Exemplo n.º 1
// Normalize alignment
static Box *normalize(AlignBox *box)
    // Replace (&)(A) by A
    if (box->nchildren() == 1)
	// Replace by single child
        Box *new_box = (*box)[0]->link();
	return new_box;

    // Replace (&)(A, (&)(B, C)) by (&)(A, B, C)
    bool need_assoc_restructuring = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < box->nchildren(); i++)
	Box *child = (*box)[i];
	if (ptr_type_info(box) == ptr_type_info(child))
	    need_assoc_restructuring = true;

    if (need_assoc_restructuring)
	// Replace this box by NEW_ALIGN
	Box *new_box = box->dup0();
	AlignBox *new_align = ptr_cast(AlignBox, new_box);
	assert(new_align != 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < box->nchildren(); i++)
	    Box *child = (*box)[i];
	    if (ptr_type_info(box) == ptr_type_info(child))
		AlignBox *a = ptr_cast(AlignBox, child);
		assert(a != 0);
		for (int j = 0; j < a->nchildren(); j++)
		    *new_align += (*a)[j];
		*new_align += child;

	return new_align;

    return box;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Make sure we do not attempt to delete a delay on a destroyed widget
void _Delay::DestroyCB(Widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer)
    _Delay *delay = (_Delay *)client_data;
    assert(ptr_cast(_Delay, delay));

    delay->widget     = 0;
    delay->old_cursor = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
// MARK is a MarkBox in SRC.  Find equivalent box in DUP.
MarkBox *BoxGraphNode::find_mark(Box *dup, Box *src, Box *mark)
    assert (box() != 0);

    if (mark == 0)
	return 0;

    if (src == mark)
	MarkBox *dup_mb = ptr_cast(MarkBox, dup);
	assert(dup_mb != 0);
	return dup_mb;

    // Try Composite children
    CompositeBox *src_cb = ptr_cast(CompositeBox, src);
    if (src_cb != 0)
	CompositeBox *dup_cb = ptr_cast(CompositeBox, dup);
	assert(dup_cb != 0);
	assert(src_cb->nchildren() == dup_cb->nchildren());

	for (int i = 0; i < src_cb->nchildren(); i++)
	    MarkBox *mb = 
		find_mark((*dup_cb)[i], (*src_cb)[i], mark);
	    if (mb)
		return mb;

	return 0;

    // Try HatBox child
    HatBox *src_hb = ptr_cast(HatBox, src);
    if (src_hb != 0)
	HatBox *dup_hb = ptr_cast(HatBox, dup);
	assert(dup_hb != 0);

	return find_mark(dup_hb->box(), src_hb->box(), mark);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Invoke GDB upon rlogin
static void InvokeGDBFromShellHP(Agent *source, void *client_data, 
				 void *call_data)
    DataLength *d = (DataLength *)call_data;

    bool at_shell_prompt = false;
    if (d->length >= 1 && d->data[d->length - 1] == '>')
	// We got input ending in `>' - probably a prompt.
	at_shell_prompt = true;
    else if (d->length >= 2
	     && d->data[d->length - 1] == ' '
	     && ispunct(d->data[d->length - 2]))
	// We got input ending in a punctuation character, followed by
	// a single space - probably a prompt.
	at_shell_prompt = true;
	// (Any other prompt choices out there?  -AZ)

    if (at_shell_prompt)
	GDBAgent *gdb = ptr_cast(GDBAgent, source);
	static bool init_sent = false;

	if (!init_sent)
	    // Send the initialization string.
	    if (app_data.rhost_init_commands != 0 
		&& app_data.rhost_init_commands[0] != '\0')
		string init = string(app_data.rhost_init_commands) + "\n";
		gdb->write(init.chars(), init.length());

	    init_sent = true;
	    // Invoke GDB...
	    const string& gdb_call = *((const string *)client_data);
	    gdb->write(gdb_call.chars(), gdb_call.length());

	    // Echoing should be disabled by now.  Echo call manually...
			    0, EchoTextCB, (XtPointer)client_data);

	    // ... and don't get called again.
	    gdb->removeHandler(Input, InvokeGDBFromShellHP, client_data);
Exemplo n.º 5
void FMPThread::AttachGtaThread(char *s_name)
	Log::Debug(L"FMPThread::AttachGtaThread called");

	while(*(PDWORD)ADDRESS_ACTIVE_THREAD == 0) Sleep(1);

	sysArray<GtaThread>* nowThreads = GetThreadsArray();

	int i;

	for(i = 0;i < nowThreads->wCount;i++)
		// Проверяем не занят ли слот потока
		if(nowThreads->pData[i]->RetContext()->nThreadId == 0) break;
	if(i == nowThreads->wCount) 

	strcpy(ThreadName, s_name);

	m_pOriginalThread = nowThreads->pData[i];
	m_nThreadIndex = i;

	// Цепляем наш GtaThread в этот слот

	nowThreads->pData[i] = this;

	// получаем хеш названия GtaThread

	unsigned int hash;
	ptr call_this = ptr_cast(ADDRESS_HASH_GET);
		mov eax, s_name;
		call call_this;
		mov hash, eax;

	// Ставим чистую инфу в GtaThread

	// Забираем ид потока..
	m_context.nThreadId = *(PDWORD)ADDRESS_THREAD_ID;
	*(PDWORD)ADDRESS_THREAD_ID = m_context.nThreadId + 1;

	// Говорим игре что у нас есть ещё 1 скрипт 

	Log::Debug(L"FMPThread::AttachGtaThread complete");
Exemplo n.º 6
ThreadStates FMPThread::Tick(unsigned int msec)
	ptr fn = ptr_cast(ADDRESS_THREAD_TICK);
	scrThread *thread = this;
		push msec;
		mov ecx, thread;
		call fn;

	return m_context.eThreadState;
Exemplo n.º 7
void ArcGraphEdge::makeLine(Widget w,
			    const BoxRegion& exposed,
			    std::ostream& os,
			    const GraphGC& gc) const
    HintGraphNode   *arc_hint = 0;
    RegionGraphNode *arc_from = 0;
    RegionGraphNode *arc_to   = 0;

    bool make_arc = true;
    if (from()->isHint() && to()->isHint())
	// Edge between two hints
	make_arc = false;
    else if (from()->isHint() && from()->firstTo() != 0)
	arc_hint = ptr_cast(HintGraphNode, from());
	arc_from = ptr_cast(RegionGraphNode, arc_hint->firstTo()->from());
	arc_to   = ptr_cast(RegionGraphNode, to());

	if (arc_hint == 0 || arc_from == 0 || arc_to == 0 
	    || arc_hint->nextTo(arc_hint->firstTo()) != 0)
	    // Bad nodes or hint with multiple edges
	    make_arc = false;
    else if (to()->isHint() && to()->firstFrom() != 0)
	arc_hint = ptr_cast(HintGraphNode, to());
	arc_to   = ptr_cast(RegionGraphNode, arc_hint->firstFrom()->to());
	arc_from = ptr_cast(RegionGraphNode, from());

	if (arc_hint == 0 || arc_from == 0 || arc_to == 0
	    || arc_hint->nextFrom(arc_hint->firstFrom()) != 0)
	    // Bad nodes or hint with multiple edges
	    make_arc = false;
	// Edge between two ordinary nodes
	make_arc = false;

    if (!make_arc)
 	if (w != 0)
	    LineGraphEdge::drawLine(w, exposed, gc);
	    LineGraphEdge::_print(os, gc);

    BoxPoint pos_from     = arc_from->pos();
    BoxRegion region_from = arc_from->region(gc);
    if (arc_from->selected())
	pos_from             += gc.offsetIfSelected;
	region_from.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;

    BoxPoint pos_to     = arc_to->pos();
    BoxRegion region_to = arc_to->region(gc);
    if (arc_to->selected())
	pos_to             += gc.offsetIfSelected;
	region_to.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;

    BoxPoint pos_hint     = arc_hint->pos();
    BoxRegion region_hint = arc_hint->region(gc);
    if (arc_hint->selected())
	pos_hint             += gc.offsetIfSelected;
	region_hint.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;

    if (pos_hint <= region_from || pos_hint <= region_to)
	// Hint within region
 	if (w != 0)
	    LineGraphEdge::drawLine(w, exposed, gc);
	    LineGraphEdge::_print(os, gc);

    BoxPoint new_pos_from, new_pos_to, dummy;
    findLine(pos_from, pos_hint, region_from, region_hint,
	     new_pos_from, dummy, gc);
    findLine(pos_hint, pos_to, region_hint, region_to,
	     dummy, new_pos_to, gc);
    pos_from = new_pos_from;
    pos_to   = new_pos_to;

    // Draw circle segment POS_FROM -> POS_HINT or POS_HINT -> POS_TO

    // Determine the arc center
    double cx, cy;
    bool ok = center(pos_from, pos_hint, pos_to, cx, cy);
    if (!ok)
	// Nodes form a line
 	if (w != 0)
	    LineGraphEdge::drawLine(w, exposed, gc);
	    LineGraphEdge::_print(os, gc);

    // Determine radius (easy when you have the center)
    double radius = hypot(cx - pos_to[X], cy - pos_to[Y]);

    // Determine start and path of arc
    double alpha_from = -atan2(pos_from[Y] - cy, pos_from[X] - cx);
    double alpha_hint = -atan2(pos_hint[Y] - cy, pos_hint[X] - cx);
    double alpha_to   = -atan2(pos_to[Y]   - cy, pos_to[X]   - cx);

    const int base = 360 * 64;

    int angle_from = (int(alpha_from * base / (PI * 2.0)) + base) % base;
    int angle_to   = (int(alpha_to   * base / (PI * 2.0)) + base) % base;
    int angle_hint = (int(alpha_hint * base / (PI * 2.0)) + base) % base;

    int path_from_hint = (base + angle_hint - angle_from) % base;
    int path_hint_to   = (base + angle_to - angle_hint) % base;

    if (abs(path_from_hint) > base / 2)
	path_from_hint = (path_from_hint - base) % base;
    if (abs(path_hint_to) > base / 2)
	path_hint_to = (path_hint_to - base) % base;

    if (sgn(path_from_hint) * sgn(path_hint_to) == -1)
	// Hint is not between FROM and TO
 	if (w != 0)
	    LineGraphEdge::drawLine(w, exposed, gc);
	    LineGraphEdge::_print(os, gc);

    int angle, path;
    if (to()->isHint())
	angle = angle_from;
	path  = path_from_hint;
	angle = angle_hint;
	path  = path_hint_to;

    if (w != 0)
	XDrawArc(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc.edgeGC,
		 int(cx - radius), int(cy - radius),
		 unsigned(radius) * 2, unsigned(radius) * 2, angle, path);
    else if (gc.printGC->isPostScript())
	BoxCoordinate line_width = 1;

	int arc_start  = angle / 64;
	int arc_extend = path / 64;

	int start, end;
	if (arc_extend > 0)
	    start = (720 - arc_start - arc_extend) % 360;
	    end   = (720 - arc_start) % 360;
	    start = (720 - arc_start) % 360;
	    end   = (720 - arc_start - arc_extend) % 360;

	os << start << " " << end << " " 
	   << int(radius) << " " << int(radius) << " "
	   << int(cx) << " " << int(cy) << " " << line_width << " arc*\n";
    else if (gc.printGC->isFig())
	// We draw the entire arc in one stroke.
	if (from()->isHint())
	    BoxCoordinate line_width = 1;

	    os << ARCARROWHEAD1 << line_width << ARCARROWHEAD2;
	    if (path > 0)
	    os << ARCARROWHEAD3
	       << cx << " " << cy << " "
	       << pos_from[X] << " " << pos_from[Y] << " "
	       << pos_hint[X] << " " << pos_hint[Y] << " "
	       << pos_to[X]   << " " << pos_to[Y]   << " "
	       << ARCARROWHEAD4;

    if (from()->isHint())
	// Draw arrow head at POS_TO
	double alpha = atan2(pos_to[Y] - cy, pos_to[X] - cx);

	if (w != 0)
	    if (path > 0)
		alpha += PI / 2.0;
		alpha -= PI / 2.0;

	    drawArrowHead(w, exposed, gc, pos_to, alpha);
	else if (gc.printGC->isPostScript())
	    if (path > 0)
		alpha -= PI / 2.0;
		alpha += PI / 2.0;

	    os << gc.arrowAngle << " " << gc.arrowLength << " " 
	       << (360 + int(alpha * 360.0 / (PI * 2.0))) % 360 << " "
	       << pos_to[X] << " " << pos_to[Y] << " arrowhead*\n";

    if (to()->isHint() && annotation() != 0)
	if (w != 0)
	    annotation()->draw(w, to()->pos(), exposed, gc);
	    annotation()->_print(os, to()->pos(), gc);