inline void print_tx_buffer() { int8_t i; nrk_kprintf(PSTR("Transmit Buffer: ")); if(tx_buf_mgr.head_fq == NULL) printf("-1 "); else printf("%d ", convert_ptr_to_index(tx_buf_mgr.head_fq)); if(tx_buf_mgr.tail_fq == NULL) printf("-1 "); else printf("%d ", convert_ptr_to_index(tx_buf_mgr.tail_fq)); if(tx_buf_mgr.head_aq == NULL) printf("-1 "); else printf("%d ", convert_ptr_to_index(tx_buf_mgr.head_aq)); if(tx_buf_mgr.tail_aq == NULL) printf("-1\n"); else printf("%d\n", convert_ptr_to_index(tx_buf_mgr.tail_aq)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) print_pkt(&(tx_buf[i].pkt)); return; }
void print_capture (const struct pcap_metadata *metadata, const char *pkt, unsigned int len, int verbose) { struct timeval now; struct tm *loctime; char bufftime[BUFSIZ]; gettimeofday (&now, NULL); loctime = gmtime (&(now.tv_sec)); strftime (bufftime, BUFSIZ, "%H:%M:%S", loctime); if (verbose == JSON_OUTPUT) { printf ("{\"timestamp\": \"%s.%lu\", ", bufftime, now.tv_usec); } else { printf ("%s.%lu ", bufftime, now.tv_usec); } print_metadata (metadata, verbose); print_pkt (pkt, len, verbose); if (verbose == JSON_OUTPUT) { printf("}\n"); } }
static int cb(struct nfq_q_handle *qh, struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg, struct nfq_data *nfa, void *data) { u_int32_t id = print_pkt(nfa); printf("entering callback\n"); return nfq_set_verdict(qh, id, NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL); }
static int cb(struct nfq_q_handle *qh, struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg, struct nfq_data *nfa, void *data) { u_int32_t id = print_pkt(nfa); if(use_pcap == 1) record_pkt(nfa); return nfq_set_verdict(qh, id, NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL); }
static void nic_pkt_received(struct nic * nic, unsigned size) { assert(nic->netif.input); #if 0 print_pkt((unsigned char *) nic->rx_pbuf->payload, 64 /*nic->rx_pbuf->len */); #endif assert(nic->rx_pbuf->tot_len == nic->rx_pbuf->len); nic->rx_pbuf->tot_len = nic->rx_pbuf->len = size - ETH_CRC_SIZE; nic->netif.input(nic->rx_pbuf, &nic->netif); nic->rx_pbuf = NULL; driver_setup_read(nic); }
/* int eth_send * ( eth_iface_t * iface, * mac_addr_t dst, uint16_t type, unsigned char * data, int data_len ); * * DESCRIPCIÓN: * Esta función permite enviar una trama Ethernet a través de la interfaz * indicada. * * PARÁMETROS: * 'iface': Manejador de la interfaz Ethernet por la que se quiere enviar * el paquete. * La interfaz debe haber sido inicializada con 'eth_open()' * previamente. * 'dst': Dirección MAC del equipo destino. * 'type': Valor del campo 'Tipo' de la trama Ethernet a enviar. * 'data': Puntero a los datos que se quieren enviar en la trama * Ethernet. * 'data_len': Longitud en bytes de los datos a enviar. * * VALOR DEVUELTO: * El número de bytes que han podido ser enviados. * * ERRORES: * La función devuelve '-1' si se ha producido algún error. */ int eth_send(eth_iface_t * iface, mac_addr_t dst, uint16_t type, unsigned char * payload, int payload_len) { int bytes_sent; /* Comprobar parámetros */ if (iface == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "eth_send(): ERROR: iface == NULL\n"); return -1; } /* Crear la Trama Ethernet y rellenar todos los campos */ struct eth_frame eth_frame; memcpy(eth_frame.dest_addr, dst, MAC_ADDR_SIZE); memcpy(eth_frame.src_addr, iface->mac_address, MAC_ADDR_SIZE); eth_frame.type = htons(type); memcpy(eth_frame.payload, payload, payload_len); int eth_frame_len = ETH_HEADER_SIZE + payload_len; /* DEBUG */ if (ETH_LOG >= VERBOSE_LOG_LEVEL) { char* iface_name = eth_getname(iface); char mac_addr_str[MAC_ADDR_STR_LENGTH]; eth_mac_str(dst, mac_addr_str); printf("eth_send(type=0x%04x, payload[%d]) > %s/%s\n", type, payload_len, iface_name, mac_addr_str); if (ETH_LOG >= DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL) { print_pkt((unsigned char *) ð_frame, eth_frame_len, ETH_HEADER_SIZE); } } /* Enviar la trama Ethernet creada con rawnet_send() y comprobar errores */ bytes_sent = rawnet_send(iface->raw_iface, (unsigned char *) ð_frame, eth_frame_len); if (bytes_sent == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "eth_send(): ERROR en rawnet_send(): %s\n", rawnet_strerror()); return -1; } /* Devolver el número de bytes de datos recibidos */ return (bytes_sent - ETH_HEADER_SIZE); }
/* int eth_recv * ( eth_iface_t * iface, * mac_addr_t src, uint16_t type, unsigned char buffer[], long int timeout ); * * DESCRIPCIÓN: * Esta función permite obtener el siguiente paquete recibido por la * interfaz Ethernet indicada. La operación puede esperar indefinidamente o * un tiempo limitando dependiento del parámetro 'timeout'. * * Esta función sólo permite recibir paquetes de una única interfaz. Si desea * escuchar varias interfaces Ethernet simultaneamente, utilice la función * 'eth_poll()'. * * PARÁMETROS: * 'iface': Manejador de la interfaz Ethernet por la que se desea recibir * un paquete. * La interfaz debe haber sido inicializada con 'eth_open()' * previamente. * 'src': Dirección MAC del equipo que envió la trama Ethernet recibida. * Este es un parámetro de salida. La dirección se copiará en la * memoria indicada, que debe estar reservada previamente. * 'type': Valor del campo 'Tipo' de la trama Ethernet que se desea * recibir. * Las tramas con un valor 'type' diferente serán descartadas. * 'buffer': Array donde se almacenarán los datos de la trama recibida. * Deben reservarse al menos 'ETH_MTU' bytes para recibir dichos * datos. * 'timeout': Tiempo en milisegundos que debe esperarse a recibir una trama * antes de retornar. Un número negativo indicará que debe * esperarse indefinidamente, mientras que con un '0' la función * retornará inmediatamente, se haya recibido o no una trama. * * VALOR DEVUELTO: * La longitud en bytes de los datos de la trama recibida, o '0' si no se ha * recibido ninguna trama porque ha expirado el temporizador. * * ERRORES: * La función devuelve '-1' si se ha producido algún error. */ int eth_recv(eth_iface_t * iface, mac_addr_t src, uint16_t type, unsigned char buffer[], long int timeout) { int payload_len; /* Comprobar parámetros */ if (iface == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "eth_recv(): ERROR: iface == NULL\n"); return -1; } /* Inicializar temporizador para mantener timeout si se reciben tramas con tipo incorrecto. */ timerms_t timer; timerms_reset(&timer, timeout); int frame_len; unsigned char eth_buffer[ETH_FRAME_MAX_SIZE]; struct eth_frame * eth_frame_ptr = NULL; int is_target_type; int is_my_mac; int is_multicast; do { long int time_left = timerms_left(&timer); /* Recibir trama del interfaz Ethernet y procesar errores */ frame_len = rawnet_recv(iface->raw_iface, eth_buffer, ETH_FRAME_MAX_SIZE, time_left); if (frame_len == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "eth_recv(): ERROR en rawnet_recv(): %s\n", rawnet_strerror()); return -1; } else if (frame_len == 0) { /* DEBUG */ if (ETH_LOG >= NORMAL_LOG_LEVEL) { printf("eth_recv(): ¡ Timeout !\n"); } return 0; } /* Comprobar si es la trama que estamos buscando */ eth_frame_ptr = (struct eth_frame *) eth_buffer; is_my_mac = (memcmp(eth_frame_ptr->dest_addr, iface->mac_address, MAC_ADDR_SIZE) == 0); is_target_type = (ntohs(eth_frame_ptr->type) == type); /* Es el paquete multicast? (comprobamos el bit de la MAC) */ is_multicast = (eth_frame_ptr->dest_addr[0] && 0x1); } while (!((is_my_mac || is_multicast) && is_target_type)); /* Trama recibida con 'tipo' indicado. Copiar datos y dirección MAC origen */ memcpy(src, eth_frame_ptr->src_addr, MAC_ADDR_SIZE); payload_len = frame_len - ETH_HEADER_SIZE; memcpy(buffer, eth_frame_ptr->payload, payload_len); /* DEBUG */ if (ETH_LOG >= VERBOSE_LOG_LEVEL) { char mac_addr_str[MAC_ADDR_STR_LENGTH]; eth_mac_str(src, mac_addr_str); char* iface_name = eth_getname(iface); printf("eth_recv(type=0x%04x, payload[%d]) < %s/%s\n", type, payload_len, iface_name, mac_addr_str); if (ETH_LOG >= DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL) { print_pkt((unsigned char *) eth_frame_ptr, frame_len, ETH_HEADER_SIZE); } } return payload_len; }
void nl_tx_task() { TransmitBuffer *ptr = NULL; // pointer to the buffer to be transmitted nrk_sig_t tx_done_signal; // to hold the tx_done signal from the link layer int8_t ret; // to hold the return value of various functions int8_t port_index; // to store the index of the corresponding port element int8_t sent; // to count the number of times the HELLO msg was sent int8_t isApplication; // flag to indicate whether the packet in the transmit // buffer is an APPLICATION / NW_CONTROL packet nrk_time_t timeout; nrk_time_t start; // used for sending network control messages nrk_time_t end; nrk_time_t elapsed; // wait for the nl_rx_task to start bmac while(!bmac_started()) nrk_wait_until_next_period(); // retrieve and register for the 'transmit done' signal from bmac tx_done_signal = bmac_get_tx_done_signal(); if( nrk_signal_register(tx_done_signal) == NRK_ERROR ) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: Error while registering for the bmax_tx_done_signal\r\n")); } // initialise the timer nrk_time_get(&start); end.secs = start.secs; end.nano_secs = start.nano_secs; sent = 0; // set the radio power if( bmac_set_rf_power(10) == NRK_ERROR) { nrk_led_set(RED_LED); nrk_int_disable(); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("Error setting the transmit power\r\n")); } while(1) { isApplication = FALSE; // assume at the beginning that a nw_ctrl pkt will be transmitted ret = nrk_time_sub(&elapsed, end, start); if(ret == 0) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: Error returned by nrk_time_sub\r\n")); } nrk_time_compact_nanos(&elapsed); if(elapsed.secs >= HELLO_PERIOD) { sent++; build_Msg_Hello(&mhe); // build the 'HELLO' message if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("After building Msg_Hello, packet = ")); print_pkt(&pkt_tx); } enter_cr(bm_sem, 34); ret = insert_tx_aq(&pkt_tx); // insert it into the transmit queue leave_cr(bm_sem, 34); if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("build_Msg_Hello() inserted packet.")); print_tx_buffer(); //print_pkt_header(&pkt_tx); } if(ret == NRK_ERROR && DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("HELLO msg was not inserted into the transmit queue\r\n")); } start.secs = end.secs; start.nano_secs = end.nano_secs; // reinitialise the timer } if(sent >= 3) //NGB_LIST_PERIOD / HELLO_PERIOD) // NGB_LIST period is always a multiple of HELLO_PERIOD { build_Msg_NgbList(&mn); // build the 'NGB_LIST' message enter_cr(bm_sem, 34); ret = insert_tx_aq(&pkt_tx); // insert it into the transmit queue leave_cr(bm_sem, 34); if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("build_Msg_NgbList() inserted packet.")); print_tx_buffer(); //print_pkt_header(&pkt_tx); } if(ret == NRK_ERROR && DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NGB_LIST msg was not inserted into the transmit queue\r\n")); } sent = 0; // reset the value of 'sent' } if(rand() % 2 == 0) // random number generator collect_queue_statistics(); enter_cr(bm_sem, 34); ptr = remove_tx_aq(); leave_cr(bm_sem, 34); if(ptr == NULL) // transmit queue is empty { if(DEBUG_NL == 2) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL:Transmit queue is empty\r\n")); // update the end time nrk_time_get(&end); nrk_wait_until_next_period(); // FIX ME continue; } if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task(): Packet removed. Packet = ")); //print_pkt_header( &(ptr -> pkt) ); print_pkt( &(ptr -> pkt) ); //print_tx_buffer(); } // check to see the type of packet. It should be of type APPLICATION and be sent by this // node if( (pkt_type(&(ptr -> pkt)) == APPLICATION) && ((ptr -> pkt).src == NODE_ADDR) ) { // remove the encapsulated TL segment from the packet unpack_TL_UDP_header(&seg, (ptr -> pkt).data); memcpy(, (ptr -> pkt).data + SIZE_TRANSPORT_UDP_HEADER, MAX_APP_PAYLOAD); if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task(): Segment Removed = ")); print_seg(&seg); } isApplication = TRUE; } // pack the network packet header into the transmit buffer pack_NW_Packet_header(tx_buf, &(ptr -> pkt)); // append the network payload into the transmit buffer memcpy(tx_buf + SIZE_NW_PACKET_HEADER, (ptr -> pkt).data, MAX_NETWORK_PAYLOAD); enter_cr(bm_sem, 34); insert_tx_fq(ptr); // release the transmit buffer into the free queue leave_cr(bm_sem, 34); if(DEBUG_NL == 2) { nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task(): Released transmit buffer back into queue\n")); print_tx_buffer(); } do { ret = bmac_tx_pkt_nonblocking(tx_buf, SIZE_NW_PACKET); // try to queue the buffer in link layer if(ret == NRK_ERROR) if(nrk_event_wait(SIG(tx_done_signal)) == 0) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: Error returned by nrk_event_wait(tx_done_signal)\r\n")); } }while(ret == NRK_ERROR); // packet is queued at link layer timeout.secs = 10; // set a wait period of maximum 10 seconds timeout.nano_secs = 0; if( nrk_signal_register(nrk_wakeup_signal) == NRK_ERROR ) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL:nl_tx(): Error registering for nrk_wakeup_signal\r\n")); } if( nrk_set_next_wakeup(timeout) == NRK_ERROR) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx(): Error returned by nrk_set_next_wakeup()\r\n")); } nrk_led_set(BLUE_LED); ret = nrk_event_wait (SIG(tx_done_signal) | SIG(nrk_wakeup_signal)); // wait for its transmission if(ret == 0) { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: Error returned by nrk_event_wait(tx_done_signal)\r\n")); } if(ret & SIG(tx_done_signal)) // bmac has successfully sent the packet over the radio { if(isApplication == TRUE) // it was an application layer packet { enter_cr(tl_sem, 34); port_index = port_to_port_index(seg.srcPort); if(port_index == NRK_ERROR) // sanity check { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task: Bug detected in implementation of port element array\r\n")); } // signal 'send done' signal if(nrk_event_signal(ports[port_index].send_done_signal) == NRK_ERROR) { if(nrk_errno_get() == 1) // sanity check. This means signal was not created { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task: Bug detected in creating signals in port element array\r\n")); } } leave_cr(tl_sem, 34); }// end if(isApplication == TRUE) else // a network control message was transmitted. Nothing to signal ; // do nothing } // end if(signal received = tx_done_signal) else if(ret & SIG(nrk_wakeup_signal)) { //nrk_led_set(RED_LED); //nrk_int_disable(); //while(1) //{ nrk_kprintf(PSTR("BMAC did not transmit the packet within specified time\r\n")); //} } else // unknown signal caught { nrk_int_disable(); nrk_led_set(RED_LED); while(1) nrk_kprintf(PSTR("NL: nl_tx_task(): Unknown signal caught\r\n")); } nrk_led_clr(BLUE_LED); // update the end time nrk_time_get(&end); } // end while(1) return; }
void client_nat_transform(const struct client_nat_option_list *list, struct buffer *ipbuf, const int direction) { struct ip_tcp_udp_hdr *h = (struct ip_tcp_udp_hdr *) BPTR(ipbuf); int i; uint32_t addr, *addr_ptr; const uint32_t *from, *to; int accumulate = 0; unsigned int amask; unsigned int alog = 0; if (check_debug_level(D_CLIENT_NAT)) { print_pkt(&h->ip, "BEFORE", direction, D_CLIENT_NAT); } for (i = 0; i < list->n; ++i) { const struct client_nat_entry *e = &list->entries[i]; /* current NAT rule */ if (e->type ^ direction) { addr = *(addr_ptr = &h->ip.daddr); amask = 2; } else { addr = *(addr_ptr = &h->ip.saddr); amask = 1; } if (direction) { from = &e->foreign_network; to = &e->network; } else { from = &e->network; to = &e->foreign_network; } if (((addr & e->netmask) == *from) && !(amask & alog)) { /* pre-adjust IP checksum */ ADD_CHECKSUM_32(accumulate, addr); /* do NAT transform */ addr = (addr & ~e->netmask) | *to; /* post-adjust IP checksum */ SUB_CHECKSUM_32(accumulate, addr); /* write the modified address to packet */ *addr_ptr = addr; /* mark as modified */ alog |= amask; } } if (alog) { if (check_debug_level(D_CLIENT_NAT)) { print_pkt(&h->ip, "AFTER", direction, D_CLIENT_NAT); } ADJUST_CHECKSUM(accumulate, h->ip.check); if (h->ip.protocol == OPENVPN_IPPROTO_TCP) { if (BLEN(ipbuf) >= sizeof(struct openvpn_iphdr) + sizeof(struct openvpn_tcphdr)) { ADJUST_CHECKSUM(accumulate, h->u.tcp.check); } } else if (h->ip.protocol == OPENVPN_IPPROTO_UDP) { if (BLEN(ipbuf) >= sizeof(struct openvpn_iphdr) + sizeof(struct openvpn_udphdr)) { ADJUST_CHECKSUM(accumulate, h->u.udp.check); } } } }
// Handles the incomming CAN Packets // Each ID that deals with specific controllers a note is // given where that info came from. There could be a lot of overlap // and exceptions here. -- Craig void handle_pkt(int can, struct canfd_frame frame) { if(DEBUG) print_pkt(frame); switch(frame.can_id) { case 0x243: // EBCM / GM / Chevy Malibu 2006 switch([1]) { case UDS_SID_TESTER_PRESENT: if(verbose > 1) plog("Received TesterPresent\n"); generic_OK_resp_to(can, frame, 0x643); break; case UDS_SID_GM_READ_DIAG_INFO: handle_gm_read_diag(can, frame); break; default: if(verbose) print_pkt(frame); if(verbose) plog("Unhandled mode/sid: %s\n", get_mode_str(frame)); break; } break; case 0x244: // Body Control Module / GM / Chevy Malibu 2006 if([0] == 0x30) { // Flow control flow_control_push_to(can, 0x644); return; } switch([1]) { case UDS_SID_TESTER_PRESENT: if(verbose > 1) plog("Received TesterPresent\n"); generic_OK_resp_to(can, frame, 0x644); break; case UDS_SID_GM_READ_DIAG_INFO: handle_gm_read_diag(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_GM_READ_DATA_BY_ID: handle_gm_read_data_by_id(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_GM_READ_DID_BY_ID: handle_gm_read_did_by_id(can, frame); break; default: if(verbose) print_pkt(frame); if(verbose) plog("Unhandled mode/sid: %s\n", get_mode_str(frame)); break; } break; case 0x24A: // Power Steering / GM / Chevy Malibu 2006 switch([1]) { default: if(verbose) print_pkt(frame); if(verbose) plog("Unhandled mode/sid: %s\n", get_mode_str(frame)); break; } break; case 0x350: // Unsure. Seen RTRs to this when requesting VIN if (frame.can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) { if (verbose) plog("Received a RTR at ID %02X\n", frame.can_id); } break; case 0x710: // VCDS if(verbose) print_pkt(frame); handle_vcds_710(can, frame); break; case 0x7df: case 0x7e0: // Sometimes flow control comes here if(verbose) print_pkt(frame); if([0] == 0x30 && gBufLengthRemaining > 0) flow_control_push(can); if([0] == 0 || frame.len == 0) return; if([0] > frame.len) return; switch ([1]) { case OBD_MODE_SHOW_CURRENT_DATA: handle_current_data(can, frame); break; case OBD_MODE_SHOW_FREEZE_FRAME: handle_freeze_frame(can, frame); break; case OBD_MODE_READ_DTC: handle_stored_codes(can, frame); break; case OBD_MODE_READ_PENDING_DTC: handle_pending_codes(can, frame); break; case OBD_MODE_VEHICLE_INFORMATION: handle_vehicle_info(can, frame); break; case OBD_MODE_READ_PERM_DTC: handle_perm_codes(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_DIAGNOSTIC_CONTROL: // DSC handle_dsc(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_READ_DATA_BY_ID: handle_read_data_by_id(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_TESTER_PRESENT: if(verbose > 1) plog("Received TesterPresent\n"); generic_OK_resp(can, frame); break; case UDS_SID_GM_READ_DIAG_INFO: handle_gm_read_diag(can, frame); break; default: //if(verbose) plog("Unhandled mode/sid: %02X\n",[1]); if(verbose) plog("Unhandled mode/sid: %s\n", get_mode_str(frame)); break; } break; default: if (DEBUG) print_pkt(frame); if (DEBUG) plog("DEBUG: missed ID %02X\n", frame.can_id); break; } }
/** * stmmac_xmit: * @skb : the socket buffer * @dev : device pointer * Description : Tx entry point of the driver. */ static netdev_tx_t stmmac_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) { struct stmmac_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev); unsigned int txsize = priv->dma_tx_size; unsigned int entry; int i, csum_insertion = 0; int nfrags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; struct dma_desc *desc, *first; if (unlikely(stmmac_tx_avail(priv) < nfrags + 1)) { if (!netif_queue_stopped(dev)) { netif_stop_queue(dev); /* This is a hard error, log it. */ pr_err("%s: BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake\n", __func__); } return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } entry = priv->cur_tx % txsize; #ifdef STMMAC_XMIT_DEBUG if ((skb->len > ETH_FRAME_LEN) || nfrags) pr_info("stmmac xmit:\n" "\tskb addr %p - len: %d - nopaged_len: %d\n" "\tn_frags: %d - ip_summed: %d - %s gso\n", skb, skb->len, skb_headlen(skb), nfrags, skb->ip_summed, !skb_is_gso(skb) ? "isn't" : "is"); #endif csum_insertion = (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL); desc = priv->dma_tx + entry; first = desc; #ifdef STMMAC_XMIT_DEBUG if ((nfrags > 0) || (skb->len > ETH_FRAME_LEN)) pr_debug("stmmac xmit: skb len: %d, nopaged_len: %d,\n" "\t\tn_frags: %d, ip_summed: %d\n", skb->len, skb_headlen(skb), nfrags, skb->ip_summed); #endif priv->tx_skbuff[entry] = skb; if (unlikely(skb->len >= BUF_SIZE_4KiB)) { entry = stmmac_handle_jumbo_frames(skb, dev, csum_insertion); desc = priv->dma_tx + entry; } else { unsigned int nopaged_len = skb_headlen(skb); desc->des2 = dma_map_single(priv->device, skb->data, nopaged_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); priv->hw->desc->prepare_tx_desc(desc, 1, nopaged_len, csum_insertion); } for (i = 0; i < nfrags; i++) { skb_frag_t *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; int len = frag->size; entry = (++priv->cur_tx) % txsize; desc = priv->dma_tx + entry; TX_DBG("\t[entry %d] segment len: %d\n", entry, len); desc->des2 = dma_map_page(priv->device, frag->page, frag->page_offset, len, DMA_TO_DEVICE); priv->tx_skbuff[entry] = NULL; priv->hw->desc->prepare_tx_desc(desc, 0, len, csum_insertion); wmb(); priv->hw->desc->set_tx_owner(desc); } /* Interrupt on completition only for the latest segment */ priv->hw->desc->close_tx_desc(desc); #ifdef CONFIG_STMMAC_TIMER /* Clean IC while using timer */ if (likely(priv->tm->enable)) priv->hw->desc->clear_tx_ic(desc); #endif wmb(); /* To avoid raise condition */ priv->hw->desc->set_tx_owner(first); priv->cur_tx++; #ifdef STMMAC_XMIT_DEBUG if (netif_msg_pktdata(priv)) { pr_info("stmmac xmit: current=%d, dirty=%d, entry=%d, " "first=%p, nfrags=%d\n", (priv->cur_tx % txsize), (priv->dirty_tx % txsize), entry, first, nfrags); display_ring(priv->dma_tx, txsize); pr_info(">>> frame to be transmitted: "); print_pkt(skb->data, skb->len); } #endif if (unlikely(stmmac_tx_avail(priv) <= (MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 1))) { TX_DBG("%s: stop transmitted packets\n", __func__); netif_stop_queue(dev); } dev->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; skb_tx_timestamp(skb); priv->hw->dma->enable_dma_transmission(priv->ioaddr); return NETDEV_TX_OK; }
static int stmmac_rx(struct stmmac_priv *priv, int limit) { unsigned int rxsize = priv->dma_rx_size; unsigned int entry = priv->cur_rx % rxsize; unsigned int next_entry; unsigned int count = 0; struct dma_desc *p = priv->dma_rx + entry; struct dma_desc *p_next; #ifdef STMMAC_RX_DEBUG if (netif_msg_hw(priv)) { pr_debug(">>> stmmac_rx: descriptor ring:\n"); display_ring(priv->dma_rx, rxsize); } #endif count = 0; while (!priv->hw->desc->get_rx_owner(p)) { int status; if (count >= limit) break; count++; next_entry = (++priv->cur_rx) % rxsize; p_next = priv->dma_rx + next_entry; prefetch(p_next); /* read the status of the incoming frame */ status = (priv->hw->desc->rx_status(&priv->dev->stats, &priv->xstats, p)); if (unlikely(status == discard_frame)) priv->dev->stats.rx_errors++; else { struct sk_buff *skb; int frame_len; frame_len = priv->hw->desc->get_rx_frame_len(p); /* ACS is set; GMAC core strips PAD/FCS for IEEE 802.3 * Type frames (LLC/LLC-SNAP) */ if (unlikely(status != llc_snap)) frame_len -= ETH_FCS_LEN; #ifdef STMMAC_RX_DEBUG if (frame_len > ETH_FRAME_LEN) pr_debug("\tRX frame size %d, COE status: %d\n", frame_len, status); if (netif_msg_hw(priv)) pr_debug("\tdesc: %p [entry %d] buff=0x%x\n", p, entry, p->des2); #endif skb = priv->rx_skbuff[entry]; if (unlikely(!skb)) { pr_err("%s: Inconsistent Rx descriptor chain\n", priv->dev->name); priv->dev->stats.rx_dropped++; break; } prefetch(skb->data - NET_IP_ALIGN); priv->rx_skbuff[entry] = NULL; skb_put(skb, frame_len); dma_unmap_single(priv->device, priv->rx_skbuff_dma[entry], priv->dma_buf_sz, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); #ifdef STMMAC_RX_DEBUG if (netif_msg_pktdata(priv)) { pr_info(" frame received (%dbytes)", frame_len); print_pkt(skb->data, frame_len); } #endif skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, priv->dev); if (unlikely(status == csum_none)) { /* always for the old mac 10/100 */ skb_checksum_none_assert(skb); netif_receive_skb(skb); } else { skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY; napi_gro_receive(&priv->napi, skb); } priv->dev->stats.rx_packets++; priv->dev->stats.rx_bytes += frame_len; } entry = next_entry; p = p_next; /* use prefetched values */ } stmmac_rx_refill(priv); priv->xstats.rx_pkt_n += count; return count; }
void process_blocks(struct gprs_tbf *t, int ul) { uint8_t bsn, bsn2; struct gprs_frag *f; struct gprs_lime *l; unsigned i, skip; unsigned llc_len = 0; uint8_t llc_data[65536]; uint8_t llc_first_bsn; uint8_t llc_last_bsn = 0; uint8_t li_off; uint32_t current_fn; /* get current "time", oldest unreassembled frag */ bsn = t->start_bsn; while (t->frags[bsn].len == 0) { bsn = (bsn+1)%128; if (bsn == t->start_bsn) { printf("no valid blocks in current TBF!\n"); fflush(stdout); return; } } current_fn = t->frags[bsn].fn; t->start_bsn = bsn; /* walk through framents, mark reassembled/used blocks */ skip = 0; for (bsn = t->start_bsn; bsn != ((t->last_bsn+1)%128); bsn = (bsn+1)%128) { /* get frament descriptor */ f = &t->frags[bsn]; printf(" bsn %d ", bsn); fflush(stdout); /* already processed or null */ if (!f->len) { printf("null\n"); fflush(stdout); llc_len = 0; skip = 1; continue; } /* check frament age */ if (too_old(current_fn, f->fn)) { printf("old sement\n"); fflush(stdout); llc_len = 0; skip = 1; continue; } /* update "time" */ current_fn = f->fn; if (llc_len && !bsn_is_next(llc_last_bsn, bsn)) { printf("missing bsn, previous %d\n", llc_last_bsn); fflush(stdout); llc_len = 0; skip = 1; continue; } /* check for multiple blocks/parts */ if (f->n_blocks == 0) { /* check if first part of message */ if (!llc_len) llc_first_bsn = bsn; /* append data to buffer */ memcpy(&llc_data[llc_len], f->data, f->len); llc_len += f->len; llc_last_bsn = bsn; /* last TBF block? (very rare condition) */ if (f->last) { printf("end of TBF\n"); fflush(stdout); print_pkt(llc_data, llc_len); net_send_llc(llc_data, llc_len, ul); /* reset all framents */ for (bsn2 = 0; bsn2 < 128; bsn2++) { f = &t->frags[bsn2]; f->len = 0; f->n_blocks = 0; } /* reset buffer state */ llc_len = 0; t->start_bsn = 0; } } else { /* multiple data parts */ li_off = 0; for (i=0; i<f->n_blocks; i++) { printf("\nlime %d\n", i); fflush(stdout); l = &f->blocks[i]; if (l->used) { if (llc_len) { // error! printf("\nlime error!\n"); fflush(stdout); llc_len = 0; } } else { if (!llc_len) llc_first_bsn = bsn; /* append data to buffer */ memcpy(&llc_data[llc_len], &f->data[li_off], l->li); llc_len += l->li; llc_last_bsn = bsn; if (!l->e || !l->m || (l->e && l->m)) { /* message ends here */ printf("end of message reached\n"); fflush(stdout); print_pkt(llc_data, llc_len); net_send_llc(llc_data, llc_len, ul); /* mark frags as used */ l->used = 1; if (llc_first_bsn != bsn) { } llc_len = 0; if (!skip) t->start_bsn = bsn; } } li_off += l->li; } /* is spare data valid? */ if (l->m) { if (llc_len) { printf("spare and buffer not empty!\n"); print_pkt(llc_data, llc_len); fflush(stdout); } if ((f->len > li_off) && (f->len-li_off < 65536)) { memcpy(llc_data, &f->data[li_off], f->len-li_off); llc_len = f->len - li_off; llc_first_bsn = bsn; llc_last_bsn = bsn; t->start_bsn = bsn; } } } } /* shift window if needed */ if (((t->last_bsn - t->start_bsn) % 128) > 64) { t->start_bsn = (t->last_bsn - 64) % 128; printf("shifting window\n"); fflush(stdout); } }