Exemplo n.º 1
psio_select(struct mtcp_thread_context *ctxt)
	struct psio_private_context *ppc;
	mtcp_manager_t mtcp;
	struct timeval cur_ts;
	int i, ret;
	ppc = (struct psio_private_context *) ctxt->io_private_context;	
	mtcp = ctxt->mtcp_manager;
	gettimeofday(&cur_ts, NULL);

	if (!ppc->rx_avail || ppc->event.tx_nids) {
		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG.eths_num; i++) {
			if (ppc->w_chunk_buf[i].cnt > 0)
				NID_SET(i, ppc->event.tx_nids);
			if (mtcp->n_sender[i]->control_list_cnt > 0 || 
			    mtcp->n_sender[i]->send_list_cnt > 0 || 
			    mtcp->n_sender[i]->ack_list_cnt > 0) { 
				if (cur_ts.tv_sec > ppc->last_tx_set[i].tv_sec || 
				    cur_ts.tv_usec > ppc->last_tx_set[i].tv_usec) {
					NID_SET(i, ppc->event.tx_nids);
					ppc->last_tx_set[i] = cur_ts;
		TRACE_SELECT("BEFORE: rx_avail: %d, tx_avail: %d, event.rx_nids: %0x, event.tx_nids: %0x\n", 
			     ppc->rx_avail, ppc->tx_avail, ppc->event.rx_nids, ppc->event.tx_nids);
		mtcp->is_sleeping = TRUE;
		ret = ps_select(&ppc->handle, &ppc->event);
		mtcp->is_sleeping = FALSE;
		gettimeofday(&select_ts, NULL);
				  TimeDiffUs(&select_ts, &xmit_ts));
		if (ret < 0) {
			if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) {
			if (errno == EINTR) {
		} else {
			TRACE_SELECT("ps_select(): event.rx_nids: %0x, event.tx_nids: %0x\n", 
				     ppc->event.rx_nids, ppc->event.tx_nids);
			if (ppc->event.rx_nids != 0) {
			if (ppc->event.tx_nids != 0) {
				for (i = 0; i < CONFIG.eths_num; i++) {
					if (NID_ISSET(i, ppc->event.tx_nids)) {
						NID_SET(i, ppc->tx_avail);
		TRACE_SELECT("AFTER: rx_avail: %d, tx_avail: %d, event.rx_nids: %d, event.tx_nids: %d\n", 
			     ppc->rx_avail, ppc->tx_avail, ppc->event.rx_nids, ppc->event.tx_nids);

	/* reset psio parameters */
	ppc->event.timeout = PS_SELECT_TIMEOUT;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void) {
    int a = 0;
    unsigned char data_mix = 0, data_mix_old = 0;
    SDEV_TYPE1 S1 = {0}, *S1_p = &S1;
    char comm_buffer[MAXSTRLEN];
    int update_rate = 4;
    int eresult = 0, records = 0, file_errors = 0;

    // Init remote device data
    S1.obits.out_byte = 0xff;

    // Enable multi-vectored interrupts
    //STEP 1. Configure cache, wait states and peripheral bus clock
    // Configure the device for maximum performance but do not change the PBDIV
    // Given the options, this function will change the flash wait states, RAM
    // wait state and enable prefetch cache but will not change the PBDIV.
    // The PBDIV value is already set via the pragma FPBDIV option above..
    srand(ReadCoreTimer()); // Seed the pseudo random generator

    // SCLK1 pin 25 - SD pin 5
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_B, BIT_14); // Clock output
    // SCLK2 pin 26 - PIC pin 18
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_B, BIT_15); // Clock output

    PPSInput(2, SDI1, RPB8); //Assign SDI1 to pin 17 - SD pin 7
    PORTSetPinsDigitalIn(IOPORT_B, BIT_8); // Input for SDI1
    PPSInput(3, SDI2, RPB13); //Assign SDI2 to pin 24
    PORTSetPinsDigitalIn(IOPORT_B, BIT_13); // Input for SDI2
    PPSOutput(2, RPB11, SDO1); // Set 22 pin as output for SDO1 - SD pin 2
    PPSOutput(2, RPB5, SDO2); // Set 14 pin as output for SDO2
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_B, BIT_2); // CS line pin 6 - SD pin 1
    mPORTBSetBits(BIT_2); // deselect SDCARD
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_B, BIT_3); // select pin enable for SPI slaves bit 2 to 74hc138
    mPORTBSetBits(BIT_3); // deselect Slave1 bit2
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_A, BIT_3); // spare digital output
    mPORTASetBits(BIT_3); // 
    // Diag Led pins
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_A, BIT_0 | BIT_1); // bi-color LED
    PORTSetPinsDigitalOut(IOPORT_B, BIT_0 | BIT_1); // programming inputs /device select outputs address for SPI slaves bits [0..1] 74hc138

    // STEP 3. initialize the port pin states = outputs low
    mPORTASetBits(BIT_0 | BIT_1);
    mPORTBClearBits(BIT_0 | BIT_1);
    RTC_Init(); // Start Timer5 for background processes and 1ms soft timers
    Blink_Init(); // Start Timer4 background blink driver
    blink_led(RED_LED, LED_ON, FALSE);

    ps_select(0); // select the pic18 slave1 on spi port 2, select 0
    // send some text to clean the buffers
    SpiStringWrite("\r\n                                                                              \n\r");

    eresult = f_mount(&FatFs, "0:", 1);
    if (eresult) {
        sprintf(comm_buffer, "\r\n Mount error %i ", eresult);
        SpiStringWrite(comm_buffer); /* Register work area to the logical drive 1 */
        blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
        blink_led(RED_LED, LED_ON, FALSE);
    } else {
        blink_led(RED_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
        blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_ON, TRUE);

    /* Create destination file on the drive 1 */
    eresult = f_open(&File[0], "0:logfile.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);

    while (1) { // loop and move data
        V.Timer1 = update_rate;
        while (V.Timer1);

        /* loop back testing */
        data_mix_old = data_mix; // save the old data
        data_mix = rand(); // make new data
        if (S1_p->char_ready || !S1_p->ibits.in_bits.eject) {
            S1_p->rec_data = S1_p->rec_tmp;

            //			led1_green();
        } else {

            //			led1_off();

        S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
        if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) {
            S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = OFF;
            SD_NOTRDY = STA_NOINIT;
        } else {
            S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = ~S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led;
        for (S1_p->chan_no = 0; S1_p->chan_no < 4; S1_p->chan_no++) {
            S1_p->adc_data[S1_p->chan_no] = SpiADCRead(S1_p->chan_no);
        a = 0;

        if (((records % 100)) == 0 && !eresult) {
            if (S1_p->char_ready) {
                snprintf(comm_buffer, 64, "\r\n %x , %i, %x , %i , %i , %i , %i ", S1_p->rec_data, records, S1_p->ibits.in_byte, S1_p->adc_data[0], S1_p->adc_data[1], S1_p->adc_data[2], S1_p->adc_data[3]);
            } else {
                snprintf(comm_buffer, 64, "\r\n %x , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i ", S1_p->ibits.in_byte, records, S1_p->adc_data[0], S1_p->adc_data[1], S1_p->adc_data[2], S1_p->adc_data[3]);
            S1_p->rec_tmp = SpiStringWrite(comm_buffer);
        if (SpiSerialReadOk() || !S1_p->ibits.in_bits.eject) {
            S1_p->char_ready = TRUE;
            if ((S1_p->rec_tmp == 'f') || !S1_p->ibits.in_bits.eject) {
                if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) { // no disk
                    blink_led(0, LED_ON, FALSE);
                    S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = OFF;
                    S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                    SpiStringWrite("\r\n Insert Disk! y/n ");
                    while (!SpiSerialReadReady() && S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                    V.Timer1 = update_rate;
                    while (V.Timer1);
                    if (!S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) {
                        SpiStringWrite("/\r\n Mounting Disk ");
                        S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = ON;
                        S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                        eresult = f_mount(&FatFs, "0:", 1);
                        if (eresult) {
                            sprintf(comm_buffer, "\r\n Mount error %i ", eresult);
                            SpiStringWrite(comm_buffer); /* Register work area to the logical drive 1 */
                            blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
                            blink_led(RED_LED, LED_ON, FALSE);
                        } else {
                            blink_led(RED_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
                            blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_ON, TRUE);
                        /* Create destination file on the drive 1 */
                        eresult = f_open(&File[0], "0:logfile.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
                        SpiStringWrite("\r\n Mount Complete ");

                        S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                        if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) SD_NOTRDY = STA_NOINIT;
                } else { // Eject current disk
                    blink_led(0, LED_ON, FALSE);
                    S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = OFF;
                    S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                    SpiStringWrite("\r\n Eject Disk? y/n ");
                    while (!SpiSerialReadReady() && !S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                    V.Timer1 = update_rate;
                    while (V.Timer1);
                    if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) {
                        SpiStringWrite("\r\n Ejecting Disk ");
                        S1_p->obits.out_bits.eject_led = ON;
                        S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);

                        if (f_mount(0, "0:", 0)) SpiStringWrite("\r\n UMount error "); /* Unregister work area from the logical drive 1 */
                        SpiStringWrite("\r\n Ejection Complete ");
                        eresult = 1;

                        S1_p->ibits.in_byte = SpiPortWrite(S1_p->obits.out_byte);
                        if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.card_detect) SD_NOTRDY = STA_NOINIT;
        } else {
            S1_p->char_ready = FALSE;

        V.Timer1 = update_rate;
        while (V.Timer1);

        // only GREEN if the data sent and received match or eject button is pressed
        if (S1_p->ibits.in_bits.eject && (S1_p->rec_data != data_mix_old)) {
            //            blink_led(0, LED_ON, TRUE);
        } else {
            //            blink_led(0, LED_ON, FALSE);

        if (!eresult) {
            a = f_puts(comm_buffer, &File[0]);
            blink_led(RED_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
            blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_ON, TRUE);
        } else {
            if ((file_errors % 100) == 0) {
                SpiStringWrite("\r\n not logged ");
                blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
                blink_led(RED_LED, LED_ON, FALSE);

        if (a == (-1)) {
            if ((file_errors % 100) == 0) {
                sprintf(comm_buffer, "\r\n File Write error %i ", a);
                blink_led(GREEN_LED, LED_OFF, FALSE);
                blink_led(RED_LED, LED_ON, FALSE);