Exemplo n.º 1
static int set_schema_version(pool *p, const char *schema_name,
    unsigned int schema_version) {
  int res, xerrno = 0;
  const char *stmt, *errstr = NULL;
  array_header *results;

  /* CREATE TABLE $schema_name.schema_version (
   *   version INTEGER NOT NULL
   * );
  stmt = pstrcat(p, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ", schema_name, ".schema_version (schema TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, version INTEGER NOT NULL);", NULL);
  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(p, stmt, &errstr);
  if (res < 0) {
    (void) pr_log_debug(DEBUG3, MOD_PROXY_VERSION
      ": error executing statement '%s': %s", stmt, errstr);
    errno = EPERM;
    return -1;

  stmt = pstrcat(p, "INSERT INTO ", schema_name, ".schema_version (schema, version) VALUES (?, ?);", NULL);
  res = proxy_db_prepare_stmt(p, stmt);
  if (res < 0) {
    xerrno = errno;

    (void) pr_log_debug(DEBUG3, MOD_PROXY_VERSION
      ": error preparing statement '%s': %s", stmt, strerror(xerrno));
    errno = xerrno;
    return -1;

  res = proxy_db_bind_stmt(p, stmt, 1, PROXY_DB_BIND_TYPE_TEXT,
    (void *) schema_name);
  if (res < 0) {
    return -1;

  res = proxy_db_bind_stmt(p, stmt, 2, PROXY_DB_BIND_TYPE_INT,
    (void *) &schema_version);
  if (res < 0) {
    return -1;

  results = proxy_db_exec_prepared_stmt(p, stmt, &errstr);
  if (results == NULL) {
    (void) pr_log_debug(DEBUG3, MOD_PROXY_VERSION
      ": error executing statement '%s': %s", stmt,
      errstr ? errstr : strerror(errno));
    errno = EPERM;
    return -1;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2

START_TEST (db_exec_stmt_test) {
  int res;
  const char *table_path, *schema_name, *stmt, *errstr;

  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(NULL, NULL, NULL);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to handle null arguments");
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Expected EINVAL (%d), got '%s' (%d)", EINVAL,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(p, NULL, NULL);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to handle null statement");
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Expected EINVAL (%d), got '%s' (%d)", EINVAL,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo;";
  errstr = NULL;
  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(p, stmt, &errstr);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to handle missing database handle");
  fail_unless(errno == EPERM, "Expected EPERM (%d), got '%s' (%d)", EPERM,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  (void) unlink(db_test_table);
  table_path = db_test_table;
  schema_name = "proxy_test";

  res = proxy_db_open(p, table_path, schema_name);
  fail_unless(res == 0, "Failed to open table '%s', schema '%s': %s",
    table_path, schema_name, strerror(errno));

  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(p, stmt, &errstr);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to execute statement '%s'", stmt);
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Expected EINVAL (%d), got '%s' (%d)", EINVAL,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  res = proxy_db_close(p, NULL);
  fail_unless(res == 0, "Failed to close database: %s", strerror(errno));

  (void) unlink(db_test_table);
Exemplo n.º 3

static int create_table(pool *stmt_pool, const char *schema_name,
    const char *table_name) {
  int res;
  const char *stmt, *errstr = NULL;

  stmt = pstrcat(stmt_pool, "CREATE TABLE ", schema_name, ".", table_name,
    " (id INTEGER, name TEXT);", NULL);
  res = proxy_db_exec_stmt(stmt_pool, stmt, &errstr);
  return res;