Exemplo n.º 1
void Dialogs::ConvertMemoryCardDialog::CreateControls( const MemoryCardType sourceType ) {
	m_text_filenameInput = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER );

	RadioPanelItem toFile8MB = RadioPanelItem( _( "8MB File" ), pxE( L"Convert this memory card to a standard 8 MB Memory Card .ps2 file." ) )
		.SetInt( MemoryCardConversionType::MemoryCardConversion_File_8MB );
	RadioPanelItem toFile16MB = RadioPanelItem( _( "16MB File" ), pxE( L"Convert this memory card to a 16 MB Memory Card .ps2 file." ) )
		.SetInt( MemoryCardConversionType::MemoryCardConversion_File_16MB );
	RadioPanelItem toFile32MB = RadioPanelItem( _( "32MB File" ), pxE( L"Convert this memory card to a 32 MB Memory Card .ps2 file." ) )
		.SetInt( MemoryCardConversionType::MemoryCardConversion_File_32MB );
	RadioPanelItem toFile64MB = RadioPanelItem( _( "64MB File" ), pxE( L"Convert this memory card to a 64 MB Memory Card .ps2 file." ) )
		.SetInt( MemoryCardConversionType::MemoryCardConversion_File_64MB );
	RadioPanelItem toFolder = RadioPanelItem( _( "Folder" ), _( "Convert this memory card to a folder of individual saves." ) )
		.SetInt( MemoryCardConversionType::MemoryCardConversion_Folder );

	const RadioPanelItem tblForFile[] = { toFolder };
	const RadioPanelItem tblForFolder[] = { toFile8MB, toFile16MB, toFile32MB, toFile64MB };

	switch ( sourceType ) {
		case MemoryCardType::MemoryCard_File:
			m_radio_CardType = new pxRadioPanel( this, tblForFile );
		case MemoryCardType::MemoryCard_Folder:
			m_radio_CardType = new pxRadioPanel( this, tblForFolder );
			Console.Error( L"Memory Card Conversion: Invalid source type!" );

	m_radio_CardType->SetDefaultItem( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 2
Dialogs::ConvertMemoryCardDialog::ConvertMemoryCardDialog( wxWindow* parent, const wxDirName& mcdPath, const AppConfig::McdOptions& mcdSourceConfig )
	: wxDialogWithHelpers( parent, _( "Convert a memory card to a different format" ) )
	, m_mcdPath( mcdPath )
	, m_mcdSourceFilename( mcdSourceConfig.Filename.GetFullName() )
	SetMinWidth( 472 * MSW_GetDPIScale());

	CreateControls( mcdSourceConfig.Type );

	if ( m_radio_CardType ) m_radio_CardType->Realize();

	wxBoxSizer& s_buttons( *new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ) );
	s_buttons += new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "Convert" ) ) | pxProportion( 2 );
	s_buttons += pxStretchSpacer( 3 );
	s_buttons += new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL ) | pxProportion( 2 );

	wxBoxSizer& s_padding( *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) );

	s_padding += Heading( wxString( _( "Convert: " ) ) + ( mcdPath + m_mcdSourceFilename ).GetFullPath() ).Unwrapped() | pxSizerFlags::StdExpand();

	wxBoxSizer& s_filename( *new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ) );
	s_filename += Heading( _( "To: " ) ).Unwrapped().Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT) | pxProportion(1);
	m_text_filenameInput->SetValue( wxFileName( m_mcdSourceFilename ).GetName() + L"_converted" );
	s_filename += m_text_filenameInput | pxProportion(2);
	s_filename += Heading( L".ps2" ).Align(wxALIGN_LEFT) | pxProportion(1);

	s_padding += s_filename | pxSizerFlags::StdExpand();

	s_padding += m_radio_CardType | pxSizerFlags::StdExpand();

	if ( mcdSourceConfig.Type != MemoryCardType::MemoryCard_File ) {
		s_padding += Heading( pxE( L"Please note that the resulting file may not actually contain all saves, depending on how many are in the source memory card." ) );
	s_padding += Heading( pxE( L"WARNING: Converting a memory card may take a while! Please do not close the emulator during the conversion process, even if the emulator is no longer responding to input." ) );

	s_padding += 12;
	s_padding += s_buttons | pxSizerFlags::StdCenter();

	*this += s_padding | pxSizerFlags::StdExpand();

	Connect( wxID_OK, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( ConvertMemoryCardDialog::OnOk_Click ) );
	Connect( m_text_filenameInput->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, wxCommandEventHandler( ConvertMemoryCardDialog::OnOk_Click ) );


Exemplo n.º 3
// This error message is shared by R5900, R3000, and microVU recompilers.  It is not used by the
// SuperVU recompiler, since it has its own customized message.
void RecompiledCodeReserve::ThrowIfNotOk() const
	if (IsOk()) return;

	throw Exception::OutOfMemory(m_name)
		.SetDiagMsg(pxsFmt( L"Recompiled code cache could not be mapped." ))
		.SetUserMsg( pxE( L"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for internal caches.  This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging a lot of memory."
Exemplo n.º 4
wxString Exception::VirtualMemoryMapConflict::FormatDisplayMessage() const
	FastFormatUnicode retmsg;
	retmsg.Write( L"%s",
		pxE( L"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."

	if (!m_message_diag.IsEmpty())
		retmsg.Write(L"\n\n%s", WX_STR(m_message_diag));

	return retmsg;
Exemplo n.º 5
// returns the translated error message for the Virtual Machine failing to allocate!
static wxString GetMemoryErrorVM()
	return pxE( L"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
Exemplo n.º 6
// Returns a string message telling the user to consult guides for obtaining a legal BIOS.
// This message is in a function because it's used as part of several dialogs in PCSX2 (there
// are multiple variations on the BIOS and BIOS folder checks).
wxString BIOS_GetMsg_Required()
	return pxE(L"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.  For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count).  Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
Exemplo n.º 7
	wxString GetDisabledMessage( uint slot ) const
		return wxsFormat( pxE( L"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled.  You can correct the problem\nand re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
					) , slot//TODO: translate internal slot index to human-readable slot description
Exemplo n.º 8
static wxString GetMsg_PortableModeRights()
	return pxE( L"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated (administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the necessary folders itself.  If you do not have elevated rights on this computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button below)."