Exemplo n.º 1
static void particle_system_minmax(Scene *scene,
                                   Object *object,
                                   ParticleSystem *psys,
                                   float radius,
                                   float min[3], float max[3])
	const float size[3] = {radius, radius, radius};
	const float cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);
	ParticleSettings *part = psys->part;
	ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL};
	ParticleData *pa = NULL;
	int i;
	int total_particles;
	float mat[4][4], imat[4][4];

	INIT_MINMAX(min, max);
	if (part->type == PART_HAIR) {
		/* TOOD(sergey): Not supported currently. */

	psys_render_set(object, psys, mat, mat, 1, 1, 0);

	sim.scene = scene;
	sim.ob = object;
	sim.psys = psys;
	sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(object, psys);

	invert_m4_m4(imat, object->obmat);
	total_particles = psys->totpart + psys->totchild;
	psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

	for (i = 0, pa = psys->particles; i < total_particles; i++, pa++) {
		float co_object[3], co_min[3], co_max[3];
		ParticleKey state;
		state.time = cfra;
		if (!psys_get_particle_state(&sim, i, &state, 0)) {
		mul_v3_m4v3(co_object, imat, state.co);
		sub_v3_v3v3(co_min, co_object, size);
		add_v3_v3v3(co_max, co_object, size);
		minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, co_min);
		minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, co_max);

	if (psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;

	psys_render_restore(object, psys);
Exemplo n.º 2
static DerivedMesh *explodeMesh(ExplodeModifierData *emd,
                                ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd, Scene *scene, Object *ob,
                                DerivedMesh *to_explode)
	DerivedMesh *explode, *dm = to_explode;
	MFace *mf = NULL, *mface;
	/* ParticleSettings *part=psmd->psys->part; */ /* UNUSED */
	ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL};
	ParticleData *pa = NULL, *pars = psmd->psys->particles;
	ParticleKey state, birth;
	EdgeHash *vertpahash;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	float *vertco = NULL, imat[4][4];
	float rot[4];
	float cfra;
	/* float timestep; */
	const int *facepa = emd->facepa;
	int totdup = 0, totvert = 0, totface = 0, totpart = 0, delface = 0;
	int i, v, u;
	unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2, mindex = 0;
	MTFace *mtface = NULL, *mtf;

	totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	totpart = psmd->psys->totpart;

	sim.scene = scene;
	sim.ob = ob;
	sim.psys = psmd->psys;
	sim.psmd = psmd;

	/* timestep = psys_get_timestep(&sim); */

	cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);

	/* hash table for vertice <-> particle relations */
	vertpahash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__);

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if ((pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0))

		/* do mindex + totvert to ensure the vertex index to be the first
		 * with BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey */
		if (facepa[i] == totpart || cfra < (pars + facepa[i])->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		mf = &mface[i];

		/* set face vertices to exist in particle group */
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v1, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v2, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v3, mindex, NULL);
		if (mf->v4)
			BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v4, mindex, NULL);

	/* make new vertice indexes & count total vertices after duplication */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totdup));

	/* the final duplicated vertices */
	explode = CDDM_from_template_ex(dm, totdup, 0, totface - delface, 0, 0, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH | CD_MASK_FACECORNERS);
	mtface = CustomData_get_layer_named(&explode->faceData, CD_MTFACE, emd->uvname);
	/*dupvert = CDDM_get_verts(explode);*/

	/* getting back to object space */
	invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat);

	psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

	/* duplicate & displace vertices */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		MVert source;
		MVert *dest;

		/* get particle + vertex from hash */
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2);
		ed_v2 -= totvert;
		v = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi));

		dm->getVert(dm, ed_v1, &source);
		dest = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v);

		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, explode, ed_v1, v, 1);
		*dest = source;

		if (ed_v2 != totpart) {
			/* get particle */
			pa = pars + ed_v2;

			psys_get_birth_coords(&sim, pa, &birth, 0, 0);

			state.time = cfra;
			psys_get_particle_state(&sim, ed_v2, &state, 1);

			vertco = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v)->co;
			mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, vertco);

			sub_v3_v3(vertco, birth.co);

			/* apply rotation, size & location */
			sub_qt_qtqt(rot, state.rot, birth.rot);
			mul_qt_v3(rot, vertco);

			if (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_PaSize)
				mul_v3_fl(vertco, pa->size);

			add_v3_v3(vertco, state.co);

			mul_m4_v3(imat, vertco);

	/*map new vertices to faces*/
	for (i = 0, u = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		MFace source;
		int orig_v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if (pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0) continue;

		dm->getTessFace(dm, i, &source);
		mf = CDDM_get_tessface(explode, u);
		orig_v4 = source.v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart && cfra < pa->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		source.v1 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v1, mindex);
		source.v2 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v2, mindex);
		source.v3 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v3, mindex);
		if (source.v4)
			source.v4 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v4, mindex);

		DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, explode, i, u, 1);

		*mf = source;

		/* override uv channel for particle age */
		if (mtface) {
			float age = (cfra - pa->time) / pa->lifetime;
			/* Clamp to this range to avoid flipping to the other side of the coordinates. */
			CLAMP(age, 0.001f, 0.999f);

			mtf = mtface + u;

			mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = age;
			mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.5f;

		test_index_face(mf, &explode->faceData, u, (orig_v4 ? 4 : 3));

	/* cleanup */
	BLI_edgehash_free(vertpahash, NULL);

	/* finalization */
	explode->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	if (psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;

	return explode;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void make_duplis_particle_system(const DupliContext *ctx, ParticleSystem *psys)
	Scene *scene = ctx->scene;
	Object *par = ctx->object;
	bool for_render = ctx->eval_ctx->mode == DAG_EVAL_RENDER;
	bool use_texcoords = ELEM(ctx->eval_ctx->mode, DAG_EVAL_RENDER, DAG_EVAL_PREVIEW);

	GroupObject *go;
	Object *ob = NULL, **oblist = NULL, obcopy, *obcopylist = NULL;
	DupliObject *dob;
	ParticleDupliWeight *dw;
	ParticleSettings *part;
	ParticleData *pa;
	ChildParticle *cpa = NULL;
	ParticleKey state;
	ParticleCacheKey *cache;
	float ctime, pa_time, scale = 1.0f;
	float tmat[4][4], mat[4][4], pamat[4][4], vec[3], size = 0.0;
	float (*obmat)[4];
	int a, b, hair = 0;
	int totpart, totchild, totgroup = 0 /*, pa_num */;
	const bool dupli_type_hack = !BKE_scene_use_new_shading_nodes(scene);

	int no_draw_flag = PARS_UNEXIST;

	if (psys == NULL) return;

	part = psys->part;

	if (part == NULL)

	if (!psys_check_enabled(par, psys))

	if (!for_render)
		no_draw_flag |= PARS_NO_DISP;

	ctime = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene); /* NOTE: in old animsys, used parent object's timeoffset... */

	totpart = psys->totpart;
	totchild = psys->totchild;

	BLI_srandom((unsigned int)(31415926 + psys->seed));

	if ((psys->renderdata || part->draw_as == PART_DRAW_REND) && ELEM(part->ren_as, PART_DRAW_OB, PART_DRAW_GR)) {
		ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL};
		sim.scene = scene;
		sim.ob = par;
		sim.psys = psys;
		sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(par, psys);
		/* make sure emitter imat is in global coordinates instead of render view coordinates */
		invert_m4_m4(par->imat, par->obmat);

		/* first check for loops (particle system object used as dupli object) */
		if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_OB) {
			if (ELEM(part->dup_ob, NULL, par))
		else { /*PART_DRAW_GR */
			if (part->dup_group == NULL || BLI_listbase_is_empty(&part->dup_group->gobject))

			if (BLI_findptr(&part->dup_group->gobject, par, offsetof(GroupObject, ob))) {

		/* if we have a hair particle system, use the path cache */
		if (part->type == PART_HAIR) {
			if (psys->flag & PSYS_HAIR_DONE)
				hair = (totchild == 0 || psys->childcache) && psys->pathcache;
			if (!hair)

			/* we use cache, update totchild according to cached data */
			totchild = psys->totchildcache;
			totpart = psys->totcached;


		psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

		/* gather list of objects or single object */
		if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_GR) {
			if (ctx->do_update) {
				BKE_group_handle_recalc_and_update(ctx->eval_ctx, scene, par, part->dup_group);

			if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_COUNT_GR) {
				for (dw = part->dupliweights.first; dw; dw = dw->next)
					totgroup += dw->count;
			else {
				for (go = part->dup_group->gobject.first; go; go = go->next)

			/* we also copy the actual objects to restore afterwards, since
			 * BKE_object_where_is_calc_time will change the object which breaks transform */
			oblist = MEM_callocN((size_t)totgroup * sizeof(Object *), "dupgroup object list");
			obcopylist = MEM_callocN((size_t)totgroup * sizeof(Object), "dupgroup copy list");

			if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_COUNT_GR && totgroup) {
				dw = part->dupliweights.first;

				for (a = 0; a < totgroup; dw = dw->next) {
					for (b = 0; b < dw->count; b++, a++) {
						oblist[a] = dw->ob;
						obcopylist[a] = *dw->ob;
			else {
				go = part->dup_group->gobject.first;
				for (a = 0; a < totgroup; a++, go = go->next) {
					oblist[a] = go->ob;
					obcopylist[a] = *go->ob;
		else {
			ob = part->dup_ob;
			obcopy = *ob;

		if (totchild == 0 || part->draw & PART_DRAW_PARENT)
			a = 0;
			a = totpart;

		for (pa = psys->particles; a < totpart + totchild; a++, pa++) {
			if (a < totpart) {
				/* handle parent particle */
				if (pa->flag & no_draw_flag)

				/* pa_num = pa->num; */ /* UNUSED */
				pa_time = pa->time;
				size = pa->size;
			else {
				/* handle child particle */
				cpa = &psys->child[a - totpart];

				/* pa_num = a; */ /* UNUSED */
				pa_time = psys->particles[cpa->parent].time;
				size = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, ctime, NULL);

			/* some hair paths might be non-existent so they can't be used for duplication */
			if (hair && psys->pathcache &&
			    ((a < totpart && psys->pathcache[a]->segments < 0) ||
			     (a >= totpart && psys->childcache[a - totpart]->segments < 0)))

			if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_GR) {
				/* prevent divide by zero below [#28336] */
				if (totgroup == 0)

				/* for groups, pick the object based on settings */
				if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_RAND_GR)
					b = BLI_rand() % totgroup;
					b = a % totgroup;

				ob = oblist[b];
				obmat = oblist[b]->obmat;
			else {
				obmat = ob->obmat;

			if (hair) {
				/* hair we handle separate and compute transform based on hair keys */
				if (a < totpart) {
					cache = psys->pathcache[a];
					psys_get_dupli_path_transform(&sim, pa, NULL, cache, pamat, &scale);
				else {
					cache = psys->childcache[a - totpart];
					psys_get_dupli_path_transform(&sim, NULL, cpa, cache, pamat, &scale);

				copy_v3_v3(pamat[3], cache->co);
				pamat[3][3] = 1.0f;

			else {
				/* first key */
				state.time = ctime;
				if (psys_get_particle_state(&sim, a, &state, 0) == 0) {
				else {
					float tquat[4];
					normalize_qt_qt(tquat, state.rot);
					quat_to_mat4(pamat, tquat);
					copy_v3_v3(pamat[3], state.co);
					pamat[3][3] = 1.0f;

			if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_GR && psys->part->draw & PART_DRAW_WHOLE_GR) {
				for (go = part->dup_group->gobject.first, b = 0; go; go = go->next, b++) {

					copy_m4_m4(tmat, oblist[b]->obmat);
					/* apply particle scale */
					mul_mat3_m4_fl(tmat, size * scale);
					mul_v3_fl(tmat[3], size * scale);
					/* group dupli offset, should apply after everything else */
					if (!is_zero_v3(part->dup_group->dupli_ofs))
						sub_v3_v3(tmat[3], part->dup_group->dupli_ofs);
					/* individual particle transform */
					mul_m4_m4m4(mat, pamat, tmat);

					dob = make_dupli(ctx, go->ob, mat, a, false, false);
					dob->particle_system = psys;
					if (use_texcoords)
						psys_get_dupli_texture(psys, part, sim.psmd, pa, cpa, dob->uv, dob->orco);
			else {
				/* to give ipos in object correct offset */
				BKE_object_where_is_calc_time(scene, ob, ctime - pa_time);

				copy_v3_v3(vec, obmat[3]);
				obmat[3][0] = obmat[3][1] = obmat[3][2] = 0.0f;

				/* particle rotation uses x-axis as the aligned axis, so pre-rotate the object accordingly */
				if ((part->draw & PART_DRAW_ROTATE_OB) == 0) {
					float xvec[3], q[4], size_mat[4][4], original_size[3];

					mat4_to_size(original_size, obmat);
					size_to_mat4(size_mat, original_size);

					xvec[0] = -1.f;
					xvec[1] = xvec[2] = 0;
					vec_to_quat(q, xvec, ob->trackflag, ob->upflag);
					quat_to_mat4(obmat, q);
					obmat[3][3] = 1.0f;

					/* add scaling if requested */
					if ((part->draw & PART_DRAW_NO_SCALE_OB) == 0)
						mul_m4_m4m4(obmat, obmat, size_mat);
				else if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_NO_SCALE_OB) {
					/* remove scaling */
					float size_mat[4][4], original_size[3];

					mat4_to_size(original_size, obmat);
					size_to_mat4(size_mat, original_size);

					mul_m4_m4m4(obmat, obmat, size_mat);

				mul_m4_m4m4(tmat, pamat, obmat);
				mul_mat3_m4_fl(tmat, size * scale);

				copy_m4_m4(mat, tmat);

				if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_GLOBAL_OB)
					add_v3_v3v3(mat[3], mat[3], vec);

				dob = make_dupli(ctx, ob, mat, a, false, false);
				dob->particle_system = psys;
				if (use_texcoords)
					psys_get_dupli_texture(psys, part, sim.psmd, pa, cpa, dob->uv, dob->orco);
				/* XXX blender internal needs this to be set to dupligroup to render
				 * groups correctly, but we don't want this hack for cycles */
				if (dupli_type_hack && ctx->group)
					dob->type = OB_DUPLIGROUP;

		/* restore objects since they were changed in BKE_object_where_is_calc_time */
		if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_GR) {
			for (a = 0; a < totgroup; a++)
				*(oblist[a]) = obcopylist[a];
			*ob = obcopy;

	/* clean up */
	if (oblist)
	if (obcopylist)

	if (psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void pointdensity_cache_psys(Render *re, PointDensity *pd, Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys)
	DerivedMesh* dm;
	ParticleKey state;
	ParticleCacheKey *cache;
	ParticleSimulationData sim= {NULL};
	ParticleData *pa=NULL;
	float cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(re->scene);
	int i /*, childexists*/ /* UNUSED */;
	int total_particles, offset=0;
	int data_used = point_data_used(pd);
	float partco[3];
	float obview[4][4];
	/* init everything */
	if (!psys || !ob || !pd) return;

	mul_m4_m4m4(obview, ob->obmat, re->viewinv);
	/* Just to create a valid rendering context for particles */
	psys_render_set(ob, psys, re->viewmat, re->winmat, re->winx, re->winy, 0);
	dm = mesh_create_derived_render(re->scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL);
	if ( !psys_check_enabled(ob, psys)) {
		psys_render_restore(ob, psys);
	sim.scene= re->scene;
	sim.ob= ob;
	sim.psys= psys;

	/* in case ob->imat isn't up-to-date */
	invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat);
	total_particles = psys->totpart+psys->totchild;
	psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);
	pd->point_tree = BLI_bvhtree_new(total_particles, 0.0, 4, 6);
	alloc_point_data(pd, total_particles, data_used);
	pd->totpoints = total_particles;
	if (data_used & POINT_DATA_VEL) offset = pd->totpoints*3;
#if 0 /* UNUSED */
	if (psys->totchild > 0 && !(psys->part->draw & PART_DRAW_PARENT))
		childexists = 1;

	for (i=0, pa=psys->particles; i < total_particles; i++, pa++) {

		if (psys->part->type == PART_HAIR) {
			/* hair particles */
			if (i < psys->totpart && psys->pathcache)
				cache = psys->pathcache[i];
			else if (i >= psys->totpart && psys->childcache)
				cache = psys->childcache[i - psys->totpart];

			cache += cache->segments; /* use endpoint */

			copy_v3_v3(state.co, cache->co);
			state.time = 0.0f;
		else {
			/* emitter particles */
			state.time = cfra;

			if (!psys_get_particle_state(&sim, i, &state, 0))

			if (data_used & POINT_DATA_LIFE) {
				if (i < psys->totpart) {
					state.time = (cfra - pa->time)/pa->lifetime;
				else {
					ChildParticle *cpa= (psys->child + i) - psys->totpart;
					float pa_birthtime, pa_dietime;
					state.time = psys_get_child_time(psys, cpa, cfra, &pa_birthtime, &pa_dietime);

		copy_v3_v3(partco, state.co);
		if (pd->psys_cache_space == TEX_PD_OBJECTSPACE)
			mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, partco);
		else if (pd->psys_cache_space == TEX_PD_OBJECTLOC) {
			sub_v3_v3(partco, ob->loc);
		else {
		BLI_bvhtree_insert(pd->point_tree, i, partco, 1);
		if (data_used & POINT_DATA_VEL) {
			pd->point_data[i*3 + 0] = state.vel[0];
			pd->point_data[i*3 + 1] = state.vel[1];
			pd->point_data[i*3 + 2] = state.vel[2];
		if (data_used & POINT_DATA_LIFE) {
			pd->point_data[offset + i] = state.time;
	if (psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;
	psys_render_restore(ob, psys);
Exemplo n.º 5
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
                                  DerivedMesh *derivedData,
                                  ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag))
	DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData, *result;
	ParticleInstanceModifierData *pimd = (ParticleInstanceModifierData *) md;
	ParticleSimulationData sim;
	ParticleSystem *psys = NULL;
	ParticleData *pa = NULL;
	MPoly *mpoly, *orig_mpoly;
	MLoop *mloop, *orig_mloop;
	MVert *mvert, *orig_mvert;
	int totvert, totpoly, totloop /* , totedge */;
	int maxvert, maxpoly, maxloop, totpart = 0, first_particle = 0;
	int k, p, p_skip;
	short track = ob->trackflag % 3, trackneg, axis = pimd->axis;
	float max_co = 0.0, min_co = 0.0, temp_co[3];
	float *size = NULL;

	trackneg = ((ob->trackflag > 2) ? 1 : 0);

	if (pimd->ob == ob) {
		pimd->ob = NULL;
		return derivedData;

	if (pimd->ob) {
		psys = BLI_findlink(&pimd->ob->particlesystem, pimd->psys - 1);
		if (psys == NULL || psys->totpart == 0)
			return derivedData;
	else {
		return derivedData;

	if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents)
		totpart += psys->totpart;
	if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) {
		if (totpart == 0)
			first_particle = psys->totpart;
		totpart += psys->totchild;

	if (totpart == 0)
		return derivedData;

	sim.scene = md->scene;
	sim.ob = pimd->ob;
	sim.psys = psys;
	sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(pimd->ob, psys);

	if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) {
		float *si;
		si = size = MEM_callocN(totpart * sizeof(float), "particle size array");

		if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) {
			for (p = 0, pa = psys->particles; p < psys->totpart; p++, pa++, si++)
				*si = pa->size;

		if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) {
			ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child;

			for (p = 0; p < psys->totchild; p++, cpa++, si++) {
				*si = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, 0.0f, NULL);

	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	totpoly = dm->getNumPolys(dm);
	totloop = dm->getNumLoops(dm);
	/* totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm); */ /* UNUSED */

	/* count particles */
	maxvert = 0;
	maxpoly = 0;
	maxloop = 0;

	for (p = 0; p < totpart; p++) {
		if (particle_skip(pimd, psys, p))

		maxvert += totvert;
		maxpoly += totpoly;
		maxloop += totloop;

	psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

	if (psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE | PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) {
		float min[3], max[3];
		INIT_MINMAX(min, max);
		dm->getMinMax(dm, min, max);
		min_co = min[track];
		max_co = max[track];

	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, maxvert, 0, 0, maxloop, maxpoly);

	mvert = result->getVertArray(result);
	orig_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);

	mpoly = result->getPolyArray(result);
	orig_mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
	mloop = result->getLoopArray(result);
	orig_mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);

	for (p = 0, p_skip = 0; p < totpart; p++) {
		float prev_dir[3];
		float frame[4]; /* frame orientation quaternion */
		/* skip particle? */
		if (particle_skip(pimd, psys, p))

		/* set vertices coordinates */
		for (k = 0; k < totvert; k++) {
			ParticleKey state;
			MVert *inMV;
			MVert *mv = mvert + p_skip * totvert + k;

			inMV = orig_mvert + k;
			DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, k, p_skip * totvert + k, 1);
			*mv = *inMV;

			/*change orientation based on object trackflag*/
			copy_v3_v3(temp_co, mv->co);
			mv->co[axis] = temp_co[track];
			mv->co[(axis + 1) % 3] = temp_co[(track + 1) % 3];
			mv->co[(axis + 2) % 3] = temp_co[(track + 2) % 3];

			/* get particle state */
			if ((psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE | PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) &&
			    (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Path))
				float ran = 0.0f;
				if (pimd->random_position != 0.0f) {
					ran = pimd->random_position * BLI_hash_frand(psys->seed + p);

				if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_KeepShape) {
					state.time = pimd->position * (1.0f - ran);
				else {
					state.time = (mv->co[axis] - min_co) / (max_co - min_co) * pimd->position * (1.0f - ran);

					if (trackneg)
						state.time = 1.0f - state.time;

					mv->co[axis] = 0.0;

				psys_get_particle_on_path(&sim, first_particle + p, &state, 1);


				/* Incrementally Rotating Frame (Bishop Frame) */
				if (k == 0) {
					float hairmat[4][4];
					float mat[3][3];
					if (first_particle + p < psys->totpart)
						pa = psys->particles + first_particle + p;
					else {
						ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child + (p - psys->totpart);
						pa = psys->particles + cpa->parent;
					psys_mat_hair_to_global(sim.ob, sim.psmd->dm, sim.psys->part->from, pa, hairmat);
					copy_m3_m4(mat, hairmat);
					/* to quaternion */
					mat3_to_quat(frame, mat);
					/* note: direction is same as normal vector currently,
					 * but best to keep this separate so the frame can be
					 * rotated later if necessary
					copy_v3_v3(prev_dir, state.vel);
				else {
					float rot[4];
					/* incrementally rotate along bend direction */
					rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(rot, prev_dir, state.vel);
					mul_qt_qtqt(frame, rot, frame);
					copy_v3_v3(prev_dir, state.vel);
				copy_qt_qt(state.rot, frame);
#if 0
				/* Absolute Frame (Frenet Frame) */
				if (state.vel[axis] < -0.9999f || state.vel[axis] > 0.9999f) {
				else {
					float cross[3];
					float temp[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
					temp[axis] = 1.0f;
					cross_v3_v3v3(cross, temp, state.vel);
					/* state.vel[axis] is the only component surviving from a dot product with the axis */
					axis_angle_to_quat(state.rot, cross, saacos(state.vel[axis]));
			else {
				state.time = -1.0;
				psys_get_particle_state(&sim, first_particle + p, &state, 1);

			mul_qt_v3(state.rot, mv->co);
			if (pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize)
				mul_v3_fl(mv->co, size[p]);
			add_v3_v3(mv->co, state.co);

		/* create polys and loops */
		for (k = 0; k < totpoly; k++) {
			MPoly *inMP = orig_mpoly + k;
			MPoly *mp = mpoly + p_skip * totpoly + k;

			DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, k, p_skip * totpoly + k, 1);
			*mp = *inMP;
			mp->loopstart += p_skip * totloop;

				MLoop *inML = orig_mloop + inMP->loopstart;
				MLoop *ml = mloop + mp->loopstart;
				int j = mp->totloop;

				DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, inMP->loopstart, mp->loopstart, j);
				for (; j; j--, ml++, inML++) {
					ml->v = inML->v + (p_skip * totvert);



	if (psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;

	if (size)

	result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	return result;