmp_coll);
		tmp_coll[collLen] = '\0';
		coll = tmp_coll;
	// print standard header
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( &p, s , r );

	// now print out the sockets table for each tcp server we have
	printTcpTable(&p,"HTTP Server"    ,g_httpServer.getTcp());
	printTcpTable(&p,"HTTPS Server"    ,g_httpServer.getSSLTcp());
	printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server" , &g_udpServer,coll,s->m_ip);
	//printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server(async)",&g_udpServer2,coll,s->m_ip);
	printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server (dns)", &g_dns.m_udpServer,

	// from msg13.cpp print the queued url download requests
	printHammerQueueTable ( &p );

	// calculate buffer length
	int32_t bufLen = p.length();
	// . send this page
	// . encapsulates in html header and tail
	// . make a Mime
	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) p.getBufStart() ,
						bufLen );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageSockets ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
	// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
	char  buf [ 128*1024 ];
	SafeBuf p(buf, 128*1024);
	//char *bufEnd = buf + 256*1024;
	// a ptr into "buf"
	// password, too
	//long pwdLen = 0;
	//char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	//if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	//if ( pwd ) pwd[pwdLen]='\0';
	long collLen = 0;
	char *coll = r->getString( "c", &collLen );
	if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN;
	if ( coll ) coll[collLen] = '\0';
	//char pbuf [32];
	//if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( pbuf , pwd , pwdLen );
	// print standard header

	// 	char *ss = p.getBuf();
	// 	char *ssend = p.getBufEnd();
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( &p, s , r );
	//p.incrementLength(sss - ss);

	// now print out the sockets table for each tcp server we have
	printTcpTable(&p,"HTTP Server"    ,g_httpServer.getTcp());
	printTcpTable(&p,"HTTPS Server"    ,g_httpServer.getSSLTcp());
	printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server" , &g_udpServer,coll,NULL,s->m_ip);
	//printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server(async)",&g_udpServer2,coll,pwd,s->m_ip);
	printUdpTable(&p,"Udp Server (dns)", &g_dns.m_udpServer,

	// get # of disks per machine
	long count = 0;
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts(); i++ ) {
		long hid = g_hostdb.m_hostPtrs[i]->m_hostId;
		long m   = g_hostdb.getMachineNum ( hid );
		if ( m == 0 ) count++;

	sprintf ( p , "<table width=100%% bgcolor=#d0d0f0 border=1>"
		  "<tr><td bgcolor=#c0c0f0 colspan=%li>"
		  "<center><font size=+1><b>Wait Times</b></font>"
		  "</td></tr>\n" , 3 + count );
	p += gbstrlen ( p );
	// print columns
	sprintf ( p , 
		  "<td><b>machine #</b></td>"
		  "<td><b>send wait</b></td>"
		  "<td><b>read wait</b></td>" );
	p += gbstrlen ( p );	
	// print disk columns
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
		sprintf ( p , "<td><b>disk %li wait</b></td>",i);
		p += gbstrlen ( p );	
	// end the top row
	sprintf ( p , "</tr>\n" );
	p += gbstrlen ( p );	
	// print rows
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumMachines() ; i++ ) {
		// print machine #
		sprintf ( p , "<tr><td><b>%li</b></td>",i);
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// then net send
		float x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_sendWaits[i] / 1000;
		sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// then net read
		x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_readWaits[i] / 1000;
		sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// print disk wait in milliseconds (it's in microseconds)
		// find any host that matches this machine
		for ( long j = 0 ; j < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; j++ ) {
			// use in order of ip
			long hid = g_hostdb.m_hostPtrs[j]->m_hostId;
			// get machine #
			long m = g_hostdb.getMachineNum(hid);
			// skip if no match
			if ( m != i ) continue;
			// otherwise print
			x = (float)g_queryRouter.m_diskWaits[hid] / 1000;
			sprintf ( p , "<td>%.1fms</td>", x );
			p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// end row
		sprintf ( p , "</tr>\n");
		p += gbstrlen ( p );	
	// end table
	sprintf ( p , "</table>");
	p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// print the final tail
	//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );

	// calculate buffer length
	long bufLen = p.length();
	// . send this page
	// . encapsulates in html header and tail
	// . make a Mime
	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) p.getBufStart() ,
						bufLen );