Exemplo n.º 1
struct dgNode *dgAddNode(struct diGraph *dg, char *name, void *val)
/* Create new node in graph. It's legal (but not efficient) to add
 * a node with the same name and value twice.  It's not legal to
 * add a node with the same name and a different value.  
 * You can pass in NULL for the name in which case the 
 * hexadecimal representation of val will become the name. */
struct dgNode *node;
struct hashEl *hel;
struct hash *hash = dg->nodeHash;
char nbuf[17];

if (name == NULL)
    sprintf(nbuf, "%p", val);
    name = nbuf;
hel = hashLookup(hash, name);
if (hel != NULL)
    node = hel->val;
    if (node->val != val)
	errAbort("Trying to add node %s with a new value (old 0x%"PRIxMAX" new 0x%"PRIxMAX")",
	    name, ptrToLL(node->val), ptrToLL(val));
    return node;
hel = hashAdd(hash, name, node);
node->name = hel->name;
node->val = val;
slAddHead(&dg->nodeList, node);
return node;
Exemplo n.º 2
void carefulCheckHeap()
/* Walk through allocated memory and make sure that all cookies are
 * in place. */
int maxPieces = 10000000;    /* Assume no more than this many pieces allocated. */
struct carefulMemBlock *cmb;
char *pEndCookie;
size_t size;

if (carefulParent == NULL)

for (cmb = (struct carefulMemBlock *)(cmbAllocedList->head); cmb->next != NULL; cmb = cmb->next)
    size = cmb->size;
    pEndCookie = (((char *)(cmb+1)) + size);
    if (cmb->startCookie != cmbStartCookie)
        errAbort("Bad start cookie %x checking %llx\n", cmb->startCookie,
    if (memcmp(pEndCookie, cmbEndCookie, sizeof(cmbEndCookie)) != 0)
        errAbort("Bad end cookie %x%x%x%x checking %llx\n", 
                 pEndCookie[0], pEndCookie[1], pEndCookie[2], pEndCookie[3],
    if (--maxPieces == 0)
        errAbort("Loop or more than 10000000 pieces in memory list");
Exemplo n.º 3
static struct perThreadAbortVars *getThreadVars()
/* Return a pointer to the perThreadAbortVars for the current pthread. */
pthread_t pid = pthread_self(); //  can be a pointer or a number
// Don't safef, theoretically that could abort.
char pidStr[64];
snprintf(pidStr, sizeof(pidStr), "%lld",  ptrToLL(pid));
pidStr[ArraySize(pidStr)-1] = '\0';

static char pidInUse[64] = "";  // use a string since there is no known unused value for pthread_t variable
if (sameString(pidStr, pidInUse)) // avoid deadlock on self
    {  // this only happens when it has aborted already due to out of memory
       // which should be a rare occurrence.
    char *errMsg = "errAbort re-entered due to out-of-memory condition. Exiting.";
    write(STDERR_FILENO, errMsg, strlen(errMsg)); 

static pthread_mutex_t ptavMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_lock( &ptavMutex );
snprintf(pidInUse, sizeof(pidInUse), "%lld",  ptrToLL(pid));
pidInUse[ArraySize(pidInUse)-1] = '\0';

static struct hash *perThreadVars = NULL;
if (perThreadVars == NULL)
    perThreadVars = hashNew(0);
struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(perThreadVars, pidStr);
if (hel == NULL)
    // if it is the first time, initialization the perThreadAbortVars
    struct perThreadAbortVars *ptav;
    ptav->debugPushPopErr = FALSE;
    ptav->errAbortInProgress = FALSE;
    ptav->warnIx = 0;
    ptav->warnArray[0] = defaultVaWarn;
    ptav->abortIx = 0;
    ptav->abortArray[0] = defaultAbort;
    hel = hashAdd(perThreadVars, pidStr, ptav);
pidInUse[0] = '\0';
pthread_mutex_unlock( &ptavMutex );
return (struct perThreadAbortVars *)(hel->val);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void carefulFree(void *vpt)
/* Check cookies and free. */
struct carefulMemBlock *cmb = ((struct carefulMemBlock *)vpt)-1;
size_t size = cmb->size;
char *pEndCookie;

carefulAlloced -= size;
pEndCookie = (((char *)(cmb+1)) + size);
if (cmb->startCookie != cmbStartCookie)
    errAbort("Bad start cookie %x freeing %llx\n", cmb->startCookie,
if (memcmp(pEndCookie, cmbEndCookie, sizeof(cmbEndCookie)) != 0)
    errAbort("Bad end cookie %x%x%x%x freeing %llx\n", 
        pEndCookie[0], pEndCookie[1], pEndCookie[2], pEndCookie[3],
dlRemove((struct dlNode *)cmb);