Exemplo n.º 1
void Database::processRules(std::string queryName) {
    g->genPONums(queryName); //Generate the post-order numbers for the query
    if (g->detectCycles()) { //If there are cycles, run the least fixed-point algorithm
        int numFacts = 0;
        int passes = 0;
        do {
            numFacts = getNumFacts(); //Get the current number of facts
            for (int postNum = 1; postNum <= g->adjList.size(); postNum++) { //Loop through the post-order numbers
                for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { //Loop through the list of rules
                    if (postNum == g->postNums[rules.at(i)->first->getTokensValue()]) { //If the current rule's post-order number matches the current post-order number
                        processRule(rules.at(i)); //Process the rule
        } while (numFacts != getNumFacts()); //Repeat until no new facts have been generated

        //std::cout << "Schemes populated after " << passes << " passes through the Rules.\n";
    else { //If there are no cycles
        for (int postNum = 1; postNum <= g->adjList.size(); postNum++) { //Loop through the post-order numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { //Loop through the list of rules
                if (postNum == g->postNums[rules.at(i)->first->getTokensValue()]) { //If the current rule's post-order number matches the current post-order number
                    processRule(rules.at(i)); //Process the rule
Exemplo n.º 2
void Parser::processKifLine(QString line){
    // If it is a rule
        LRule rule = processRule(line);
        debug("New rule processed     : ", rule->toString());


    // Else, it is a relation
        LRelation relation = processRelation(line);
        debug("New relation processed : ", relation->toString());
Exemplo n.º 3
int RewriteEngine::processRuleSet( const RewriteRuleList * pRuleList, HttpConnection * pConn,
            const HttpContext * pContext, const HttpContext * pRootContext )
    const RewriteRule * pRule = NULL;
    int loopCount = 0;
    int flag = 0;
    int ret;
    m_pContext = pContext;
    if ( pRuleList )
        pRule = pRuleList->begin();
        pRule = getNextRule( NULL, pContext, pRootContext );
    if ( !pRule )
        return 0;
    HttpReq * pReq = pConn->getReq();
    const AutoStr2 * pBase = NULL;
    AutoStr2    sStrip;
    m_rewritten = 0;
    //initialize rewrite engine
    //strip prefix aka. RewriteBase
    m_logLevel = pReq->getRewriteLogLevel();
    m_pSourceURL = pReq->getURI();
    m_sourceURLLen = pReq->getURILen();
    m_pStrip = m_pBase = NULL;
    m_iScriptLen = -1;
    m_iPathInfoLen = 0;
    if ( m_pContext )
        pBase = m_pContext->getContextURI();
        if (( pBase )&&
            ( strncmp( m_pSourceURL, pBase->c_str(), pBase->len() ) == 0 ))
            m_pStrip = m_pBase = pBase;
            m_pBase = pBase = m_pContext->getRewriteBase();
            if (( pBase )&&
                ( strncmp( m_pSourceURL, pBase->c_str(), pBase->len() ) == 0 ))
                m_pStrip = m_pBase = pBase;
        if ( m_pContext->getRewriteBase() )
            m_pBase = m_pContext->getRewriteBase();
        if ( m_pStrip )
            if ( m_logLevel > 4 )
                LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                        "[%s] [REWRITE] strip base: '%s' from URI: '%s'",
                        pConn->getLogId(), m_pStrip->c_str(), m_pSourceURL ));
            m_pSourceURL += m_pStrip->len();
            m_sourceURLLen -= m_pStrip->len();
            if ( pConn->getReq()->isMatched() )
                const char * pURL;
                int len;
                pConn->getReq()->stripRewriteBase( m_pContext,
                    pURL, len );
                if (( len < m_sourceURLLen )&&( strncmp( 
                        m_pSourceURL + m_sourceURLLen - len, pURL, len ) == 0 ))
                    sStrip.setStr( m_pSourceURL, m_sourceURLLen - len );
                    m_pStrip = &sStrip;
                    if ( !m_pBase )
                        m_pBase = m_pStrip;
                m_pSourceURL = pURL;
                m_sourceURLLen = len;

    m_pQS = pReq->getQueryString();
    m_qsLen = pReq->getQueryStringLen();

    m_pOrgSourceURL = m_pSourceURL;
    m_orgSourceURLLen = m_sourceURLLen;

    m_condMatches = 0;
    m_pDestURLLen = 0;
    m_pDestURL = m_rewriteBuf[0];
    m_pCondBuf = m_rewriteBuf[1];
    m_pFreeBuf = m_rewriteBuf[2];
    m_action   = RULE_ACTION_NONE;
    m_flag     = 0;
    m_statusCode = 0;
    while( pRule )
        flag = pRule->getFlag();
//        if (( flag & RULE_FLAG_NOSUBREQ )&&( pReq->isSubReq() > 0 ))
//            ret = -1;
//        else
            ret = processRule( pRule, pConn );
        if ( ret )
            pRule = getNextRule( pRule, pContext, pRootContext );
            while( pRule && ( flag & RULE_FLAG_CHAIN ))
                if ( m_logLevel > 5 )
                    LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                        "[%s] [REWRITE] skip chained rule: '%s'",
                        pConn->getLogId(), pRule->getPattern() ));
                flag = pRule->getFlag();
                pRule = getNextRule( pRule, pContext, pRootContext );
                            //(const RewriteRule *) pRule->next();
        if (( flag & RULE_FLAG_LAST )&&!pRule->getSkip())
            if ( m_logLevel > 5 )
                LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                    "[%s] [REWRITE] Last Rule, stop!",
                    pConn->getLogId() ));
            if ( flag & RULE_FLAG_END )
                if ( m_logLevel > 5 )
                    LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                        "[%s] [REWRITE] End rewrite!",
                        pConn->getLogId() ));
                pConn->getReq()->orContextState( SKIP_REWRITE );
        if ( flag & RULE_FLAG_NEXT )
            pContext = m_pContext;
            if ( pRuleList )
                pRule = pRuleList->begin();
                pRule = getNextRule( NULL, pContext, pRootContext );
            if ( ++loopCount > 10 )
                LOG_ERR(( pConn->getLogger(),
                        "[%s] [REWRITE] Rules loop 10 times, possible infinite loop!",
                        pConn->getLogId() ));
            if ( m_logLevel > 5 )
                LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                    "[%s] [REWRITE] Next round, restart from the first rule",
                    pConn->getLogId() ));
        if ( !pRule )
        int n = pRule->getSkip()+1;
        if (( n > 1 )&&( m_logLevel > 5 ))
            LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                "[%s] [REWRITE] skip next %d rules",
                pConn->getLogId(), n - 1 ));
        while( pRule && n > 0 )
            pRule = getNextRule( pRule, pContext, pRootContext );
                    //(const RewriteRule *) pRule->next();
    if ( m_rewritten )
        if (( m_action == RULE_ACTION_FORBID )||
            ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_GONE   ))
            return m_statusCode;
        if ( m_rewritten & 2 )
            //set the final URL and query string
            if ( ! isAbsoluteURI( m_pSourceURL, m_sourceURLLen ) )
                if ( *m_pSourceURL != '/' )
                    // add missing prefix (RewriteBase)
                    char * pBuf = m_pFreeBuf;
                    int baseLen;
                    if ( !m_pBase )
                        baseLen   = 1;
                        *pBuf = '/';
                        baseLen = m_pBase->len();
                        memmove( pBuf, m_pBase->c_str(), baseLen );
                    if ( m_sourceURLLen > REWRITE_BUF_SIZE - 1 - baseLen )
                        m_sourceURLLen = REWRITE_BUF_SIZE - 1 - baseLen;
                    memmove( pBuf + baseLen, m_pSourceURL, m_sourceURLLen );
                    m_pFreeBuf = (char *)m_pSourceURL;
                    m_pSourceURL = pBuf;
                    m_sourceURLLen += baseLen;
                    pBuf[m_sourceURLLen] = 0;
                    if (( m_logLevel > 4 )&&( m_pBase ))
                        LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                                "[%s] [REWRITE] prepend rewrite base: '%s', final URI: '%s'",
                                pConn->getLogId(), m_pBase->c_str(), m_pSourceURL ));
            else if ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_NONE )
                m_action = RULE_ACTION_REDIRECT;
                m_statusCode = SC_302;
            if ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_NONE )
                if ( !pReq->getRedirects() || pBase)
                    ret = pReq->saveCurURL();
                    if ( ret )
                        return ret;
                if ( m_pQS == m_qsBuf )
                    pReq->setRewriteQueryString( m_pQS, m_qsLen );
                m_statusCode = -3;  //rewritten to another url
            else if ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_REDIRECT )
                if ( pReq->detectLoopRedirect( (char *)m_pSourceURL, m_sourceURLLen,
                                        m_pQS, m_qsLen, pConn->isSSL() ) == 0 )
                    pReq->setRewriteLocation( (char *)m_pSourceURL, m_sourceURLLen,
                                        m_pQS, m_qsLen, m_flag & RULE_FLAG_NOESCAPE );
                    pReq->orContextState( REWRITE_REDIR );
                    LOG_INFO(( pConn->getLogger(),
                            "[%s] [REWRITE] detect external loop redirection with target URL: %s, skip.",
                                pConn->getLogId(), m_pSourceURL ));
                    m_rewritten = m_statusCode = 0;
                    m_pSourceURL = m_pOrgSourceURL;
                    m_sourceURLLen = m_orgSourceURLLen ;

                    goto NEXT_RULE;
            else if ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_PROXY )
                if ( strncasecmp( m_pSourceURL, "http://", 7 ) != 0 )
                    LOG_ERR(( "[REWRITE] Absolute URL with leading 'http://' is "
                              "required for proxy, URL: %s", m_pSourceURL ));
                    return SC_500;
                char * pHost = (char *)m_pSourceURL + 7;
                char * pHostEnd = strchr( pHost, '/' );
                if (( !pHostEnd )||(pHostEnd == pHost))
                    LOG_ERR(( "[REWRITE] Can not determine proxy host name" ));
                    return SC_500;
                *pHostEnd = 0;
                const HttpHandler * pHandler = HandlerFactory::getInstance(
                        HandlerType::HT_PROXY, pHost );
                if ( !pHandler )
                    LOG_ERR(( "[REWRITE] Proxy target is not defined on "
                              "external application list, please add a 'web server'"
                              " with name '%s'", pHost ));
                    return SC_500;
                *pHostEnd = '/';
                pReq->setHandler( pHandler );

                //FIXME: change request header
                ret = pReq->internalRedirectURI( pHostEnd, 
                        m_pSourceURL + m_sourceURLLen - pHostEnd, 0,
                        m_flag & RULE_FLAG_NOESCAPE );
                if ( ret )
                    return SC_500;

                if ( m_pQS == m_qsBuf )
                    pReq->setRewriteQueryString( m_pQS, m_qsLen );
        else if ( m_action == RULE_ACTION_REDIRECT )
            return 0;
        return m_statusCode;
    return 0;