int F847126(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int hi_cutid = 0; //客户ID int hi_cuttype = 0; //客户类型 int i=0; int ret = 0; int len = 0; char h_showcardid[11] = ""; //显示卡号 char h_password[7] = ""; //卡密码 double h_temp_Card_id = 0; //卡号 char seed_key[17] = ""; //种子密钥 char card_endtime[8 + 1] = ""; //卡的有效截至日期 char logicdate[11]=""; //业务日期 char sysdate[11]=""; char systime[9]=""; char sMsg[256]=""; char sMaxCardBalance[20]=""; double dMaxCardBalance=0; int type=0; //充值类型 T_t_pif_card tCard; T_t_cif_customer tCustomer; T_t_aif_account tAccount; T_t_tif_tradeserial tradeserial; T_t_tif_savdtl tSavdtl; T_t_pif_spefee tSpeFee; T_t_pif_carddtl carddtl; double h_temp_Serial_no = 0; InAcc IA; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *out_pack = &(aPack.pack); memset(&IA,0,sizeof(IA)); memset(&tCard, 0, sizeof(tCard)); memset(&tAccount,0,sizeof(tAccount)); memset(&tradeserial,0,sizeof(tradeserial)); memset(&tSpeFee,0,sizeof(tSpeFee)); memset(&tCustomer,0,sizeof(tCustomer)); memset(&tSavdtl,0,sizeof(tSavdtl)); memset(&carddtl,0,sizeof(carddtl)); #ifdef DEBUG writelog(LOG_DEBUG,"rPack->scust_auth2[%s]",rPack->scust_auth2); #endif ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); SetCol(handle,0); SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL1,F_LVOL5, F_SCUST_NO, F_SCUST_NO2,F_SCUST_AUTH,F_SCUST_AUTH2, F_SDATE0,F_SNAME,F_SNAME2, F_SOPEN_EMP,F_SSTATUS0, F_DAMT2,F_LSERIAL1,F_VSMESS,0); hi_cutid = rPack->lvol0; //客户ID hi_cuttype = rPack->lvol3; //客户类别 des2src(h_showcardid,rPack->scust_no); //显示卡号 getsysdate(sysdate); getsystime(systime); ret=GetLogicDate(logicdate); //业务日期 if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } //检查客户信息,判断是否可以发行卡 des2src(tCard.physical_no, rPack->sbank_acc); //物理卡号 trim(h_showcardid); /* if(strlen(h_showcardid)) { ret=IsExistShowCardNo(h_showcardid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } } */ ret=IsExistShowCardNo(h_showcardid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret = UseShowCardNo(rPack->scust_limit,h_showcardid,CT_VIP); if(ret) return ret; ret=IsExistCardByPhyCardNo(tCard.physical_no); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=IsExistCardByCustomId(hi_cutid); if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=DB_t_cif_customer_read_lock_by_cur_and_cut_id(hi_cutid, &tCustomer); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"cut_id[%d]",hi_cutid); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_R; goto L_RETU; } //得到收费类别 if(tCustomer.fee_type<1) { ret=DB_t_pif_spefee_read_by_dept_code_and_cut_type(tCustomer.classdept_no, tCustomer.cut_type,&tSpeFee); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) { tCustomer.fee_type=tCustomer.cut_type; } else { DB_t_cif_customer_free_lock_cur(); *pRetCode=E_DB_SPEFEE_R; goto L_RETU; } } else { tCustomer.fee_type=tSpeFee.fee_type; } //更新客户表的收费类别字段 ret=DB_t_cif_customer_update_lock_by_cur(&tCustomer); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_U; goto L_RETU; } } DB_t_cif_customer_free_lock_cur(); tradeserial.trade_fee =rPack->damt0; //检查金额是否超过最大额度 ret=GetParameter(GLOBE_MAXCARDBALANCE,sMaxCardBalance); if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } dMaxCardBalance=atof(sMaxCardBalance); if(amtcmp(tradeserial.trade_fee,dMaxCardBalance)>0) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"tradeserial.trade_fee[%lf]",tradeserial.trade_fee); *pRetCode=E_AMT_EXCEED_MAX; goto L_RETU; } // 准备数据插入卡信息表 memcpy(seed_key,STATIC_SEED_KEY,sizeof(seed_key)); //读种子密钥 ret=IsInvalidDateTime(rPack->sdate0,"YYYYMMDD"); if(ret) { *pRetCode = E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } if(strncmp(rPack->sdate0,sysdate,8)<=0) { *pRetCode=E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } des2src(card_endtime,rPack->sdate0); /* ret = GetCardValiddate(hi_cuttype,logicdate,card_endtime); //计算卡的有效期 if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } */ // 默认密码, 初始取身份证的后6位, 没有身份证号用666666. trim(rPack->sname2); len=strlen(rPack->sname2) ; if (len >= 6) { strncpy(h_password,&(rPack->sname2[len-6]),6); if(h_password[5]>'9'||h_password[5]<'0') h_password[5]='0'; } else { strcpy(h_password,"666666"); } ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_CARD_ID,&h_temp_Card_id); //获取最大卡号 if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } tCard.card_id = (int)h_temp_Card_id; //卡号 des2src(tCard.showid,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(tCard.is_main,TYPE_YES); //是否为主卡 des2src(tCard.state_id,CARDSTAT_REG); //卡状态 tCard.type_id = CT_VIP; //卡类别 EncodePwd(seed_key,h_password,tCard.password,0); //卡密码 tCard.cosumer_id = hi_cutid; //客户标识 tCard.account_count = ACCOUNT_COUNT_ONE; //卡对应帐户个数 des2src(tCard.begin_time,logicdate); //注册时间 des2src(tCard.end_time, card_endtime); //截至时间 tCard.phytype = PHYTYPE_NO_ONE; //设备物理型号;默认为1 // 插入卡信息 ret = DB_t_pif_card_add(&tCard); if (ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_I; goto L_RETU; } //插入卡片操作情况表 des2src(carddtl.accdate,sysdate); des2src(carddtl.acctime,systime); carddtl.termid=rPack->lvol6; //上传工作站标识 ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_T_PIF_CARDDTL,&h_temp_Serial_no); //获取流水号 if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"getNewUniqNo[KEYTYPE_T_PIF_CARDDTL] "); return ret; } carddtl.termseqno = D2I(h_temp_Serial_no); des2src(carddtl.opercode,rPack->scust_limit); carddtl.cardtype=CT_VIP; carddtl.usetype[0]=CARDUSETYPE_USE; carddtl.inoutflag=INOUTFLAG_OUT; carddtl.transcnt=1; strcpy(carddtl.summary,"发行VIP 记名临时卡"); des2src(carddtl.cardphyid,rPack->sbank_acc); des2src(carddtl.showcardno,h_showcardid); ret=DB_t_pif_carddtl_add(&carddtl); if(ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) return E_DB_CARDDTL_E; else return E_DB_CARDDTL_I; } // 准备数据插入帐户信息表 ret = getNewActno(tAccount.account_id); //获得最大帐号 if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } des2src(tAccount.open_date,sysdate); //开户时间 des2src(tAccount.open_time,systime); tAccount.current_state = ACCOUNTSTAT_REGIST; //当前状态 tAccount.act_type = ACCTYPE_PERMAIN; //帐号类别 tAccount.customer_id = rPack->lvol0; //客户号 des2src(tAccount.cut_name,rPack->sname); //客户名称 tAccount.cut_type = hi_cuttype; //客户类别 des2src(tAccount.stuemp_no,rPack->scust_auth2); //客户学号或员工号 tAccount.card_id = tCard.card_id; //关联卡号 tAccount.purse_id = PURSE_NO_ONE; //关联卡钱包号 tAccount.card_type = tCard.type_id; //卡类别 des2src(tAccount.subno,SUBJECT_INDIVIDUALSAVING); //所属科目 des2src(tAccount.isautotra,TYPE_NO); //是否自动转帐 // 插入帐户信息表 ret = DB_t_aif_account_add(&tAccount); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret [%d]",ret); if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_I; goto L_RETU; } ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_TRADESERIAL,&h_temp_Serial_no); //获得最大流水号 if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret [%d]",ret); goto L_RETU; } // add by 汤成2005-09-05 // 记录发行正式卡信息 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ret = InsertToCutUpdList((int)h_temp_Card_id, CUTUPD_ADD); if( ret ) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tradeserial.serial_no = (int)h_temp_Serial_no; //流水号 tradeserial.other_seri_no = 0; //上传端流水号 tradeserial.serial_type=TXCODE_CARD_OPEN_VIP_CASH; //交易码 tradeserial.serial_state = SERISTAT_DEBT; //流水状态 des2src(tradeserial.operate_date,sysdate); //发生日期 des2src(tradeserial.operate_time,systime); //发生时间 des2src(tradeserial.collect_date,sysdate); //采集日期 des2src(tradeserial.collect_time,systime); //采集时间 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_date,logicdate); //处理日期 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_time,systime); //处理时间 tradeserial.maindevice_id = rPack->lvol6; //上传工作站标识 tradeserial.device_id = rPack->lvol7; //采集设备标识 tradeserial.card_id = tCard.card_id; //卡号 des2src(tradeserial.showid,tCard.showid); //显示卡号 tradeserial.purse_id = PURSE_NO_ONE; //钱包号 tradeserial.customer_id = hi_cutid; //客户标识 des2src(tradeserial.oper_code , rPack->scust_limit); //操作员代码 tradeserial.sys_id = 0; //外部系统标识 tradeserial.trade_count=1; //当前卡交易次数 type=rPack->lvol4; //交易类型 IA.dArrInAmt[0]=tradeserial.trade_fee; switch(type) { case TYPE_CASH: //现金 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[1]=1; break; case TYPE_BILL: //支票 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[2]=1; break; case TYPE_FUNDBOOK: //经费本 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[3]=1; break; default: *pRetCode=E_INPUT_DEPOSIT_TYPE; goto L_RETU; } switch(type) { case TYPE_CASH: //现金 break; case TYPE_BILL: //支票 case TYPE_FUNDBOOK: //经费本 tSavdtl.amount=rPack->damt0; //发生额 if(amtcmp(tSavdtl.amount,0)<=0) break; des2src(tSavdtl.bill_no,rPack->sphone); //票据号码 if(strlen(tSavdtl.bill_no)<1) { *pRetCode=E_INPUT_BILLNO; goto L_RETU; } tSavdtl.card_no=tCard.card_id; //卡号 des2src(tSavdtl.oper_no,rPack->scust_limit); //操作员 tSavdtl.seqno=tradeserial.serial_no; //流水号 des2src(tSavdtl.tx_date,logicdate); //发生日期 des2src(tSavdtl.tx_time,systime); //发生时间 tSavdtl.cnt=1; //票据数量 tSavdtl.bill_type=type; //票据类型 tSavdtl.tx_code=tradeserial.serial_type; //交易码 ret=DB_t_tif_savdtl_add(&tSavdtl); if(ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_SAVDTL_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_SAVDTL_I; goto L_RETU; } break; default: *pRetCode=E_TXCODE_NOT_EXIST; goto L_RETU; } des2src(IA.sArrInActno[0],tAccount.account_id); //帐户 IA.iCardNo=tCard.card_id; IA.iFeeType=tCustomer.fee_type; //调用入账子模块 ret=process(&IA,&tradeserial); if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; writelog(LOG_ERR,"process ret[%d]",ret); goto L_RETU; } sprintf(out_pack->vsmess,"流水号:%d 卡号:%d ",IA.iSerialNo,IA.iCardNo); for(i=1;i<=IA.iOutTxTypeCnt;i++) { switch(IA.iArrOutTxType[i]) { case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT_FUNDBOOK: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_RETURN_DEPOSIT: tradeserial.deposit_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD_BILL: case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD_FUNDBOOK: case TXTYPE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_BOARD: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD_BILL: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.boardfee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.in_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.cost_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; default: break; } if(amtcmp(IA.dArrOutAmt[i],0)!=0) { sprintf(sMsg,"%s:%.2lf元 ",IA.sArrOutTxName[i],IA.dArrOutAmt[i]); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); } } sprintf(sMsg,"卡当前余额:%.2lf元",tradeserial.out_balance); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); writelog(LOG_DEBUG,out_pack->vsmess); // 插入交易流水表 ret = DB_t_tif_tradeserial_add(&tradeserial); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret[%d]",ret); if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_I; goto L_RETU; } if(amtcmp(tradeserial.out_balance,0)<0) { *pRetCode=E_ENTER_ACCOUNT; goto L_RETU; } // 返回卡号\密码\显示卡号\客户类型\图书证号\有效截至日期 out_pack->lvol0 = (int)h_temp_Card_id; //交易卡号 out_pack->lvol1 = tCustomer.cut_type; //客户类别 out_pack->lvol5 = tCustomer.fee_type; //收费类别 des2src(out_pack->scust_no,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(out_pack->scust_no2,tCustomer.classdept_no); //部门号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth,tCustomer.stuemp_no); //学号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth2,tCustomer.man_id); //身份证号 des2src(out_pack->sname,tCustomer.cut_name); //客户姓名 des2src(out_pack->sname2,tCustomer.lib_cardid); //图书证号 des2src(out_pack->sstatus0,; //性别 des2src(out_pack->sopen_emp,h_password); //卡密码 des2src(out_pack->sdate0,card_endtime); //有效截至日期 out_pack->damt2=tradeserial.out_balance; //出卡值 out_pack->lserial1=tradeserial.serial_no; //流水号 PutRow(handle,out_pack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; L_RETU: return -1; }
// returns true if there was new data bool FileWatch::update() { process(); return data.size() > 0; }
void ui_menu_input::handle() { input_item_data *seqchangeditem = nullptr; const ui_menu_event *menu_event; int invalidate = false; /* process the menu */ menu_event = process((pollingitem != nullptr) ? UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOKEYS : 0); /* if we are polling, handle as a special case */ if (pollingitem != nullptr) { input_item_data *item = pollingitem; /* if UI_CANCEL is pressed, abort */ if (ui_input_pressed(machine(), IPT_UI_CANCEL)) { pollingitem = nullptr; record_next = false; toggle_none_default(item->seq, starting_seq, *item->defseq); seqchangeditem = item; } /* poll again; if finished, update the sequence */ if (machine().input().seq_poll()) { pollingitem = nullptr; record_next = true; item->seq = machine().input().seq_poll_final(); seqchangeditem = item; } } /* otherwise, handle the events */ else if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->itemref != nullptr) { input_item_data *item = (input_item_data *)menu_event->itemref; switch (menu_event->iptkey) { /* an item was selected: begin polling */ case IPT_UI_SELECT: pollingitem = item; last_sortorder = item->sortorder; starting_seq = item->seq; machine().input().seq_poll_start((item->type == INPUT_TYPE_ANALOG) ? ITEM_CLASS_ABSOLUTE : ITEM_CLASS_SWITCH, record_next ? &item->seq : nullptr); invalidate = true; break; /* if the clear key was pressed, reset the selected item */ case IPT_UI_CLEAR: toggle_none_default(item->seq, item->seq, *item->defseq); record_next = false; seqchangeditem = item; break; } /* if the selection changed, reset the "record next" flag */ if (item->sortorder != last_sortorder) record_next = false; last_sortorder = item->sortorder; } /* if the sequence changed, update it */ if (seqchangeditem != nullptr) { update_input(seqchangeditem); /* invalidate the menu to force an update */ invalidate = true; } /* if the menu is invalidated, clear it now */ if (invalidate) { pollingref = nullptr; if (pollingitem != nullptr) { pollingref = pollingitem->ref; pollingseq = pollingitem->seqtype; } reset(UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_POSITION); } }
Vector Process(const Vector &input) { assert(input.rows() == numInputs); NetworkContext ctx; return process(input, ctx); }
void OscapScannerRemoteSsh::evaluate() { if (mDryRun) { signalCompletion(mCancelRequested); return; } ensureConnected(); if (mCancelRequested) { signalCompletion(true); return; } emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Querying capabilities on remote machine...")); { SshSyncProcess proc(mSshConnection, this); proc.setCommand(SCAP_WORKBENCH_REMOTE_OSCAP_PATH); proc.setArguments(QStringList("--v")); proc.setCancelRequestSource(&mCancelRequested);; if (proc.getExitCode() != 0) { emit errorMessage( QObject::tr("Failed to query capabilities of oscap on local machine.\n" "Diagnostic info:\n%1").arg(proc.getDiagnosticInfo()) ); mCancelRequested = true; signalCompletion(mCancelRequested); return; } mCapabilities.parse(proc.getStdOutContents()); } if (!checkPrerequisites()) { mCancelRequested = true; signalCompletion(mCancelRequested); return; } QStringList baseArgs; baseArgs.append("-o"); baseArgs.append(QString("ControlPath=%1").arg(mSshConnection._getMasterSocket())); baseArgs.append(mTarget); QString diagnosticInfo; emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Copying input data to remote target...")); const QString inputFile = copyInputFileOver(); const QString tailoringFile = mSession->hasTailoring() ? copyFileOver(mSession->getTailoringFilePath()) : QString(); if (mCancelRequested) { signalCompletion(true); return; } const QString reportFile = createRemoteTemporaryFile(); const QString resultFile = createRemoteTemporaryFile(); const QString arfFile = createRemoteTemporaryFile(); const QString workingDir = createRemoteTemporaryDirectory(); // TODO: We could be leaking any of the temporary files at this point! if (mCancelRequested) { signalCompletion(true); return; } QStringList args; if (mScannerMode == SM_OFFLINE_REMEDIATION) { args = buildOfflineRemediationArgs(inputFile, resultFile, reportFile, arfFile); } else { args = buildEvaluationArgs(inputFile, tailoringFile, resultFile, reportFile, arfFile, mScannerMode == SM_SCAN_ONLINE_REMEDIATION); } const QString sshCmd = args.join(" "); emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Starting the remote process...")); QProcess process(this); process.start(SCAP_WORKBENCH_LOCAL_SSH_PATH, baseArgs + QStringList(QString("cd '%1'; " SCAP_WORKBENCH_REMOTE_OSCAP_PATH " %2").arg(workingDir).arg(sshCmd))); process.waitForStarted(); if (process.state() != QProcess::Running) { emit errorMessage(QObject::tr("Failed to start ssh. Perhaps the executable was not found?")); mCancelRequested = true; } const unsigned int pollInterval = 100; emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Processing on the remote machine...")); while (!process.waitForFinished(pollInterval)) { // read everything new readStdOut(process); watchStdErr(process); // pump the event queue, mainly because the user might want to cancel QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(mScanThread)->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); if (mCancelRequested) { emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Cancellation was requested! Terminating...")); // TODO: On Windows we have to kill immediately, terminate() posts WM_CLOSE // but oscap doesn't have any event loop running. process.terminate(); break; } } if (mCancelRequested) { unsigned int waited = 0; while (!process.waitForFinished(pollInterval)) { waited += pollInterval; if (waited > 10000) // 10 seconds should be enough for the process to terminate { emit warningMessage(QObject::tr("The oscap process didn't terminate in time, it will be killed instead.")); // if it didn't terminate, we have to kill it at this point process.kill(); break; } } } else { // read everything left over readStdOut(process); watchStdErr(process); mResults = readRemoteFile(resultFile, QObject::tr("XCCDF results")).toUtf8(); mReport = readRemoteFile(reportFile, QObject::tr("XCCDF report (HTML)")).toUtf8(); mARF = readRemoteFile(arfFile, QObject::tr("Result DataStream (ARF)")).toUtf8(); } emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Cleaning up...")); // Remove all the temporary remote files removeRemoteFile(inputFile, QObject::tr("input file")); if (!tailoringFile.isEmpty()) removeRemoteFile(tailoringFile, QObject::tr("tailoring file")); removeRemoteFile(resultFile, QObject::tr("XCCDF result file")); removeRemoteFile(reportFile, QObject::tr("XCCDF report file")); removeRemoteFile(arfFile, QObject::tr("Result DataStream file")); removeRemoteDirectory(workingDir, QObject::tr("Temporary Working Directory")); emit infoMessage(QObject::tr("Processing has been finished!")); signalCompletion(mCancelRequested); }
Interpreter::CompilationResult MetaProcessor::readInputFromFile(llvm::StringRef filename, Value* result, size_t posOpenCurly, bool lineByLine) { // FIXME: This will fail for Unicode BOMs (and seems really weird) { // check that it's not binary: std::ifstream in(filename.str().c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "open"); char magic[1024] = {0};, sizeof(magic)); size_t readMagic = in.gcount(); // Binary files < 300 bytes are rare, and below newlines etc make the // heuristic unreliable. if (! && readMagic >= 300) { llvm::StringRef magicStr(magic,in.gcount()); llvm::file_magic fileType = llvm::identify_magic(magicStr); if (fileType != llvm::file_magic::unknown) return reportIOErr(filename, "read from binary"); unsigned printable = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < readMagic; ++i) if (isprint(magic[i])) ++printable; if (10 * printable < 5 * readMagic) { // 50% printable for ASCII files should be a safe guess. return reportIOErr(filename, "won't read from likely binary"); } } } std::ifstream in(filename.str().c_str()); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "open"); in.seekg(0, std::ios::end); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "seek"); size_t size = in.tellg(); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "tell"); in.seekg(0); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "rewind"); std::string content(size, ' ');[0], size); if ( return reportIOErr(filename, "read"); static const char whitespace[] = " \t\r\n"; if (content.length() > 2 && content[0] == '#' && content[1] == '!') { // Convert shebang line to comment. That's nice because it doesn't // change the content size, leaving posOpenCurly untouched. content[0] = '/'; content[1] = '/'; } if (posOpenCurly != (size_t)-1 && !content.empty()) { assert(content[posOpenCurly] == '{' && "No curly at claimed position of opening curly!"); // hide the curly brace: content[posOpenCurly] = ' '; // and the matching closing '}' size_t posCloseCurly = content.find_last_not_of(whitespace); if (posCloseCurly != std::string::npos) { if (content[posCloseCurly] == ';' && content[posCloseCurly-1] == '}') { content[posCloseCurly--] = ' '; // replace ';' and enter next if } if (content[posCloseCurly] == '}') { content[posCloseCurly] = ' '; // replace '}' } else { std::string::size_type posBlockClose = content.find_last_of('}'); if (posBlockClose != std::string::npos) { content[posBlockClose] = ' '; // replace '}' } std::string::size_type posComment = content.find_first_not_of(whitespace, posBlockClose); if (posComment != std::string::npos && content[posComment] == '/' && content[posComment+1] == '/') { // More text (comments) are okay after the last '}', but // we can not easily find it to remove it (so we need to upgrade // this code to better handle the case with comments or // preprocessor code before and after the leading { and // trailing }) while (posComment <= posCloseCurly) { content[posComment++] = ' '; // replace '}' and comment } } else { content[posCloseCurly] = '{'; // By putting the '{' back, we keep the code as consistent as // the user wrote it ... but we should still warn that we not // goint to treat this file an unamed macro. cling::errs() << "Warning in cling::MetaProcessor: can not find the closing '}', " << llvm::sys::path::filename(filename) << " is not handled as an unamed script!\n"; } // did not find "//" } // remove comments after the trailing '}' } // find '}' } // ignore outermost block m_CurrentlyExecutingFile = filename; bool topmost = !; if (topmost) m_TopExecutingFile = m_CurrentlyExecutingFile; content.insert(0, "#line 2 \"" + filename.str() + "\" \n"); // We don't want to value print the results of a unnamed macro. if (content.back() != ';') content.append(";"); Interpreter::CompilationResult ret = Interpreter::kSuccess; if (lineByLine) { int rslt = 0; std::string line; std::stringstream ss(content); while (std::getline(ss, line, '\n')) { rslt = process(line, ret, result); if (ret == Interpreter::kFailure) break; } if (rslt) { cling::errs() << "Error in cling::MetaProcessor: file " << llvm::sys::path::filename(filename) << " is incomplete (missing parenthesis or similar)!\n"; } } else ret = m_Interp.process(content, result); m_CurrentlyExecutingFile = llvm::StringRef(); if (topmost) m_TopExecutingFile = llvm::StringRef(); return ret; }
int F847104(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int ret =0; int len = 0; int i=0; int hi_cutid=0; char h_showcardid[11] = ""; //显示卡号 char h_password[7] = ""; //卡密码 double h_temp_Card_id = 0; //卡号 double dSerialNo=0; char seed_key[17] = ""; //种子密钥 char card_endtime[8 + 1] = ""; //卡的有效截至日期 char logicdate[11]=""; //业务日期 char sysdate[11]=""; char systime[9]=""; char sEndDate[9]=""; char sMsg[256]=""; char sMaxCardBalance[20]=""; char lost_date[11]=""; double dMaxCardBalance=0; int lost_card_id=0; T_t_pif_card tCard; T_t_pif_card tOldCard; T_t_cif_customer tCustomer; T_t_pif_spefee tSpeFee; // T_t_pif_cardlossinfo tCardLossInfo; T_t_tif_tradeserial tradeserial; T_t_aif_account tAccount; InAcc IA; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *out_pack = &(aPack.pack); ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); SetCol(handle,0); SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL1,F_LVOL5, F_SCUST_NO, F_SCUST_NO2,F_SCUST_AUTH,F_SCUST_AUTH2, F_SDATE0,F_SNAME,F_SNAME2, F_SOPEN_EMP,F_SSTATUS0, F_DAMT2,F_LSERIAL1,F_VSMESS,0); memset(&tCard,0,sizeof(tCard)); memset(&tOldCard,0,sizeof(tOldCard)); memset(&tCustomer,0,sizeof(tCustomer)); memset(&tSpeFee,0,sizeof(tSpeFee)); // memset(&tCardLossInfo,0,sizeof(tCardLossInfo)); memset(&tAccount,0,sizeof(tAccount)); memset(&tradeserial,0,sizeof(tradeserial)); memset(&IA,0,sizeof(IA)); getsysdate(sysdate); getsystime(systime); ret=GetLogicDate(logicdate); //业务日期 if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } //检查客户信息,判断是否可以发行卡 hi_cutid=rPack->lvol0; //客户号 des2src(tCard.physical_no, rPack->sbank_acc); //物理卡号 trim(h_showcardid); ret=IsExistFreezeCardByCustomId(hi_cutid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=IsExistNoLostCardByCustomId(hi_cutid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } if(strlen(h_showcardid)) { ret=IsExistShowCardNo(h_showcardid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } } ret=IsExistCardByPhyCardNo(tCard.physical_no); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=GetLostCardIdByCustomId_TypeId(hi_cutid,CT_NORMAL,&lost_card_id); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"customer[%d]tCard type_id[%d]",hi_cutid,CT_NORMAL); *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } /* ret=DB_t_pif_cardlossinfo_read_by_card_id_and_state_id(lost_card_id, STATE_VALID, &tCardLossInfo); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"lost_card_id[%d]",lost_card_id); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode = E_CARDNO_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_R; goto L_RETU; } */ ret=get_latest_lost_date_by_card_no(lost_card_id,lost_date); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"lost_card_id[%d]",lost_card_id); *pRetCode =ret; goto L_RETU; } //先检查客户的挂失的正式卡是否到了补办日期 ret=GetLostCardValiddate(lost_date,sEndDate); if(ret) { *pRetCode =ret; goto L_RETU; } if(strncmp(sEndDate,sysdate,8)>0) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"lost_normal_card_id[%d]lost_date[%s]end_date[%s]",lost_card_id,lost_date,sEndDate); *pRetCode = E_NORMALCARD_NOT_REACH_ENDDATE; goto L_RETU; } /* //更新卡挂失日期表中该卡状态为无效 ret=UpdateCardLossInfoState(lost_card_id,STATE_VALID,STATE_INVALID); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } */ //注销原卡 ret=DB_t_pif_card_read_lock_by_cur_and_card_id(lost_card_id,&tOldCard); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"lost_card_id[%d]",lost_card_id); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode = E_CARDNO_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_R; goto L_RETU; } des2src(tOldCard.state_id,CARDSTAT_LOGOUT); //注销 des2src(tOldCard.end_time,sysdate); //注销日期 ret=DB_t_pif_card_update_lock_by_cur(&tOldCard); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"lost_card_id[%d]",lost_card_id); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode = E_CARDNO_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_R; goto L_RETU; } DB_t_pif_card_free_lock_by_cur(); ret = InsertToCutUpdList(tOldCard.card_id,CUTUPD_CH_OLDCARD,tOldCard.physical_no); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=DB_t_cif_customer_read_lock_by_cur_and_cut_id(hi_cutid, &tCustomer); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"cut_id[%d]",hi_cutid); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_R; goto L_RETU; } //得到收费类别 if(tCustomer.fee_type<1) { ret=DB_t_pif_spefee_read_by_dept_code_and_cut_type(tCustomer.classdept_no, tCustomer.cut_type,&tSpeFee); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) { tCustomer.fee_type=tCustomer.cut_type; } else { DB_t_cif_customer_free_lock_cur(); *pRetCode=E_DB_SPEFEE_R; goto L_RETU; } } else { tCustomer.fee_type=tSpeFee.fee_type; } //更新客户表的收费类别字段 ret=DB_t_cif_customer_update_lock_by_cur(&tCustomer); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_U; goto L_RETU; } } DB_t_cif_customer_free_lock_cur(); tradeserial.trade_fee =D4U5(rPack->damt0,2); // 准备数据插入卡信息表 memcpy(seed_key,STATIC_SEED_KEY,16); //读种子密钥 if(strlen(tCustomer.can_time)==8) { ret=IsInvalidDateTime(tCustomer.can_time,"YYYYMMDD"); if(ret) { *pRetCode=E_TB_CUSTOMER_ENDTIME; goto L_RETU; } if(strncmp(tCustomer.can_time,sysdate,8)<=0) { *pRetCode=E_TB_CUSTOMER_ENDTIME; goto L_RETU; } des2src(card_endtime,tCustomer.can_time); } else if(strlen(rPack->sdate0)==0) { *pRetCode=E_TB_CUSTOMER_NO_ENDTIME; goto L_RETU; } else { ret=IsInvalidDateTime(rPack->sdate0,"YYYYMMDD"); if(ret) { *pRetCode = E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } if(strncmp(rPack->sdate0,sysdate,8)<=0) { *pRetCode=E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } des2src(card_endtime,rPack->sdate0); } tradeserial.trade_fee = rPack->damt0; //金额 tradeserial.other_seri_no = 0; //上传端流水号 tradeserial.serial_state = SERISTAT_DEBT; //流水状态 des2src(tradeserial.operate_date,sysdate); //发生日期 des2src(tradeserial.operate_time,systime); //发生时间 des2src(tradeserial.collect_date,sysdate); //采集日期 des2src(tradeserial.collect_time,systime); //采集时间 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_date,logicdate); //处理日期 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_time,systime); //处理时间 tradeserial.maindevice_id = rPack->lvol6; //上传工作站标识 tradeserial.device_id = rPack->lvol7; //采集设备标识 tradeserial.purse_id = PURSE_NO_ONE; //钱包号 tradeserial.customer_id = tCustomer.cut_id; //客户标识 tradeserial.sys_id = 0; //外部系统标识 des2src(tradeserial.oper_code, rPack->scust_limit); //操作员号 len=strlen(tCustomer.man_id) ; if (len >= 6) { strncpy(h_password,&(tCustomer.man_id[len-6]),6); if(h_password[5]>'9'||h_password[5]<'0') h_password[5]='0'; } else { strcpy(h_password,DEFAULT_CUST_PWD); } ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_CARD_ID,&h_temp_Card_id); //获取最大卡号 if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } tCard.card_id = D2I(h_temp_Card_id); //卡号 des2src(tCard.showid,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(tCard.is_main,TYPE_YES); //是否为主卡 des2src(tCard.state_id,CARDSTAT_REG); //卡状态 tCard.type_id = CT_NORMAL; //卡类别 EncodePwd(seed_key,h_password,tCard.password,0); //卡密码 tCard.cosumer_id = hi_cutid; //客户标识 tCard.account_count = ACCOUNT_COUNT_ONE; //卡对应帐户个数 des2src(tCard.begin_time,sysdate); //注册时间 des2src(tCard.end_time, card_endtime); //截至时间 tCard.phytype = PHYTYPE_NO_ONE; //设备物理型号;默认为1 // 插入卡信息 ret = DB_t_pif_card_add(&tCard); if (ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_I; goto L_RETU; } ret = InsertToCutUpdList(tCard.card_id,CUTUPD_CH_NEWCARD,tCard.physical_no); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } //修改帐户表中对应的卡号,类型,状态 ret=DB_t_aif_account_read_lock_by_c0_and_card_id_and_purse_id(lost_card_id,PURSE_NO_ONE,&tAccount); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"normalcard_account_id[%s]",lost_card_id); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode = E_ACTNO_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_R; } if(tAccount.current_state!=1) { *pRetCode=E_ACTNO_LOGOUT; goto L_RETU; } tAccount.card_id=tCard.card_id; tAccount.card_balance=tAccount.cur_freebala; //更新卡余额与库余额一致 tAccount.consume_count=0; ret=DB_t_aif_account_update_lock_by_c0(&tAccount); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"DB_t_aif_account_update_lock_by_cur4 ret[%d]account_id[%s]",ret,tAccount.account_id); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode = E_ACTNO_EXIST; else *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_U; } DB_t_aif_account_free_lock_c0(); ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_TRADESERIAL,&dSerialNo); //获得最大流水号 if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } tradeserial.serial_no=D2I(dSerialNo); tradeserial.serial_type=TXCODE_CHANGE_CARD; tradeserial.card_id=tCard.card_id; //新卡号 des2src(tradeserial.showid,tCard.showid); //显示卡号 strcpy(IA.sArrInActno[0],tAccount.account_id); //账号 IA.dArrInAmt[0]=tradeserial.trade_fee; //交易金额 IA.iUseCardFlag=USE_CARD_TYPE_ONLINE; //联机交易 IA.dInCardBala=tAccount.cur_freebala; //入卡值 IA.iTxCnt=1; IA.iCardNo=tCard.card_id; IA.iFeeType=tCustomer.fee_type; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[0]=rPack->lvol0; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[1]=rPack->lvol1; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[2]=rPack->lvol2; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[3]=rPack->lvol3; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[4]=rPack->lvol4; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[5]=rPack->lvol5; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[6]=rPack->lvol6; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[7]=rPack->lvol7; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[8]=rPack->lvol8; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[9]=rPack->lvol9; IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[10]=rPack->lvol10; ret=process(&IA,&tradeserial); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"process ret[%d]",ret); *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } sprintf(out_pack->vsmess,"流水号:%d 卡号:%d ",IA.iSerialNo,IA.iCardNo); for(i=1;i<=IA.iOutTxTypeCnt;i++) { switch(IA.iArrOutTxType[i]) { case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_RETURN_DEPOSIT: tradeserial.deposit_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_BOARD: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD: tradeserial.boardfee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE: tradeserial.in_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST: tradeserial.cost_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; default: break; } if(amtcmp(IA.dArrOutAmt[i],0)!=0) { sprintf(sMsg,"%s:%.2lf元 ",IA.sArrOutTxName[i],IA.dArrOutAmt[i]); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); } } sprintf(sMsg,"卡当前余额:%.2lf元",tradeserial.out_balance); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); writelog(LOG_DEBUG,out_pack->vsmess); ret = DB_t_tif_tradeserial_add(&tradeserial); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret[%d]",ret); if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_I; goto L_RETU; } if(amtcmp(tradeserial.out_balance,0)<0) { *pRetCode=E_ENTER_ACCOUNT; goto L_RETU; } //检查金额是否超过最大额度 ret=GetParameter(GLOBE_MAXCARDBALANCE,sMaxCardBalance); if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } dMaxCardBalance=atof(sMaxCardBalance); if(amtcmp(tradeserial.out_balance,dMaxCardBalance)>0) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"tradeserial.out_balance[%lf]",tradeserial.out_balance); *pRetCode=E_AMT_EXCEED_MAX; goto L_RETU; } //返回卡号\密码\显示卡号\客户类型\图书证号\有效截至日期 out_pack->lvol0 = (int)h_temp_Card_id; //交易卡号 out_pack->lvol1 = tCustomer.cut_type; //客户类别 out_pack->lvol5 = tCustomer.fee_type; //收费类别 des2src(out_pack->scust_no,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(out_pack->scust_no2,tCustomer.classdept_no); //部门号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth,tCustomer.stuemp_no); //学号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth2,tCustomer.man_id); //身份证号 des2src(out_pack->sname,tCustomer.cut_name); //客户姓名 des2src(out_pack->sname2,tCustomer.lib_cardid); //图书证号 des2src(out_pack->sstatus0,; //性别 des2src(out_pack->sopen_emp,h_password); //卡密码 des2src(out_pack->sdate0,card_endtime); //有效截至日期 out_pack->damt2=tradeserial.out_balance; //出卡值 out_pack->lserial1=tradeserial.serial_no; //流水号 // add by 汤成 2005-8-8 // 增加向名单表写入记录 /* ret = InsertToBlkList((int)h_temp_Card_id,CHCARD_BLACKLIST); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } */ PutRow(handle,out_pack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; L_RETU: return -1; }
BOOL CScriptEffector::Process (SPPInfo &pp) { return (!!process(&pp)); }
void process(std::vector<Entity>& entities) { for(Entity& e : entities) process(e); }
int main(int argc, char* const* argv) { pst_item *item = NULL; pst_desc_tree *d_ptr; char *temp = NULL; //temporary char pointer int c; char *d_log = NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:hV"))!= -1) { switch (c) { case 'd': d_log = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'V': version(); exit(0); break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_ALL // force a log file if (!d_log) d_log = "lspst.log"; #endif // defined DEBUG_ALL DEBUG_INIT(d_log, NULL); DEBUG_ENT("main"); if (argc <= optind) { usage(argv[0]); exit(2); } // Open PST file if (pst_open(&pstfile, argv[optind], NULL)) DIE(("Error opening File\n")); // Load PST index if (pst_load_index(&pstfile)) DIE(("Index Error\n")); pst_load_extended_attributes(&pstfile); d_ptr = pstfile.d_head; // first record is main record item = pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr, NULL); if (!item || !item->message_store) { DEBUG_RET(); DIE(("Could not get root record\n")); } // default the file_as to the same as the main filename if it doesn't exist if (!item->file_as.str) { if (!(temp = strrchr(argv[1], '/'))) if (!(temp = strrchr(argv[1], '\\'))) temp = argv[1]; else temp++; // get past the "\\" else temp++; // get past the "/" item->file_as.str = strdup(temp); item->file_as.is_utf8 = 1; } d_ptr = pst_getTopOfFolders(&pstfile, item); if (!d_ptr) DIE(("Top of folders record not found. Cannot continue\n")); process(item, d_ptr->child); // do the childred of TOPF pst_freeItem(item); pst_close(&pstfile); DEBUG_RET(); return 0; }
void process(pst_item *outeritem, pst_desc_tree *d_ptr) { struct file_ll ff; pst_item *item = NULL; char *result = NULL; size_t resultlen = 0; DEBUG_ENT("process"); memset(&ff, 0, sizeof(ff)); create_enter_dir(&ff, outeritem); while (d_ptr) { if (!d_ptr->desc) { DEBUG_WARN(("ERROR item's desc record is NULL\n")); ff.skip_count++; } else { DEBUG_INFO(("Desc Email ID %"PRIx64" [d_ptr->d_id = %"PRIx64"]\n", d_ptr->desc->i_id, d_ptr->d_id)); item = pst_parse_item(&pstfile, d_ptr, NULL); DEBUG_INFO(("About to process item @ %p.\n", item)); if (item) { if (item->message_store) { // there should only be one message_store, and we have already done it DIE(("A second message_store has been found. Sorry, this must be an error.\n")); } if (item->folder && d_ptr->child) { // if this is a folder, we want to recurse into it pst_convert_utf8(item, &item->file_as); printf("Folder \"%s\"\n", item->file_as.str); process(item, d_ptr->child); } else if (item->contact && (item->type == PST_TYPE_CONTACT)) { if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type; // Process Contact item if (ff.type != PST_TYPE_CONTACT) { DEBUG_INFO(("I have a contact, but the folder isn't a contacts folder. Processing anyway\n")); } printf("Contact"); if (item->contact->fullname.str) printf("\t%s", pst_rfc2426_escape(item->contact->fullname.str, &result, &resultlen)); printf("\n"); } else if (item->email && ((item->type == PST_TYPE_NOTE) || (item->type == PST_TYPE_SCHEDULE) || (item->type == PST_TYPE_REPORT))) { if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type; // Process Email item if ((ff.type != PST_TYPE_NOTE) && (ff.type != PST_TYPE_SCHEDULE) && (ff.type != PST_TYPE_REPORT)) { DEBUG_INFO(("I have an email, but the folder isn't an email folder. Processing anyway\n")); } printf("Email"); if (item->email->outlook_sender_name.str) printf("\tFrom: %s", item->email->outlook_sender_name.str); if (item->subject.str) printf("\tSubject: %s", item->subject.str); printf("\n"); } else if (item->journal && (item->type == PST_TYPE_JOURNAL)) { if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type; // Process Journal item if (ff.type != PST_TYPE_JOURNAL) { DEBUG_INFO(("I have a journal entry, but folder isn't specified as a journal type. Processing...\n")); } if (item->subject.str) printf("Journal\t%s\n", pst_rfc2426_escape(item->subject.str, &result, &resultlen)); } else if (item->appointment && (item->type == PST_TYPE_APPOINTMENT)) { char time_buffer[30]; if (!ff.type) ff.type = item->type; // Process Calendar Appointment item DEBUG_INFO(("Processing Appointment Entry\n")); if (ff.type != PST_TYPE_APPOINTMENT) { DEBUG_INFO(("I have an appointment, but folder isn't specified as an appointment type. Processing...\n")); } printf("Appointment"); if (item->subject.str) printf("\tSUMMARY: %s", pst_rfc2426_escape(item->subject.str, &result, &resultlen)); if (item->appointment->start) printf("\tSTART: %s", pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->appointment->start, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer)); if (item->appointment->end) printf("\tEND: %s", pst_rfc2445_datetime_format(item->appointment->end, sizeof(time_buffer), time_buffer)); printf("\tALL DAY: %s", (item->appointment->all_day==1 ? "Yes" : "No")); printf("\n"); } else { ff.skip_count++; DEBUG_INFO(("Unknown item type. %i. Ascii1=\"%s\"\n", item->type, item->ascii_type)); } pst_freeItem(item); } else { ff.skip_count++; DEBUG_INFO(("A NULL item was seen\n")); } } d_ptr = d_ptr->next; } close_enter_dir(&ff); if (result) free(result); DEBUG_RET(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, fflag; char *temp_arg; (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #ifndef TEXT_DOMAIN #define TEXT_DOMAIN "SYS_TEST" #endif (void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN); fflag = 0; inplace = NULL; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "EI::ae:f:i::lnr", lopts, NULL)) != -1) switch (c) { case 'r': /* Gnu sed compat */ case 'E': rflags = REG_EXTENDED; break; case 'I': if (optarg != NULL) inplace = optarg; else inplace = ""; ispan = 1; /* span across input files */ break; case 'a': aflag = 1; break; case 'e': eflag = 1; if (asprintf(&temp_arg, "%s\n", optarg) < 1) err(1, "asprintf"); add_compunit(CU_STRING, temp_arg); break; case 'f': fflag = 1; add_compunit(CU_FILE, optarg); break; case 'i': if (optarg != NULL) inplace = optarg; else inplace = ""; ispan = 0; /* don't span across input files */ break; case 'l': /* On SunOS, setlinebuf "returns no useful value */ (void) setlinebuf(stdout); break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; default: case '?': usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* First usage case; script is the first arg */ if (!eflag && !fflag && *argv) { add_compunit(CU_STRING, *argv); argv++; } compile(); /* Continue with first and start second usage */ if (*argv) for (; *argv; argv++) add_file(*argv); else add_file(NULL); process(); cfclose(prog, NULL); if (fclose(stdout)) err(1, "stdout"); return (rval); }
static int process(const char *file) { char *cp; int c; char fname[BUFSIZ]; FILE *soee; int isfile; if (!strcmp(file, STDIN_NAME)) { soee = stdin; } else { soee = fopen(file, "r"); if (soee == NULL) { warn("%s", file); return(-1); } } for (;;) { c = getc(soee); if (c == EOF) break; if (c != '.') goto simple; c = getc(soee); if (c != 's') { putchar('.'); goto simple; } c = getc(soee); if (c != 'o') { printf(".s"); goto simple; } do c = getc(soee); while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); cp = fname; isfile = 0; for (;;) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case EOF: goto donename; default: *cp++ = c; c = getc(soee); isfile++; continue; } } donename: if (cp == fname) { printf(".so"); goto simple; } *cp = 0; if (process(fname) < 0) if (isfile) printf(".so %s\n", fname); continue; simple: if (c == EOF) break; putchar(c); if (c != '\n') { c = getc(soee); goto simple; } } if (soee != stdin) { fclose(soee); } return(0); }
void Thread::updateState(DEBUG_EVENT const &de) { DS2ASSERT(de.dwThreadId == _tid); switch (de.dwDebugEventCode) { case EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: _state = kStopped; _trap.event = StopInfo::kEventTrap; _trap.reason = StopInfo::kReasonNone; break; case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: { ErrorCode error; std::wstring name = L"<NONAME>"; ProcessInfo pi; error = process()->getInfo(pi); if (error != kSuccess) goto noname; if (de.u.LoadDll.lpImageName == nullptr) goto noname; uint64_t ptr = 0; error = process()->readMemory( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(de.u.LoadDll.lpImageName), &ptr, pi.pointerSize); if (error != kSuccess) goto noname; if (ptr == 0) goto noname; // It seems like all strings passed by the kernel here are guaranteed to be // unicode. DS2ASSERT(de.u.LoadDll.fUnicode); name.clear(); wchar_t c; do { error = process()->readMemory(ptr, &c, sizeof(c)); if (error != kSuccess) break; name.append(1, c); ptr += sizeof(c); } while (c != '\0'); noname: DS2LOG(Debug, "new DLL loaded: %s", Host::Platform::WideToNarrowString(name).c_str()); if (de.u.LoadDll.hFile != NULL) CloseHandle(de.u.LoadDll.hFile); } case UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: case OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT: _state = kStopped; _trap.event = StopInfo::kEventNone; _trap.reason = StopInfo::kReasonNone; break; default: DS2BUG("unknown debug event code: %d", de.dwDebugEventCode); } }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { const char * hex = "0123456789abcdef"; self = basename((char*)argv[0]); for (int ai = 1; ai < argc; ai++) { const char * src = argv[ai]; display_mode[ai] = NULL; if (!strcmp(argv[ai], "--loop")) { bus = 4; msg[0].addr = 0x55; msg_count = 1; while (1) { process(); sleep(1); } } while (*src) { char c = *src++; switch (c) { case '=': { if (process() > 0) display(); bus = 0; while (isdigit(*src)) bus = (bus * 10) + (*src++ - '0'); } break; case '@': { if (process() > 0) display(); address = 0; while (isxdigit(*src)) address = (address << 4) | (int)(strchr(hex, tolower(*src++)) - hex); // printf("Set address to 0x%2x\n", address); } break; case 'w': { msg[msg_count].addr = address; msg[msg_count].flags = 0; msg[msg_count].len = 0; msg[msg_count].buf = write_ptr; while (isxdigit(src[0]) && isxdigit(src[1])) { uint8_t byte = ((strchr(hex, tolower(src[0])) - hex) << 4) | (int)(strchr(hex, tolower(src[1])) - hex); src += 2; *write_ptr++ = byte; msg[msg_count].len++; } if (msg[msg_count].len) { // printf("Write %d bytes : ", msg[msg_count].len); // for (int i = 0; i < msg[msg_count].len; i++) // printf("%02x", msg[msg_count].buf[i]); // printf("\n"); msg_count++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning '%s' won't write anything\n", self, argv[ai]); } } break; case 'r': { msg[msg_count].addr = address; msg[msg_count].flags = I2C_M_RD; msg[msg_count].len = 0; msg[msg_count].buf = write_ptr; display_mode[msg_count] = src; // keep it around for display int count = 0; while (*src) { switch (*src) { case '0' ... '9' : count = (count*10) + (*src++ - '0'); break; case 'b': count = count ? count : 1; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 's': count = count ? count * 2 : 2; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 't': // temperature count = 2; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 'l': count = count ? count * 4 : 4; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 'g': // gyro from MotionPlus count = 6; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 'c': // compass module count = 5; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case 'a': // accelerometer count = 6; msg[msg_count].len += count; write_ptr += count; count = 0; src++; break; case ' ': break; default: printf("Unknown format '%c' for reading\n", c); exit(1); } } if (msg[msg_count].len) { // printf("Reading %d bytes\n", msg[msg_count].len); msg_count++; } else { display_mode[msg_count] = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning '%s' won't read anything\n", self, argv[ai]); } } break; case ' ': break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR Unknown command character '%c'\n", self, c); exit(1); } } } if (process() > 0) display(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char msg[MSG_SIZE]; char pidstr[16]; int c, log_method; char *logfile, *pidfile; sigset_t oset, nset; int facility, fd; char *username = NULL; char *chrootdir = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int opt_idx; #endif pname = ((pname=strrchr(argv[0],'/')) != NULL)?pname+1:argv[0]; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); log_method = L_STDERR_SYSLOG; logfile = PATH_RADVD_LOG; conf_file = PATH_RADVD_CONF; facility = LOG_FACILITY; pidfile = PATH_RADVD_PID; /* parse args */ #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:C:l:m:p:t:u:vh", prog_opt, &opt_idx)) > 0) #else while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:C:l:m:p:t:u:vh")) > 0) #endif { switch (c) { case 'C': conf_file = optarg; break; case 'd': set_debuglevel(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'f': facility = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': logfile = optarg; break; case 'p': pidfile = optarg; break; case 'm': if (!strcmp(optarg, "syslog")) { log_method = L_SYSLOG; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "stderr_syslog")) { log_method = L_STDERR_SYSLOG; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "stderr")) { log_method = L_STDERR; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "logfile")) { log_method = L_LOGFILE; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "none")) { log_method = L_NONE; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown log method: %s\n", pname, optarg); exit(1); } break; case 't': chrootdir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'u': username = strdup(optarg); break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'h': usage(); #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG case ':': fprintf(stderr, "%s: option %s: parameter expected\n", pname, prog_opt[opt_idx].name); exit(1); #endif case '?': exit(1); } } if (chrootdir) { if (!username) { fprintf(stderr, "Chroot as root is not safe, exiting\n"); exit(1); } if (chroot(chrootdir) == -1) { perror("chroot"); exit (1); } if (chdir("/") == -1) { perror("chdir"); exit (1); } /* username will be switched later */ } if (log_open(log_method, pname, logfile, facility) < 0) exit(1); flog(LOG_INFO, "version %s started", VERSION); /* get a raw socket for sending and receiving ICMPv6 messages */ sock = open_icmpv6_socket(); if (sock < 0) exit(1); /* drop root privileges if requested. */ if (username) { if (drop_root_privileges(username) < 0) exit(1); } #if 0 //brcm: no need to check /* check that 'other' cannot write the file * for non-root, also that self/own group can't either */ if (check_conffile_perm(username, conf_file) < 0) { if (get_debuglevel() == 0) exit(1); else flog(LOG_WARNING, "Insecure file permissions, but continuing anyway"); } /* if we know how to do it, check whether forwarding is enabled */ if (check_ip6_forwarding()) { if (get_debuglevel() == 0) { flog(LOG_ERR, "IPv6 forwarding seems to be disabled, exiting"); exit(1); } else flog(LOG_WARNING, "IPv6 forwarding seems to be disabled, but continuing anyway."); } #endif /* parse config file */ if (readin_config(conf_file) < 0) exit(1); /* FIXME: not atomic if pidfile is on an NFS mounted volume */ if ((fd = open(pidfile, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0644)) < 0) { flog(LOG_ERR, "another radvd seems to be already running, terminating"); exit(1); } /* * okay, config file is read in, socket and stuff is setup, so * lets fork now... */ #if 0 //brcm if (get_debuglevel() == 0) { /* Detach from controlling terminal */ if (daemon(0, 0) < 0) perror("daemon"); /* close old logfiles, including stderr */ log_close(); /* reopen logfiles, but don't log to stderr unless explicitly requested */ if (log_method == L_STDERR_SYSLOG) log_method = L_SYSLOG; if (log_open(log_method, pname, logfile, facility) < 0) exit(1); } #endif /* * config signal handlers, also make sure ALRM isn't blocked and raise a warning if so * (some stupid scripts/pppd appears to do this...) */ sigemptyset(&nset); sigaddset(&nset, SIGALRM); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &nset, &oset); if (sigismember(&oset, SIGALRM)) flog(LOG_WARNING, "SIGALRM has been unblocked. Your startup environment might be wrong."); signal(SIGHUP, sighup_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler); signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); snprintf(pidstr, sizeof(pidstr), "%d\n", getpid()); write(fd, pidstr, strlen(pidstr)); close(fd); config_interface(); kickoff_adverts(); /* enter loop */ for (;;) { int len, hoplimit; struct sockaddr_in6 rcv_addr; struct in6_pktinfo *pkt_info = NULL; len = recv_rs_ra(sock, msg, &rcv_addr, &pkt_info, &hoplimit); if (len > 0) process(sock, IfaceList, msg, len, &rcv_addr, pkt_info, hoplimit); if (sigterm_received || sigint_received) { stop_adverts(); break; } if (sighup_received) { reload_config(); sighup_received = 0; } } unlink(pidfile); exit(0); }
bool EventDispatcherEPollPrivate::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) { Q_Q(EventDispatcherEPoll); const bool exclude_notifiers = (flags & QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers); const bool exclude_timers = (flags & QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers); exclude_notifiers && disableSocketNotifiers(true); exclude_timers && disableTimers(true); m_interrupt = false; Q_EMIT q->awake(); bool result = q->hasPendingEvents(); QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(); bool can_wait = !m_interrupt && (flags & QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents) && !result ; int n_events = 0; if (!m_interrupt) { int timeout = 0; if (!exclude_timers && !m_zero_timers.isEmpty()) { QVector<ZeroTimer*> timers; auto it = m_zero_timers.constBegin(); while (it != m_zero_timers.constEnd()) { ZeroTimer *data = it.value(); data->ref(); timers.push_back(data); ++it; } for (ZeroTimer *data : timers) { if (data->canProcess() && data->active) { data->active = false; QTimerEvent event(data->timerId); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(data->object, &event); result = true; if (!data->active) { data->active = true; } } data->deref(); } } if (can_wait && !result) { Q_EMIT q->aboutToBlock(); timeout = -1; } struct epoll_event events[10024]; do { n_events = epoll_wait(m_epoll_fd, events, 10024, timeout); } while (Q_UNLIKELY(-1 == n_events && errno == EINTR)); for (int i = 0; i < n_events; ++i) { struct epoll_event &e = events[i]; auto data = static_cast<EpollAbastractEvent*>(; data->ref(); } for (int i = 0; i < n_events; ++i) { struct epoll_event &e = events[i]; auto data = static_cast<EpollAbastractEvent*>(; if (data->canProcess()) { data->process(; } data->deref(); } } exclude_notifiers && disableSocketNotifiers(false); exclude_timers && disableTimers(false); return result || n_events > 0; }
bool ICQListEvent::processAnswer(ICQClient *client, Buffer&, unsigned short result) { if (process(client, result)) client->process_event(this); return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tf3Synth::processReplacing (eF32 **inputs, eF32 **outputs, long sampleFrames) { memset (outputs[0], 0, sampleFrames * sizeof (eF32)); memset (outputs[1], 0, sampleFrames * sizeof (eF32)); process (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames); }
void do_modify ( TWindow *parent ) { int nsigs, type ; char error[256], rest[256] ; ModifyDialog *mod ; Signal **signals ; nsigs = get_signals ( &signals ) ; mod = new ModifyDialog ( parent , nsigs , signals ) ; if (mod->Execute() == IDOK) { if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_CENTER) { if (mod->parm_undo) type = ID_PRED_UNDO_CENTER ; else if (mod->parm_median) type = ID_PRED_MEDIAN_CENTER ; else type = ID_PRED_CENTER ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_DETREND) { if (mod->parm_undo) type = ID_PRED_UNDO_DETREND ; else type = ID_PRED_DETREND ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_OFFSET) { if (mod->parm_undo) { type = ID_PRED_UNDO_OFFSET ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else { type = ID_PRED_OFFSET ; sprintf ( rest , "%lf %s", mod->parm_offset, mod->source_name ) ; } } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_SCALE) { if (mod->parm_undo) { type = ID_PRED_UNDO_SCALE ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else { type = ID_PRED_SCALE ; sprintf ( rest , "%lf %s", mod->parm_scale, mod->source_name ) ; } } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_STANDARDIZE) { if (mod->parm_undo) type = ID_PRED_UNDO_STANDARDIZE ; else type = ID_PRED_STANDARDIZE ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_DIFFERENCE) { if (mod->parm_undo) { type = ID_PRED_UNDO_DIFFERENCE ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else { type = ID_PRED_DIFFERENCE ; sprintf ( rest , "%d %s", mod->parm_diff, mod->source_name ) ; } } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_SEASONAL_DIFFERENCE) { if (mod->parm_undo) { type = ID_PRED_UNDO_SEASONAL_DIFFERENCE ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else { type = ID_PRED_SEASONAL_DIFFERENCE ; sprintf ( rest , "%d %s", mod->parm_seasonal, mod->source_name ) ; } } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_LOG) { type = ID_PRED_LOG ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_EXP) { type = ID_PRED_EXP ; strcpy ( rest , mod->source_name ) ; } else if (mod->parm_type == ID_PRED_INTEGRATE) { type = ID_PRED_INTEGRATE ; sprintf ( rest , "%d %s", mod->parm_integrate, mod->source_name ) ; } if (mod->parm_undo && strlen ( mod->per_name )) { strcat ( rest , " PER " ) ; strcat ( rest , mod->per_name ) ; } if (process ( type , rest , NULL , error , NULL ) < 0 ) parent->MessageBox ( error , "ERROR" ) ; } delete mod ; }
int SingleMode::SinglePlayThread(void* param) { const wchar_t* name = mainGame->lstSinglePlayList->getListItem(mainGame->lstSinglePlayList->getSelected()); wchar_t fname[256]; myswprintf(fname, L"./single/%ls", name); char fname2[256]; size_t slen = BufferIO::EncodeUTF8(fname, fname2); mtrandom rnd; time_t seed = time(0); rnd.reset(seed); set_card_reader((card_reader)DataManager::CardReader); set_message_handler((message_handler)MessageHandler); pduel = create_duel(rnd.rand()); set_player_info(pduel, 0, 8000, 5, 1); set_player_info(pduel, 1, 8000, 5, 1); mainGame->dInfo.lp[0] = 8000; mainGame->dInfo.lp[1] = 8000; myswprintf(mainGame->dInfo.strLP[0], L"%d", mainGame->dInfo.lp[0]); myswprintf(mainGame->dInfo.strLP[1], L"%d", mainGame->dInfo.lp[1]); BufferIO::CopyWStr(mainGame->ebNickName->getText(), mainGame->dInfo.hostname, 20); mainGame->dInfo.clientname[0] = 0; mainGame->dInfo.turn = 0; mainGame->dInfo.strTurn[0] = 0; if(!preload_script(pduel, fname2, slen)) { end_duel(pduel); return 0; } mainGame->gMutex.Lock(); mainGame->HideElement(mainGame->wSinglePlay); mainGame->wCardImg->setVisible(true); mainGame->wInfos->setVisible(true); mainGame->btnLeaveGame->setVisible(true); mainGame->btnLeaveGame->setText(dataManager.GetSysString(1210)); mainGame->stName->setText(L""); mainGame->stInfo->setText(L""); mainGame->stDataInfo->setText(L""); mainGame->stText->setText(L""); mainGame->scrCardText->setVisible(false); mainGame->wPhase->setVisible(true); mainGame->dField.panel = 0; mainGame->dField.hovered_card = 0; mainGame->dField.clicked_card = 0; mainGame->dField.Clear(); mainGame->dInfo.isFirst = true; mainGame->dInfo.isStarted = true; mainGame->dInfo.isSingleMode = true; mainGame->device->setEventReceiver(&mainGame->dField); mainGame->gMutex.Unlock(); start_duel(pduel, 0); char engineBuffer[0x1000]; is_closing = false; is_continuing = true; int len = 0; while (is_continuing) { int result = process(pduel); len = result & 0xffff; /* int flag = result >> 16; */ if (len > 0) { get_message(pduel, (byte*)engineBuffer); is_continuing = SinglePlayAnalyze(engineBuffer, len); } } end_duel(pduel); if(!is_closing) { mainGame->gMutex.Lock(); mainGame->dInfo.isStarted = false; mainGame->dInfo.isSingleMode = false; mainGame->gMutex.Unlock(); mainGame->closeDoneSignal.Reset(); mainGame->closeSignal.Set(); mainGame->closeDoneSignal.Wait(); mainGame->gMutex.Lock(); mainGame->ShowElement(mainGame->wSinglePlay); mainGame->device->setEventReceiver(&mainGame->menuHandler); mainGame->gMutex.Unlock(); } return 0; }
bool CHttpServer::run() { LOG(INFO) + "Start HTTP server"; if (!init()) return false; m_active = true; RHODESAPP().notifyLocalServerStarted(); for(;;) { RAWTRACE("Waiting for connections..."); #ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API if (rho_ruby_is_started()) rho_ruby_start_threadidle(); #endif fd_set readfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(m_listener, &readfds); timeval tv = {0,0}; unsigned long nTimeout = RHODESAPP().getTimer().getNextTimeout(); tv.tv_sec = nTimeout/1000; tv.tv_usec = (nTimeout - tv.tv_sec*1000)*1000; int ret = select(m_listener+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, (tv.tv_sec == 0 && tv.tv_usec == 0 ? 0 : &tv) ); #ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API if (rho_ruby_is_started()) rho_ruby_stop_threadidle(); #endif bool bProcessed = false; if (ret > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(m_listener, &readfds)) { //RAWTRACE("Before accept..."); SOCKET conn = accept(m_listener, NULL, NULL); //RAWTRACE("After accept..."); if (!m_active) { RAWTRACE("Stop HTTP server"); return true; } if (conn == INVALID_SOCKET) { #if !defined(WINDOWS_PLATFORM) if (RHO_NET_ERROR_CODE == EINTR) continue; #endif RAWLOG_ERROR1("Can not accept connection: %d", RHO_NET_ERROR_CODE); return false; } RAWTRACE("Connection accepted, process it..."); VALUE val; #ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API if (rho_ruby_is_started()) { if ( !RHOCONF().getBool("enable_gc_while_request") ) val = rho_ruby_disable_gc(); } #endif m_sock = conn; bProcessed = process(m_sock); #ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API if (rho_ruby_is_started()) { if ( !RHOCONF().getBool("enable_gc_while_request") ) rho_ruby_enable_gc(val); } #endif RAWTRACE("Close connected socket"); closesocket(m_sock); m_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } } else if ( ret == 0 ) //timeout { bProcessed = RHODESAPP().getTimer().checkTimers(); } else { RAWLOG_ERROR1("select error: %d", ret); return false; } #ifndef RHO_NO_RUBY_API if (rho_ruby_is_started()) { if ( bProcessed ) { LOG(INFO) + "GC Start."; rb_gc(); LOG(INFO) + "GC End."; } } #endif } }
//main where program runs int main(int argc, char **argv) { signal(SIGPIPE, pipehandler); char *invalChar1; char *invalChar2; //check that there are 3 arguments if(argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "There is/are %d argument(s) (not including the file location). There should be 2 integer arguments, board size in inches and number of beetles.\n", argc - 1); exit(1); } long arg1; long arg2; //perform conversion //and check that there is no overflow if(((arg1 = strtol(argv[1], &invalChar1, 10)) >= INT_MAX) || ((arg2 = strtol(argv[2], &invalChar2, 10)) >= INT_MAX)) { fprintf(stderr, "Overflow. The arguments: board size, %s, and the number of beetles, %s, must be valid integers less than %d\n", argv[1], argv[2], INT_MAX); exit(1); } //check that arguments are valid integers > 0 also checks underflow error and that there are no characters in the arguments if(!(arg1 > 0 && arg2 > 0) || (*invalChar1 || *invalChar2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Both arguments must be valid integers greater than 0. The arguments: board size, %s, and the number of beetles, %s, are not both valid integers greater than 0.\n", argv[1], argv[2]); exit(1); } int boardSize = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); int numBeetles = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); double startPoint = (double) boardSize / 2; double locX; double locY; double prevLocX; double prevLocY; int degree; int dead; double elapsedSec = 0.0; double totSec = 0.0; //called to seed random by using time in seconds //makes rand() generate truly random numbers //kearns does not want to seed //srand(time(NULL)); t.tv_sec = 1; t.tv_nsec = 0; pixelPerInch = (double) 300.0 / boardSize; FILE *read_from, *write_to; int childpid; char result[6]; childpid = start_child("wish", &read_from, &write_to); fprintf(write_to, "source beetle.tcl\n");//initialize //get file descriptor numbers int readNum; int writeNum; if((readNum = fileno(read_from)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "/nError getting file number of read_from\n"); exit(1); } if((writeNum = fileno(write_to)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "/nError getting file number of write_to\n"); exit(1); } int hits; fd_set mask; struct timeval timeout; //set up for select statement timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; fprintf(write_to, ".c create text 245 4 -anchor n -text \"Board Size: %d\"\n", boardSize); //iterate until all beetles die int i; for(i = 0; i < numBeetles; i++) { //reset variables locX = startPoint; locY = startPoint; pixelCordX = 250; pixelCordY = 250; elapsedSec = 0; dead = 0; //place beetle at center to start, tagged as theBeetle fprintf(write_to, ".c create oval 255 255 245 245 -fill blue -tags theBeetle\n"); fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure theSquare -fill white\n"); while(dead != 1) { //set prev X and Y coordinates prevLocX = locX; prevLocY = locY; FD_ZERO(&mask);//these MUST be inside of loop or it will fail FD_SET(readNum, &mask); //check if tcl is sending back any data if((hits = select(readNum+1, &mask, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &timeout)) < 0) { perror("beetle:select"); exit(1); } if (hits > 0 && ((FD_ISSET(readNum, &mask)))) { fgets(result, 5, read_from); //fprintf(stdout, "read b%sb\n", result); process(result); } //write the current beetle number fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure beetleNumText -text \"Beetle Num: %d\"\n", i + 1); //get random degree degree = randDegree(); locX += cos(degree / 180.0 * M_PI); locY += sin(degree / 180.0 * M_PI); elapsedSec += 1.0;// * timeRatio; if(nanosleep(&t, &t2) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nbeetle: nanosleep failed.\n"); } //write average life text or current beetle lifetime if(avgLifeOn) { fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure avgLifeText -text \"Average Life: %.1f\"\n", (totSec + elapsedSec) / (i + 1)); } else { fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure avgLifeText -text \"Current Beetle Lifetime: %.1f\"\n", elapsedSec); } //check if beetle is within an inch of the edge nearEdge(write_to, locX, locY, boardSize); //draw line drawLine(write_to, locX, locY, prevLocX, prevLocY); //check if bug died if(locX < 0 || locX > boardSize || locY < 0 || locY > boardSize) { if(soundOn) { fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure theSquare -fill red4\n"); fprintf(write_to, "bell\n"); } sleep(1);//as specified by kearns before board cleared if(i != numBeetles - 1) { //delete beetle and lines from canvas fprintf(write_to, ".c delete lines\n"); fprintf(write_to, ".c delete theBeetle\n"); } //set bug to dead and add elapsed seconds to total seconds dead = 1; totSec += elapsedSec; } else { //bug passes out for 1*ratio second elapsedSec += 1.0; //* timeRatio; if(nanosleep(&t, &t2) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nbeetle: nanosleep failed.\n"); } //write average life text or current beetle lifetime if(avgLifeOn) { fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure avgLifeText -text \"Average Life: %.1f\"\n", (totSec + elapsedSec) / (i + 1)); } else { fprintf(write_to, ".c itemconfigure avgLifeText -text \"Current Beetle Lifetime: %.1f\"\n", elapsedSec); } } } } //print results double avgSec = (double) totSec / (double)numBeetles; //fprintf(stdout, "%d by %d square, %d beetle(s), mean beetle lifetime is %.1f\n", boardSize, boardSize, numBeetles, avgSec); //finish with wish, leaves window up but disables buttons except exit fprintf(write_to, "done\n"); return 0; }
void menu_main::handle() { /* process the menu */ const event *menu_event = process(0); if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT) { switch((long long)(menu_event->itemref)) { case INPUT_GROUPS: menu::stack_push<menu_input_groups>(ui(), container()); break; case INPUT_SPECIFIC: menu::stack_push<menu_input_specific>(ui(), container()); break; case SETTINGS_DIP_SWITCHES: menu::stack_push<menu_settings_dip_switches>(ui(), container()); break; case SETTINGS_DRIVER_CONFIG: menu::stack_push<menu_settings_driver_config>(ui(), container()); break; case ANALOG: menu::stack_push<menu_analog>(ui(), container()); break; case BOOKKEEPING: menu::stack_push<menu_bookkeeping>(ui(), container()); break; case GAME_INFO: menu::stack_push<menu_game_info>(ui(), container()); break; case IMAGE_MENU_IMAGE_INFO: menu::stack_push<menu_image_info>(ui(), container()); break; case IMAGE_MENU_FILE_MANAGER: menu::stack_push<menu_file_manager>(ui(), container(), nullptr); break; case TAPE_CONTROL: menu::stack_push<menu_tape_control>(ui(), container(), nullptr); break; case PTY_INFO: menu::stack_push<menu_pty_info>(ui(), container()); break; case SLOT_DEVICES: menu::stack_push<menu_slot_devices>(ui(), container()); break; case NETWORK_DEVICES: menu::stack_push<menu_network_devices>(ui(), container()); break; case KEYBOARD_MODE: menu::stack_push<menu_keyboard_mode>(ui(), container()); break; case SLIDERS: menu::stack_push<menu_sliders>(ui(), container(), false); break; case VIDEO_TARGETS: menu::stack_push<menu_video_targets>(ui(), container()); break; case VIDEO_OPTIONS: menu::stack_push<menu_video_options>(ui(), container(), machine().render().first_target()); break; case CROSSHAIR: menu::stack_push<menu_crosshair>(ui(), container()); break; case CHEAT: menu::stack_push<menu_cheat>(ui(), container()); break; case PLUGINS: menu::stack_push<menu_plugin>(ui(), container()); break; case SELECT_GAME: if (machine().options().ui() == emu_options::UI_SIMPLE) menu::stack_push<simple_menu_select_game>(ui(), container(), nullptr); else menu::stack_push<menu_select_game>(ui(), container(), nullptr); break; case BIOS_SELECTION: menu::stack_push<menu_bios_selection>(ui(), container()); break; case BARCODE_READ: menu::stack_push<menu_barcode_reader>(ui(), container(), nullptr); break; case EXTERNAL_DATS: menu::stack_push<menu_dats_view>(ui(), container()); break; case ADD_FAVORITE: mame_machine_manager::instance()->favorite().add_favorite(machine()); reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION); break; case REMOVE_FAVORITE: mame_machine_manager::instance()->favorite().remove_favorite(machine()); reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION); break; case QUIT_GAME: stack_pop(); ui().request_quit(); break; default: fatalerror("ui::menu_main::handle - unknown reference\n"); } } }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { printf("#ifdef MAIN\n"); printf("MAP_TYPE maps[] ={\n"); process(""); /* place the null map */ process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); process(""); printf(" };\n"); printf("#else\n"); printf("extern MAP_TYPE maps[];\n"); printf("#endif\n"); return 0; }
void Core::start() { // IPv6 needed for LAN discovery, but can crash some weird routers. On by default, can be disabled in options. bool enableIPv6 = Settings::getInstance().getEnableIPv6(); bool forceTCP = Settings::getInstance().getForceTCP(); bool useProxy = Settings::getInstance().getUseProxy(); if (enableIPv6) qDebug() << "Core starting with IPv6 enabled"; else qWarning() << "Core starting with IPv6 disabled. LAN discovery may not work properly."; Tox_Options toxOptions; toxOptions.ipv6enabled = enableIPv6; toxOptions.udp_disabled = forceTCP; // No proxy by default toxOptions.proxy_enabled = false; toxOptions.proxy_address[0] = 0; toxOptions.proxy_port = 0; if (useProxy) { QString proxyAddr = Settings::getInstance().getProxyAddr(); int proxyPort = Settings::getInstance().getProxyPort(); if (proxyAddr.length() > 255) { qWarning() << "Core: proxy address" << proxyAddr << "is too long"; } else if (proxyAddr != "" && proxyPort > 0) { qDebug() << "Core: using proxy" << proxyAddr << ":" << proxyPort; toxOptions.proxy_enabled = true; uint16_t sz = CString::fromString(proxyAddr, (unsigned char*)toxOptions.proxy_address); toxOptions.proxy_address[sz] = 0; toxOptions.proxy_port = proxyPort; } } tox = tox_new(&toxOptions); if (tox == nullptr) { if (enableIPv6) // Fallback to IPv4 { toxOptions.ipv6enabled = false; tox = tox_new(&toxOptions); if (tox == nullptr) { if (toxOptions.proxy_enabled) { //QMessageBox::critical(Widget::getInstance(), tr("Proxy failure", "popup title"), //tr("toxcore failed to start with your proxy settings. qTox cannot run; please modify your " //"settings and restart.", "popup text")); qCritical() << "Core: bad proxy! no toxcore!"; emit badProxy(); } else { qCritical() << "Tox core failed to start"; emit failedToStart(); } return; } else qWarning() << "Core failed to start with IPv6, falling back to IPv4. LAN discovery may not work properly."; } else if (toxOptions.proxy_enabled) { emit badProxy(); return; } else { qCritical() << "Tox core failed to start"; emit failedToStart(); return; } } toxav = toxav_new(tox, TOXAV_MAX_CALLS); if (toxav == nullptr) { qCritical() << "Toxav core failed to start"; emit failedToStart(); return; } qsrand(time(nullptr)); if (!loadConfiguration()) { emit failedToStart(); tox_kill(tox); tox = nullptr; return; } tox_callback_friend_request(tox, onFriendRequest, this); tox_callback_friend_message(tox, onFriendMessage, this); tox_callback_friend_action(tox, onAction, this); tox_callback_name_change(tox, onFriendNameChange, this); tox_callback_typing_change(tox, onFriendTypingChange, this); tox_callback_status_message(tox, onStatusMessageChanged, this); tox_callback_user_status(tox, onUserStatusChanged, this); tox_callback_connection_status(tox, onConnectionStatusChanged, this); tox_callback_group_invite(tox, onGroupInvite, this); tox_callback_group_message(tox, onGroupMessage, this); tox_callback_group_namelist_change(tox, onGroupNamelistChange, this); tox_callback_file_send_request(tox, onFileSendRequestCallback, this); tox_callback_file_control(tox, onFileControlCallback, this); tox_callback_file_data(tox, onFileDataCallback, this); tox_callback_avatar_info(tox, onAvatarInfoCallback, this); tox_callback_avatar_data(tox, onAvatarDataCallback, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvInvite, av_OnInvite, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvStart, av_OnStart, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvCancel, av_OnCancel, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvReject, av_OnReject, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvEnd, av_OnEnd, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvRinging, av_OnRinging, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvStarting, av_OnStarting, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvEnding, av_OnEnding, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvMediaChange, av_OnMediaChange, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvRequestTimeout, av_OnRequestTimeout, this); toxav_register_callstate_callback(toxav, onAvPeerTimeout, av_OnPeerTimeout, this); toxav_register_audio_recv_callback(toxav, playCallAudio, this); toxav_register_video_recv_callback(toxav, playCallVideo, this); uint8_t friendAddress[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_get_address(tox, friendAddress); emit friendAddressGenerated(CFriendAddress::toString(friendAddress)); QPixmap pic = Settings::getInstance().getSavedAvatar(getSelfId().toString()); if (!pic.isNull() && !pic.size().isEmpty()) { QByteArray data; QBuffer buffer(&data);;, "PNG"); buffer.close(); setAvatar(TOX_AVATAR_FORMAT_PNG, data); } else qDebug() << "Core: Error loading self avatar"; process(); // starts its own timer }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, fflag; char *temp_arg; (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); fflag = 0; inplace = NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "EI:ae:f:i:lnru")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'r': /* Gnu sed compat */ case 'E': rflags = REG_EXTENDED; break; case 'I': inplace = optarg; ispan = 1; /* span across input files */ break; case 'a': aflag = 1; break; case 'e': eflag = 1; if ((temp_arg = malloc(strlen(optarg) + 2)) == NULL) err(1, "malloc"); strcpy(temp_arg, optarg); strcat(temp_arg, "\n"); add_compunit(CU_STRING, temp_arg); break; case 'f': fflag = 1; add_compunit(CU_FILE, optarg); break; case 'i': inplace = optarg; ispan = 0; /* don't span across input files */ break; case 'l': if(setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0) != 0) warnx("setting line buffered output failed"); break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; case 'u': if(setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0) warnx("setting unbuffered output failed"); break; default: case '?': usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* First usage case; script is the first arg */ if (!eflag && !fflag && *argv) { add_compunit(CU_STRING, *argv); argv++; } compile(); /* Continue with first and start second usage */ if (*argv) for (; *argv; argv++) add_file(*argv); else add_file(NULL); process(); cfclose(prog, NULL); if (fclose(stdout)) err(1, "stdout"); exit(rval); }
/*! Ctor. \param xmlfile xml config filename. \param do_process if true, process the file on construction */ Configuration(const std::string& xmlfile, bool do_process=false) : _xmlfile(xmlfile), _root(XmlElement::Factory(_xmlfile)) { if (do_process) process(); }
/* * Kalman filter process */ static PyObject * kf_process(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kws) { MatrixObject *A, *B, *C, *D, *x0, *P0, *Q, *R, *x, *P; Float *x_est, *y_est, *P_est; PyObject *out, *tmp, *tmp1, *x_est_out, *y_est_out, *P_est_out, *result; PyObject *mupdate_callback = NULL, *arglist; int i, j, k, n, p, q, datalength; MatrixObject *y, *u; static char *kwlist[] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "y", "u", "x0", "P0", "Q", "R", "mupdate_callback", NULL}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kws, "O!O!O!O!O!O!O!O!O!O!|O:set_callback", kwlist, &MatrixType, &A, &MatrixType, &B, &MatrixType, &C, &MatrixType, &D, &MatrixType, &y, &MatrixType, &u, &MatrixType, &x0, &MatrixType, &P0, &MatrixType, &Q, &MatrixType, &R, &mupdate_callback)) return NULL; if (A->rows != A->cols) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "A must be a square matrix"); return NULL; } n = A->rows; p = B->cols; q = C->rows; if (B->rows != n) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "B must be Nxp matrix"); return NULL; } if (C->cols != n) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "C must be qxN matrix"); return NULL; } if (D->rows != p || D->cols != q) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "D must be pxq matrix"); return NULL; } datalength = y->cols; if (y->cols != u->cols) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "y and u data lengths does not match"); return NULL; } if (y->rows != q) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "y must be qxlength matrix"); return NULL; } if (u->rows != p) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "u must be pxlength matrix"); return NULL; } if (x0->rows != n || x0->cols != 1) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "x0 must be Nx1 matrix"); return NULL; } if (P0->rows != n || P0->cols != n) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "P0 must be NxN matrix"); return NULL; } if (Q->rows != n || Q->cols != n) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Q must be NxN matrix"); return NULL; } if (R->rows != q || R->cols != q) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "R must be qxq matrix"); return NULL; } if (!PyCallable_Check(mupdate_callback)) { if (mupdate_callback != NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be callable"); return NULL; } } x_est = m_new(n, datalength); y_est = m_new(n, datalength); P_est = m_new(n, n*datalength); if (mupdate_callback != NULL) { Py_XINCREF(mupdate_callback); // Add a reference to new callback x = matrix_new(n, 1); P = matrix_new(n, n); // initialize x and P m_copy(x->data, x0->data, n, 1); m_copy(P->data, P0->data, n, n); for (i=0; i<datalength; i++) { tick(A->data, B->data, C->data, D->data, n, p, q, y->data+i*q, u->data+i*p, x->data, P->data, Q->data, R->data, x_est+i*n, y_est+i*q, P_est+i*n*n); // copy x and P values into output array m_copy(x->data, x_est+i*n, n, 1); m_copy(P->data, P_est+i*n*n, n, n); // update the matrixes arglist = Py_BuildValue("(i, O, O, O, O, O)", i, A, B, C, D, x); result = PyEval_CallObject(mupdate_callback, arglist); Py_DECREF(arglist); } Py_DECREF(x); Py_DECREF(P); } else { // model update not needed process(A->data, B->data, C->data, D->data, n, p, q, y->data, u->data, x0->data, P0->data, Q->data, R->data, datalength, x_est, y_est, P_est); } // create lists from matrixes x_est_out = PyList_New(datalength); for (i=0; i<datalength; i++) { tmp = PyList_New(n); for (j=0; j<n; j++) { PyList_SetItem(tmp, j, PyFloat_FromDouble( *(x_est+i*n+j) )); } PyList_SetItem(x_est_out, i, tmp); } y_est_out = PyList_New(datalength); for (i=0; i<datalength; i++) { tmp = PyFloat_FromDouble( *(y_est+i) ); PyList_SetItem(y_est_out, i, tmp); } P_est_out = PyList_New(datalength); for (i=0; i<datalength; i++) { tmp = PyList_New(n); for (j=0; j<n; j++) { tmp1 = PyList_New(n); for (k=0; k<n; k++) { PyList_SetItem(tmp1, k, PyFloat_FromDouble( *(x_est+i*n+j*n+k) )); } PyList_SetItem(tmp, j, tmp1); } tmp = PyFloat_FromDouble( *(P_est+i) ); PyList_SetItem(P_est_out, i, tmp); } m_free(x_est); m_free(y_est); m_free(P_est); out = PyTuple_New(3); PyTuple_SetItem(out, 0, x_est_out); PyTuple_SetItem(out, 1, y_est_out); PyTuple_SetItem(out, 2, P_est_out); Py_INCREF(out); // TODO add Py_INCREF every time when returning object from fnc return out; }
int KruskalWallisCommand::execute(){ try { if (abort) { if (calledHelp) { return 0; } return 2; } DesignMap designMap(designfile); //if user did not select class use first column if (mclass == "") { mclass = designMap.getDefaultClass(); m->mothurOut("\nYou did not provide a class, using " + mclass +".\n\n"); } InputData input(sharedfile, "sharedfile", nullVector); SharedRAbundVectors* lookup = input.getSharedRAbundVectors(); string lastLabel = lookup->getLabel(); //if the users enters label "0.06" and there is no "0.06" in their file use the next lowest label. set<string> processedLabels; set<string> userLabels = labels; vector<string> currentLabels = lookup->getOTUNames(); //as long as you are not at the end of the file or done wih the lines you want while((lookup != NULL) && ((allLines == 1) || (userLabels.size() != 0))) { if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete lookup; return 0; } if(allLines == 1 || labels.count(lookup->getLabel()) == 1){ m->mothurOut(lookup->getLabel()+"\n"); vector<SharedRAbundVector*> data = lookup->getSharedRAbundVectors(); process(data, designMap, currentLabels); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { delete data[i]; } data.clear(); processedLabels.insert(lookup->getLabel()); userLabels.erase(lookup->getLabel()); } if ((util.anyLabelsToProcess(lookup->getLabel(), userLabels, "") ) && (processedLabels.count(lastLabel) != 1)) { string saveLabel = lookup->getLabel(); delete lookup; lookup = input.getSharedRAbundVectors(lastLabel); m->mothurOut(lookup->getLabel()+"\n"); vector<SharedRAbundVector*> data = lookup->getSharedRAbundVectors(); process(data, designMap, currentLabels); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { delete data[i]; } data.clear(); processedLabels.insert(lookup->getLabel()); userLabels.erase(lookup->getLabel()); //restore real lastlabel to save below lookup->setLabels(saveLabel); } lastLabel = lookup->getLabel(); //prevent memory leak delete lookup; if (m->getControl_pressed()) { return 0; } //get next line to process lookup = input.getSharedRAbundVectors(); } if (m->getControl_pressed()) { return 0; } //output error messages about any remaining user labels set<string>::iterator it; bool needToRun = false; for (it = userLabels.begin(); it != userLabels.end(); it++) { m->mothurOut("Your file does not include the label " + *it); if (processedLabels.count(lastLabel) != 1) { m->mothurOut(". I will use " + lastLabel + "."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); needToRun = true; }else { m->mothurOut(". Please refer to " + lastLabel + "."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); } } //run last label if you need to if (needToRun ) { delete lookup; lookup = input.getSharedRAbundVectors(lastLabel); m->mothurOut(lookup->getLabel()+"\n"); vector<SharedRAbundVector*> data = lookup->getSharedRAbundVectors(); process(data, designMap, currentLabels); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { delete data[i]; } data.clear(); delete lookup; } //output files created by command m->mothurOut("\nOutput File Names: \n"); for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.size(); i++) { m->mothurOut(outputNames[i] +"\n"); } m->mothurOutEndLine(); return 0; } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "KruskalWallisCommand", "execute"); exit(1); } }