Exemplo n.º 1
int SCHED_CONFIG::parse_file(const char* dir) {
    char path[MAXPATHLEN], path_aux[MAXPATHLEN];
    int retval;

    if (dir && strlen(dir)) {
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, CONFIG_FILE);
        snprintf(path_aux, sizeof(path_aux), "%s/%s", dir, CONFIG_FILE_AUX);
    } else {
        safe_strcpy(path, project_path(CONFIG_FILE));
        safe_strcpy(path_aux, project_path(CONFIG_FILE_AUX));
#ifndef _USING_FCGI_
    FILE* f = fopen(path, "r");
    FCGI_FILE *f = FCGI::fopen(path, "r");
    if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN;
    retval = parse(f);
    if (retval) return retval;

#ifndef _USING_FCGI_
    FILE* f_aux = fopen(path_aux, "r");
    FCGI_FILE *f_aux = FCGI::fopen(path_aux, "r");
    if (!f_aux) return 0;
    retval = parse_aux(f_aux);
    return retval;
Exemplo n.º 2
std::string FindProjectIncludeDirectory::get_project_include_directory() {
    std::string project_include = "";

    if (m_project_directory.empty()) {
        return project_include;

    std::string indent = "                \"";
    std::string end_indent = "\",\n";

    boost::filesystem::path project_path(m_project_directory);
    for (boost::filesystem::directory_entry &dir_entry: boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(project_path)) {
        boost::filesystem::path single_path(dir_entry.path());
        single_path += "\\Inc";
        if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(single_path)) {

        for (auto &sub_dir_entry: boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(single_path)) {
            project_include += indent;
            project_include += sub_dir_entry.path().string();
            project_include += end_indent;
    return project_include;
void SkUERemote::get_project_info(SkProjectInfo * out_project_info_p)
  // Get platform id string
  out_project_info_p->m_platform_id = FStringToAString(UGameplayStatics::GetPlatformName());

  // Get engine id string
  out_project_info_p->m_engine_id.format("UE%d.%d.%d-%s", ENGINE_MAJOR_VERSION, ENGINE_MINOR_VERSION, ENGINE_PATCH_VERSION, BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST ? "Installed" : "Compiled");

  // Get game name
  out_project_info_p->m_project_name = FStringToAString(FApp::GetGameName());

  // Name of generated scripts overlay
  TCHAR const * const generated_overlay_name_p = TEXT("Project-Generated");

  // Look for default SkookumScript project file in engine folder.
  FString default_project_path(FPaths::EnginePluginsDir() / TEXT("SkookumScript/Scripts/Skookum-project-default.ini"));
  SK_ASSERTX(FPaths::FileExists(default_project_path), a_str_format("Cannot find default project settings file '%S'!", *default_project_path));
  out_project_info_p->m_default_project_path = FStringToAString(FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(default_project_path));

  // Check if we have loaded any game
  if (!out_project_info_p->m_project_name.is_empty())
    // Look for specific SkookumScript project in game/project folder.
    // 1) Check permanent location
    FString project_path(FPaths::GameDir() / TEXT("Scripts/Skookum-project.ini"));
    if (FPaths::FileExists(project_path))
        if (m_editor_interface_p)
          m_editor_interface_p->set_overlay_path(FPaths::GetPath(project_path), generated_overlay_name_p);
        if (m_editor_interface_p)
          // 2) Check/create temp location
          project_path = m_editor_interface_p->ensure_temp_project(generated_overlay_name_p);
          SK_ASSERTX(!project_path.IsEmpty(), a_str_format("Could not generated project file '%S' for project '%s'!", *project_path, out_project_info_p->m_project_name.as_cstr()));

    out_project_info_p->m_project_path = FStringToAString(FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(project_path));
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief モンスターにとってボルト型魔法が有効な状態かを返す /
 * Determine if a bolt spell will hit the player.
 * @param y1 ボルト魔法発射地点のY座標
 * @param x1 ボルト魔法発射地点のX座標
 * @param y2 ボルト魔法目標地点のY座標
 * @param x2 ボルト魔法目標地点のX座標
 * @param is_friend モンスターがプレイヤーに害意を持たない(ペットか友好的)ならばTRUEをつける
 * @return ボルト型魔法が有効ならばTRUEを返す。
 * @details
 * Originally, it was possible for a friendly to shoot another friendly.\n
 * Change it so a "clean shot" means no equally friendly monster is\n
 * between the attacker and target.\n
 * This is exactly like "projectable", but it will\n
 * return FALSE if a monster is in the way.\n
 * no equally friendly monster is\n
 * between the attacker and target.\n
bool clean_shot(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, bool is_friend)
	/* Must be the same as projectable() */

	int i, y, x;

	int grid_n = 0;
	u16b grid_g[512];

	/* Check the projection path */
	grid_n = project_path(grid_g, MAX_RANGE, y1, x1, y2, x2, 0);

	/* No grid is ever projectable from itself */
	if (!grid_n) return (FALSE);

	/* Final grid */
	y = GRID_Y(grid_g[grid_n-1]);
	x = GRID_X(grid_g[grid_n-1]);

	/* May not end in an unrequested grid */
	if ((y != y2) || (x != x2)) return (FALSE);

	for (i = 0; i < grid_n; i++)
		y = GRID_Y(grid_g[i]);
		x = GRID_X(grid_g[i]);

		if ((cave[y][x].m_idx > 0) && !((y == y2) && (x == x2)))
			monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[cave[y][x].m_idx];
			if (is_friend == is_pet(m_ptr))
				return (FALSE);
		/* Pets may not shoot through the character - TNB */
		if (player_bold(y, x))
			if (is_friend) return (FALSE);

	return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @brief モンスターが特殊能力の目標地点を決める処理 /
 * Get the actual center point of ball spells (rad > 1) (originally from TOband)
 * @param sy 始点のY座標
 * @param sx 始点のX座標
 * @param ty 目標Y座標を返す参照ポインタ
 * @param tx 目標X座標を返す参照ポインタ
 * @param flg 判定のフラグ配列
 * @return なし
void get_project_point(int sy, int sx, int *ty, int *tx, int flg)
	u16b path_g[128];
	int  path_n, i;

	path_n = project_path(path_g, MAX_RANGE, sy, sx, *ty, *tx, flg);

	*ty = sy;
	*tx = sx;

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; i++)
		sy = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		sx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Balls explode before reaching walls */
		if (!cave_have_flag_bold(sy, sx, FF_PROJECT)) break;

		*ty = sy;
		*tx = sx;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * @brief モンスターが敵対モンスターにビームを当てること可能かを判定する /
 * Determine if a beam spell will hit the target.
 * @param y1 始点のY座標
 * @param x1 始点のX座標
 * @param y2 目標のY座標
 * @param x2 目標のX座標
 * @param m_ptr 使用するモンスターの構造体参照ポインタ
 * @return ビームが到達可能ならばTRUEを返す
static bool direct_beam(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, monster_type *m_ptr)
	bool hit2 = FALSE;
	int i, y, x;

	int grid_n = 0;
	u16b grid_g[512];

	bool is_friend = is_pet(m_ptr);

	/* Check the projection path */
	grid_n = project_path(grid_g, MAX_RANGE, y1, x1, y2, x2, PROJECT_THRU);

	/* No grid is ever projectable from itself */
	if (!grid_n) return (FALSE);

	for (i = 0; i < grid_n; i++)
		y = GRID_Y(grid_g[i]);
		x = GRID_X(grid_g[i]);

		if (y == y2 && x == x2)
			hit2 = TRUE;
		else if (is_friend && cave[y][x].m_idx > 0 &&
			 !are_enemies(m_ptr, &m_list[cave[y][x].m_idx]))
			/* Friends don't shoot friends */
			return FALSE;

		if (is_friend && player_bold(y, x))
			return FALSE;
	if (!hit2)
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * This is a helper function used by do_cmd_throw and do_cmd_fire.
 * It abstracts out the projectile path, display code, identify and clean up
 * logic, while using the 'attack' parameter to do work particular to each
 * kind of attack.
static void ranged_helper(int item, int dir, int range, int shots, ranged_attack attack) {
	/* Get the ammo */
	object_type *o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	int i, j;
	byte missile_attr = object_attr(o_ptr);
	char missile_char = object_char(o_ptr);

	object_type object_type_body;
	object_type *i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	char o_name[80];

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Start at the player */
	int x = p_ptr->px;
	int y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	s16b ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	s16b tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	bool hit_target = FALSE;

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay()) {
		int taim;
		char msg[80];
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		taim = distance(y, x, ty, tx);
		if (taim > range) {
			sprintf (msg, "Target out of range by %d squares. Fire anyway? ",
				taim - range);
			if (!get_check(msg)) return;

	/* Sound */


	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Actually "fire" the object -- Take a partial turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = (100 / shots);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, range, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Start at the player */
	x = p_ptr->px;
	y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i) {
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x)) {
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);
		} else {
			/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) break;

	/* Try the attack on the monster at (x, y) if any */
	if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
		monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, cave->m_idx[y][x]);
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];
		int visible = m_ptr->ml;

		bool fear = FALSE;
		char m_name[80];
		const char *note_dies = monster_is_unusual(r_ptr) ? " is destroyed." : " dies.";

		struct attack_result result = attack(o_ptr, y, x);
		int dmg = result.dmg;
		u32b msg_type = result.msg_type;
		const char *hit_verb = result.hit_verb;

		if (result.success) {
			hit_target = TRUE;

			/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
			monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);
			/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
			if (dmg <= 0) {
				dmg = 0;
				hit_verb = "fail to harm";
			if (!visible) {
				/* Invisible monster */
				msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);
			} else {
				/* Visible monster */
				if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
					msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
				else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_GOOD, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name, "It was a good hit!");
				} else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_GREAT, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
						 "It was a great hit!");
				} else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
						 "It was a superb hit!");
				/* Track this monster */
				if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);
				if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(p_ptr, cave->m_idx[y][x]);
			/* Complex message */
			if (p_ptr->wizard)
				msg("You do %d (out of %d) damage.", dmg, m_ptr->hp);
			/* Hit the monster, check for death */
			if (!mon_take_hit(cave->m_idx[y][x], dmg, &fear, note_dies)) {
				message_pain(cave->m_idx[y][x], dmg);
				if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
					add_monster_message(m_name, cave->m_idx[y][x], MON_MSG_FLEE_IN_TERROR, TRUE);

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);
	object_split(i_ptr, o_ptr, 1);

	/* See if the ammunition broke or not */
	j = breakage_chance(i_ptr, hit_target);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(cave, i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);

	if (item >= 0) {
		/* The ammo is from the inventory */
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);
	} else {
		/* The ammo is from the floor */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Handle "target" and "look".
 * Note that this code can be called from "get_aim_dir()".
 * Currently, when "flag" is true, that is, when
 * "interesting" grids are being used, and a directional key is used, we
 * only scroll by a single panel, in the direction requested, and check
 * for any interesting grids on that panel.  The "correct" solution would
 * actually involve scanning a larger set of grids, including ones in
 * panels which are adjacent to the one currently scanned, but this is
 * overkill for this function.  XXX XXX
 * Hack -- targetting/observing an "outer border grid" may induce
 * problems, so this is not currently allowed.
 * The player can use the direction keys to move among "interesting"
 * grids in a heuristic manner, or the "space", "+", and "-" keys to
 * move through the "interesting" grids in a sequential manner, or
 * can enter "location" mode, and use the direction keys to move one
 * grid at a time in any direction.  The "t" (set target) command will
 * only target a monster (as opposed to a location) if the monster is
 * target_able and the "interesting" mode is being used.
 * The current grid is described using the "look" method above, and
 * a new command may be entered at any time, but note that if the
 * "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag is set (or if we are in "location" mode,
 * where "space" has no obvious meaning) then "space" will scan
 * through the description of the current grid until done, instead
 * of immediately jumping to the next "interesting" grid.  This
 * allows the "target" command to retain its old semantics.
 * The "*", "+", and "-" keys may always be used to jump immediately
 * to the next (or previous) interesting grid, in the proper mode.
 * The "return" key may always be used to scan through a complete
 * grid description (forever).
 * This command will cancel any old target, even if used from
 * inside the "look" command.
 * 'mode' is one of TARGET_LOOK or TARGET_KILL.
 * 'x' and 'y' are the initial position of the target to be highlighted,
 * or -1 if no location is specified.
 * Returns TRUE if a target has been successfully set, FALSE otherwise.
bool target_set_interactive(int mode, int x, int y)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int i, d, m, t, bd;
	int wid, hgt, help_prompt_loc;

	bool done = FALSE;
	bool flag = TRUE;
	bool help = FALSE;

	//struct keypress query;
	ui_event press;

	/* These are used for displaying the path to the target */
	wchar_t path_char[MAX_RANGE_LGE];
	int path_attr[MAX_RANGE_LGE];
	struct point_set *targets;

	/* If we haven't been given an initial location, start on the
	   player. */
	if (x == -1 || y == -1)
		x = p_ptr->px;
		y = p_ptr->py;
	/* If we /have/ been given an initial location, make sure we
	   honour it by going into "free targetting" mode. */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Cancel target */

	/* Cancel tracking */
	/* health_track(NULL); */

	/* Calculate the window location for the help prompt */
	Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
	help_prompt_loc = hgt - 1;
	/* Display the help prompt */
	prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

	/* Prepare the target set */
	targets = target_set_interactive_prepare(mode);

	/* Start near the player */
	m = 0;

	/* Interact */
	while (!done) {
		bool path_drawn = FALSE;
		/* Interesting grids */
		if (flag && point_set_size(targets))
			y = targets->pts[m].y;
			x = targets->pts[m].x;

			/* Adjust panel if needed */
			if (adjust_panel_help(y, x, help)) handle_stuff(p_ptr);
			/* Update help */
			if (help) {
				bool good_target = target_able(cave_monster_at(cave, y, x));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && point_set_size(targets)));

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, MAX_RANGE, py, px, y, x, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if (mode & (TARGET_KILL))
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px);

			/* Describe and Prompt */
			press = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn) load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(NULL); */

			/* Assume no "direction" */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze */
			if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
				if (press.mouse.button == 3) {
					/* give the target selection command */
					press.mouse.button = 2;
					press.mouse.mods = KC_MOD_CONTROL;
				if (press.mouse.button == 2) {
					y = KEY_GRID_Y(press);//.mouse.y;
					x = KEY_GRID_X(press);//.mouse.x;
					if (press.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_CONTROL) {
						/* same as keyboard target selection command below */
						struct monster *m = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);

						if (target_able(m)) {
							/* Set up target information */
							health_track(p_ptr, m);
							done = TRUE;
						} else {
							bell("Illegal target!");
					} else
					if (press.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_ALT) {
						/* go to spot - same as 'g' command below */
						cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
						done = TRUE;
					} else
						/* cancel look mode */
						done = TRUE;
				} else
				/*if (press.mouse.button == 3) {
				} else*/
					y = KEY_GRID_Y(press);//.mouse.y;
					x = KEY_GRID_X(press);//.mouse.x;
					if (cave->m_idx[y][x] || cave->o_idx[y][x]){// || cave->feat[y][x]&) {
						/* reset the flag, to make sure we stay in this mode if
						 * something is actually there */
						flag = FALSE;
						/* scan the interesting list and see if there in anything here */
						for (i = 0; i < point_set_size(targets); i++) {
							if ((y == targets->pts[i].y) && (x == targets->pts[i].x)) {
								m = i;
								flag = TRUE;
					} else {
						flag = FALSE;
			} else
			switch (press.key.code)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
					if (++m == point_set_size(targets))
						m = 0;


				case '-':
					if (m-- == 0)
						m = point_set_size(targets) - 1;


				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = p_ptr->py;
					x = p_ptr->px;

				case 'o':
					flag = FALSE;

				case 'm':

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					struct monster *m = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);

					if (target_able(m))
						health_track(p_ptr, m);
						done = TRUE;
						bell("Illegal target!");

				case 'g':
					cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
					done = TRUE;
				case '?':
					help = !help;
					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

					/* Extract direction */
					d = target_dir(press.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Hack -- move around */
			if (d)
				int old_y = targets->pts[m].y;
				int old_x = targets->pts[m].x;

				/* Find a new monster */
				i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d], targets);

				/* Scroll to find interesting grid */
				if (i < 0)
					int old_wy = Term->offset_y;
					int old_wx = Term->offset_x;

					/* Change if legal */
					if (change_panel(d))
						/* Recalculate interesting grids */
						targets = target_set_interactive_prepare(mode);

						/* Find a new monster */
						i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d], targets);

						/* Restore panel if needed */
						if ((i < 0) && modify_panel(Term, old_wy, old_wx))
							/* Recalculate interesting grids */
							targets = target_set_interactive_prepare(mode);

						/* Handle stuff */

				/* Use interesting grid if found */
				if (i >= 0) m = i;

		/* Arbitrary grids */
			/* Update help */
			if (help) 
				bool good_target = target_able(cave_monster_at(cave, y, x));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && point_set_size(targets)));

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, MAX_RANGE, py, px, y, x, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if (mode & (TARGET_KILL))
				path_drawn = draw_path (path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px);

			/* Describe and Prompt (enable "TARGET_LOOK") */
			press = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode | TARGET_LOOK);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn)  load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no direction */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze the keypress */
			if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
				if (press.mouse.button == 3) {
					/* give the target selection command */
					press.mouse.button = 2;
					press.mouse.mods = KC_MOD_CONTROL;
				if (press.mouse.button == 2) {
					if (mode & (TARGET_KILL)) {
						if ((y == KEY_GRID_Y(press)) 
								&& (x == KEY_GRID_X(press))) {
							d = -1;
					y = KEY_GRID_Y(press);//.mouse.y;
					x = KEY_GRID_X(press);//.mouse.x;
					if (press.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_CONTROL) {
						/* same as keyboard target selection command below */
						target_set_location(y, x);
						done = TRUE;
					} else
					if (press.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_ALT) {
						/* go to spot - same as 'g' command below */
						cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
						done = TRUE;
					} else
						/* cancel look mode */
						done = TRUE;
						if (d == -1) {
							target_set_location(y, x);
							d = 0;
				} else
				/*if (press.mouse.button == 3) {
				} else*/
					int dungeon_hgt = cave->height;
					int dungeon_wid = cave->width;

					y = KEY_GRID_Y(press);//.mouse.y;
					x = KEY_GRID_X(press);//.mouse.x;
					if (Term) {
						if (press.mouse.y <= 1) {
							/* move the screen north */
						} else
						if (press.mouse.y >= (Term->hgt - 2)) {
							/* move the screen south */
						} else
						if (press.mouse.x <= COL_MAP) {
							/* move the screen in west */
						} else
						if (press.mouse.x >= (Term->wid - 2)) {
							/* move the screen east */
					if (y < 0) y = 0;
					if (x < 0) x = 0;
					if (y >= dungeon_hgt-1) y = dungeon_hgt-1;
					if (x >= dungeon_wid-1) x = dungeon_wid-1;

					/* Adjust panel if needed */
					if (adjust_panel_help(y, x, help))
						/* Handle stuff */

						/* Recalculate interesting grids */
						targets = target_set_interactive_prepare(mode);

					if (cave->m_idx[y][x] || cave->o_idx[y][x]) {
						/* scan the interesting list and see if there in anything here */
						for (i = 0; i < point_set_size(targets); i++) {
							if ((y == targets->pts[i].y) && (x == targets->pts[i].x)) {
								m = i;
								flag = TRUE;
					} else {
						flag = FALSE;
			} else
			switch (press.key.code)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
				case '-':

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = p_ptr->py;
					x = p_ptr->px;

				case 'o':

				case 'm':
					flag = TRUE;

					m = 0;
					bd = 999;

					/* Pick a nearby monster */
					for (i = 0; i < point_set_size(targets); i++)
						t = distance(y, x, targets->pts[i].y, targets->pts[i].x);

						/* Pick closest */
						if (t < bd)
							m = i;
							bd = t;

					/* Nothing interesting */
					if (bd == 999) flag = FALSE;


				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					target_set_location(y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'g':
					cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case '?':
					help = !help;
					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

					/* Extract a direction */
					d = target_dir(press.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Handle "direction" */
			if (d)
				int dungeon_hgt = cave->height;
				int dungeon_wid = cave->width;

				/* Move */
				x += ddx[d];
				y += ddy[d];

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (x >= dungeon_wid - 1) x--;
				else if (x <= 0) x++;

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (y >= dungeon_hgt - 1) y--;
				else if (y <= 0) y++;

				/* Adjust panel if needed */
				if (adjust_panel_help(y, x, help))
					/* Handle stuff */

					/* Recalculate interesting grids */
					targets = target_set_interactive_prepare(mode);

	/* Forget */

	/* Redraw as necessary */
	if (help)
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
		prt("", 0, 0);
		prt("", help_prompt_loc, 0);
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_DEPTH | PR_STATUS);

	/* Recenter around player */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Failure to set target */
	if (!target_set) return (FALSE);

	/* Success */
	return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Fire an object from the pack or floor.
 * You may only fire items that "match" your missile launcher.
 * See "calc_bonuses()" for more calculations and such.
 * Note that "firing" a missile is MUCH better than "throwing" it.
 * Note: "unseen" monsters are very hard to hit.
 * Objects are more likely to break if they "attempt" to hit a monster.
 * Rangers (with Bows) and Anyone (with "Extra Shots") get extra shots.
 * The "extra shot" code works by decreasing the amount of energy
 * required to make each shot, spreading the shots out over time.
 * Note that when firing missiles, the launcher multiplier is applied
 * after all the bonuses are added in, making multipliers very useful.
 * Note that Bows of "Extra Might" get extra range and an extra bonus
 * for the damage multiplier.
void do_cmd_fire(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int dir, item;
	int i, j, y, x;
	s16b ty, tx;
	int tdam, tdis, thits;
	int bonus, chance;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	object_type *j_ptr;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	bool hit_body = FALSE;

	byte missile_attr;
	char missile_char;

	char o_name[80];

	u32b msg_type = 0;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor * op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Get the "bow" */
	j_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_BOW];

	/* Require a usable launcher */
	if (!j_ptr->tval || !p_ptr->state.ammo_tval)
		msg_print("You have nothing to fire with.");

	/* Get item to fire and direction to fire in. */
	item = args[0].item;
	dir = args[1].direction;

	/* Check the item being fired is usable by the player. */
	if (!item_is_available(item, NULL, (USE_EQUIP | USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR)))
		msg_format("That item is not within your reach.");

	/* Get the object for the ammo */
	o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	/* Check the ammo can be used with the launcher */
	if (o_ptr->tval != p_ptr->state.ammo_tval)
		msg_format("That ammo cannot be fired by your current weapon.");

	/* Base range XXX XXX */
	tdis = 6 + 2 * p_ptr->state.ammo_mult;

	/* Start at the player */
	x = p_ptr->px;
	y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay())
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		if (distance(y, x, ty, tx) > tdis)
			if (!get_check("Target out of range.  Fire anyway? "))

	/* Sound */


	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Find the color and symbol for the object for throwing */
	missile_attr = object_attr(o_ptr);
	missile_char = object_char(o_ptr);

	/* Use the proper number of shots */
	thits = p_ptr->state.num_fire;

	/* Actually "fire" the object */
	bonus = (p_ptr->state.to_h + o_ptr->to_h + j_ptr->to_h);
	chance = p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_BOW] +
			(bonus * BTH_PLUS_ADJ);

	/* Take a (partial) turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = (100 / thits);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, tdis, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i)
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x))
			/* Visual effects */
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			light_spot(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

		/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			/* Pause anyway, for consistancy */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			int chance2 = chance - distance(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, y, x);
			int visible = m_ptr->ml;
			int multiplier = 1;

			const char *hit_verb = "hits";
			const slay_t *best_s_ptr = NULL;

			/* Note the collision */
			hit_body = TRUE;

			/* Did we hit it (penalize distance travelled) */
			if (test_hit(chance2, r_ptr->ac, m_ptr->ml))
				bool fear = FALSE;

				/* Assume a default death */
				cptr note_dies = " dies.";

				improve_attack_modifier(o_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				improve_attack_modifier(j_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL)
					hit_verb = best_s_ptr->range_verb;

				/* Some monsters get "destroyed" */
				if (monster_is_unusual(r_ptr))
					/* Special note at death */
					note_dies = " is destroyed.";

				/* Calculate multiplier */
				multiplier = p_ptr->state.ammo_mult;
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL) multiplier += best_s_ptr->mult;

				/* Apply damage: multiplier, slays, criticals, bonuses */
				tdam = damroll(o_ptr->dd, o_ptr->ds);
				tdam += o_ptr->to_d + j_ptr->to_d;
				tdam *= multiplier;
				tdam = critical_shot(o_ptr->weight, o_ptr->to_h, tdam, &msg_type);


				/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
				if (tdam <= 0)
					tdam = 0;
					hit_verb = "fail to harm";

				/* Handle unseen monster */
				if (!visible)
					/* Invisible monster */
					message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);

				/* Handle visible monster */
					char m_name[80];

					/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
					monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

					/* Tell the player what happened */
					if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
						message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
						if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GOOD, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a good hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GREAT, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a great hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a superb hit!");
					/* Hack -- Track this monster race */
					if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);

					/* Hack -- Track this monster */
					if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(cave_m_idx[y][x]);


				/* Complex message */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					msg_format("You do %d (out of %d) damage.",
					           tdam, m_ptr->hp);

				/* Hit the monster, check for death */
				if (mon_take_hit(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam, &fear, note_dies))
					/* Dead monster */

				/* No death */
					/* Message */
					message_pain(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam);

					/* Take note */
					if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
						char m_name[80];

						/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

						/* Message */
						message_format(MSG_FLEE, m_ptr->r_idx,
						               "%^s flees in terror!", m_name);

			/* Stop looking */

	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Single object */
	i_ptr->number = 1;

	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Reduce and describe floor item */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Chance of breakage (during attacks) */
	j = (hit_body ? breakage_chance(i_ptr) : 0);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Throw an object from the pack or floor.
 * Note: "unseen" monsters are very hard to hit.
 * Should throwing a weapon do full damage?  Should it allow the magic
 * to hit bonus of the weapon to have an effect?  Should it ever cause
 * the item to be destroyed?  Should it do any damage at all?
void do_cmd_throw(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int dir, item;
	int i, j, y, x;
	s16b ty, tx;
	int chance, tdam, tdis;
	int weight;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	bool hit_body = FALSE;

	byte missile_attr;
	char missile_char;

	char o_name[80];

	u32b msg_type = 0;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor * op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Get item to throw and direction in which to throw it. */
	item = args[0].item;
	dir = args[1].direction;

	/* Make sure the player isn't throwing wielded items */
	if (item >= INVEN_WIELD && item < QUIVER_START)
		msg_print("You have cannot throw wielded items.");

	/* Check the item being thrown is usable by the player. */
	if (!item_is_available(item, NULL, (USE_EQUIP | USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR)))
		msg_format("That item is not within your reach.");

	/* Get the object */
	o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Distribute the charges of rods/wands/staves between the stacks */
	distribute_charges(o_ptr, i_ptr, 1);

	/* Single object */
	i_ptr->number = 1;

	/* Reduce and describe inventory */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Reduce and describe floor item */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Description */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), i_ptr, ODESC_FULL);

	/* Find the color and symbol for the object for throwing */
	missile_attr = object_attr(i_ptr);
	missile_char = object_char(i_ptr);

	/* Enforce a minimum "weight" of one pound */
	weight = ((i_ptr->weight > 10) ? i_ptr->weight : 10);

	/* Hack -- Distance -- Reward strength, penalize weight */
	tdis = (adj_str_blow[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_STR]] + 20) * 10 / weight;

	/* Max distance of 10 */
	if (tdis > 10) tdis = 10;

	/* Hack -- Base damage from thrown object */
	tdam = damroll(i_ptr->dd, i_ptr->ds);
	if (!tdam) tdam = 1;
	tdam += i_ptr->to_d;

	/* Chance of hitting */
	chance = (p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_THROW] + (p_ptr->state.to_h * BTH_PLUS_ADJ));

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Start at the player */
	y = p_ptr->py;
	x = p_ptr->px;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	ty = p_ptr->py + 99 * ddy[dir];
	tx = p_ptr->px + 99 * ddx[dir];

	/* Check for "target request" */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay())
		target_get(&tx, &ty);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, tdis, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i)
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x))
			/* Visual effects */
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			light_spot(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

		/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			/* Pause anyway, for consistancy */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			int chance2 = chance - distance(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, y, x);

			int visible = m_ptr->ml;

			/* Note the collision */
			hit_body = TRUE;

			/* Did we hit it (penalize range) */
			if (test_hit(chance2, r_ptr->ac, m_ptr->ml))
				const char *hit_verb = "hits";
				bool fear = FALSE;
				const slay_t *best_s_ptr = NULL;

				/* Assume a default death */
				cptr note_dies = " dies.";

				/* Some monsters get "destroyed" */
				if (monster_is_unusual(r_ptr))
					/* Special note at death */
					note_dies = " is destroyed.";

				/* Apply special damage  - brought forward to fill in hit_verb XXX XXX XXX */
				improve_attack_modifier(i_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL)
					tdam *= best_s_ptr->mult;
					hit_verb = best_s_ptr->range_verb;
				/* Apply special damage XXX XXX XXX */
				tdam = critical_shot(i_ptr->weight, i_ptr->to_h, tdam, &msg_type);

				/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
				if (tdam <= 0)
					tdam = 0;
					hit_verb = "fail to harm";

				/* Handle unseen monster */
				if (!visible)
					/* Invisible monster */
					msg_format("The %s finds a mark.", o_name);

				/* Handle visible monster */
					char m_name[80];

					/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
					monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

					/* Tell the player what happened */
					if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
						message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
						if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GOOD, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a good hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GREAT, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a great hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a superb hit!");
					/* Hack -- Track this monster race */
					if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);

					/* Hack -- Track this monster */
					if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(cave_m_idx[y][x]);

				/* Learn the bonuses */
				/* XXX Eddie This is messed up, better done for firing, */
				/* should use that method [split last] instead */
				/* check if inven_optimize removed what o_ptr referenced */
				if (object_similar(i_ptr, o_ptr, OSTACK_PACK))

				/* Complex message */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					msg_format("You do %d (out of %d) damage.",
							   tdam, m_ptr->hp);

				/* Hit the monster, check for death */
				if (mon_take_hit(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam, &fear, note_dies))
					/* Dead monster */

				/* No death */
					/* Message */
					message_pain(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam);

					/* Take note */
					if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
						char m_name[80];

						/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

						/* Message */
						message_format(MSG_FLEE, m_ptr->r_idx,
						               "%^s flees in terror!", m_name);

			/* Stop looking */

	/* Chance of breakage (during attacks) */
	j = (hit_body ? breakage_chance(i_ptr) : 0);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Handle "target" and "look".
 * Note that this code can be called from "get_aim_dir()".
 * Currently, when "flag" is true, that is, when
 * "interesting" grids are being used, and a directional key is used, we
 * only scroll by a single panel, in the direction requested, and check
 * for any interesting grids on that panel.  The "correct" solution would
 * actually involve scanning a larger set of grids, including ones in
 * panels which are adjacent to the one currently scanned, but this is
 * overkill for this function.  XXX XXX
 * Hack -- targeting/observing an "outer border grid" may induce
 * problems, so this is not currently allowed.
 * The player can use the direction keys to move among "interesting"
 * grids in a heuristic manner, or the "space", "+", and "-" keys to
 * move through the "interesting" grids in a sequential manner, or
 * can enter "location" mode, and use the direction keys to move one
 * grid at a time in any direction.  The "t" (set target) command will
 * only target a monster (as opposed to a location) if the monster is
 * target_able and the "interesting" mode is being used.
 * The current grid is described using the "look" method above, and
 * a new command may be entered at any time, but note that if the
 * "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag is set (or if we are in "location" mode,
 * where "space" has no obvious meaning) then "space" will scan
 * through the description of the current grid until done, instead
 * of immediately jumping to the next "interesting" grid.  This
 * allows the "target" command to retain its old semantics.
 * The "*", "+", and "-" keys may always be used to jump immediately
 * to the next (or previous) interesting grid, in the proper mode.
 * The "return" key may always be used to scan through a complete
 * grid description (forever).
 * This command will cancel any old target, even if used from
 * inside the "look" command.
 * 'mode' is one of TARGET_LOOK or TARGET_KILL.
 * 'x' and 'y' are the initial position of the target to be highlighted,
 * or -1 if no location is specified.
 * Returns TRUE if a target has been successfully set, FALSE otherwise.
bool target_set_interactive(int mode, int x, int y)
    int py = p_ptr->py;
    int px = p_ptr->px;

    int i, d, target_count;

    bool done = FALSE;
    bool interactive = TRUE;

    u16b path_n;
    u16b path_g[PATH_SIZE];
    u16b path_gx[PATH_SIZE];

    /* Cancel target */
    target_set_monster(0, FALSE);

      /* All grids are selectable */
    if (mode & (TARGET_GRID))
        /* Disable other modes */

        /* Disable interesting grids */
       interactive = FALSE;

    /* Prepare the "temp" array */

    /* If we haven't been given an initial location, start on the
       player. */
    if ((x == -1 || y == -1) && target_grids.size())
        x = p_ptr->px;
        y = p_ptr->py;
        ui_update_message_label(color_string("Interactive Target Mode", TERM_L_RED));
     * If we /have/ been given an initial location, make sure we
     * honour it by going into "free targeting" mode.
        if (x == -1 || y == -1)
            x = p_ptr->px;
            y = p_ptr->py;

        interactive = FALSE;
        ui_update_message_label(color_string("Manual Target Mode", TERM_L_RED));

    /* Start near the player */
    target_count = 0;

    /* Interact */
    while (!done)
        /* Interesting grids */
        if (interactive && target_grids.size())
            bool path_drawn = FALSE;
            int yy, xx;

            y = target_grids[target_count].y;
            x = target_grids[target_count].x;

            /* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
            yy = y;
            xx = x;

            /* Adjust panel if needed */
            ui_ensure(y, x);

            /* Find the path. */
            path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

            /* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
            if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (dungeon_info[y][x].projectable()))
                path_drawn = ui_draw_path(path_n, path_g, y, x);

            ui_show_cursor(y, x);

            /* Describe and Prompt */
            describe_grid_brief(y, x);

            UserInput input = ui_get_input();

            /* Remove the path */
            if (path_drawn) ui_destroy_path();

            ui_show_cursor(-1, -1);

            /* Assume no "direction" */
            d = 0;

            // Use the mouse wheel to go through targets
            if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_WHEEL)
                if (input.key == Qt::Key_Plus)
                    if (++target_count == target_grids.size()) target_count = 0;
                else if (input.key == Qt::Key_Minus)
                    if (target_count-- == 0)  target_count = target_grids.size() - 1;

            // double-click - automatically target if appropriate
            if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK)
                if (!set_selected_target(mode, y, x))
                    target_set_location(y, x);

                done = TRUE;


             * If we click, move the target location to the click and
             * switch to "free targeting" mode by unsetting 'flag'.
             * This means we get some info about wherever we've picked.
            if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_SINGLE_CLICK)
                // If clicking twice on the same square, accept
                if (input.x == x && input.y == y)
                    if (set_selected_target(mode, y, x)) done = TRUE;

                x = input.x;
                y = input.y;
                ui_update_message_label(color_string("Interactive Target Mode", TERM_L_RED));
                interactive = FALSE;

            /* Analyze */
            switch (input.key)
                case Qt::Key_Escape:
                case Qt::Key_X:
                    done = TRUE;
                case Qt::Key_C:
                case Qt::Key_Comma:
                    /* Set to closest target */
                    if (target_set_closest(TARGET_KILL)) done = TRUE;
                case Qt::Key_Space:
                case Qt::Key_Plus:
                    if (++target_count == target_grids.size()) target_count = 0;

                case Qt::Key_Minus:
                    if (target_count-- == 0)  target_count = target_grids.size() - 1;
                case Qt::Key_Exclam:
                case Qt::Key_L:
                    GridDialog(y, x);
                case Qt::Key_Asterisk:
                case Qt::Key_M:
                    ui_update_message_label(color_string("Manual Target Mode", TERM_L_RED));
                    interactive = FALSE;
                case Qt::Key_Question:
                case Qt::Key_H:
                case Qt::Key_5:
                case Qt::Key_Period:
                case Qt::Key_Clear:
                    if (set_selected_target(mode, y, x)) done = TRUE;

                    /* Extract direction */
                    d = target_dir(input);

                    /* Oops */
                    if (!d) message("Illegal command for target mode!");


            /* Hack -- move around */
            if (d)
                int old_y = target_grids[target_count].y;
                int old_x = target_grids[target_count].x;

                /* Find a new monster */
                i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

                /* Scroll to find interesting grid */
                if (i < 0)
                    QRect vis = visible_dungeon();

                    int old_wy = vis.y();
                    int old_wx = vis.x();

                    /* Change if legal */
                    if (ui_change_panel(d))
                        /* Recalculate interesting grids */

                        /* Find a new monster */
                        i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

                        /* Restore panel if needed */
                        if ((i < 0) && ui_modify_panel(old_wy, old_wx))
                            /* Recalculate interesting grids */

                /* Use interesting grid if found */
                if (i >= 0) target_count = i;

        /* Arbitrary grids */
            bool path_drawn = FALSE;

            /* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
            int yy = y;
            int xx = x;

            /* Find the path. */
            path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

            /* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
            if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (dungeon_info[y][x].projectable()))
                /* Save target info */
                path_drawn = ui_draw_path(path_n, path_g, y, x);

            describe_grid_brief(y, x);

            ui_show_cursor(y, x);

            UserInput input = ui_get_input();

            /* Remove the path */
            if (path_drawn) ui_destroy_path();

            ui_show_cursor(y, x);

            /* Assume no direction */
            d = 0;

             if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_WHEEL) continue;

            // double-click - automatically target if appropriate
            if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK)

                if (set_selected_target(mode, y, x)) done = TRUE;
                    message(QString("Illegal target!"));

            if (input.mode == INPUT_MODE_MOUSE_SINGLE_CLICK)
                /* We only target if we click somewhere where the cursor
                   is already (i.e. a double-click without a time limit) */
                if (input.x == x && input.y == y)
                    target_set_location(y, x);
                    done = TRUE;
                    /* Just move the cursor for now - another click will
                       target. */
                    x = input.x;
                    y = input.y;

            /* Analyze the keypress */
            switch (input.key)
                case Qt::Key_Escape:
                case Qt::Key_X:
                    done = TRUE;
                case Qt::Key_Asterisk:
                case Qt::Key_M:
                    if (((mode & (TARGET_GRID)) != TARGET_GRID) && target_grids.size())
                        ui_update_message_label(color_string("Interactive Target Mode", TERM_L_RED));
                        interactive = TRUE;
                case Qt::Key_copyright:
                case Qt::Key_C:
                case Qt::Key_Comma:
                    /* Set to closest target */
                    if (target_set_closest(TARGET_KILL)) done = TRUE;
                case Qt::Key_Exclam:
                case Qt::Key_L:
                    GridDialog(y, x);

                case Qt::Key_Ampersand:
                case Qt::Key_P:
                    /* Recenter around player */
                    ui_center(py, px);

                    y = py;
                    x = px;


                case Qt::Key_H:
                case Qt::Key_5:
                case Qt::Key_Period:
                case Qt::Key_Clear:
                    target_set_location(y, x);
                    done = TRUE;

                case Qt::Key_Question:
                    /* Extract a direction */
                    d = target_dir(input);

                    /* Oops */
                    if (!d) message("Illegal command for target mode!");


            /* Handle "direction" */
            if (d)
                int dungeon_hgt = p_ptr->cur_map_hgt;
                int dungeon_wid = p_ptr->cur_map_wid;

                /* Move */
                x += ddx[d];
                y += ddy[d];

                /* Slide into legality */
                if (x >= dungeon_wid - 1) x--;
                else if (x <= 0) x++;

                /* Slide into legality */
                if (y >= dungeon_hgt - 1) y--;
                else if (y <= 0) y++;

                /* Adjust panel if needed */
                if (ui_adjust_panel(y, x))
                    /* Recalculate interesting grids */

    /* Forget */


    /* Recenter around player */
    ui_ensure(py, px);

    /* Failure to set target */
    if (!p_ptr->target_set) return (FALSE);

    /* Success */
    return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Handle "target" and "look".
 * Note that this code can be called from "get_aim_dir()".
 * Currently, when "flag" is true, that is, when
 * "interesting" grids are being used, and a directional key is used, we
 * only scroll by a single panel, in the direction requested, and check
 * for any interesting grids on that panel.  The "correct" solution would
 * actually involve scanning a larger set of grids, including ones in
 * panels which are adjacent to the one currently scanned, but this is
 * overkill for this function.  XXX XXX
 * Hack -- targetting/observing an "outer border grid" may induce
 * problems, so this is not currently allowed.
 * The player can use the direction keys to move among "interesting"
 * grids in a heuristic manner, or the "space", "+", and "-" keys to
 * move through the "interesting" grids in a sequential manner, or
 * can enter "location" mode, and use the direction keys to move one
 * grid at a time in any direction.  The "t" (set target) command will
 * only target a monster (as opposed to a location) if the monster is
 * target_able and the "interesting" mode is being used.
 * The current grid is described using the "look" method above, and
 * a new command may be entered at any time, but note that if the
 * "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag is set (or if we are in "location" mode,
 * where "space" has no obvious meaning) then "space" will scan
 * through the description of the current grid until done, instead
 * of immediately jumping to the next "interesting" grid.  This
 * allows the "target" command to retain its old semantics.
 * The "*", "+", and "-" keys may always be used to jump immediately
 * to the next (or previous) interesting grid, in the proper mode.
 * The "return" key may always be used to scan through a complete
 * grid description (forever).
 * This command will cancel any old target, even if used from
 * inside the "look" command.
 * 'mode' is one of TARGET_LOOK or TARGET_KILL.
 * 'x' and 'y' are the initial position of the target to be highlighted,
 * or -1 if no location is specified.
 * Returns TRUE if a target has been successfully set, FALSE otherwise.
bool target_set_interactive(int mode, int x, int y)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int i, d, m, t, bd;
	int wid, hgt, help_prompt_loc;

	bool done = FALSE;
	bool flag = TRUE;
	bool help = FALSE;

	struct keypress query;

	/* These are used for displaying the path to the target */
	char path_char[MAX_RANGE];
	byte path_attr[MAX_RANGE];

	/* If we haven't been given an initial location, start on the
	   player. */
	if (x == -1 || y == -1)
		x = p_ptr->px;
		y = p_ptr->py;
    /* If we /have/ been given an initial location, make sure we
	   honour it by going into "free targetting" mode. */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Cancel target */

	/* Cancel tracking */
	/* health_track(0); */

	/* Calculate the window location for the help prompt */
	Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
	help_prompt_loc = hgt - 1;
	/* Display the help prompt */
	prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

	/* Prepare the "temp" array */

	/* Start near the player */
	m = 0;

	/* Interact */
	while (!done) {
		bool path_drawn = FALSE;
		/* Interesting grids */
		if (flag && temp_n)
			y = temp_y[m];
			x = temp_x[m];

			/* Adjust panel if needed */
			if (adjust_panel_help(y, x, help)) handle_stuff();
			/* Update help */
			if (help) {
				bool good_target = (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) &&
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, MAX_RANGE, py, px, y, x, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if (mode & (TARGET_KILL))
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px);

			/* Describe and Prompt */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn) load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no "direction" */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze */
			switch (query.code)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
					if (++m == temp_n)
						m = 0;


				case '-':
					if (m-- == 0)
						m = temp_n - 1;


				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = p_ptr->py;
					x = p_ptr->px;

				case 'o':
					flag = FALSE;

				case 'm':

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					int m_idx = cave->m_idx[y][x];

					if ((m_idx > 0) && target_able(m_idx))
						health_track(p_ptr, m_idx);
						done = TRUE;
						bell("Illegal target!");

				case 'g':
					cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
					done = TRUE;
				case '?':
					help = !help;
					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

					/* Extract direction */
					d = target_dir(query);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Hack -- move around */
			if (d)
				int old_y = temp_y[m];
				int old_x = temp_x[m];

				/* Find a new monster */
				i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

				/* Scroll to find interesting grid */
				if (i < 0)
					int old_wy = Term->offset_y;
					int old_wx = Term->offset_x;

					/* Change if legal */
					if (change_panel(d))
						/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Find a new monster */
						i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

						/* Restore panel if needed */
						if ((i < 0) && modify_panel(Term, old_wy, old_wx))
							/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Handle stuff */

				/* Use interesting grid if found */
				if (i >= 0) m = i;

		/* Arbitrary grids */
			/* Update help */
			if (help) 
				bool good_target = ((cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave->m_idx[y][x]));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, MAX_RANGE, py, px, y, x, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if (mode & (TARGET_KILL))
				path_drawn = draw_path (path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px);

			/* Describe and Prompt (enable "TARGET_LOOK") */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode | TARGET_LOOK);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn)  load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no direction */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze the keypress */
			switch (query.code)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
				case '-':

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = p_ptr->py;
					x = p_ptr->px;

				case 'o':

				case 'm':
					flag = TRUE;

					m = 0;
					bd = 999;

					/* Pick a nearby monster */
					for (i = 0; i < temp_n; i++)
						t = distance(y, x, temp_y[i], temp_x[i]);

						/* Pick closest */
						if (t < bd)
							m = i;
							bd = t;

					/* Nothing interesting */
					if (bd == 999) flag = FALSE;


				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					target_set_location(y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'g':
					cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case '?':
					help = !help;
					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("Press '?' for help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);

					/* Extract a direction */
					d = target_dir(query);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Handle "direction" */
			if (d)
				int dungeon_hgt = (p_ptr->depth == 0) ? TOWN_HGT : DUNGEON_HGT;
				int dungeon_wid = (p_ptr->depth == 0) ? TOWN_WID : DUNGEON_WID;

				/* Move */
				x += ddx[d];
				y += ddy[d];

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (x >= dungeon_wid - 1) x--;
				else if (x <= 0) x++;

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (y >= dungeon_hgt - 1) y--;
				else if (y <= 0) y++;

				/* Adjust panel if needed */
				if (adjust_panel_help(y, x, help))
					/* Handle stuff */

					/* Recalculate interesting grids */

	/* Forget */
	temp_n = 0;

	/* Redraw as necessary */
	if (help)
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
		prt("", 0, 0);
		prt("", help_prompt_loc, 0);
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_DEPTH | PR_STATUS);

	/* Recenter around player */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Failure to set target */
	if (!target_set) return (FALSE);

	/* Success */
	return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 13
_rush_result _rush_attack(int rng, _rush_type type)
    _rush_result result = _rush_cancelled;
    int tx, ty;
    int tm_idx = 0;
    u16b path_g[32];
    int path_n, i;
    bool moved = FALSE;
    int flg = 0;
    int dis = 0;

    if (type == _rush_normal)
    else if (type == _rush_acrobatic)

    if (!p_ptr->duelist_target_idx)
        msg_print("You need to select a foe first (Mark Target).");
        return result;

    tm_idx = p_ptr->duelist_target_idx;
    tx = m_list[tm_idx].fx;
    ty = m_list[tm_idx].fy;

    dis = distance(ty, tx, py, px);

    /* Foe must be visible.  For all charges except the phase charge, the
       foe must also be in your line of sight */
    if (!m_list[p_ptr->duelist_target_idx].ml ||
        (type != _rush_phase && !los(ty, tx, py, px)))
        msg_format("%^s is not in your line of sight.", duelist_current_challenge());
        return result;

    if (dis > rng)
        msg_format("Your foe is out of range (%d vs %d).", dis, rng);
        if (!get_check("Charge anyway? ")) return result;

    project_length = rng;
    path_n = project_path(path_g, project_length, py, px, ty, tx, flg);
    project_length = 0;

    if (!path_n) return result;

    result = _rush_failed;

    /* Use ty and tx as to-move point */
    ty = py;
    tx = px;

    /* Scrolling the cave would invalidate our path! */
    if (!dun_level && !p_ptr->wild_mode && !p_ptr->inside_arena && !p_ptr->inside_battle)
        wilderness_scroll_lock = TRUE;

    /* Project along the path */
    for (i = 0; i < path_n; i++)
        monster_type *m_ptr;
        cave_type *c_ptr;
        bool can_enter = FALSE;
        bool old_pass_wall = p_ptr->pass_wall;

        int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
        int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);
        c_ptr = &cave[ny][nx];

        switch (type)
        case _rush_normal:
            can_enter = cave_empty_bold(ny, nx) && player_can_enter(c_ptr->feat, 0);

        case _rush_acrobatic:
            can_enter = !c_ptr->m_idx && player_can_enter(c_ptr->feat, 0);
        case _rush_phase:
            p_ptr->pass_wall = TRUE;
            can_enter = !c_ptr->m_idx && player_can_enter(c_ptr->feat, 0);
            p_ptr->pass_wall = old_pass_wall;

        if (can_enter)
            ty = ny;
            tx = nx;

        if (!c_ptr->m_idx)

        /* Move player before updating the monster */
        if (!player_bold(ty, tx)) move_player_effect(ty, tx, MPE_FORGET_FLOW | MPE_HANDLE_STUFF | MPE_DONT_PICKUP);
        moved = TRUE;

        /* Update the monster */
        update_mon(c_ptr->m_idx, TRUE);

        /* Found a monster */
        m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->m_idx];

        /* But it is not the monster we seek! */
        if (tm_idx != c_ptr->m_idx)
            /* Acrobatic Charge attempts to displace monsters on route */
            if (type == _rush_acrobatic)
                /* Swap position of player and monster */
                set_monster_csleep(c_ptr->m_idx, 0);
                move_player_effect(ny, nx, MPE_FORGET_FLOW | MPE_HANDLE_STUFF | MPE_DONT_PICKUP);
                ty = ny;
                tx = nx;
            /* Normal Charge just attacks first monster on route */
                msg_format("There is %s in the way!", m_ptr->ml ? (tm_idx ? "another monster" : "a monster") : "someone");

        /* Attack the monster */
        if (tm_idx == p_ptr->duelist_target_idx) result = _rush_succeeded;
        py_attack(ny, nx, 0);

    if (!moved && !player_bold(ty, tx)) move_player_effect(ty, tx, MPE_FORGET_FLOW | MPE_HANDLE_STUFF | MPE_DONT_PICKUP);
    if (!dun_level && !p_ptr->wild_mode && !p_ptr->inside_arena && !p_ptr->inside_battle)
        wilderness_scroll_lock = FALSE;
        wilderness_move_player(px, py);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * @brief モンスターが敵対モンスターに直接ブレスを当てることが可能かを判定する /
 * Determine if a breath will hit the target.
 * @param y1 始点のY座標
 * @param x1 始点のX座標
 * @param y2 目標のY座標
 * @param x2 目標のX座標
 * @param rad 半径
 * @param typ 効果属性ID
 * @param is_friend TRUEならば、プレイヤーを巻き込む時にブレスの判定をFALSEにする。
 * @return ブレスを直接当てられるならばTRUEを返す
static bool breath_direct(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2, int rad, int typ, bool is_friend)
	/* Must be the same as projectable() */

	int i;

	/* Initial grid */
	int y = y1;
	int x = x1;

	int grid_n = 0;
	u16b grid_g[512];

	int grids = 0;
	byte gx[1024], gy[1024];
	byte gm[32];
	int gm_rad = rad;

	bool hit2 = FALSE;
	bool hityou = FALSE;

	int flg;

	switch (typ)
	case GF_LITE:
		flg = PROJECT_LOS;
		flg = 0;

	/* Check the projection path */
	grid_n = project_path(grid_g, MAX_RANGE, y1, x1, y2, x2, flg);

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < grid_n; ++i)
		int ny = GRID_Y(grid_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(grid_g[i]);

		if (flg & PROJECT_DISI)
			/* Hack -- Balls explode before reaching walls */
			if (cave_stop_disintegration(ny, nx)) break;
		else if (flg & PROJECT_LOS)
			/* Hack -- Balls explode before reaching walls */
			if (!cave_los_bold(ny, nx)) break;
			/* Hack -- Balls explode before reaching walls */
			if (!cave_have_flag_bold(ny, nx, FF_PROJECT)) break;

		/* Save the "blast epicenter" */
		y = ny;
		x = nx;

	grid_n = i;

	if (!grid_n)
		if (flg & PROJECT_DISI)
			if (in_disintegration_range(y1, x1, y2, x2) && (distance(y1, x1, y2, x2) <= rad)) hit2 = TRUE;
			if (in_disintegration_range(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) && (distance(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) <= rad)) hityou = TRUE;
		else if (flg & PROJECT_LOS)
			if (los(y1, x1, y2, x2) && (distance(y1, x1, y2, x2) <= rad)) hit2 = TRUE;
			if (los(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) && (distance(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) <= rad)) hityou = TRUE;
			if (projectable(y1, x1, y2, x2) && (distance(y1, x1, y2, x2) <= rad)) hit2 = TRUE;
			if (projectable(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) && (distance(y1, x1, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) <= rad)) hityou = TRUE;
		breath_shape(grid_g, grid_n, &grids, gx, gy, gm, &gm_rad, rad, y1, x1, y, x, typ);

		for (i = 0; i < grids; i++)
			/* Extract the location */
			y = gy[i];
			x = gx[i];

			if ((y == y2) && (x == x2)) hit2 = TRUE;
			if (player_bold(y, x)) hityou = TRUE;

	if (!hit2) return FALSE;
	if (is_friend && hityou) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 15
int context_menu_cave(int cy, int cx, int adjacent, int mx, int my)
	menu_type *m;
	rect_region r;
	int selected;
	char *labels;

	cave_type *c_ptr = area(cx,cy);
	pcave_type *pc_ptr = parea(cx,cy);
	feature_type *feat;
	object_type *o_ptr;

	/* paranoia */
	if (!in_boundsp(cx,cy)) return 0;

	m = menu_dynamic_new();
	if (!m) {
		return 0;

	labels = (char*)string_make(lower_case);
	m->selections = labels;

	feat  = &(f_info[c_ptr->feat]);

	menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Look At", 'l', 1, labels);
	if (c_ptr->m_idx) {
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Recall Info", '/', 18, labels);
	menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Use Item On", 'u', 2, labels);
	if (player_can_cast()) {
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Cast On", 'm', 3, labels);
	if (adjacent) {
		if (c_ptr->m_idx && m_list[c_ptr->m_idx].ml) {
			menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Attack", '+', 4, labels);
		} else {
			menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Alter", '+', 4, labels);
		if (c_ptr->o_idx) {
			o_ptr = chest_check(cx,cy);
			if (o_ptr && o_ptr->pval) {
				//if (!squelch_item_ok(o_ptr)) {
					if (object_known_p(o_ptr)) {
						if (chest_traps[o_ptr->pval]) {
							menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Disarm Chest", 'D', 5, labels);
							menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Open Chest", 'o', 8, labels);
						} else {
							menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Open Disarmed Chest", 'o', 8, labels);
					} else {
						menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Open Chest", 'o', 8, labels);
		if (is_visible_trap(c_ptr)) {
			menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Disarm", 'D', 5, labels);
			menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Jump Onto", 'W', 6, labels);
		if (pc_ptr->feat) {
			if ((feat->flags & FF_CLOSEABLE)
				|| ((feat->flags & FF_BROKEN) && (feat->flags & FF_DOOR)))
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Close", 'c', 7, labels);
			if (feat->flags & FF_CLOSED) {
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Open", 'o', 8, labels);
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Bash Open", 'B', 9, labels);
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Lock", 'D', 5, labels);
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Jam", 'j', 10, labels);
			if (feat->flags & FF_DIG) {
				menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Tunnel", 'T', 11, labels);
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Search", 's', 12, labels);
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Walk Towards", ';', 14, labels);
	} else {
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Pathfind To", ',', 13, labels);
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Walk Towards", ';', 14, labels);
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Run Towards", '.', 15, labels);
	if (player_can_fire()) {
		menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Fire On", 'f', 16, labels);
	if (c_ptr->m_idx && m_list[c_ptr->m_idx].ml) {
		if (is_pet(&(m_list[c_ptr->m_idx]))) {
			menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Pet Commands", 'p', 19, labels);
	menu_dynamic_add_label(m, "Throw To", 'v', 17, labels);

	/* work out display region */
	r.width = menu_dynamic_longest_entry(m) + 3 + 2; /* +3 for tag, 2 for pad */
	if (mx > Term->wid - r.width - 1) {
		r.col = Term->wid - r.width - 1;
	} else {
		r.col = mx + 1;
	r.page_rows = m->count;
	if (my > Term->hgt - r.page_rows - 1) {
		if (my - r.page_rows - 1 <= 0) {
			/* menu has too many items, so put in upper right corner */
			r.row = 1;
			r.col = Term->wid - r.width - 1;
		} else {
			r.row = Term->hgt - r.page_rows - 1;
	} else {
		r.row = my + 1;

	/* Hack -- no flush needed */
	msg_flag = FALSE;


	/* if there is a monster, draw a target path, which will be erased by the
	 * screen load below */
	if (c_ptr->m_idx && m_list[c_ptr->m_idx].ml) {
		sint path_n;
		coord path_g[2*MAX_RANGE+1];

		/* Find the path. */
		path_n = project_path(path_g, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->py, cx, cy, PROJECT_THRU);
		/* Draw the path. */
		draw_path(path_n, path_g, NULL, NULL, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->py);

	menu_layout(m, &r);

	/* display the prompt for the context menu */
	target_look_grid_prompt(0, 0, cx, cy,
		format("($UEnter to select command$Y\n$V, $UESC$ to cancel$Y%c$V) You see", ESCAPE));

	/* Hack - redraw stuff to show the target health bar */

	/* show the menu and pick from it */
	selected = menu_dynamic_select(m);



	if (selected == 1) {
		/* look at the spot */
		if (target_set_interactive(TARGET_LOOK, cx, cy)) {
			msgf("Target Selected.");
	} else
	if (selected == 2) {
		/* use an item on the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = 5;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'u';
		cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);*/
	} else
	if (selected == 3) {
		/* cast a spell on the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = 5;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'm';
		/*if (textui_obj_cast_ret() >= 0) {
			cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);
	} else
	if (selected == 4) {
		/* attack a spot adjacent to the player */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.arg = 16;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = '+';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 5) {
		/* disarm an adjacent trap or chest */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'D';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 6) {
		/* walk onto an adjacent spot even if there is a trap there */
		bool orig_disarm = easy_disarm;
		easy_disarm = always_pickup;
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'W';
		easy_disarm = orig_disarm;
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 7) {
		/* close a door */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'c';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 8) {
		/* open a door or chest */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'o';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 9) {
		/* bash a door */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'o';
		/*p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'B';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 10) {
		/* jam a door */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'j';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 11) {
		/* Tunnel in a direction */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.arg = 16;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'T';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 12) {
		/* Search */
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 1;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 's';
	} else
	if (selected == 13) {
		/* pathfind to the spot */
		/*p_ptr->cmd.arg = 16;*/
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = ',';
		cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, cx, cy);*/
	} else
	if (selected == 14) {
		/* walk towards the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = ';';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 15) {
		/* run towards the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = coords_to_dir(cx, cy);
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = '.';
		cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(cy,cx));*/
	} else
	if (selected == 16) {
		/* Fire ammo towards the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = 5;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'f';
		cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);*/
	} else
	if (selected == 17) {
		/* throw an item towards the spot */
		p_ptr->cmd.dir = 5;
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'v';
 		cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);*/
	} else
	if (selected == 18) {
		/* recall monster Info */
		monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->m_idx];
		if (m_ptr) {

			/* Save screen */

			/* Recall on screen */
			screen_roff_mon(m_ptr->r_idx, 0);

			/* wait for a key or mouse press */

			/* Load screen */
	} else
	if (selected == 19) {
		/* issue a pet command */
		p_ptr->cmd.cmd = 'p';

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Handle "target" and "look".
 * Note that this code can be called from "get_aim_dir()".
 * Currently, when "flag" is true, that is, when
 * "interesting" grids are being used, and a directional key is used, we
 * only scroll by a single panel, in the direction requested, and check
 * for any interesting grids on that panel.  The "correct" solution would
 * actually involve scanning a larger set of grids, including ones in
 * panels which are adjacent to the one currently scanned, but this is
 * overkill for this function.  XXX XXX
 * Hack -- targetting/observing an "outer border grid" may induce
 * problems, so this is not currently allowed.
 * The player can use the direction keys to move among "interesting"
 * grids in a heuristic manner, or the "space", "+", and "-" keys to
 * move through the "interesting" grids in a sequential manner, or
 * can enter "location" mode, and use the direction keys to move one
 * grid at a time in any direction.  The "t" (set target) command will
 * only target a monster (as opposed to a location) if the monster is
 * target_able and the "interesting" mode is being used.
 * The current grid is described using the "look" method above, and
 * a new command may be entered at any time, but note that if the
 * "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag is set (or if we are in "location" mode,
 * where "space" has no obvious meaning) then "space" will scan
 * through the description of the current grid until done, instead
 * of immediately jumping to the next "interesting" grid.  This
 * allows the "target" command to retain its old semantics.
 * The "*", "+", and "-" keys may always be used to jump immediately
 * to the next (or previous) interesting grid, in the proper mode.
 * The "return" key may always be used to scan through a complete
 * grid description (forever).
 * This command will cancel any old target, even if used from
 * inside the "look" command.
 * 'mode' is one of TARGET_LOOK or TARGET_KILL.
 * 'x' and 'y' are the initial position of the target to be highlighted,
 * or -1 if no location is specified.
 * Returns TRUE if a target has been successfully set, FALSE otherwise.
bool target_set_interactive(int mode, int x, int y)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int i, d, m, t, bd;
	int wid, hgt, help_prompt_loc;

	bool done = FALSE;
	bool flag = TRUE;
	bool help = FALSE;
	bool list_floor_objects = auto_display_lists;

	u16b path_n;
	u16b path_g[PATH_SIZE];
	u16b path_gx[PATH_SIZE];

	ui_event_data query;

	char info[80];

	/* These are used for displaying the path to the target */
	char path_char[MAX_RANGE];
	byte path_attr[MAX_RANGE];

	/* If we haven't been given an initial location, start on the
	   player. */
	if (x == -1 || y == -1)
		x = p_ptr->px;
		y = p_ptr->py;
    /* If we /have/ been given an initial location, make sure we
	   honour it by going into "free targeting" mode. */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Cancel target */

	/* make some buttons */
	button_add("[ESCAPE]", ESCAPE);
	button_add("[NEXT]", '+');
	button_add("[PREV]", '-');
	button_add("[PLAYER]", 'p');
	button_add("[PATHFIND]", 'g');
	button_add("[TARGET]", 't');

	/* health_track(0); */

	  /* All grids are selectable */
	if (mode & (TARGET_GRID))
		/* Disable other modes */

		/* Disable interesting grids */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Calculate the window location for the help prompt */
	Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
	help_prompt_loc = hgt - (mouse_buttons ? 2 : 1);

	/* Display the help prompt */
	prt("'?' - help", help_prompt_loc, 0);

	/* Prepare the "temp" array */

	/* Start near the player */
	m = 0;

	/* Interact */
	while (!done)
		if (list_floor_objects)
			button_add("[HIDE_OBJLIST]", 'l');
		else button_add("[SHOW_OBJLIST]", 'l');
		if (help)
			button_add("[HIDE_HELP]", '?');
		else button_add("[SHOW_HELP]",'?');

		/* Interesting grids */
		if (flag && temp_n)
			bool path_drawn = FALSE;
			int yy, xx;

			y = temp_y[m];
			x = temp_x[m];


			/* Update help */
			if (help)
				bool good_target = ((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x]));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
			yy = y;
			xx = x;

			/* Allow targets for monsters....or traps, if applicable */
			if (((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x])) ||
				((mode & (TARGET_TRAP)) && target_able_trap(y, x)))
				strcpy(info, "q,t,r,l,p,o,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Dis-allow target */
				strcpy(info, "q,p,l,o,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Adjust panel if needed */
			if (adjust_panel(y, x))
				/* Handle stuff */

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_FIRE)))
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px, y, x);

			/* Describe and Prompt */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode, info, list_floor_objects);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn) load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no "direction" */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze */
			switch (query.key)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
					if (++m == temp_n) m = 0;

				case '-':
					if (m-- == 0)  m = temp_n - 1;

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = py;
					x = px;

				case 'o':
					flag = FALSE;

				case 'm':

				/* If we click, move the target location to the click and
				   switch to "free targetting" mode by unsetting 'flag'.
				   This means we get some info about wherever we've picked. */
				case DEFINED_XFF:
					x = KEY_GRID_X(query);
					y = KEY_GRID_Y(query);
					flag = FALSE;

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					int m_idx = cave_m_idx[y][x];

					if ((m_idx > 0) && target_able(m_idx))
						done = TRUE;
					else if ((mode & (TARGET_TRAP)) && target_able_trap(y, x))
 						target_set_location(y, x);
 						done = TRUE;
					else if (mode & (TARGET_PROBE))
					 	target_set_location(y, x);
					 	done = TRUE;
						bell("Illegal target!");

				case 'g':
					cmd_insert(CMD_PATHFIND, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'l':
					list_floor_objects = (!list_floor_objects);

				case '?':
					help = !help;

					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("'?' - help", help_prompt_loc, 0);


					/* Extract direction */
					d = target_dir(query.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Hack -- move around */
			if (d)
				int old_y = temp_y[m];
				int old_x = temp_x[m];

				/* Find a new monster */
				i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

				/* Scroll to find interesting grid */
				if (i < 0)
					int old_wy = Term->offset_y;
					int old_wx = Term->offset_x;

					/* Change if legal */
					if (change_panel(d))
						/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Find a new monster */
						i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

						/* Restore panel if needed */
						if ((i < 0) && modify_panel(Term, old_wy, old_wx))
							/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Handle stuff */

				/* Use interesting grid if found */
				if (i >= 0) m = i;

		/* Arbitrary grids */
			bool path_drawn = FALSE;

			/* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
			int yy = y;
			int xx = x;

			/* Don't need this button any more */

			/* Update help */
			if (help)
				bool good_target = ((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x]));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Default prompt */
			if (!(mode & (TARGET_GRID)))
				strcpy(info, "q,t,l,p,m,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Disable monster selection */
				strcpy(info, "q,t,l.p,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_FIRE)))
				/* Save target info */
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px, y, x);


			/* Describe and Prompt (enable "TARGET_LOOK") */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, (mode | TARGET_LOOK), info, list_floor_objects);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn)  load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no direction */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze the keypress */
			switch (query.key)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
				case '-':

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = py;
					x = px;

				case 'o':

				case 'm':
					/* Monster selection is disabled */
					if (mode & (TARGET_GRID)) break;

					flag = TRUE;

					m = 0;
					bd = 999;

					/* Pick a nearby monster */
					for (i = 0; i < temp_n; i++)
						t = distance(y, x, temp_y[i], temp_x[i]);

						/* Pick closest */
						if (t < bd)
							m = i;
							bd = t;

					/* Nothing interesting */
					if (bd == 999) flag = FALSE;


				case '\xff':
					/* We only target if we click somewhere where the cursor
					   is already (i.e. a double-click without a time limit) */
					if (KEY_GRID_X(query) == x && KEY_GRID_Y(query) == y)
						/* Make an attempt to target the monster on the given
						   square rather than the square itself (it seems this
						   is the more likely intention of clicking on a
						   monster). */
						int m_idx = cave_m_idx[y][x];

						if ((m_idx > 0) && target_able(m_idx))
							/* There is no monster, or it isn't targettable,
							   so target the location instead. */
							target_set_location(y, x);

						done = TRUE;
						/* Just move the cursor for now - another click will
						   target. */
						x = KEY_GRID_X(query);
						y = KEY_GRID_Y(query);

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					target_set_location(y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'g':
					cmd_insert(CMD_PATHFIND, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'l':
					list_floor_objects = (!list_floor_objects);

				case '?':
					help = !help;

					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("'?' - help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);


					/* Extract a direction */
					d = target_dir(query.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Handle "direction" */
			if (d)
				int dungeon_hgt = p_ptr->cur_map_hgt;
				int dungeon_wid = p_ptr->cur_map_wid;

				/* Move */
				x += ddx[d];
				y += ddy[d];

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (x >= dungeon_wid - 1) x--;
				else if (x <= 0) x++;

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (y >= dungeon_hgt - 1) y--;
				else if (y <= 0) y++;

				/* Adjust panel if needed */
				if (adjust_panel(y, x))
					/* Handle stuff */

					/* Recalculate interesting grids */


	/* Forget */
	temp_n = 0;

	/* Redraw as necessary */
	if (help)
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
		prt("", 0, 0);
		prt("", help_prompt_loc, 0);
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_DEPTH | PR_STATUS);

	/* Recenter around player */

	/* Restore buttons */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Failure to set target */
	if (!p_ptr->target_set) return (FALSE);

	/* Success */
	return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 17
 * This is a helper function used by do_cmd_throw and do_cmd_fire.
 * It abstracts out the projectile path, display code, identify and clean up
 * logic, while using the 'attack' parameter to do work particular to each
 * kind of attack.
static void ranged_helper(struct object *obj, int dir, int range, int shots,
						  ranged_attack attack)
	int i, j;

	char o_name[80];

	int path_n;
	struct loc path_g[256];

	/* Start at the player */
	int x = player->px;
	int y = player->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	int ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	int tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	bool hit_target = FALSE;
	bool none_left = FALSE;

	struct object *missile;

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay()) {
		int taim;
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		taim = distance(y, x, ty, tx);
		if (taim > range) {
			char msg[80];
			strnfmt(msg, sizeof(msg),
					"Target out of range by %d squares. Fire anyway? ",
				taim - range);
			if (!get_check(msg)) return;

	/* Sound */

	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Actually "fire" the object -- Take a partial turn */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = (z_info->move_energy / shots);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, range, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Start at the player */
	x = player->px;
	y = player->py;

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i) {
		struct monster *mon = NULL;
		int ny = path_g[i].y;
		int nx = path_g[i].x;
		bool see = square_isseen(cave, ny, nx);

		/* Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!(square_ispassable(cave, ny, nx)) &&
			!(square_isprojectable(cave, ny, nx)))

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Tell the UI to display the missile */
		event_signal_missile(EVENT_MISSILE, obj, see, y, x);

		/* Try the attack on the monster at (x, y) if any */
		mon = square_monster(cave, y, x);
		if (mon) {
			int visible = mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE);

			bool fear = FALSE;
			const char *note_dies = monster_is_unusual(mon->race) ? 
				" is destroyed." : " dies.";

			struct attack_result result = attack(obj, y, x);
			int dmg = result.dmg;
			u32b msg_type = result.msg_type;
			char hit_verb[20];
			my_strcpy(hit_verb, result.hit_verb, sizeof(hit_verb));

			if (result.success) {
				hit_target = TRUE;


				/* Learn by use for other equipped items */

				/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
				if (dmg <= 0) {
					dmg = 0;
					msg_type = MSG_MISS;
					my_strcpy(hit_verb, "fails to harm", sizeof(hit_verb));

				if (!visible) {
					/* Invisible monster */
					msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);
				} else {
					for (j = 0; j < (int)N_ELEMENTS(ranged_hit_types); j++) {
						char m_name[80];
						const char *dmg_text = "";

						if (msg_type != ranged_hit_types[j].msg)

						if (OPT(show_damage))
							dmg_text = format(" (%d)", dmg);

						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon, MDESC_OBJE);

						if (ranged_hit_types[j].text)
							msgt(msg_type, "Your %s %s %s%s. %s", o_name, 
								 hit_verb, m_name, dmg_text, 
							msgt(msg_type, "Your %s %s %s%s.", o_name, hit_verb,
								 m_name, dmg_text);
					/* Track this monster */
					if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
						monster_race_track(player->upkeep, mon->race);
						health_track(player->upkeep, mon);

				/* Hit the monster, check for death */
				if (!mon_take_hit(mon, dmg, &fear, note_dies)) {
					message_pain(mon, dmg);
					if (fear && mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
						char m_name[80];
						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon, 
						add_monster_message(m_name, mon, 
			/* Stop the missile */

		/* Stop if non-projectable but passable */
		if (!(square_isprojectable(cave, ny, nx))) 

	/* Get the missile */
	if (object_is_carried(player, obj))
		missile = gear_object_for_use(obj, 1, TRUE, &none_left);
		missile = floor_object_for_use(obj, 1, TRUE, &none_left);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(cave, missile, breakage_chance(missile, hit_target), y, x, TRUE);