Exemplo n.º 1
glm::mat4 Camera::getPerspectiveProjection(const float &fov, const float &aspect, const float &zNear, const float &zFar) {
	glm::mat4 projMat(1.0f);
	float frustumScale =  1 / tan(0.5f * fov);
	projMat[0][0] = frustumScale / aspect;
	projMat[1][1] = frustumScale;
	projMat[2][2] = (zFar + zNear) / (zNear - zFar);
	projMat[3][2] = (2 * zFar * zNear) / (zNear - zFar);
	projMat[2][3] = -1.0f;
	return projMat;
Exemplo n.º 2
glm::mat4 Camera::getOrthoProjection(const float &left, const float &right, const float &bottom, const float &top, 
	const float &zNear, const float &zFar) {
	glm::mat4 projMat(1.0f);
	projMat[0][0] = 2/(right - left);
	projMat[1][1] = 2/(top - bottom);
	projMat[2][2] = -2/(zFar - zNear);
	projMat[3][0] = -(right + left)/(right - left);
	projMat[3][1] = -(top + bottom)/(top - bottom);
	projMat[3][2] = -(zFar + zNear)/(zFar - zNear);
	return projMat;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool DecalManager::clipDecal( DecalInstance *decal, Vector<Point3F> *edgeVerts, const Point2F *clipDepth )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalManager_clipDecal );

   // Free old verts and indices.
   _freeBuffers( decal );

   ClippedPolyList clipper;

   clipper.mNormal.set( Point3F( 0, 0, 0 ) );

   F32 halfSize = decal->mSize * 0.5f;
   // Ugly hack for ProjectedShadow!
   F32 halfSizeZ = clipDepth ? clipDepth->x : halfSize;
   F32 negHalfSize = clipDepth ? clipDepth->y : halfSize;
   Point3F decalHalfSize( halfSize, halfSize, halfSize );
   Point3F decalHalfSizeZ( halfSizeZ, halfSizeZ, halfSizeZ );

   MatrixF projMat( true );
   decal->getWorldMatrix( &projMat );

   const VectorF &crossVec = decal->mNormal;
   const Point3F &decalPos = decal->mPosition;

   VectorF newFwd, newRight;
   projMat.getColumn( 0, &newRight );
   projMat.getColumn( 1, &newFwd );   

   VectorF objRight( 1.0f, 0, 0 );
   VectorF objFwd( 0, 1.0f, 0 );
   VectorF objUp( 0, 0, 1.0f );

   // See above re: decalHalfSizeZ hack.
   clipper.mPlaneList[0].set( ( decalPos + ( -newRight * halfSize ) ), -newRight );
   clipper.mPlaneList[1].set( ( decalPos + ( -newFwd * halfSize ) ), -newFwd );
   clipper.mPlaneList[2].set( ( decalPos + ( -crossVec * decalHalfSizeZ ) ), -crossVec );
   clipper.mPlaneList[3].set( ( decalPos + ( newRight * halfSize ) ), newRight );
   clipper.mPlaneList[4].set( ( decalPos + ( newFwd * halfSize ) ), newFwd );
   clipper.mPlaneList[5].set( ( decalPos + ( crossVec * negHalfSize ) ), crossVec );

   clipper.mNormal = -decal->mNormal;

   Box3F box( -decalHalfSizeZ, decalHalfSizeZ );

   projMat.mul( box );

   DecalData *decalData = decal->mDataBlock;

   PROFILE_START( DecalManager_clipDecal_buildPolyList );
   getContainer()->buildPolyList( box, decalData->clippingMasks, &clipper );   

   if ( clipper.mVertexList.empty() )
      return false;

   mDebugPlanes.merge( clipper.mPlaneList );

   decal->mVertCount = clipper.mVertexList.size();
   decal->mIndxCount = clipper.mIndexList.size();
   Vector<Point3F> tmpPoints;

   tmpPoints.push_back(( objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   tmpPoints.push_back(( objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( -objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   tmpPoints.push_back(( -objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( -objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   Point3F lowerLeft(( -objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( objRight * decalHalfSize ));


   _generateWindingOrder( lowerLeft, &tmpPoints );

   BiQuadToSqr quadToSquare( Point2F( lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y ),
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[0].x, tmpPoints[0].y ), 
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[1].x, tmpPoints[1].y ), 
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[2].x, tmpPoints[2].y ) );  

   Point2F uv( 0, 0 );
   Point3F vecX(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

   // Allocate memory for vert and index arrays
   _allocBuffers( decal );  
   Point3F vertPoint( 0, 0, 0 );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < clipper.mVertexList.size(); i++ )
      const ClippedPolyList::Vertex &vert = clipper.mVertexList[i];
      vertPoint = vert.point;

      // Transform this point to
      // object space to look up the
      // UV coordinate for this vertex.
      projMat.mulP( vertPoint );

      // Clamp the point to be within the quad.
      vertPoint.x = mClampF( vertPoint.x, -decalHalfSize.x, decalHalfSize.x );
      vertPoint.y = mClampF( vertPoint.y, -decalHalfSize.y, decalHalfSize.y );

      // Get our UV.
      uv = quadToSquare.transform( Point2F( vertPoint.x, vertPoint.y ) );

      const RectF &rect = decal->mDataBlock->texRect[decal->mTextureRectIdx];

      uv *= rect.extent;
      uv += rect.point;      

      // Set the world space vertex position.
      decal->mVerts[i].point = vert.point;
      decal->mVerts[i].texCoord.set( uv.x, uv.y );
      decal->mVerts[i].normal = clipper.mNormalList[i];

      if( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.z ) > 0.8f ) 
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), &vecX );
      else if ( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.x ) > 0.8f )
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), &vecX );
      else if ( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.y ) > 0.8f )
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), &vecX );
      decal->mVerts[i].tangent = mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, vecX );

   U32 curIdx = 0;
   for ( U32 j = 0; j < clipper.mPolyList.size(); j++ )
      // Write indices for each Poly
      ClippedPolyList::Poly *poly = &clipper.mPolyList[j];                  

      AssertFatal( poly->vertexCount == 3, "Got non-triangle poly!" );

      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart];         
      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart + 1];            
      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart + 2];                

   if ( !edgeVerts )
      return true;

   Point3F tmpHullPt( 0, 0, 0 );
   Vector<Point3F> tmpHullPts;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < clipper.mVertexList.size(); i++ )
      const ClippedPolyList::Vertex &vert = clipper.mVertexList[i];
      tmpHullPt = vert.point;
      projMat.mulP( tmpHullPt );
      tmpHullPts.push_back( tmpHullPt );

   U32 verts = _generateConvexHull( tmpHullPts, edgeVerts );
   edgeVerts->setSize( verts );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < edgeVerts->size(); i++ )
      projMat.mulP( (*edgeVerts)[i] );

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
//! @brief render big software image of any size using either screen to render or offscreen texture ( can flicker )
bool renderToImage( IrrlichtDevice* device, IImage* dst, s32 nSamples, const SColor& clearColor, bool renderGUI, bool debugLog)
	// print call params
	if (debugLog)
		printf(	"renderToImage( nSamples=%i, clearColor(%i,%i,%i,%i)\n", nSamples,
			clearColor.getAlpha(), clearColor.getRed(), clearColor.getGreen(), clearColor.getBlue() );

	// abort
    if (!device)
		printf("No Irrlicht-Device found.\n");
        return false;

	// abort
    if (!dst)
		printf("No destination image found.\n");
        return false;

	// local pointers
	IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();
	scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
	scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->getActiveCamera();

	// abort
	if (!camera)
		printf("No active camera found.\n");
		return false;

	//! decompose camera's projection-matrix in d3d semantics

	core::matrix4 projMat = camera->getProjectionMatrix();

	bool IsOrthogonal = true;

	if ( core::equals( projMat(3,3), 0.f ) )
		IsOrthogonal = false;

	if ( !core::equals( projMat(2,3), 0.f ) )
		IsOrthogonal = false;

    f32 Left;
    f32 Right;
    f32 Bottom;
    f32 Top;
    f32 Near;
    f32 Far;

	if (IsOrthogonal)
		Near = -projMat(3,2)/projMat(2,2);
		Far = -(projMat(3,2)-1.f)/projMat(2,2);
		Left = -(projMat(3,0)+1.f)/projMat(0,0);
		Right = -(projMat(3,0)-1.f)/projMat(0,0);
		Top = -(projMat(3,1)-1.f)/projMat(1,1);
		Bottom = -(projMat(3,1)+1.f)/projMat(1,1);
		Near = -projMat(3,2)/projMat(2,2);
		Far = -projMat(3,2)/(projMat(2,2)-1.f);
		Left = -Near*(projMat(2,0)+1.f)/projMat(0,0);
		Right = -Near*(projMat(2,0)-1.f)/projMat(0,0);
		Top = -Near*(projMat(2,1)-1.f)/projMat(1,1);
		Bottom = -Near*(projMat(2,1)+1.f)/projMat(1,1);
	Near = camera->getNearValue();	// take the values directly from Camera
	Far = camera->getFarValue();	// due to f32 rounding errors

	//! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	//! calculate Border / get max thickness used by all registered materials
	//! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	s32 Border = 0;
	f32 thickness = 0.0f;

    const core::list<scene::ISceneNode*>& children = smgr->getRootSceneNode()->getChildren();
    core::list<scene::ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = children.begin();

    while (it != children.end())
		scene::ISceneNode* node = (*it);
		if (node)
			u32 matCount = node->getMaterialCount();
			for (u32 m = 0; m < matCount; ++m)
				if (thickness < node->getMaterial(m).Thickness)
					thickness = node->getMaterial(m).Thickness;

	Border = core::ceil32( thickness );

	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//! choose render-mode: offscreen or onscreen depending on AA, nSamples and RTT capabilities
	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	//! @var nSamples - AntiAliasing depth > 1 make bigger rtts or downscale render-result by factor nSamples while having filter-methods enabled
	//! the framebuffer will always be downscaled by fast software bilinear filtering using colorkey/transparency to blend better into final image
	//! hardware-scaling: bilinear, trilinear or anisotropic texture-filtering available with irrlicht-engine
	//! software scaling: nearest, bilinear, bicubic downscaling available:
	//!  				  bilinear has best compromise for downscaling ( there is much more information-loss due to resize than interpolation)
	//! default: 1 (<2) - no AA/downscaling done

	//! @var clearColor - argb32 color, the final image will filled with
	//! before writing into it and be used as colorkey for AA/software bilinear downscaling operation

	//! @var DoOffscreen - default=false, onscreen (framebuffer)
	//! false -	onscreen-rendering using framebuffer/display.
	//! 		doublebuffer is possible, but will not prevent the showing of each rendered tile-texture
	//! true - 	offscreen-rendering using render-target-textures

	bool DoOffscreen = false;

	//! ----------------------------------------------------------------
	//! collect video-driver infos
	//! ----------------------------------------------------------------

	const core::dimension2du ScreenSize = driver->getScreenSize();
	const ECOLOR_FORMAT ScreenFormat = driver->getColorFormat();
	const u32 ScreenBits = IImage::getBitsPerPixelFromFormat( ScreenFormat );
    const io::IAttributes& info = driver->getDriverAttributes();
    const core::dimension2du MaxRTTSize = driver->getMaxTextureSize();
    const u32 MaxAA = info.getAttributeAsInt( "AntiAlias" );
    const u32 MaxAF = info.getAttributeAsInt( "MaxAnisotropy" );
    const bool HasNPOT = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_TEXTURE_NPOT );
    const bool HasNSQR = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_TEXTURE_NSQUARE );
	const bool HasRTT = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_RENDER_TO_TARGET);
	const bool HasMTT = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_MULTITEXTURE);
	const bool HasMRT = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS);
	const bool HasATC = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE);
	const bool HasBTF = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_BILINEAR_FILTER);
	const bool HasCMK = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_COLOR_MASK);
	const bool HasMMP = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_MIP_MAP);
	const bool HasMMA = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_MIP_MAP_AUTO_UPDATE);
	const bool HasOCC = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_OCCLUSION_QUERY);
	const bool HasPOF = driver->queryFeature( EVDF_POLYGON_OFFSET);

	if (debugLog)
		printf("ScreenSize = %i x %i x %i\n", ScreenSize.Width, ScreenSize.Height, ScreenBits);
		printf("MaxRTTSize = %i x %i\n", MaxRTTSize.Width, MaxRTTSize.Height);
		printf("MaxAA = %i\n", MaxAA);
		printf("MaxAF = %i\n", MaxAF);
		printf("HasNPOT = %s\n", HasNPOT?"true":"false");
		printf("HasNSQR = %s\n", HasNSQR?"true":"false");
		printf("HasRTT = %s\n", HasRTT?"true":"false");
		printf("HasMTT = %s\n", HasMTT?"true":"false");
		printf("HasMRT = %s\n", HasMRT?"true":"false");
		printf("HasATC = %s\n", HasATC?"true":"false");
		printf("HasBTF = %s\n", HasBTF?"true":"false");
		printf("HasCMK = %s\n", HasCMK?"true":"false");
		printf("HasMMP = %s\n", HasMMP?"true":"false");
		printf("HasMMA = %s\n", HasMMA?"true":"false");
		printf("HasOCC = %s\n", HasOCC?"true":"false");
		printf("HasPOF = %s\n", HasPOF?"true":"false");

    s32 RTTWidth = ScreenSize.Width;				// equals the actual rtt size before down scaling factor nSamples AA and writing to final Image
    s32 RTTHeight = ScreenSize.Height;				// the render-target is always a texture (offscreen) or the framebuffer (onscreen)
    s32 RTTWidthNB = RTTWidth - 2*Border;			// the border equals the overlapping during rendering due to material-thickness > 0
    s32 RTTHeightNB = RTTHeight - 2*Border;			// the area that gets written to unique places, while the border regions can overlapp ( same pos, but writing/adding different image-content )

	// so the position increment for the final writing is always RTTWidthNB or RTTHeightNB

    const s32 ImageWidth = (s32)dst->getDimension().Width;		// width of the final image
    const s32 ImageHeight = (s32)dst->getDimension().Height;	// height of the final image
    const ECOLOR_FORMAT ImageFormat = dst->getColorFormat();			// color-format of the final image, i.e. ECF_A8R8G8B8, ECF_R8G8B8, ECF_R16 for heightmaps ( bilinear, anisotropic )
	const s32 CountX = core::ceil32( (f32)ImageWidth / (f32)RTTWidthNB );
	const s32 CountY = core::ceil32( (f32)ImageHeight / (f32)RTTHeightNB );

	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//! start render loop
	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    s32 IndexX = 0;
    s32 IndexY = 0;
	s32 dstX = -Border;
	s32 dstY = -Border;

	for ( IndexY = 0; IndexY < CountY; ++IndexY)
		// reset row
		dstX = -Border;

		for ( IndexX = 0; IndexX < CountX; ++IndexX)
			const f32 fLeft = Left + (Right - Left) * (f32)( IndexX * RTTWidthNB - Border )/(f32)ImageWidth;
			const f32 fRight = fLeft + (Right - Left) * (f32)RTTWidth / (f32)ImageWidth;
			const f32 fTop = Top - (Top - Bottom) * (f32)( IndexY * RTTHeightNB - Border )/(f32)ImageHeight;
			const f32 fBottom = fTop - (Top - Bottom) * (f32)RTTHeight / (f32)ImageHeight;
			const f32 fNear = Near;
			const f32 fFar = Far;

			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			//! build and set current projection-matrix
			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			core::matrix4 tmpProj = core::IdentityMatrix;
			if (IsOrthogonal)
				tmpProj(0,0) = 2.f / (fRight - fLeft);
				tmpProj(1,1) = 2.f / (fTop - fBottom);
				tmpProj(2,2) = 1.f / (fFar - fNear);
				tmpProj(3,3) = 1.f;
				tmpProj(3,0) = (fLeft + fRight) / (fLeft - fRight);
				tmpProj(3,1) = (fTop + fBottom) / (fBottom - fTop);
				tmpProj(3,2) = fNear / (fNear - fFar);
				tmpProj(0,0) = 2.f*fNear / (fRight - fLeft);
				tmpProj(1,1) = 2.f*fNear / (fTop - fBottom);
				tmpProj(2,0) = (fLeft + fRight) / (fLeft - fRight);
				tmpProj(2,1) = (fTop + fBottom) / (fBottom - fTop);
				tmpProj(2,2) = fFar / (fFar - fNear);
				tmpProj(2,3) = 1.f;
				tmpProj(3,2) = fNear*fFar / (fNear - fFar);
				tmpProj(3,3) = 0.f;

			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			//! now render all to current render-target
			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			driver->beginScene( true, true, clearColor ); // SColor(255,200,200,255)

				if (renderGUI)


			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			//! write current render-target to final image
			//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			IImage* src = driver->createScreenShot( ImageFormat, ERT_FRAME_BUFFER);
			if (src)
				s32 x2 = src->getDimension().Width;
				s32 y2 = src->getDimension().Height;

				blitImageToImage( dst, core::position2di(dstX, dstY), src, core::recti(Border, Border, x2-Border, y2-Border), debugLog );

			dstX += RTTWidthNB;
		dstY += RTTHeightNB;

	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//! reset camera's projection-matrix
	//! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	camera->setProjectionMatrix( projMat, IsOrthogonal);
    return true;