Exemplo n.º 1
void menu_main(void)
	static uint8_t main_cursor = LINE0;	// These are now static so as to remember the main menu position
	static uint8_t main_temp = 0;
	static uint8_t old_menu = 0;

	button = NONE;

	// Wait until user's finger is off button 1
	while(button != BACK)
		// Clear buffer before each update

		// Print menu
		print_menu_frame(0);													// Frame
		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			LCD_Display_Text(main_top+i,(const unsigned char*)Verdana8,ITEMOFFSET,(uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&lines[i]));	// Lines

		print_cursor(main_cursor);												// Cursor

		// Poll buttons when idle

		// Handle menu changes
		update_menu(MAINITEMS, MAINSTART, 0, button, &main_cursor, &main_top, &main_temp);

		// If main menu item has changed, reset sub-menu positions
		// and flag to sub-menus that positions need to be reset
		if (main_temp != old_menu)
			cursor = LINE0;
			menu_temp = 0;
			old_menu = main_temp;
			menu_flag = 1;

		// If ENTER pressed, jump to menu 
		if (button == ENTER)
			button = NONE;

			// Wait until user's finger is off button 1
Exemplo n.º 2
// Print menu items primary subroutine
// Usage:
// top = position in submenu list
// start = start of submenu text list. (top - start) gives the offset into the list.
// values = pointer to array of values to change
// multiplier = display/actual if type = 2, otherwise defaults to 1
// menu_ranges = pointer to array of min/max/inc/style/defaults
// rangetype = unique (0) all values are different, copied (1) all values are the same
// MenuOffsets = originally an array, now just a fixed horizontal offset for the value text
// text_link = pointer to the text list for the values if not numeric
// cursor = cursor position
void print_menu_items(uint8_t top, uint8_t start, int8_t values[], uint8_t mult, prog_uchar* menu_ranges, uint8_t rangetype, uint8_t MenuOffsets, prog_uchar* text_link, uint8_t cursor)
	menu_range_t	range1;
	uint8_t multiplier;
	// Clear buffer before each update
	// Print each line
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)

		// Handle unique or copied ranges (to reduce space)
		if (rangetype == 0)
			// Use each unique entry
			memcpy_P(&range1, &menu_ranges[(top+i - start)* sizeof(range1)], sizeof(range1));
			// Use just the first entry in array for all 
			memcpy_P(&range1, &menu_ranges[0], sizeof(range1));
		if (range1.style == 2)
			multiplier = mult;
			multiplier = 1;

		print_menu_text((values[top+i - start] * multiplier), range1.style, (pgm_read_byte(&text_link[top+i - start]) + values[top+i - start]), MenuOffsets, (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&lines[i]));

	print_cursor(cursor);	// Cursor
Exemplo n.º 3
void menu_main(void)
	static uint8_t cursor = LINE0;	// These are now static so as to remember the menu position
	static uint8_t top = MAINSTART;
	static uint8_t temp = 0;
	button = NONE;

	// Wait until user's finger is off button 1
	while(BUTTON1 == 0)

	while(button != BACK)
		// Clear buffer before each update

		// Print menu
		print_menu_frame(0);											// Frame
		LCD_Display_Text(top,(prog_uchar*)Verdana8,ITEMOFFSET,LINE0);	// First line
		LCD_Display_Text(top+1,(prog_uchar*)Verdana8,ITEMOFFSET,LINE1); // Second line
		LCD_Display_Text(top+2,(prog_uchar*)Verdana8,ITEMOFFSET,LINE2); // Third line
		LCD_Display_Text(top+3,(prog_uchar*)Verdana8,ITEMOFFSET,LINE3);	// Fourth line
		print_cursor(cursor);											// Cursor

		// Poll buttons when idle

		// Handle menu changes
		update_menu(MAINITEMS, MAINSTART, button, &cursor, &top, &temp);
		if (button == ENTER)
			button = NONE;
Exemplo n.º 4
void do_menu_item(uint8_t menuitem, int8_t *values, uint8_t mult, menu_range_t range, int8_t offset, uint8_t text_link, bool servo_enable, int16_t servo_number)
	mugui_size16_t size;
	int16_t temp16;
	int8_t i;
	int16_t value = (int8_t)*values;
	uint8_t display_update = 0;
	uint8_t servo_update = 0;
	uint8_t button_update = 0;
	uint8_t button_inc = 0;
	bool	button_lock = false;
	bool	first_time = true;

	// Multiply value for display only if style is 2
	if (range.style == 2)
		value = value * mult;
	else mult = 1;

	button = NONE;

	// Reset servo to neutral unless it is for the throttle channel in CPPM mode
	if (servo_enable && !((Config.Channel[servo_number].source_a == THROTTLE) && (Config.RxMode == CPPM_MODE)))
		temp16 = Config.Limits[servo_number].trim;
		temp16 = ((temp16 << 2) / 10); 		// Span back to what the output wants

		// Give servos time to settle
		for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
			output_servo_ppm_asm3(servo_number, temp16);


	// This is a loop that cycles until Button 4 is pressed (Save)
	// The GLCD updating slows servo updates down too much so only update the GLCD periodically
	// When not updating the GLCD the servo should be updated at 50Hz (20ms)
	while (button != ENTER)
		// Increment loopcount so that we can time various things

		// Vary the button increment delay depending on the function
		if (servo_enable)
			button_inc = 20; // For servos

			button_inc = 1;	// For everything else

		// Increment button timer when pressed
		if (button != NONE)

			// Release button lock after button_inc loops
			if (button_update > button_inc)
				button_lock = false;
				button_update = 0;
		// Remove lock when not pressed
			button_update = 0;
			button_lock = false;

		// Display update
		if 	(!servo_enable || 									// Non-servo value or
			((display_update >= 32) && (button != NONE)) || 	// Servo value and 32 cycles passed but only with a button pressed or...
			 (first_time))										// First time into routine
			display_update = 0;
			first_time = false;


			// Print title
			gLCDprint_Menu_P((char*)pgm_read_word(&text_menu[menuitem]), (prog_uchar*)Verdana14, 0, 0);

			// Print value
			if ((range.style == 0) || (range.style == 2)) // numeric and numeric * 4
				// Write numeric value, centered on screen
				mugui_text_sizestring(itoa(value,pBuffer,10), (prog_uchar*)Verdana14, &size);
			else // text
				// Write text, centered on screen
				pgm_mugui_scopy((char*)pgm_read_word(&text_menu[text_link + value])); // Copy string to pBuffer

				mugui_text_sizestring((char*)pBuffer, (prog_uchar*)Verdana14, &size);
				LCD_Display_Text(text_link + value, (prog_uchar*)Verdana14,((128-size.x)/2),25);

			// Print bottom markers

			// Write from buffer

		// Poll buttons when idle
		// Don't use button acceleration when moving servos
		// And don't block the code with poll_buttons()
		if (servo_enable)
			button = (PINB & 0xf0);	
			button_multiplier = 1;

		// Handle cursor Up/Down limits
		if (button == DOWN)
			if (button_lock == false)
				button_lock = true;
				value = value - (range.increment * button_multiplier);
				button_update = 0;

		if (button == UP)
			if (button_lock == false)
				button_lock = true;
				value = value + (range.increment * button_multiplier);
				button_update = 0;

		if (button == BACK)	
			value = (range.default_value * mult);

		// Limit values to set ranges
		if (value < (range.lower * mult)) 
			value = range.lower * mult;
		if (value > (range.upper * mult)) 
			value = range.upper * mult;

		// Update contrast setting
		if (menuitem == CONTRAST)
			st7565_set_brightness(value); // debug

		// Set servo position if required and update every 4 * 5ms = 20ms
		if ((servo_enable) && (servo_update >= 4))
			servo_update = 0;

			temp16 = scale_percent(value);	// Convert to servo position (from %)
			temp16 = (((temp16 << 2) + (int16_t)5) / (int16_t)10); 	// Span back to what the output wants

			output_servo_ppm_asm3(servo_number, temp16);

		// Loop rate = 5ms (200Hz)

	} // while (button != ENTER)

	// Exit
	button = ENTER;

	// Divide value from that displayed if style = 2
	if (range.style == 2)
		value = value / mult;

	*values = (int8_t)value;