Exemplo n.º 1
static CResult
list_frame_sizes (CHandle hDevice, CPixelFormat *pixelformat)
	CResult ret = C_SUCCESS;
	CFrameSize *sizes = NULL;
	unsigned int size = 0, count = 0;

	ret = c_enum_frame_sizes(hDevice, pixelformat, NULL, &size, &count);
	if(ret == C_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
		sizes = (CFrameSize *)malloc(size);
		ret = c_enum_frame_sizes(hDevice, pixelformat, sizes, &size, &count);
		if(ret) {
			print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unable to enumerate frame sizes", ret);
			goto done;

		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			CFrameSize *fsize = &sizes[i];

			if(fsize->type == CF_SIZE_DISCRETE) {
				printf("  Frame size: %ux%u\n", fsize->width, fsize->height);
				list_frame_intervals(hDevice, pixelformat, fsize);
			else if(fsize->type == CF_SIZE_CONTINUOUS) {
				printf("  Frame sizes: %ux%u - %ux%u (continuous)\n"
					"  Will not display frame intervals.\n",
					fsize->min_width, fsize->min_height,
					fsize->max_width, fsize->max_height
			else if(fsize->type == CF_SIZE_STEPWISE) {
				printf("  Frame sizes: %ux%u - %ux%u (in steps of width = %u, height = %u)\n"
					"  Will not display frame intervals.\n",
					fsize->min_width, fsize->min_height,
					fsize->max_width, fsize->max_height,
					fsize->step_width, fsize->step_height
			else {
				print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unrecognized frame size type", -1);
	else if(ret == C_SUCCESS) {
		printf("No frame sizes found.\n");
	else {
		print_handle_error(hDevice, "No frame sizes found", ret);

	if(sizes) free(sizes);
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
static CResult
list_controls (CHandle hDevice)
	CResult ret;
	unsigned int count = 0;
	CControl *controls = NULL;

	// Retrieve the control list
	ret = get_control_list(hDevice, &controls, &count);
	if(ret) goto done;

	if(count == 0) {
		printf("No controls found.\n");
		goto done;

	// Print a list of all available controls
	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		CControl *control = &controls[i];

	if(controls) free(controls);
		print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unable to retrieve device list", ret);
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
static CResult
list_frame_formats (CHandle hDevice)
	CResult ret = C_SUCCESS;
	CPixelFormat *formats = NULL;
	unsigned int size = 0, count = 0;
	unsigned int i;

	ret = c_enum_pixel_formats(hDevice, NULL, &size, &count);
	if(ret == C_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
		formats = (CPixelFormat *)malloc(size);
		ret = c_enum_pixel_formats(hDevice, formats, &size, &count);
		if(ret) {
			print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unable to enumerate pixel formats", ret);
			goto done;

		for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			CPixelFormat *format = &formats[i];
			printf("Pixel format: %s (%s%s%s)\n",
				format->fourcc, format->name,
				format->mimeType ? "; MIME type: " : "",
				format->mimeType ? format->mimeType : ""
			list_frame_sizes(hDevice, format);
	else if(ret == C_SUCCESS) {
		printf("No pixel formats found.\n");
	else {
		print_handle_error(hDevice, "No pixel formats found", ret);

	if(formats) free(formats);
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
main (int argc, char **argv)
	CHandle handle = 0;
	CResult res = C_SUCCESS;

	// Parse the command line
	if(cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0)
	// Display help if no arguments were specified
	if(argc == 1) {

	res = c_init();
	if(res) goto done;
	// Open the device
	if (!args_info.list_given && (!args_info.import_given || args_info.device_given)) {
		handle = c_open_device(args_info.device_arg);
		if(!handle) {
			print_error("Unable to open device", -1);
			goto done;

	// List devices
	if(args_info.list_given) {
		res = list_devices();
		goto done;
	// Import dynamic controls from XML file
	else if(args_info.import_given) {
		res = add_control_mappings(handle, args_info.import_arg);
		goto done;
	// Import dynamic controls from XML files at default location
	if(args_info.addctrl_given) {
		// list all xml files at default data/vid dir
		int nf=0;
		char vid[5];
		char pid[5];
		short pid_set = 0;
		if(fnmatch("[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]", args_info.addctrl_arg, 0))
			if(fnmatch("[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]", args_info.addctrl_arg, 0))
				printf("%s invalid: set at least a valid vid value, :pid is optional\n", args_info.addctrl_arg);
				goto done;
				/*extract vid and reset pid*/
				int c = 0;
				for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
					vid[c] = args_info.addctrl_arg[c];
					pid[c] = 0;
				vid[4] = '\0';
				pid[4] = '\0';
			/*extract vid and pid*/
			int c = 0;
			for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
				vid[c] = args_info.addctrl_arg[c];
				pid[c] = args_info.addctrl_arg[c+5];
			vid[4] = '\0';
			pid[4] = '\0';
			pid_set = 1; /*flag pid.xml check*/
			//printf("vid:%s pid:%s\n", vid, pid);
		/* get xml file list from DATA_DIR/vid/ */ 
		char **xml_files = get_filename (DATA_DIR, vid);
		/*check for pid.xml*/
		char fname[9];
		strcpy(fname, pid);
			pid_set = 0; /*reset*/
			while (xml_files[nf] != NULL)
				if ( strcasecmp(fname, xml_files[nf]) == 0)
					pid_set = 1; /*file exists so flag it*/
		/*parse xml files*/
		nf = 0;
		while (xml_files[nf] != NULL)
			/* if pid was set and pid.xml exists parse it*/
				if ((strcasecmp(fname, xml_files[nf]) == 0))
					printf ( "Parsing: %s \n", xml_files[nf]);
					res = add_control_mappings(handle, xml_files[nf]);
			else /* parse all xml files inside vid dir */
				printf ( "Parsing: %s \n", xml_files[nf]);
				res = add_control_mappings(handle, xml_files[nf]);
		goto done;

	// List frame formats
	if(args_info.formats_given) {
		printf("Listing available frame formats for device %s:\n", args_info.device_arg);
		res = list_frame_formats(handle);
	// List controls
	else if(args_info.clist_given) {
		printf("Listing available controls for device %s:\n", args_info.device_arg);
		res = list_controls(handle);
	// Retrieve control value
	else if(args_info.get_given) {
		CControlValue value;
		// Resolve the control Id
		CControlId controlId = get_control_id(handle, args_info.get_arg);
		if(!controlId) {
			res = 1;
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unknown control specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Retrieve the control value
		res = c_get_control(handle, controlId, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to retrieve control value", res);
			goto done;
		printf("%d\n", value.value);
	// Retrieve raw control value
	else if(args_info.get_raw_given) {
		//scan input
		uint16_t unit_id;
		unsigned char selector;
		sscanf(args_info.get_raw_arg, "%hu:%hhu", &unit_id, &selector);
		CControlValue value;
		value.type = CC_TYPE_RAW;
		// the entity is only used for the generating a control name
		//TODO: pass the guid through cmdline (optional)
		unsigned char entity[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
		res = c_read_xu_control(handle, entity, unit_id, selector, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to retrieve control value", res);
			goto done;
		//print the raw value
		uint8_t * val = value.raw.data;
		int i=0;
		printf("query current value of: (LE)0x");
		for(i=0; i<value.raw.size; i++)	{
			printf("%.2x", val[i]);
		printf("  (BE)0x");
		for(i=value.raw.size-1; i >=0; i--) {
			printf("%.2x", val[i]);
		//free the raw value alocation
		if(value.raw.data) free(value.raw.data);
	else if(args_info.set_given) {
		CControlValue value;

		// Parse the control value
		if(args_info.inputs_num < 1) {
			res = 3;
			print_error("No control value specified", -1);
			goto done;
		if(parse_control_value(args_info.inputs[0], &value)) {
			res = 2;
			print_error("Invalid control value specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Resolve the control Id
		CControlId controlId = get_control_id(handle, args_info.set_arg);
		if(!controlId) {
			res = 1;
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unknown control specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Set the new control value
		res = c_set_control(handle, controlId, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to set new control value", res);
			goto done;
	// Set the raw control value
	else if(args_info.set_raw_given) {
		CControlValue value;
		// Parse the control value
		if(args_info.inputs_num < 1) {
			res = 3;
			print_error("No raw control value specified", -1);
			goto done;
		uint16_t unit_id;
		unsigned char selector;

		sscanf(args_info.set_raw_arg, "%hu:%hhu", &unit_id, &selector);
		parse_raw_control_value (args_info.inputs[0], &value);
		// the entity is only used for the generating a control name
		//TODO: pass the guid through cmdline (optional)
		unsigned char entity[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
		res = c_write_xu_control(handle, entity, unit_id, selector, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to set the control value", res);
			goto done;
		//print the raw value le and be format
		uint8_t * val = value.raw.data;
		int i=0;
		printf("set value of          : (LE)0x");
		for(i=0; i<value.raw.size; i++)	{
			printf("%.2x", val[i]);
		printf("  (BE)0x");
		for(i=value.raw.size-1; i >=0; i--) {
			printf("%.2x", val[i]);
		//free the raw value alocation
		if(value.raw.data) free(value.raw.data);
	else if(args_info.save_ctrl_given) {
		res = save_controls( handle, args_info.save_ctrl_arg);
	else if(args_info.load_ctrl_given) {
		res = load_controls( handle, args_info.load_ctrl_arg);

	// Clean up
	if(handle) c_close_device(handle);

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void
print_error (const char *error, CResult res)
	print_handle_error(0, error, res);
Exemplo n.º 6
static CResult
list_frame_intervals (CHandle hDevice, CPixelFormat *pixelformat, CFrameSize *framesize)
	CResult ret = C_SUCCESS;
	CFrameInterval *intervals = NULL;
	unsigned int size = 0, count = 0;

	ret = c_enum_frame_intervals(hDevice, pixelformat, framesize, NULL, &size, &count);
	if(ret == C_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
		intervals = (CFrameInterval *)malloc(size);
		ret = c_enum_frame_intervals(hDevice, pixelformat, framesize, intervals, &size, &count);
		if(ret) {
			print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unable to enumerate frame intervals", ret);
			goto done;

		// Display all frame intervals
		if(HAS_VERBOSE()) {
			// Verbose: one line per interval
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				CFrameInterval *fival = &intervals[i];

				if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_DISCRETE) {
					printf("    Frame interval: %u/%u [s]\n", fival->n, fival->d);
				else if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_CONTINUOUS) {
					printf("    Frame intervals: %u/%u - %u/%u [s] (continuous)\n",
						fival->min_n, fival->min_d,
						fival->max_n, fival->max_d
				else if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_STEPWISE) {
					printf("    Frame intervals: %u/%u - %u/%u [s] (in steps of %u/%u [s])\n",
						fival->min_n, fival->min_d,
						fival->max_n, fival->max_d,
						fival->step_n, fival->step_d
				else {
					print_handle_error(hDevice, "Unrecognized frame interval type", -1);
		else {
			// Determine how concise we can be
			int simple = 1;
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				if(intervals[i].type != CF_INTERVAL_DISCRETE || intervals[i].n != 1) {
					simple = 0;

			// Not verbose
			if(simple) {
				printf("    Frame rates: ");
				for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					printf("%u%s", intervals[i].d, i < count - 1 ? ", " : "");
			else {
				printf("    Frame intervals: ");
				for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					CFrameInterval *fival = &intervals[i];

					if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_DISCRETE) {
						printf("%u/%u", fival->n, fival->d);
					else if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_CONTINUOUS) {
						printf("%u/%u - %u/%u",
							fival->min_n, fival->min_d,
							fival->max_n, fival->max_d
					else if(fival->type == CF_INTERVAL_STEPWISE) {
						printf("%u/%u - %u/%u (%u/%u)",
							fival->min_n, fival->min_d,
							fival->max_n, fival->max_d,
							fival->step_n, fival->step_d
					else {
					if(i < count - 1)
						printf(", ");
	else if(ret == C_SUCCESS) {
		printf("No frame intervals found.\n");
	else {
		print_handle_error(hDevice, "No frame intervals found", ret);

	if(intervals) free(intervals);
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: BotBot/ASV
main (int argc, char **argv)
	CHandle handle = 0;
	CResult res = C_SUCCESS;

	// Parse the command line
	if(cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0)
	// Display help if no arguments were specified
	if(argc == 1) {

	res = c_init();
	if(res) goto done;

	// List devices
	if(args_info.list_given) {
		res = list_devices();
		goto done;
	// Import dynamic controls from XML file
	else if(args_info.import_given) {
		res = add_control_mappings(args_info.import_arg);
		goto done;

	// Open the device
	handle = c_open_device(args_info.device_arg);
	if(!handle) {
		print_error("Unable to open device", -1);
		goto done;

	// List frame formats
	if(args_info.formats_given) {
		printf("Listing available frame formats for device %s:\n", args_info.device_arg);
		res = list_frame_formats(handle);
	// List controls
	else if(args_info.clist_given) {
		printf("Listing available controls for device %s:\n", args_info.device_arg);
		res = list_controls(handle);
	// Retrieve control value
	else if(args_info.get_given) {
		CControlValue value;
		// Resolve the control Id
		CControlId controlId = get_control_id(handle, args_info.get_arg);
		if(!controlId) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unknown control specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Retrieve the control value
		res = c_get_control(handle, controlId, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to retrieve control value", res);
			goto done;
		printf("%d\n", value.value);
	else if(args_info.set_given) {
		CControlValue value;

		// Parse the control value
		if(args_info.inputs_num < 1) {
			print_error("No control value specified", -1);
			goto done;
		if(parse_control_value(args_info.inputs[0], &value)) {
			print_error("Invalid control value specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Resolve the control Id
		CControlId controlId = get_control_id(handle, args_info.set_arg);
		if(!controlId) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unknown control specified", -1);
			goto done;

		// Set the new control value
		res = c_set_control(handle, controlId, &value);
		if(res) {
			print_handle_error(handle, "Unable to set new control value", res);
			goto done;

	// Clean up
	if(handle) c_close_device(handle);

	return res;