Exemplo n.º 1
void LaserScanMatcher::scanCallback (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& scan_msg)
  // **** if first scan, cache the tf from base to the scanner
  if (!initialized_)
    createCache(scan_msg);    // caches the sin and cos of all angles

    // cache the static tf from base to laser
    if (!getBaseToLaserTf(scan_msg->header.frame_id))
		ROS_INFO("FRAME_ID : %s",scan_msg->header.frame_id.c_str());
      ROS_WARN("Skipping laser scan");

    laserScanToLDP(scan_msg, prev_ldp_scan_); 
    last_icp_time_ = scan_msg->header.stamp;
    initialized_ = true;

  LDP curr_ldp_scan;
  laserScanToLDP(scan_msg, curr_ldp_scan);
  processScan(curr_ldp_scan, scan_msg->header.stamp);
Exemplo n.º 2
void LaserScanMatcher::cloudCallback (const PointCloudT::ConstPtr& cloud)
  // **** if first scan, cache the tf from base to the scanner

  std_msgs::Header cloud_header = pcl_conversions::fromPCL(cloud->header);

  if (!initialized_)
    // cache the static tf from base to laser
    if (!getBaseToLaserTf(cloud_header.frame_id))
      ROS_WARN("Skipping cloud scan");

    PointCloudToLDP(cloud, prev_ldp_scan_);
    last_icp_time_ = cloud_header.stamp;
    initialized_ = true;

  LDP curr_ldp_scan;
  PointCloudToLDP(cloud, curr_ldp_scan);
  processScan(curr_ldp_scan, cloud_header.stamp);
Exemplo n.º 3
void image::decodeScan()
    int errNo;
    int srcCurPos;
    FwiDecodeHuffmanState* pDecHuffState;

	signed short int lastDc[4] = {0,0,0}; // we support only four components now...
    int marker = 0;
	bool eoiFound = false;
    errNo = fwiDecodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG_8u(&pDecHuffState);
    printError((errNo!=0),"\nerror: in fwiDecodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG_8u\n");
    srcCurPos = (int)image::curIndex;
    int tableSelector = 0;
    Fw16s pDataUnit[64]; 
    int unSampledDstStep;
	Fw8u *pTemporaryDst2[4];
    // TODO: can find this at the time of reading the header....
    int maxHorizontalSamplingFactor = 0;
    int maxVerticalSamplingFactor = 0;
    int noOfDataUnitsInMCU = 0;
	int noOfMCUforComponent = 0;

	noOfComponents = SOF0::noOfComponents;
	samplesPerLine = SOF0::samplesPerLine;
	noOfLines = SOF0::noOfLines;
	for(int i=0; i<noOfComponents;i++)
		componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor = SOF0::componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor;
		componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor = SOF0::componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor;
		componentData[i].componentId = SOF0::componentData[i].componentId;
		componentData[i].DQTTableSelector = SOF0::componentData[i].DQTTableSelector;
		componentData[i].noOfMCUsForComponent = componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor*
    for(int i=0; i<noOfComponents;i++)
        if(componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor > maxHorizontalSamplingFactor)
            maxHorizontalSamplingFactor = componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor;
        if(componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor > maxVerticalSamplingFactor)
            maxVerticalSamplingFactor = componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor;
        noOfDataUnitsInMCU = noOfDataUnitsInMCU + componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor * componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor;
	mcuWidth  = 8 * maxHorizontalSamplingFactor; // right now we support only lossy JPEG ..so 8 pixels
	mcuHeight = 8 * maxVerticalSamplingFactor;
    //TODO: calculate xPadding and yPadding here...

    noOfxMCU = (samplesPerLine + mcuWidth - 1)/ mcuWidth;
    noOfyMCU = (noOfLines + mcuHeight - 1) / mcuHeight;
    for(int i=0; i<noOfComponents;i++)
        unSampledDstStep = noOfxMCU*componentData[i].horizontalSamplingFactor*8;
		pMCUdst[i] = (Fw16s*)malloc(unSampledDstStep*componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor*8 * noOfyMCU * 2/*sizeof(Fw16u)*/);
		pTemporaryDst2[i] = (Fw8u*)malloc(unSampledDstStep*componentData[i].verticalSamplingFactor*8 * noOfyMCU * 1/*sizeof(Fw8u)*/);
	/*Data for kernel processing */
	imageWidth = noOfxMCU * mcuWidth;
	imageHeight = noOfyMCU * mcuHeight;
    // get all MCU's..
    for(int yMCU=0;yMCU<noOfyMCU;yMCU++)
    // get one MCU row..
        for(int xMCU=0;xMCU<noOfxMCU;xMCU++)
        // get one MCU..
            for(int i=0;i<noOfComponents;i++)
            // TODO: the way we are referring componentData with the componentID may be wrong.. change it 
                for(unsigned int j=0;j<componentData[(component[i].ComponentId-1)].verticalSamplingFactor;j++)
                    for(unsigned int k=0;k<componentData[component[i].ComponentId-1].horizontalSamplingFactor;k++)
                        // TODO: if restart interval is set then calculate nomber of restarts required and after that many number of MCU's  reset the decoder
                        marker = 0;
                        errNo = fwiDecodeHuffman8x8_JPEG_1u16s_C1(image::rawImageBuffer, (int)image::fileLength - 1, &srcCurPos, pDataUnit, &(lastDc[i]), &marker, pHuffDcTable[component[i].DCTableSelector], pHuffAcTable[component[i].ACTableSelector],pDecHuffState);
						//printError((marker!=0),"\nerror: marker found while decoding..\n");
							//printError(1,"\nerror: marker is not zero\n");
                        if(errNo !=0)
                        printError((errNo!=0),"\nError : errNo != 0 in fwiDecodeHuffman8x8_JPEG_1u16s_C1\n");
                        image::moveCurIndex(srcCurPos - image::curIndex);

						//copy to pTempDst
						noOfMCUforComponent = componentData[(component[i].ComponentId-1)].verticalSamplingFactor * 
							componentData[component[i].ComponentId-1].horizontalSamplingFactor ;
						for (int l=0;l<64;l++)
							pMCUdst[i][yMCU * noOfxMCU *(noOfMCUforComponent *64) + (xMCU * noOfMCUforComponent *64 ) + ((j * componentData[component[i].ComponentId-1].horizontalSamplingFactor * 64) + k *64) + l] = pDataUnit[l];
Exemplo n.º 4
void Scanner::singleScan(int frame, float rotation, float frameRotation,
		                 LocationMapper& leftLocMapper, LocationMapper& rightLocMapper, TimingStats * timingStats)
	double time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
	timingStats->rotationTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

	// Make sure the laser is off

	// Take a picture with the laser off
	time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
	timingStats->imageAcquisitionTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

	// If this is the first image, save it as a thumbnail
	if (frame == 0)
		std::string thumbnail = m_filename + ".png";

		PixelLocationWriter imageWriter;
		imageWriter.writeImage(m_image1, 128, 96, thumbnail.c_str());

	// Scan with the Right laser
	if (m_laserSelection == Laser::RIGHT_LASER || m_laserSelection == Laser::ALL_LASERS)
		bool goodResult = false;

		for (int iTry = 0; iTry < m_maxNumFrameRetries && ! goodResult; iTry++)
			// Turn on the right laser
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->laserTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Take a picture with the right laser on
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->imageAcquisitionTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Turn off the right laser
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->laserTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Process the right laser results
			goodResult = processScan(m_rightLaserResults, frame, rotation, rightLocMapper, Laser::RIGHT_LASER, m_firstRowRightLaserCol, timingStats);

			// If it didn't succeed, take the first image again
			if (!goodResult)
				// Take a picture with the laser off
				time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
				timingStats->imageAcquisitionTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

	// Scan with the Left laser
	if (m_laserSelection == Laser::LEFT_LASER || m_laserSelection == Laser::ALL_LASERS)
		bool goodResult = false;

		for (int iTry = 0; iTry < m_maxNumFrameRetries && ! goodResult; iTry++)
			// Turn on the left laser
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->laserTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Take a picture with the left laser on
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->imageAcquisitionTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Turn off the left laser
			time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
			timingStats->laserTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;

			// Process the left laser results
			goodResult = processScan(m_leftLaserResults, frame, rotation, leftLocMapper, Laser::LEFT_LASER, m_firstRowLeftLaserCol, timingStats);

			// If it didn't succeed, take the first image again
			if (!goodResult)
				// Take a picture with the laser off
				time1 = GetTimeInSeconds();
				timingStats->imageAcquisitionTime += GetTimeInSeconds() - time1;