Exemplo n.º 1
 * Purge File records from the database. For any Job which
 * is older than the retention period, we unconditionally delete
 * all File records for that Job.  This is simple enough that no
 * temporary tables are needed. We simply make an in memory list of
 * the JobIds meeting the prune conditions, then delete all File records
 * pointing to each of those JobIds.
static int purge_files_from_client(UAContext *ua, CLIENTRES *client)
   struct del_ctx del;
   char ed1[50];

   memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
   bstrncpy(cr.Name, client->name(), sizeof(cr.Name));
   if (!db_create_client_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &cr)) {
      return 0;

   memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));
   del.max_ids = 1000;
   del.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * del.max_ids);

   ua->info_msg(_("Begin purging files for Client \"%s\"\n"), cr.Name);

   Mmsg(query, select_jobsfiles_from_client, edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed1));
   Dmsg1(050, "select sql=%s\n", query.c_str());
   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), file_delete_handler, (void *)&del);

   purge_files_from_job_list(ua, del);

   if (del.num_ids == 0) {
      ua->warning_msg(_("No Files found for client %s to purge from %s catalog.\n"),
         client->name(), client->catalog->name());
   } else {
      ua->info_msg(_("Files for %d Jobs for client \"%s\" purged from %s catalog.\n"), del.num_ids,
         client->name(), client->catalog->name());

   if (del.JobId) {
   return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Prune File records from the database. For any Job which
 * is older than the retention period, we unconditionally delete
 * all File records for that Job.  This is simple enough that no
 * temporary tables are needed. We simply make an in memory list of
 * the JobIds meeting the prune conditions, then delete all File records
 * pointing to each of those JobIds.
 * This routine assumes you want the pruning to be done. All checking
 *  must be done before calling this routine.
 * Note: client or pool can possibly be NULL (not both).
int prune_files(UAContext *ua, CLIENTRES *client, POOLRES *pool)
   struct del_ctx del;
   struct s_count_ctx cnt;
   POOL_MEM sql_where(PM_MESSAGE);
   POOL_MEM sql_from(PM_MESSAGE);
   utime_t period;
   char ed1[50];

   memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));

   if (pool && pool->FileRetention > 0) {
      period = pool->FileRetention;

   } else if (client) {
      period = client->FileRetention;

   } else {                     /* should specify at least pool or client */
      return false;

   /* Specify JobTDate and Pool.Name= and/or Client.Name= in the query */
   if (!prune_set_filter(ua, client, pool, period, &sql_from, &sql_where)) {
      goto bail_out;

//   edit_utime(now-period, ed1, sizeof(ed1));
//   Jmsg(ua->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Begin pruning Jobs older than %s secs.\n"), ed1);
   Jmsg(ua->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Begin pruning Files.\n"));
   /* Select Jobs -- for counting */
        "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Job %s WHERE PurgedFiles=0 %s",
        sql_from.c_str(), sql_where.c_str());
   Dmsg1(050, "select sql=%s\n", query.c_str());
   cnt.count = 0;
   if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), del_count_handler, (void *)&cnt)) {
      ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
      Dmsg0(050, "Count failed\n");
      goto bail_out;

   if (cnt.count == 0) {
      if (ua->verbose) {
         ua->warning_msg(_("No Files found to prune.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   if (cnt.count < MAX_DEL_LIST_LEN) {
      del.max_ids = cnt.count + 1;
   } else {
      del.max_ids = MAX_DEL_LIST_LEN;
   del.tot_ids = 0;

   del.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * del.max_ids);

   /* Now process same set but making a delete list */
   Mmsg(query, "SELECT JobId FROM Job %s WHERE PurgedFiles=0 %s",
        sql_from.c_str(), sql_where.c_str());
   Dmsg1(050, "select sql=%s\n", query.c_str());
   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), file_delete_handler, (void *)&del);

   purge_files_from_job_list(ua, del);

   edit_uint64_with_commas(del.num_del, ed1);
   ua->info_msg(_("Pruned Files from %s Jobs for client %s from catalog.\n"),
      ed1, client->name());

   if (del.JobId) {
   return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Prune File records from the database. For any Job which
 * is older than the retention period, we unconditionally delete
 * all File records for that Job.  This is simple enough that no
 * temporary tables are needed. We simply make an in memory list of
 * the JobIds meeting the prune conditions, then delete all File records
 * pointing to each of those JobIds.
 * This routine assumes you want the pruning to be done. All checking
 *  must be done before calling this routine.
int prune_files(UAContext *ua, CLIENT *client)
   struct del_ctx del;
   struct s_count_ctx cnt;
   utime_t now, period;
   char ed1[50], ed2[50];

   memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
   memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));
   bstrncpy(cr.Name, client->hdr.name, sizeof(cr.Name));
   if (!db_create_client_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &cr)) {
      return 0;

   period = client->FileRetention;
   now = (utime_t)time(NULL);

   /* Select Jobs -- for counting */
   Mmsg(query, count_select_job, edit_int64(now - period, ed1), 
        edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed2));
   Dmsg3(050, "select now=%u period=%u sql=%s\n", (uint32_t)now, 
               (uint32_t)period, query.c_str());
   cnt.count = 0;
   if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), del_count_handler, (void *)&cnt)) {
      ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
      Dmsg0(050, "Count failed\n");
      goto bail_out;

   if (cnt.count == 0) {
      if (ua->verbose) {
         ua->warning_msg(_("No Files found to prune.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   if (cnt.count < MAX_DEL_LIST_LEN) {
      del.max_ids = cnt.count + 1;
   } else {
      del.max_ids = MAX_DEL_LIST_LEN;
   del.tot_ids = 0;

   del.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * del.max_ids);

   /* Now process same set but making a delete list */
   Mmsg(query, select_job, edit_int64(now - period, ed1), 
        edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed2));
   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), file_delete_handler, (void *)&del);

   purge_files_from_job_list(ua, del);

   edit_uint64_with_commas(del.num_del, ed1);
   ua->info_msg(_("Pruned Files from %s Jobs for client %s from catalog.\n"),
      ed1, client->name());

   if (del.JobId) {
   return 1;