Exemplo n.º 1
HRESULT CCcFilter::ReadFromStream(IStream *pStream)
	int iChannel = 0;
	AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE iService = AM_L21_CCSERVICE_Caption1;
	ICcParser_CCTYPE iXformType = ICcParser_CCTYPE_ATSC_A53;

	if( mPS_dwFileVersion = iCurrentMajorVersion )
		int iData = ReadInt(pStream, hr);

		if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
			int iDataInts = iData;

			if( iDataInts > 0 )
				iData = ReadInt(pStream, hr);
				if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
					iChannel = iData;


			if( iDataInts > 0 )
				iData = ReadInt(pStream, hr);
				if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
					iService = (AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE)iData;


			if( iDataInts > 0 )
				iData = ReadInt(pStream, hr);
				if( SUCCEEDED(hr))
					iXformType = (ICcParser_CCTYPE)iData;


	VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( put_Channel( iChannel )));
	VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( put_Service( iService )));
	VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( put_XformType( iXformType )));

	CPersistStream::SetDirty( FALSE );

	return NOERROR;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool directx_camera_server::open_moniker_and_finish_setup(
    comutils::Ptr<IMoniker> pMoniker, FilterOperation const &sourceConfig,
    unsigned width, unsigned height) {

    if (!pMoniker) {
                "directx_camera_server::open_moniker_and_finish_setup(): "
                "Null device moniker passed: no device found?\n");
        return false;
    auto prop = PropertyBagHelper{*pMoniker};
    printf("directx_camera_server: Using capture device '%s' at path '%s'\n",
           getDeviceHumanDesc(prop).c_str(), getDevicePath(prop).c_str());

    // Bind the chosen moniker to a filter object.
    auto pSrc = comutils::Ptr<IBaseFilter>{};
    pMoniker->BindToObject(nullptr, nullptr, IID_IBaseFilter, AttachPtr(pSrc));

    // Construct the sample grabber that will be used to snatch images from
    // the video stream as they go by.  Set its media type and callback.

    // Create and configure the Sample Grabber.
    _pSampleGrabberWrapper.reset(new SampleGrabberWrapper);

    // Get the exchange object for receiving data from the sample grabber.
    sampleExchange_ = _pSampleGrabberWrapper->getExchange();

    // Ask for the video resolution that has been passed in.
    // This code is based on
    // intuiting that we need to use the SetFormat call on the IAMStreamConfig
    // interface; this interface is described in the help pages.
    // If the width and height are specified as 0, then they are not set
    // in the header, letting them use whatever is the default.
    /// @todo factor this out into its own header.
    if ((width != 0) && (height != 0)) {
        auto pStreamConfig = comutils::Ptr<IAMStreamConfig>{};
        _pBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video,
                                 pSrc.get(), IID_IAMStreamConfig,
        checkForConstructionError(pStreamConfig, "StreamConfig interface");

        AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = {0};
        mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;  // Ask for video media producers
        mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; // Ask for 8 bit RGB
        VIDEOINFOHEADER vih = {0};
        mt.pbFormat = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(&vih);
        auto pVideoHeader = &vih;
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        pVideoHeader->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dibsize(pVideoHeader->bmiHeader);

        // Set the format type and size.
        mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
        mt.cbFormat = sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER);

        // Set the sample size.
        mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;
        mt.lSampleSize = dibsize(pVideoHeader->bmiHeader);

        // Make the call to actually set the video type to what we want.
        if (pStreamConfig->SetFormat(&mt) != S_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters():"
                            " Can't set resolution to %dx%d using uncompressed "
                            "24-bit video\n",
            return false;

// Create a null renderer that will be used to discard the video frames
// on the output pin of the sample grabber

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): Before "
    auto pNullRender = createNullRenderFilter();
    auto sampleGrabberFilter = _pSampleGrabberWrapper->getFilter();
    // Build the filter graph.  First add the filters and then connect them.

    // pSrc is the capture filter for the video device we found above.
    auto hr = _pGraph->AddFilter(pSrc.get(), L"Video Capture");
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Adding Video Capture filter to graph");

    // Add the sample grabber filter
    hr = _pGraph->AddFilter(sampleGrabberFilter.get(), L"SampleGrabber");
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Adding SampleGrabber filter to graph");

    // Add the null renderer filter
    hr = _pGraph->AddFilter(pNullRender.get(), L"NullRenderer");
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Adding NullRenderer filter to graph");

    // Connect the output of the video reader to the sample grabber input
    ConnectTwoFilters(*_pGraph, *pSrc, *sampleGrabberFilter);

    // Connect the output of the sample grabber to the null renderer input
    ConnectTwoFilters(*_pGraph, *sampleGrabberFilter, *pNullRender);

    // If we were given a config action for the source, do it now.
    if (sourceConfig) {
    // XXX See if this is a video tuner card by querying for that interface.
    // Set it to read the video channel if it is one.
    auto pTuner = comutils::Ptr<IAMTVTuner>{};
    hr = _pBuilder->FindInterface(nullptr, nullptr, pSrc.get(), IID_IAMTVTuner,
    if (pTuner) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): Found a TV "

        // XXX Put code here.
        // Set the first input pin to use the cable as input
        hr = pTuner->put_InputType(0, TunerInputCable);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters():"
                            " Can't set input to cable\n");

        // Set the channel on the video to be baseband (is this channel zero?)
        hr = pTuner->put_Channel(0, -1, -1);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters():"
                            " Can't set channel\n");

    // Find _num_rows and _num_columns in the video stream.
    AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = {0};
    if (mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo ||
        mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2) {
        pVih = reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER *>(mt.pbFormat);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): "
                        "Can't get video header type\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "  (Expected %x or %x, got %x)\n", FORMAT_VideoInfo,
                FORMAT_VideoInfo2, mt.formattype);
        fprintf(stderr, "  (GetConnectedMediaType is not valid for DirectX "
                        "headers later than version 7)\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "  (We need to re-implement reading video in some "
                        "other interface)\n");
        return false;

    // Number of rows and columns.  This is different if we are using a target
    // rectangle (rcTarget) than if we are not.
    if (IsRectEmpty(&pVih->rcTarget)) {
        _num_columns = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth;
        _num_rows = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight;
    } else {
        _num_columns = pVih->rcTarget.right;
        _num_rows = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight;
        printf("XXX directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): "
               "Warning: may not work correctly with target rectangle\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Got %dx%d video\n", _num_columns, _num_rows);

    // Make sure that the image is not compressed and that we have 8 bits
    // per pixel.
    if (pVih->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_RGB) {
        fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): "
                        "Compression not RGB\n");
        switch (pVih->bmiHeader.biCompression) {
        case BI_RLE8:
            fprintf(stderr, "  (It is BI_RLE8)\n");
        case BI_RLE4:
            fprintf(stderr, "  (It is BI_RLE4)\n");
        case BI_BITFIELDS:
            fprintf(stderr, "  (It is BI_BITFIELDS)\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "  (Unknown compression type)\n");
        return false;
    int BytesPerPixel = pVih->bmiHeader.biBitCount / 8;
    if (BytesPerPixel != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): "
                        "Not 3 bytes per pixel (%d)\n",
        return false;

    // A negative height indicates that the images are stored non-inverted in Y
    // Not sure what to do with images that have negative height -- need to
    // read the book some more to find out.
    if (_num_rows < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "directx_camera_server::open_and_find_parameters(): "
                        "Num Rows is negative (internal error)\n");
        return false;

    // Find the stride to take when moving from one row of video to the
    // next.  This is rounded up to the nearest DWORD.
    _stride = (_num_columns * BytesPerPixel + 3) & ~3;

    return true;