Exemplo n.º 1
void vLCDTask( void *pvParameters )
xLCDMessage xMessage;

	/* Initialise the LCD and display a startup message. */
	LCD_DrawMonoPict( ( unsigned char * ) pcBitmap );

	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for a message to arrive that requires displaying. */
		while( xQueueReceive( xLCDQueue, &xMessage, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdPASS );

		/* Display the message.  Print each message to a different position. */
		printf( ( portCHAR const * ) xMessage.pcMessage );
Exemplo n.º 2
void main_full( void )
TimerHandle_t xCheckTimer = NULL;

	/* The LCD is only used in the Full demo. */

	/* Start all the other standard demo/test tasks.  They have no particular
	functionality, but do demonstrate how to use the FreeRTOS API and test the
	kernel port. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );

	/* Create the software timer that performs the 'check' functionality,
	as described at the top of this file. */
	xCheckTimer = xTimerCreate( "CheckTimer",					/* A text name, purely to help debugging. */
								( mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ),	/* The timer period, in this case 3000ms (3s). */
								pdTRUE,							/* This is an auto-reload timer, so xAutoReload is set to pdTRUE. */
								( void * ) 0,					/* The ID is not used, so can be set to anything. */
								prvCheckTimerCallback			/* The callback function that inspects the status of all the other tasks. */

	if( xCheckTimer != NULL )
		xTimerStart( xCheckTimer, mainDONT_BLOCK );

	/* Start the scheduler. */

	/* If all is well, the scheduler will now be running, and the following line
	will never be reached.  If the following line does execute, then there was
	insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available for the idle and/or timer tasks
	to be created.  See the memory management section on the FreeRTOS web site
	for more details. */
	for( ;; );