Exemplo n.º 1
void FDPLoader::loadFDPItem(DOMNode* pFDPItem)
	DOMNamedNodeMap* attrList = pFDPItem->getAttributes();
	FDPItem* pItem = 0;
	// get the name (id)
	DOMNode* attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("name"));
		char* name = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
		// create a new item (will be deleted in dtor of FDP class)
		pItem = new FDPItem(name);
	// get the control vertex index
	attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("index"));
		char* index = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
		pItem->setControlPoint((unsigned short)atoi(index));

	// get the affecting mesh name
	attr = attrList->getNamedItem(XercesString("affects"));
		char* affects = XMLString::transcode(attr->getNodeValue());
	DOMNodeIterator* iterator = m_pDoc->createNodeIterator(pFDPItem,
	// use the tree walker to print out the text nodes.
	for ( DOMNode* current = iterator->nextNode(); current != 0; current = iterator->nextNode() )
		if(XercesString(current->getNodeName()) == "indices")
			DOMNodeList* children = current->getChildNodes(); 
			// we should have only one child, text node, just a safety net here
			if ( (children->getLength() == 1) && (children->item(0)->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) )//(XercesString(children->item(0)->getNodeName()) == "#text") )
				char* pStr = XMLString::transcode(children->item(0)->getNodeValue());
				std::string str(pStr);
				processIndices(str, pItem);
		else if (XercesString(current->getNodeName()) == "influence")	// can have multiple of those
			// sample: <influence weight="0.25" fap="3" type="RaisedCosInfluenceWaveY" />
			DOMNamedNodeMap* influenceAttr = current->getAttributes();
			// get the weight
			float w = toFloat(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("weight"))->getNodeValue());
			unsigned short fap = (unsigned short)toFloat(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("fap"))->getNodeValue());
			char* type = XMLString::transcode(influenceAttr->getNamedItem(XercesString("type"))->getNodeValue());
			IInfluenceCalculator* pInfluence = InfluenceCalculatorMaker::newInfluenceCalculator(type, w, fap);

Exemplo n.º 2
 * Processes all <Mesh> elements from the XML file.
 * @param n:       <Mesh> element
 * @param outfile: Binary file, opened as "wb", for output.
 * @return: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
int processMesh(xmlNode *n, FILE *outfile)
	xmlChar name[]           = "name";
	xmlChar frameCount[]     = "frameCount";
	xmlChar vertexCount[]    = "vertexCount";
	xmlChar indexCount[]     = "indexCount";
	xmlChar specularPower[]  = "specularPower";
	xmlChar opacity[]        = "opacity";
	xmlChar twoSided[]       = "twoSided";
	xmlChar customColor[]    = "customColor";
	xmlChar diffuseTexture[] = "diffuseTexture";

	float32 color[3];
	struct MeshHeader mh;
	uint8 texname[NAMESIZE+1];

	int foundFlag = FALSE;
	xmlNode *texn = NULL;
	xmlNode *curNode = NULL;
	/* make sure we're dealing with a <Mesh> element */
	assert(strcmp((char*)n->name, "Mesh") == 0);

	/* populate the MeshHeader structure appropriately */
	memset(&mh, 0, sizeof(struct MeshHeader));
	strncpy((char*)mh.name, (char*)xmlGetProp(n, name), NAMESIZE-1);
	mh.frameCount    = (uint32)atoi((char*)xmlGetProp(n, frameCount));
	mh.vertexCount   = (uint32)atoi((char*)xmlGetProp(n, vertexCount));
	mh.indexCount    = (uint32)atoi((char*)xmlGetProp(n, indexCount));
	if (readColorChild(n, "Diffuse", color) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	mh.diffuseColor[0] = color[0];
	mh.diffuseColor[1] = color[1];
	mh.diffuseColor[2] = color[2];
	if (readColorChild(n, "Specular", color) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	mh.specularColor[0] = color[0];
	mh.specularColor[1] = color[1];
	mh.specularColor[2] = color[2];
	mh.specularPower = (float32)atof((char*)xmlGetProp(n, specularPower));
	mh.opacity       = (float32)atof((char*)xmlGetProp(n, opacity));
	mh.properties    = 0;
	if (strcmp((char*)xmlGetProp(n, twoSided), "true") == 0)
		mh.properties += (0x1 << mpfTwoSided);
	if (strcmp((char*)xmlGetProp(n, customColor), "true") == 0)
		mh.properties += (0x1 << mpfCustomColor);
	mh.textures      = 0;
	if (strcmp((char*)xmlGetProp(n, diffuseTexture), "true") == 0)
		mh.textures = 1;

	/* write the MeshHeader */
	fwrite(&mh, sizeof(struct MeshHeader), 1, outfile);

	/* if we have a texture, then also write its name */
	foundFlag = FALSE;
	if (mh.textures)
		for (texn=n->children; texn; texn = texn->next)
			if (texn->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
				if (strcmp((char*)texn->name, "Texture") == 0)
					foundFlag = TRUE;
		if (foundFlag == FALSE)
			printf("Could not find <Texture> element!\n");
			return FALSE;
		memset(texname, 0, NAMESIZE+1);
			(char*)xmlGetProp(texn, (xmlChar*)"name"), NAMESIZE);
		fwrite(texname, NAMESIZE, 1, outfile);

	/* write out vertices */
	foundFlag = FALSE;
	for (curNode=n->children; curNode; curNode = curNode->next)
		if (curNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
			if (strcmp((char*)curNode->name, "Vertices") == 0)
				foundFlag = TRUE;
				if (processVertices(curNode, outfile,
					mh.vertexCount) == FALSE)
					return FALSE;
	if (foundFlag == FALSE)
		printf("No <Vertices> found!\n");
		return FALSE;
	/* write out normals */
	foundFlag = FALSE;
	for (curNode=n->children; curNode; curNode = curNode->next)
		if (curNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
			if (strcmp((char*)curNode->name, "Normals") == 0)
				foundFlag = TRUE;
				if (processNormals(curNode, outfile,
					mh.vertexCount) == FALSE)
					return FALSE;
	if (foundFlag == FALSE)
		printf("No <Normals> found!\n");
		return FALSE;
	/* write out texture coordinates */
	if (mh.textures)
		foundFlag = FALSE;
		for (curNode=n->children; curNode; curNode = curNode->next)
			if (curNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
				if (strcmp((char*)curNode->name, "TexCoords")
					== 0)
					foundFlag = TRUE;
					if (processTexcoords(curNode,
						outfile, mh.vertexCount) == 
						return FALSE;
		if (foundFlag == FALSE)
			printf("No <TexCoords> found!\n");
			return FALSE;
	/* write out indices */
	foundFlag = FALSE;
	for (curNode=n->children; curNode; curNode = curNode->next)
		if (curNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
			if (strcmp((char*)curNode->name, "Indices") == 0)
				foundFlag = TRUE;
				if (processIndices(curNode, outfile,
					mh.indexCount) == FALSE)
					return FALSE;
	if (foundFlag == FALSE)
		printf("No <Indices> found!\n");

	return TRUE;