Exemplo n.º 1
static void
test_for_replica_exchange(FILE                 *fplog,
                          const gmx_multisim_t *ms,
                          struct gmx_repl_ex   *re,
                          gmx_enerdata_t       *enerd,
                          real                  vol,
                          gmx_int64_t           step,
                          real                  time)
    int       m, i, j, a, b, ap, bp, i0, i1, tmp;
    real      ediff = 0, delta = 0, dpV = 0;
    gmx_bool  bPrint, bMultiEx;
    gmx_bool *bEx      = re->bEx;
    real     *prob     = re->prob;
    int      *pind     = re->destinations; /* permuted index */
    gmx_bool  bEpot    = FALSE;
    gmx_bool  bDLambda = FALSE;
    gmx_bool  bVol     = FALSE;
    gmx_rng_t rng;

    bMultiEx = (re->nex > 1);  /* multiple exchanges at each state */
    fprintf(fplog, "Replica exchange at step " "%"GMX_PRId64 " time %g\n", step, time);

    if (re->bNPT)
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->Vol[i] = 0;
        bVol               = TRUE;
        re->Vol[re->repl]  = vol;
    if ((re->type == ereTEMP || re->type == ereTL))
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->Epot[i] = 0;
        bEpot              = TRUE;
        re->Epot[re->repl] = enerd->term[F_EPOT];
        /* temperatures of different states*/
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->beta[i] = 1.0/(re->q[ereTEMP][i]*BOLTZ);
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->beta[i] = 1.0/(re->temp*BOLTZ);  /* we have a single temperature */
    if (re->type == ereLAMBDA || re->type == ereTL)
        bDLambda = TRUE;
        /* lambda differences. */
        /* de[i][j] is the energy of the jth simulation in the ith Hamiltonian
           minus the energy of the jth simulation in the jth Hamiltonian */
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < re->nrepl; j++)
                re->de[i][j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->de[i][re->repl] = (enerd->enerpart_lambda[(int)re->q[ereLAMBDA][i]+1]-enerd->enerpart_lambda[0]);

    /* now actually do the communication */
    if (bVol)
        gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->Vol, ms);
    if (bEpot)
        gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->Epot, ms);
    if (bDLambda)
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->de[i], ms);

    /* make a duplicate set of indices for shuffling */
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        pind[i] = re->ind[i];

    if (bMultiEx)
        /* multiple random switch exchange */
        int nself = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < re->nex + nself; i++)
            double rnd[2];

            gmx_rng_cycle_2uniform(step, i*2, re->seed, RND_SEED_REPLEX, rnd);
            /* randomly select a pair  */
            /* in theory, could reduce this by identifying only which switches had a nonneglibible
               probability of occurring (log p > -100) and only operate on those switches */
            /* find out which state it is from, and what label that state currently has. Likely
               more work that useful. */
            i0 = (int)(re->nrepl*rnd[0]);
            i1 = (int)(re->nrepl*rnd[1]);
            if (i0 == i1)
                continue;  /* self-exchange, back up and do it again */

            a  = re->ind[i0]; /* what are the indices of these states? */
            b  = re->ind[i1];
            ap = pind[i0];
            bp = pind[i1];

            bPrint = FALSE; /* too noisy */
            /* calculate the energy difference */
            /* if the code changes to flip the STATES, rather than the configurations,
               use the commented version of the code */
            /* delta = calc_delta(fplog,bPrint,re,a,b,ap,bp); */
            delta = calc_delta(fplog, bPrint, re, ap, bp, a, b);

            /* we actually only use the first space in the prob and bEx array,
               since there are actually many switches between pairs. */

            if (delta <= 0)
                /* accepted */
                prob[0] = 1;
                bEx[0]  = TRUE;
                if (delta > PROBABILITYCUTOFF)
                    prob[0] = 0;
                    prob[0] = exp(-delta);
                /* roll a number to determine if accepted */
                gmx_rng_cycle_2uniform(step, i*2+1, re->seed, RND_SEED_REPLEX, rnd);
                bEx[0] = rnd[0] < prob[0];
            re->prob_sum[0] += prob[0];

            if (bEx[0])
                /* swap the states */
                tmp      = pind[i0];
                pind[i0] = pind[i1];
                pind[i1] = tmp;
        re->nattempt[0]++;  /* keep track of total permutation trials here */
        print_allswitchind(fplog, re->nrepl, pind, re->allswaps, re->tmpswap);
        /* standard nearest neighbor replica exchange */

        m = (step / re->nst) % 2;
        for (i = 1; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            a = re->ind[i-1];
            b = re->ind[i];

            bPrint = (re->repl == a || re->repl == b);
            if (i % 2 == m)
                delta = calc_delta(fplog, bPrint, re, a, b, a, b);
                if (delta <= 0)
                    /* accepted */
                    prob[i] = 1;
                    bEx[i]  = TRUE;
                    double rnd[2];

                    if (delta > PROBABILITYCUTOFF)
                        prob[i] = 0;
                        prob[i] = exp(-delta);
                    /* roll a number to determine if accepted */
                    gmx_rng_cycle_2uniform(step, i, re->seed, RND_SEED_REPLEX, rnd);
                    bEx[i] = rnd[0] < prob[i];
                re->prob_sum[i] += prob[i];

                if (bEx[i])
                    /* swap these two */
                    tmp       = pind[i-1];
                    pind[i-1] = pind[i];
                    pind[i]   = tmp;
                    re->nexchange[i]++;  /* statistics for back compatibility */
                prob[i] = -1;
                bEx[i]  = FALSE;
        /* print some statistics */
        print_ind(fplog, "ex", re->nrepl, re->ind, bEx);
        print_prob(fplog, "pr", re->nrepl, prob);
        fprintf(fplog, "\n");

    /* record which moves were made and accepted */
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        re->nmoves[re->ind[i]][pind[i]] += 1;
        re->nmoves[pind[i]][re->ind[i]] += 1;
    fflush(fplog); /* make sure we can see what the last exchange was */
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
test_for_replica_exchange(FILE                 *fplog,
                          const gmx_multisim_t *ms,
                          struct gmx_repl_ex   *re,
                          const gmx_enerdata_t *enerd,
                          real                  vol,
                          gmx_int64_t           step,
                          real                  time)
    int                                  m, i, j, a, b, ap, bp, i0, i1, tmp;
    real                                 delta = 0;
    gmx_bool                             bPrint, bMultiEx;
    gmx_bool                            *bEx      = re->bEx;
    real                                *prob     = re->prob;
    int                                 *pind     = re->destinations; /* permuted index */
    gmx_bool                             bEpot    = FALSE;
    gmx_bool                             bDLambda = FALSE;
    gmx_bool                             bVol     = FALSE;
    gmx::ThreeFry2x64<64>                rng(re->seed, gmx::RandomDomain::ReplicaExchange);
    gmx::UniformRealDistribution<real>   uniformRealDist;
    gmx::UniformIntDistribution<int>     uniformNreplDist(0, re->nrepl-1);

    bMultiEx = (re->nex > 1);  /* multiple exchanges at each state */
    fprintf(fplog, "Replica exchange at step %" GMX_PRId64 " time %.5f\n", step, time);

    if (re->bNPT)
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->Vol[i] = 0;
        bVol               = TRUE;
        re->Vol[re->repl]  = vol;
    if ((re->type == ereTEMP || re->type == ereTL))
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->Epot[i] = 0;
        bEpot              = TRUE;
        re->Epot[re->repl] = enerd->term[F_EPOT];
        /* temperatures of different states*/
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->beta[i] = 1.0/(re->q[ereTEMP][i]*BOLTZ);
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->beta[i] = 1.0/(re->temp*BOLTZ);  /* we have a single temperature */
    if (re->type == ereLAMBDA || re->type == ereTL)
        bDLambda = TRUE;
        /* lambda differences. */
        /* de[i][j] is the energy of the jth simulation in the ith Hamiltonian
           minus the energy of the jth simulation in the jth Hamiltonian */
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < re->nrepl; j++)
                re->de[i][j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            re->de[i][re->repl] = (enerd->enerpart_lambda[(int)re->q[ereLAMBDA][i]+1]-enerd->enerpart_lambda[0]);

    /* now actually do the communication */
    if (bVol)
        gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->Vol, ms);
    if (bEpot)
        gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->Epot, ms);
    if (bDLambda)
        for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            gmx_sum_sim(re->nrepl, re->de[i], ms);

    /* make a duplicate set of indices for shuffling */
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        pind[i] = re->ind[i];

    rng.restart( step, 0 );

    /* PLUMED */
    int plumed_test_exchange_pattern=0;
    if(plumed_test_exchange_pattern && plumed_hrex) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"hrex not compatible with ad hoc exchange patterns");
    /* END PLUMED */

    if (bMultiEx)
        /* multiple random switch exchange */
        int nself = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < re->nex + nself; i++)
            // For now this is superfluous, but just in case we ever add more
            // calls in different branches it is safer to always reset the distribution.

            /* randomly select a pair  */
            /* in theory, could reduce this by identifying only which switches had a nonneglibible
               probability of occurring (log p > -100) and only operate on those switches */
            /* find out which state it is from, and what label that state currently has. Likely
               more work that useful. */
            i0 = uniformNreplDist(rng);
            i1 = uniformNreplDist(rng);
            if (i0 == i1)
                continue;  /* self-exchange, back up and do it again */

            a  = re->ind[i0]; /* what are the indices of these states? */
            b  = re->ind[i1];
            ap = pind[i0];
            bp = pind[i1];

            bPrint = FALSE; /* too noisy */
            /* calculate the energy difference */
            /* if the code changes to flip the STATES, rather than the configurations,
               use the commented version of the code */
            /* delta = calc_delta(fplog,bPrint,re,a,b,ap,bp); */
            delta = calc_delta(fplog, bPrint, re, ap, bp, a, b);

            /* we actually only use the first space in the prob and bEx array,
               since there are actually many switches between pairs. */

            if (delta <= 0)
                /* accepted */
                prob[0] = 1;
                bEx[0]  = TRUE;
                if (delta > PROBABILITYCUTOFF)
                    prob[0] = 0;
                    prob[0] = exp(-delta);
                // roll a number to determine if accepted. For now it is superfluous to
                // reset, but just in case we ever add more calls in different branches
                // it is safer to always reset the distribution.
                bEx[0] = uniformRealDist(rng) < prob[0];
            re->prob_sum[0] += prob[0];

            if (bEx[0])
                /* swap the states */
                tmp      = pind[i0];
                pind[i0] = pind[i1];
                pind[i1] = tmp;
        re->nattempt[0]++;  /* keep track of total permutation trials here */
        print_allswitchind(fplog, re->nrepl, pind, re->allswaps, re->tmpswap);
        /* standard nearest neighbor replica exchange */

        m = (step / re->nst) % 2;
        /* PLUMED */
          int partner=re->repl;
            int *list;
            for(i=0; i<re->nrepl; i++) re->ind[i]=list[i];

          for(i=1; i<re->nrepl; i++) {
            if (i % 2 != m) continue;
            a = re->ind[i-1];
            b = re->ind[i];
            if(re->repl==a) partner=b;
            if(re->repl==b) partner=a;
          plumed_cmd(plumedmain,"GREX setPartner",&partner);
          plumed_cmd(plumedmain,"GREX calculate",NULL);
          plumed_cmd(plumedmain,"GREX shareAllDeltaBias",NULL);
        /* END PLUMED */
        for (i = 1; i < re->nrepl; i++)
            a = re->ind[i-1];
            b = re->ind[i];

            bPrint = (re->repl == a || re->repl == b);
            if (i % 2 == m)
                delta = calc_delta(fplog, bPrint, re, a, b, a, b);
                /* PLUMED */
                  real adb,bdb,dplumed;
                  char buf[300];
                  sprintf(buf,"GREX getDeltaBias %d",a); plumed_cmd(plumedmain,buf,&adb);
                  sprintf(buf,"GREX getDeltaBias %d",b); plumed_cmd(plumedmain,buf,&bdb);
                  if (bPrint)
                    fprintf(fplog,"dplumed = %10.3e  dE_Term = %10.3e (kT)\n",dplumed,delta);
                /* END PLUMED */
                if (delta <= 0)
                    /* accepted */
                    prob[i] = 1;
                    bEx[i]  = TRUE;
                    if (delta > PROBABILITYCUTOFF)
                        prob[i] = 0;
                        prob[i] = exp(-delta);
                    // roll a number to determine if accepted. For now it is superfluous to
                    // reset, but just in case we ever add more calls in different branches
                    // it is safer to always reset the distribution.
                    bEx[i] = uniformRealDist(rng) < prob[i];
                re->prob_sum[i] += prob[i];

                if (bEx[i])
                  /* PLUMED */
                  if(!plumed_test_exchange_pattern) {
                    /* standard neighbour swapping */
                    /* swap these two */
                    tmp       = pind[i-1];
                    pind[i-1] = pind[i];
                    pind[i]   = tmp;
                    re->nexchange[i]++;  /* statistics for back compatibility */
                  } else {
                    /* alternative swapping patterns */
                    tmp       = pind[a];
                    pind[a]   = pind[b];
                    pind[b]   = tmp;
                    re->nexchange[i]++;  /* statistics for back compatibility */
                  /* END PLUMED */
                prob[i] = -1;
                bEx[i]  = FALSE;
        /* print some statistics */
        print_ind(fplog, "ex", re->nrepl, re->ind, bEx);
        print_prob(fplog, "pr", re->nrepl, prob);
        fprintf(fplog, "\n");

    /* PLUMED */
    if(plumed_test_exchange_pattern>0) {
      for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
          re->ind[i] = i;
    /* END PLUMED */

    /* record which moves were made and accepted */
    for (i = 0; i < re->nrepl; i++)
        re->nmoves[re->ind[i]][pind[i]] += 1;
        re->nmoves[pind[i]][re->ind[i]] += 1;
    fflush(fplog); /* make sure we can see what the last exchange was */