Exemplo n.º 1
static u64 pull_u64(struct file *f, off_t *poff)
	le64 ret;

	pull_bytes(f, poff, &ret, sizeof(ret));
	return le64_to_cpu(ret);
Exemplo n.º 2
static u32 pull_u32(struct file *f, off_t *poff)
	le32 ret;

	pull_bytes(f, poff, &ret, sizeof(ret));
	return le32_to_cpu(ret);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void read_output(struct space *space, struct file *f, off_t *poff,
			struct bitcoin_transaction_output *output)
	output->amount = pull_u64(f, poff);
	output->script_length = pull_varint(f, poff);
	output->script = space_alloc(space, output->script_length);
	pull_bytes(f, poff, output->script, output->script_length);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void read_input(struct space *space, struct file *f, off_t *poff,
		       struct bitcoin_transaction_input *input)
	pull_hash(f, poff, input->hash);
	input->index = pull_u32(f, poff);
	input->script_length = pull_varint(f, poff);
	input->script = space_alloc(space, input->script_length);
	pull_bytes(f, poff, input->script, input->script_length);

	input->sequence_number = pull_u32(f, poff);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool pull_s16(const char **p, size_t *max_len, int16_t *val)
	leint16_t v;

	if (pull_bytes(p, max_len, &v, sizeof(v))) {
		if (val)
			*val = le16_to_cpu(v);
		return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
static bool pull_foo(const char **p, size_t *len, struct foo *foo)
	int ret;

	ret = pull_u64(p, len, &foo->vu64) +
		pull_u32(p, len, &foo->vu32) +
		pull_u16(p, len, &foo->vu16) +
		pull_u8(p, len, &foo->vu8) +
		pull_uchar(p, len, &foo->vuchar) +
		pull_s64(p, len, &foo->vs64) +
		pull_s32(p, len, &foo->vs32) +
		pull_s16(p, len, &foo->vs16) +
		pull_s8(p, len, &foo->vs8) +
		pull_char(p, len, &foo->vchar) +
		pull_bytes(p, len, foo->bytes, sizeof(foo->bytes));

	if (ret != 11)
		ok1(len == 0 && *p == NULL);
	return ret == 11;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(void)
	char *buffer;
	const char *p;
	size_t len, left;
	struct foo *foo, *foo2;

	/* This is how many tests you plan to run */

	/* Valgrind will make sure we don't read padding! */
	foo = malloc(sizeof(*foo));
	foo->vu64 = 0x01020304050607ULL;
	foo->vu32 = 0x08090a0b;
	foo->vu16 = 0x0c0d;
	foo->vu8 = 0x0e;
	foo->vuchar = 0x0f;
	foo->vs64 = -0x1011121314151617LL;
	foo->vs32 = -0x18191a1b;
	foo->vs16 = -0x1c1d;
	foo->vs8 = -0x1e;
	foo->vchar = -0x1f;
	memset(foo->bytes, 0x20, sizeof(foo->bytes));
	strcpy(foo->bytes, "This is a test");

	buffer = malloc(1);
	len = 0;
	ok1(push_foo(&buffer, &len, foo));
	ok1(len <= sizeof(*foo));

	/* Triggers valgrind's uninitialized value warning */
	ok1(!memchr(buffer, 0x21, len));

	p = buffer;
	left = len;
	foo2 = malloc(sizeof(*foo2));
	ok1(pull_foo(&p, &left, foo2));
	ok1(left == 0);
	ok1(p == buffer + len);
	ok1(foo_equal(foo, foo2));

	/* Too-small for pull, it should fail and set ptr/len to 0 */
	p = buffer;
	left = 0;
	ok1(!pull_u64(&p, &left, &foo2->vu64));
	ok1(p == NULL && left == 0);
	/* Shouldn't change field! */
	ok1(foo_equal(foo, foo2));

	left = 7;
	ok1(!pull_u64(&p, &left, &foo2->vu64));
	ok1(p == NULL && left == 0);
	/* Shouldn't change field! */
	ok1(foo_equal(foo, foo2));

	/* Discard should work. */
	left = len;
	ok1(pull_bytes(&p, &left, NULL, sizeof(foo->bytes)));
	ok1(left == len - sizeof(foo->bytes));

	/* Push failures should be clean. */
	p = buffer;
	left = len;
	ok1(!push_u64(&buffer, &left, foo->vu64));
	ok1(p == buffer && left == len);


	/* This exits depending on whether all tests passed */
	return exit_status();
Exemplo n.º 8
static void pull_hash(struct file *f, off_t *poff, u8 dst[32])
	pull_bytes(f, poff, dst, 32);
Exemplo n.º 9
bool pull_s8(const char **p, size_t *max_len, int8_t *val)
	return pull_bytes(p, max_len, val, sizeof(*val));
Exemplo n.º 10
bool pull_char(const char **p, size_t *max_len, char *val)
	return pull_bytes(p, max_len, val, sizeof(*val));