Exemplo n.º 1
static inline char* print_callid(char* w, dlg_t* dialog, struct cell* t)
	/* begins with CRLF, not included in t->callid, don`t know why...?!? */
	memapp(w, CRLF, CRLF_LEN);
	t->callid.s = w;
	t->callid.len = CALLID_LEN + dialog->id.call_id.len + CRLF_LEN;

	w = print_callid_mini(w, dialog->id.call_id);
	return w;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* lookup a transaction by callid and cseq, parameters are pure
 * header field content only, e.g. "[email protected]" and "11"
int t_lookup_callid(struct cell ** trans, str callid, str cseq) {
	struct cell* p_cell;
	unsigned hash_index;

	/* I use MAX_HEADER, not sure if this is a good choice... */
	char callid_header[MAX_HEADER];
	char cseq_header[MAX_HEADER];
	/* save return value of print_* functions here */
	char* endpos;

	/* need method, which is always INVITE in our case */
	/* CANCEL is only useful after INVITE */
	str invite_method;
	char* invite_string = INVITE;
	invite_method.s = invite_string;
	invite_method.len = INVITE_LEN;
	/* lookup the hash index where the transaction is stored */
	hash_index=hash(callid, cseq);

	if(hash_index >= TABLE_ENTRIES){
		LOG(L_ERR,"ERROR: t_lookup_callid: invalid hash_index=%u\n",hash_index);
		return -1;

	/* create header fields the same way tm does itself, then compare headers */
	endpos = print_callid_mini(callid_header, callid);
	DBG("created comparable call_id header field: >%.*s<\n", 
			(int)(endpos - callid_header), callid_header); 

	endpos = print_cseq_mini(cseq_header, &cseq, &invite_method);
	DBG("created comparable cseq header field: >%.*s<\n", 
			(int)(endpos - cseq_header), cseq_header); 

	DBG("just locked hash index %u, looking for transactions there:\n", hash_index);

	/* all the transactions from the entry are compared */
	for ( p_cell = get_tm_table()->entrys[hash_index].first_cell;
	  p_cell; p_cell = p_cell->next_cell ) {
		/* compare complete header fields, casecmp to make sure invite=INVITE */
		if ( (strncmp(callid_header, p_cell->callid.s, p_cell->callid.len) == 0)
			&& (strncasecmp(cseq_header, p_cell->cseq_n.s, p_cell->cseq_n.len) == 0) ) {
			DBG("we have a match: callid=>>%.*s<< cseq=>>%.*s<<\n", p_cell->callid.len, 
				p_cell->callid.s, p_cell->cseq_n.len, p_cell->cseq_n.s);
			DBG("DEBUG: t_lookup_callid: transaction found.\n");
			return 1;
		DBG("NO match: callid=%.*s cseq=%.*s\n", p_cell->callid.len, 
			p_cell->callid.s, p_cell->cseq_n.len, p_cell->cseq_n.s);

	DBG("DEBUG: t_lookup_callid: transaction not found.\n");
	return -1;