Exemplo n.º 1
* Function Name: pwm_Start
* Summary:
*  The start function initializes the pwm with the default values, the
*  enables the counter to begin counting.  It does not enable interrupts,
*  the EnableInt command should be called if interrupt generation is required.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
* Global variables:
*  pwm_initVar: Is modified when this function is called for the
*   first time. Is used to ensure that initialization happens only once.
void pwm_Start(void)
    /* If not Initialized then initialize all required hardware and software */
    if(pwm_initVar == 0u)
        pwm_initVar = 1u;

//   Configure Stepper Motor
//             Configure the stepp er motor we will be using:
//                - Configure control pins:  DIR,
//                - Configure SPI uses to talk to EasySpin chip
//                - Setup interrupt handlers to catch IRQ requests from EasySpin
int  configure_stepper_motor (void)
    int   rc;
    TIM_HandleTypeDef  *tim_handle;              // CHEAP HACK - FIX
      TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef  sMasterConfig;    // TEMP HACK

// --- begin --- The following is equivalent to Easyspin_Begin() code
       // Configure easySPIN - DIR pin for device 1 - D7
    pin_Config (L6474_DIR_1_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT, 0);
    pin_High (L6474_DIR_1_PIN);            // set default direction = Forward
                                           //    1 = forward,  0 = Backward

       // Configure easySPIN - STBY/RESET pin  -  D8
    pin_Config (L6474_RESET_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT, 0);
    pin_Low (L6474_RESET_PIN);                     // turn on RESET to L6474

     // Config easySPIN - Interrupt IRQ Flag pin and associated EXTI in NVIC - D2
     // Note that this configures everything, but leaves the interrupt disabled.
     // This is done in order to complete any other needed config operations,
     // before turning on interrupts.
     // A subsequent call to pin_Enable_IRQ() will enable the NVIC interrupt.
                        L6474_EXTI_IRQ_NUM, 5);

// BUG in above code not setting IRQn right ?
        /* Set Priority of External Line Interrupt used for the Flag interrupt*/
     HAL_NVIC_SetPriority (L6474_EXTI_IRQ_NUM, 5, 0);     // EXTI15_10_IRQn
        /* Enable the External Line Interrupt used for the Flag interrupt */
     HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ (L6474_EXTI_IRQ_NUM);

       //                         SPI  Init
       // Config easySPIN  SPI  interface and  CS  pin.            CS pin is D10
       // Uses SPI 1 (PA5 / PA6 / PA7) on most Nucleos.

// easyspin uses: SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_32  -  FIX THIS

    pin_Config (L6474_CS_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT, 0);           // configure Chip Select
    pin_High (L6474_CS_PIN);                             //   and DE-Assert CS
    rc = spi_Init (L6474_SPI_MODULE, SPI_MASTER, L6474_SPI_MODE,
                         L6474_SPI_BAUD, 0);

       //                         PWM  Init
       // Configure the PWM module to be used to drive the Stepper motor
       //   Uses PC7 (Arduino D9) = TIM3_CH2
       //   PC7 has Timer3 Ch2 for _all_ chips _except_ F3-02 and L0-53
       // SystemCoreClock variable holds HCLK frequency and is defined in system_stm32f4xx.c file.

// easy_spin uses Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1   !!! ??? FIX THIS !!! ???  WVD

/// uwPeriod = (SystemCoreClock / 20000 ) - 1;       // set period = 20 K Hz - WVD LOGIC
    uwPeriod = 0;                                    // at startup, period is set to 0
    if (rc == HAL_OK)
       rc = pwm_Init (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE, uwPeriod,
                      0);                     // actual rate on scope = 40 KHz !
    timer_Set_Prescalar(L6474_PWM_1_MODULE, (TIMER_PRESCALER - 1), 0);  // ensure pwm_Init turned on clocks

//pHTim->Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;

       // Configure PWM channel to be used
    if (rc == HAL_OK)
       rc = pwm_Config_Channel (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE, L6474_PWM_1_CHANNEL,
                                0, TIMER_PIN_POLARITY_HIGH);   // 0 % duty cycle
//  sConfigOC.OCMode     = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1;
//  sConfigOC.OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH;
//  sConfigOC.OCFastMode = TIM_OCFAST_DISABLE;

// ??? !!!  WVD  ??? !!! RESOLVE THIS
    tim_handle = (TIM_HandleTypeDef*) board_timerpwm_get_handle (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE); // !!! CHEAP HACK - WVD FIX THIS !!! ???
    sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
    sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode     = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE;
    HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization (tim_handle, &sMasterConfig);

       // Setup the callback handler for the PWM/Timer Interrupt
    tim_handle = (TIM_HandleTypeDef*) board_timerpwm_get_handle (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE); // !!! CHEAP HACK - WVD FIX THIS !!! ???
    timer_Set_Callback (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE,
                        tim_handle);      // !!! CHEAP HACK - WVD FIX THIS !!! ???

       // Enable the PWM module and its associated channels, and
       // have it issue a PWM/Timer Interrupt at end of each period rollover.
    if (rc == HAL_OK)
       rc = pwm_Enable (L6474_PWM_1_MODULE, TIMER_PERIOD_INTERRUPT_ENABLED);
//     rc = HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_IT (&hTimPwm1, easySPIN_CHAN_TIMER_PWM1);  --> see easyspin.c EasySpin_Pwm1SetFreq()

       // Enable the NVIC for EXTI interrupts from the L6474
    pin_Enable_IRQ (L6474_IRQ_PIN, L6474_EXTI_IRQ_NUM, 1);

       // Take L6474 out of reset, so it can start up
    pin_High (L6474_RESET_PIN);

       // Attach the function MyFlagInterruptHandler (defined below) to
       // EasySpin's IRQ flag interrupt
    EasySpin_AttachFlagInterrupt (MyFlagInterruptHandler);

       // Attach the function Error_Handler (defined below) to
       // the error Handler for EasySpin
    EasySpin_AttachErrorHandler (Error_Handler);

       // Take L6474 out of reset, so it can start up
    pin_High (L6474_RESET_PIN);

  /* Let a delay after reset */

       // Set all registers and context variables to the predefined values
       // from the easyspin_target_config.h file.
       // The easySPin registers are set with the predefined values from
       // file ~\motion_cube\Libraries\Easyspin\Inc\easyspin_target_config.h
//while (debug_test)                           // WVD loop for SPI debug testing

  /* Disable easySPIN powerstage */
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1; i++)
     EasySpin_CmdDisable (i);
               /* Get Status, which will clear flags after start up */
     EasySpin_CmdGetStatus (i);

// --- end --- The above is equivalent to Easyspin_Begin() code

    return (ret_code);