/* * Print out status about a filesystem. */ static void prtstat(struct statfs *sfsp, int maxwidth, int headerlen, int blocksize) { u_int64_t used, inodes; int64_t availblks; (void)printf("%-*.*s", maxwidth, maxwidth, sfsp->f_mntfromname); used = sfsp->f_blocks - sfsp->f_bfree; availblks = sfsp->f_bavail + used; if (hflag) prthuman(sfsp, used); else (void)printf(" %*llu %9llu %9lld", headerlen, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_bavail, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize)); (void)printf(" %5.0f%%", availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0); if (iflag) { inodes = sfsp->f_files; used = inodes - sfsp->f_ffree; (void)printf(" %7llu %7llu %5.0f%% ", used, sfsp->f_ffree, inodes == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)inodes * 100.0); } else (void)printf(" "); (void)printf(" %s\n", sfsp->f_mntonname); }
/* * Print out status about a filesystem. */ void prtstat(struct statfs *sfsp, struct statvfs *vsfsp, struct maxwidths *mwp) { static long blocksize; static int headerlen, timesthrough; static const char *header; int64_t used, availblks, inodes; if (++timesthrough == 1) { mwp->mntfrom = imax(mwp->mntfrom, strlen("Filesystem")); if (hflag) { header = " Size"; mwp->total = mwp->used = mwp->avail = strlen(header); } else { header = getbsize(&headerlen, &blocksize); mwp->total = imax(mwp->total, headerlen); } mwp->used = imax(mwp->used, strlen("Used")); mwp->avail = imax(mwp->avail, strlen("Avail")); printf("%-*s %-*s %*s %*s Capacity", mwp->mntfrom, "Filesystem", mwp->total, header, mwp->used, "Used", mwp->avail, "Avail"); if (iflag) { mwp->iused = imax(mwp->iused, strlen(" iused")); mwp->ifree = imax(mwp->ifree, strlen("ifree")); printf(" %*s %*s %%iused", mwp->iused - 2, "iused", mwp->ifree, "ifree"); } printf(" Mounted on\n"); } printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, sfsp->f_mntfromname); used = vsfsp->f_blocks - vsfsp->f_bfree; availblks = vsfsp->f_bavail + used; if (hflag) { prthuman(vsfsp, used); } else { printf(" %*jd %*jd %*jd", mwp->total, fsbtoblk(vsfsp->f_blocks, vsfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->used, fsbtoblk(used, vsfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->avail, fsbtoblk(vsfsp->f_bavail, vsfsp->f_bsize, blocksize)); } printf(" %5.0f%%", availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0); if (iflag) { inodes = vsfsp->f_files; used = inodes - vsfsp->f_ffree; printf(" %*jd %*jd %4.0f%% ", mwp->iused, (intmax_t)used, mwp->ifree, (intmax_t)vsfsp->f_ffree, inodes == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)inodes * 100.0); } else printf(" "); printf(" %s\n", sfsp->f_mntonname); }
/* * Print out status about a file system. */ static void prtstat(struct statfs *sfsp, struct maxwidths *mwp) { static long blocksize; static int headerlen, timesthrough = 0; static const char *header; int64_t used, availblks, inodes; if (++timesthrough == 1) { mwp->mntfrom = imax(mwp->mntfrom, (int)strlen("Filesystem")); mwp->fstype = imax(mwp->fstype, (int)strlen("Type")); if (hflag) { header = " Size"; mwp->total = mwp->used = mwp->avail = (int)strlen(header); } else { header = getbsize(&headerlen, &blocksize); mwp->total = imax(mwp->total, headerlen); } mwp->used = imax(mwp->used, (int)strlen("Used")); mwp->avail = imax(mwp->avail, (int)strlen("Avail")); (void)printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, "Filesystem"); if (Tflag) (void)printf(" %-*s", mwp->fstype, "Type"); (void)printf(" %-*s %*s %*s Capacity", mwp->total, header, mwp->used, "Used", mwp->avail, "Avail"); if (iflag) { mwp->iused = imax(hflag ? 0 : mwp->iused, (int)strlen(" iused")); mwp->ifree = imax(hflag ? 0 : mwp->ifree, (int)strlen("ifree")); (void)printf(" %*s %*s %%iused", mwp->iused - 2, "iused", mwp->ifree, "ifree"); } (void)printf(" Mounted on\n"); } (void)printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, sfsp->f_mntfromname); if (Tflag) (void)printf(" %-*s", mwp->fstype, sfsp->f_fstypename); used = sfsp->f_blocks - sfsp->f_bfree; availblks = sfsp->f_bavail + used; if (hflag) { prthuman(sfsp, used); } else { (void)printf(" %*jd %*jd %*jd", mwp->total, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->used, fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->avail, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_bavail, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize)); } (void)printf(" %5.0f%%", availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0); if (iflag) { inodes = sfsp->f_files; used = inodes - sfsp->f_ffree; if (hflag) { (void)printf(" "); prthumanvalinode(used); prthumanvalinode(sfsp->f_ffree); } else { (void)printf(" %*jd %*jd", mwp->iused, (intmax_t)used, mwp->ifree, (intmax_t)sfsp->f_ffree); } (void)printf(" %4.0f%% ", inodes == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)inodes * 100.0); } else (void)printf(" "); if (strncmp(sfsp->f_mntfromname, "total", MNAMELEN) != 0) (void)printf(" %s", sfsp->f_mntonname); (void)printf("\n"); }
/* * Print out status about a filesystem. */ void prtstat(struct statfs *sfsp, struct maxwidths *mwp) { static long blocksize; static int headerlen, timesthrough; static const char *header; uint64_t used, availblks, inodes; char * avail_str; if (++timesthrough == 1) { mwp->mntfrom = imax(mwp->mntfrom, (int)strlen("Filesystem")); if (hflag) { header = " Size"; mwp->total = mwp->used = mwp->avail = (int)strlen(header); } else { header = getbsize(&headerlen, &blocksize); mwp->total = imax(mwp->total, headerlen); } mwp->used = imax(mwp->used, (int)strlen("Used")); if (COMPAT_MODE("bin/df", "unix2003") && !hflag) { avail_str = "Available"; } else { avail_str = "Avail"; } mwp->avail = imax(mwp->avail, (int)strlen(avail_str)); (void)printf("%-*s %*s %*s %*s Capacity", mwp->mntfrom, "Filesystem", mwp->total, header, mwp->used, "Used", mwp->avail, avail_str); if (iflag) { mwp->iused = imax(mwp->iused, (int)strlen(" iused")); mwp->ifree = imax(mwp->ifree, (int)strlen("ifree")); (void)printf(" %*s %*s %%iused", mwp->iused - 2, "iused", mwp->ifree, "ifree"); } (void)printf(" Mounted on\n"); } (void)printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, sfsp->f_mntfromname); if (sfsp->f_blocks > sfsp->f_bfree) used = sfsp->f_blocks - sfsp->f_bfree; else used = 0; availblks = sfsp->f_bavail + used; if (hflag) { prthuman(sfsp, used); } else { (void)printf(" %*jd %*jd %*jd", mwp->total, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize, sfsp->f_mntonname), mwp->used, fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize, sfsp->f_mntonname), mwp->avail, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_bavail, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize, sfsp->f_mntonname)); } if (COMPAT_MODE("bin/df", "unix2003")) { /* Standard says percentage must be rounded UP to next integer value, not truncated */ double value; if (availblks == 0) value = 100.0; else { value = (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0; if ((value-(int)value) > 0.0) value = value + 1.0; } (void)printf(" %5.0f%%", trunc(value)); } else { (void)printf(" %5.0f%%", availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0); } if (iflag) { inodes = sfsp->f_files; used = inodes - sfsp->f_ffree; (void)printf(" %*llu %*lu %4.0f%% ", mwp->iused, used, mwp->ifree, (unsigned long)sfsp->f_ffree, inodes == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)inodes * 100.0); } else (void)printf(" "); (void)printf(" %s\n", sfsp->f_mntonname); }
/* * Print out status about a file system. */ static void prtstat(struct statfs *sfsp, struct maxwidths *mwp) { static long blocksize; static int headerlen, timesthrough = 0; static const char *header; int64_t used, availblks, inodes; const char *format; if (++timesthrough == 1) { mwp->mntfrom = imax(mwp->mntfrom, (int)strlen("Filesystem")); mwp->fstype = imax(mwp->fstype, (int)strlen("Type")); if (thousands) { /* make space for commas */ mwp->total += (mwp->total - 1) / 3; mwp->used += (mwp->used - 1) / 3; mwp->avail += (mwp->avail - 1) / 3; mwp->iused += (mwp->iused - 1) / 3; mwp->ifree += (mwp->ifree - 1) / 3; } if (hflag) { header = " Size"; mwp->total = mwp->used = mwp->avail = (int)strlen(header); } else { header = getbsize(&headerlen, &blocksize); mwp->total = imax(mwp->total, headerlen); } mwp->used = imax(mwp->used, (int)strlen("Used")); mwp->avail = imax(mwp->avail, (int)strlen("Avail")); (void)printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, "Filesystem"); if (Tflag) (void)printf(" %-*s", mwp->fstype, "Type"); (void)printf(" %*s %*s %*s Capacity", mwp->total, header, mwp->used, "Used", mwp->avail, "Avail"); if (iflag) { mwp->iused = imax(hflag ? 0 : mwp->iused, (int)strlen(" iused")); mwp->ifree = imax(hflag ? 0 : mwp->ifree, (int)strlen("ifree")); (void)printf(" %*s %*s %%iused", mwp->iused - 2, "iused", mwp->ifree, "ifree"); } (void)printf(" Mounted on\n"); } /* Check for 0 block size. Can this happen? */ if (sfsp->f_bsize == 0) { warnx ("File system %s does not have a block size, assuming 512.", sfsp->f_mntonname); sfsp->f_bsize = 512; } (void)printf("%-*s", mwp->mntfrom, sfsp->f_mntfromname); if (Tflag) (void)printf(" %-*s", mwp->fstype, sfsp->f_fstypename); used = sfsp->f_blocks - sfsp->f_bfree; availblks = sfsp->f_bavail + used; if (hflag) { prthuman(sfsp, used); } else { if (thousands) format = " %*j'd %*j'd %*j'd"; else format = " %*jd %*jd %*jd"; (void)printf(format, mwp->total, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->used, fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize), mwp->avail, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_bavail, sfsp->f_bsize, blocksize)); } (void)printf(" %5.0f%%", availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0); if (iflag) { inodes = sfsp->f_files; used = inodes - sfsp->f_ffree; if (hflag) { (void)printf(" "); prthumanvalinode(used); prthumanvalinode(sfsp->f_ffree); } else { if (thousands) format = " %*j'd %*j'd"; else format = " %*jd %*jd"; (void)printf(format, mwp->iused, (intmax_t)used, mwp->ifree, (intmax_t)sfsp->f_ffree); } (void)printf(" %4.0f%% ", inodes == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)inodes * 100.0); } else (void)printf(" "); if (strncmp(sfsp->f_mntfromname, "total", MNAMELEN) != 0) (void)printf(" %s", sfsp->f_mntonname); (void)printf("\n"); }
static void dovmstat(unsigned int interval, int reps) { struct vmtotal total; time_t uptime, halfuptime; struct devinfo *tmp_dinfo; size_t size; int ncpus, maxid; u_long cpumask; int rate_adj; uptime = getuptime() / 1000000000LL; halfuptime = uptime / 2; rate_adj = 1; ncpus = 1; maxid = 0; /* * If the user stops the program (control-Z) and then resumes it, * print out the header again. */ (void)signal(SIGCONT, needhdr); /* * If our standard output is a tty, then install a SIGWINCH handler * and set wresized so that our first iteration through the main * vmstat loop will peek at the terminal's current rows to find out * how many lines can fit in a screenful of output. */ if (isatty(fileno(stdout)) != 0) { wresized = 1; (void)signal(SIGWINCH, needresize); } else { wresized = 0; winlines = VMSTAT_DEFAULT_LINES; } if (kd != NULL) { if (namelist[X_STATHZ].n_type != 0 && namelist[X_STATHZ].n_value != 0) kread(X_STATHZ, &hz, sizeof(hz)); if (!hz) kread(X_HZ, &hz, sizeof(hz)); } else { struct clockinfo clockrate; size = sizeof(clockrate); mysysctl("kern.clockrate", &clockrate, &size, NULL, 0); if (size != sizeof(clockrate)) errx(1, "clockrate size mismatch"); hz = clockrate.hz; } if (Pflag) { ncpus = getcpuinfo(&cpumask, &maxid); size_cp_times = sizeof(long) * (maxid + 1) * CPUSTATES; cur_cp_times = calloc(1, size_cp_times); last_cp_times = calloc(1, size_cp_times); } for (hdrcnt = 1;;) { if (!--hdrcnt) printhdr(maxid, cpumask); if (kd != NULL) { if (kvm_getcptime(kd, cur.cp_time) < 0) errx(1, "kvm_getcptime: %s", kvm_geterr(kd)); } else { size = sizeof(cur.cp_time); mysysctl("kern.cp_time", &cur.cp_time, &size, NULL, 0); if (size != sizeof(cur.cp_time)) errx(1, "cp_time size mismatch"); } if (Pflag) { size = size_cp_times; mysysctl("kern.cp_times", cur_cp_times, &size, NULL, 0); if (size != size_cp_times) errx(1, "cp_times mismatch"); } tmp_dinfo = last.dinfo; last.dinfo = cur.dinfo; cur.dinfo = tmp_dinfo; last.snap_time = cur.snap_time; /* * Here what we want to do is refresh our device stats. * getdevs() returns 1 when the device list has changed. * If the device list has changed, we want to go through * the selection process again, in case a device that we * were previously displaying has gone away. */ switch (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &cur)) { case -1: errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf); break; case 1: { int retval; num_devices = cur.dinfo->numdevs; generation = cur.dinfo->generation; retval = devstat_selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected, &num_selections, &select_generation, generation, cur.dinfo->devices, num_devices, matches, num_matches, specified_devices, num_devices_specified, select_mode, maxshowdevs, 0); switch (retval) { case -1: errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf); break; case 1: printhdr(maxid, cpumask); break; default: break; } } default: break; } fill_vmmeter(&sum); fill_vmtotal(&total); (void)printf("%1d %1d %1d", total.t_rq - 1, total.t_dw + total.t_pw, total.t_sw); #define vmstat_pgtok(a) ((a) * (sum.v_page_size >> 10)) #define rate(x) (((x) * rate_adj + halfuptime) / uptime) /* round */ if (hflag) { printf(""); prthuman(total.t_avm * (u_int64_t)sum.v_page_size, 5); printf(" "); prthuman(total.t_free * (u_int64_t)sum.v_page_size, 5); printf(" "); (void)printf("%5lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_vm_faults - osum.v_vm_faults)); } else { printf(" %7d", vmstat_pgtok(total.t_avm)); printf(" %7d ", vmstat_pgtok(total.t_free)); (void)printf("%4lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_vm_faults - osum.v_vm_faults)); } (void)printf("%3lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_reactivated - osum.v_reactivated)); (void)printf("%3lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swapin + sum.v_vnodein - (osum.v_swapin + osum.v_vnodein))); (void)printf("%3lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swapout + sum.v_vnodeout - (osum.v_swapout + osum.v_vnodeout))); (void)printf("%5lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_tfree - osum.v_tfree)); (void)printf("%4lu ", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_pdpages - osum.v_pdpages)); devstats(); (void)printf("%4lu %5lu %5lu", (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_intr - osum.v_intr), (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_syscall - osum.v_syscall), (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swtch - osum.v_swtch)); if (Pflag) pcpustats(ncpus, cpumask, maxid); else cpustats(); (void)printf("\n"); (void)fflush(stdout); if (reps >= 0 && --reps <= 0) break; osum = sum; uptime = interval; rate_adj = 1000; /* * We round upward to avoid losing low-frequency events * (i.e., >= 1 per interval but < 1 per millisecond). */ if (interval != 1) halfuptime = (uptime + 1) / 2; else halfuptime = 0; (void)usleep(interval * 1000); } }
/* * Print out status about a filesystem. */ static void prtstat(struct statvfs *sfsp, int maxwidth) { static long blocksize; static int headerlen, timesthrough; static const char *header; static const char full[] = "100"; static const char empty[] = " 0"; int64_t used, availblks, inodes; int64_t bavail; char pb[64]; if (gflag) { /* * From SunOS-5.6: * * /var (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 ): 8192 block size 1024 frag size * 984242 total blocks 860692 free blocks 859708 available 249984 total files * 248691 free files 8388611 filesys id * ufs fstype 0x00000004 flag 255 filename length * */ (void)printf("%10s (%-12s): %7ld block size %12ld frag size\n", sfsp->f_mntonname, sfsp->f_mntfromname, sfsp->f_bsize, /* On UFS/FFS systems this is * also called the "optimal * transfer block size" but it * is of course the file * system's block size too. */ sfsp->f_frsize); /* not so surprisingly the * "fundamental file system * block size" is the frag * size. */ (void)printf("%10" PRId64 " total blocks %10" PRId64 " free blocks %10" PRId64 " available\n", (uint64_t)sfsp->f_blocks, (uint64_t)sfsp->f_bfree, (uint64_t)sfsp->f_bavail); (void)printf("%10" PRId64 " total files %10" PRId64 " free files %12lx filesys id\n", (uint64_t)sfsp->f_ffree, (uint64_t)sfsp->f_files, sfsp->f_fsid); (void)printf("%10s fstype %#15lx flag %17ld filename " "length\n", sfsp->f_fstypename, sfsp->f_flag, sfsp->f_namemax); (void)printf("%10lu owner %17" PRId64 " syncwrites %12" PRId64 " asyncwrites\n\n", (unsigned long)sfsp->f_owner, sfsp->f_syncwrites, sfsp->f_asyncwrites); /* * a concession by the structured programming police to the * indentation police.... */ return; } if (maxwidth < 12) maxwidth = 12; if (++timesthrough == 1) { switch (blocksize = usize) { case 1024: header = Pflag ? "1024-blocks" : "1K-blocks"; headerlen = (int)strlen(header); break; case 1024 * 1024: header = "1M-blocks"; headerlen = (int)strlen(header); break; case 1024 * 1024 * 1024: header = "1G-blocks"; headerlen = (int)strlen(header); break; default: if (hflag) { header = "Size"; headerlen = (int)strlen(header); } else header = getbsize(&headerlen, &blocksize); break; } if (Pflag) { /* * either: * "Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on\n" * or: * "Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on\n" */ if (blocksize != 1024 && blocksize != 512) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "non-standard block size incompatible with -P"); (void)printf("Filesystem %s Used Available Capacity " "Mounted on\n", header); } else { (void)printf("%-*.*s %s Used Avail %%Cap", maxwidth - (headerlen - 10), maxwidth - (headerlen - 10), "Filesystem", header); if (iflag) (void)printf(" iUsed iAvail %%iCap"); (void)printf(" Mounted on\n"); } } used = sfsp->f_blocks - sfsp->f_bfree; bavail = sfsp->f_bfree - sfsp->f_bresvd; availblks = bavail + used; if (Pflag) { assert(hflag == 0); assert(blocksize > 0); /* * "%s %d %d %d %s %s\n", <file system name>, <total space>, * <space used>, <space free>, <percentage used>, * <file system root> */ (void)printf("%s %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %s%% %s\n", sfsp->f_mntfromname, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(bavail, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize), availblks == 0 ? full : strspct(pb, sizeof(pb), used, availblks, 0), sfsp->f_mntonname); /* * another concession by the structured programming police to * the indentation police.... * * Note iflag cannot be set when Pflag is set. */ return; } (void)printf("%-*.*s ", maxwidth, maxwidth, sfsp->f_mntfromname); if (hflag) prthuman(sfsp, used, bavail); else (void)printf("%10" PRId64 " %10" PRId64 " %10" PRId64, fsbtoblk(sfsp->f_blocks, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(used, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize), fsbtoblk(bavail, sfsp->f_frsize, blocksize)); (void)printf(" %3s%%", availblks == 0 ? full : strspct(pb, sizeof(pb), used, availblks, 0)); if (iflag) { inodes = sfsp->f_files; used = inodes - sfsp->f_ffree; (void)printf(" %8jd %8jd %4s%%", (intmax_t)used, (intmax_t)sfsp->f_ffree, inodes == 0 ? (used == 0 ? empty : full) : strspct(pb, sizeof(pb), used, inodes, 0)); } (void)printf(" %s\n", sfsp->f_mntonname); }