void __fastcall TfrmRetrievalJobList::btnResetJobsClick(TObject *Sender) { /** for debugging: set all retrieval jobs back to their initial states */ ostringstream oss; oss<<__FUNC__<<": reset jobs"; debugLog(oss.str().c_str()); // might be good to be able to delete specific jobs, // though would have to iterate through boxes to delete lcr records LCDbCryoJob * job = ((LCDbCryoJob *)(sgJobs->Objects[0][sgJobs->Row])); if (NULL == job) return; LQuery qc(LIMSDatabase::getCentralDb()), qc2(LIMSDatabase::getCentralDb()); qc.setSQL("select rj_box_cid from c_box_retrieval where retrieval_cid = :rtid"); qc.setParam("rtid", job->getID()); qc.open(); while (!qc.eof()) { int rj_box_cid = qc.readInt("rj_box_cid"); qc2.setSQL("delete from l_cryovial_retrieval where rj_box_cid = :rjbid"); qc2.setParam("rjbid", rj_box_cid); qc2.execSQL(); qc.next(); } qc.setSQL("delete from c_box_retrieval where retrieval_cid = :rtid"); qc.setParam("rtid", job->getID()); qc.execSQL(); qc.setSQL("update c_retrieval_job set status = :new where retrieval_cid = :rtid"); qc.setParam("rtid", job->getID()); qc.setParam("new", LCDbCryoJob::NEW_JOB); // NEW_JOB, INPROGRESS, DONE qc.execSQL(); loadJobs(); }
/*NP*/ void write_vis_data( float tim, float ang, int ulx, int uly, int vwid ) /*************************************************************/ /* WRITE_VIS_DATA */ /* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */ /* */ /* Writes the numeric data on the storm visualization chart */ /*************************************************************/ { short tr, tl; char st[10]; setcolor(31); tr = ulx + 5; tl = uly + 5; strcpy( st, qc2( tim, " s", 0 )); disp_param( st, tr, tl); tr = ulx + vwid-5; strcpy( st, qc2( ang, " deg", 0 )); disp_param( st, tr, tl); }
/*NP*/ void write_file2( char *filename ) /*************************************************************/ /* WRITE_FILE */ /* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */ /* */ /* Writes contents of sndg array into SHARP95 file. */ /*************************************************************/ { short i, j; short idx[7]; float sfctemp, sfcdwpt, sfcpres, j1, j2, ix1; struct _parcel pcl; char st[80]; FILE *fout; idx[1] = getParmIndex("PRES"); idx[2] = getParmIndex("HGHT"); idx[3] = getParmIndex("TEMP"); idx[4] = getParmIndex("DWPT"); idx[5] = getParmIndex("DRCT"); idx[6] = getParmIndex("SPED"); fout = fopen( filename, "wt" ); if (fout==NULL) { printf("Unable to write output file!\n" ); return; } fputs( "%TITLE%\n", fout ); fputs( raobtitle, fout ); fputs( "\n\n", fout ); fprintf( fout, " LEVEL HGHT TEMP DWPT WDIR WSPD\n"); fprintf( fout, "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fputs( "%RAW%\n", fout ); for(i=0; i<numlvl; i++) { for(j=1; j<=5; j++) fprintf( fout, "%8.2f, ", sndg[i][idx[j]]); fprintf( fout, "%8.2f\n", sndg[i][idx[6]]); } fputs( "%END%\n\n", fout ); if ((numlvl<4) || (!qc(i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)))) return; fprintf( fout, "----- Parcel Information-----\n"); /* ----- Calculate Parcel Data ----- */ sfctemp = lplvals.temp; sfcdwpt = lplvals.dwpt; sfcpres = lplvals.pres; strcpy( st, "*** " ); strcat( st, lplvals.desc ); strcat( st, " ***" ); fprintf( fout, "%s\n", st); ix1 = parcel( -1, -1, sfcpres, sfctemp, sfcdwpt, &pcl); fprintf( fout, "LPL: P=%.0f T=%.0fF Td=%.0fF\n", sfcpres, ctof(sfctemp), ctof(sfcdwpt)); fprintf( fout, "CAPE: %6.0f J/kg\n", pcl.bplus); fprintf( fout, "CINH: %6.0f J/kg\n", pcl.bminus); fprintf( fout, "LI: %6.0f C\n", pcl.li5); fprintf( fout, "LI(300mb): %6.0f C\n", pcl.li3); fprintf( fout, "3km Cape: %6.0f J/kg\n", pcl.cape3km); j1 = pcl.bplus; j2 = i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES) - i_hght(pcl.lfcpres, I_PRES); fprintf( fout, "NCAPE: %6.2f m/s2\n\n", j1/j2); fprintf( fout, "LCL: %6.0fmb %6.0fm\n", pcl.lclpres, agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES))); fprintf( fout, "LFC: %6.0fmb %6.0fm\n", pcl.lfcpres, agl(i_hght(pcl.lfcpres, I_PRES))); fprintf( fout, "EL: %6.0fmb %6.0fm\n", pcl.elpres, agl(i_hght(pcl.elpres, I_PRES))); fprintf( fout, "MPL: %6.0fmb %6.0fm\n", pcl.mplpres, agl(i_hght(pcl.mplpres, I_PRES))); fprintf( fout, "All heights AGL\n\n" ); fprintf( fout, "----- Moisture -----\n" ); strcpy( st, qc2( precip_water( &ix1, -1, -1), " in", 2 )); fprintf( fout, "Precip Water: %s\n", st); strcpy( st, qc2( mean_mixratio( &ix1, -1, -1 ), " g/Kg", 1 )); fprintf( fout, "Mean W: %s\n\n", st); fprintf( fout, "----- Lapse Rates -----\n" ); j1 = delta_t(&ix1); j2 = lapse_rate( &ix1, 700, 500); fprintf( fout, "700-500mb %.0f C %.1f C/km\n", j1, j2); j1 = vert_tot(&ix1); j2 = lapse_rate( &ix1, 850, 500); fprintf( fout, "850-500mb %.0f C %.1f C/km\n", j1, j2); fclose( fout ); }
/*NP*/ void plot_thetae(void) /*************************************************************/ /* PLOT_THETAE */ /* John Hart NSSFC KCMO */ /* */ /* Plots vertical profile of Theta-E (sfc-500mb) */ /*************************************************************/ { float bothgt, tophgt, h, cthe, ix1; short x1, y1, x2, y2, i, tlx, tly; short pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex; char st[10]; pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES"); zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT"); tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP"); tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT"); if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1 || zIndex == -1) return; /* tlx = hov.brx - 150; tly = hov.tly; */ tlx = hov.tlx + 120; tly = hov.bry; setcliprgn(tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120); setcolor(0); setlinestyle( 1, 1 ); rectangle(1,tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120); setcolor(1); rectangle(0, tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120); /* ----- Set Layer (AGL) ----- */ bothgt = 0; tophgt = agl(i_hght(500, I_PRES)); /* ----- Plot Label ----- */ setcolor(1); set_font(4); outgtext("Theta-E vs", tlx+55, tly+3); outgtext("Pressure", tlx+55, tly+15); /* ----- Plot horizontal legend ----- */ if (800 < pIndex < 850){ cthe = (thetae(800, i_temp(800, I_PRES), i_dwpt(800, I_PRES)) + thetae(650, i_temp(650, I_PRES), i_dwpt(650, I_PRES)) + thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0; } if (750 < pIndex < 800){ cthe = (thetae(750, i_temp(750, I_PRES), i_dwpt(750, I_PRES)) + thetae(600, i_temp(600, I_PRES), i_dwpt(600, I_PRES)) + thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0; } if (700 < pIndex < 750){ cthe = (thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) + thetae(500, i_temp(500, I_PRES), i_dwpt(500, I_PRES)) + thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0; } if (pIndex >= 850){ cthe = (thetae(850, i_temp(850, I_PRES), i_dwpt(850, I_PRES)) + thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) + thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex], sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0; } setcolor(19); set_font(5); for(h=cthe - 30.0; h<=cthe + 30.0; h += 10) { x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((h-cthe)*2.5)); y1 = tly+120; moveto( x1, y1); lineto( x1, y1-5); sprintf(st, "%.0f", h + 273.15); outgtext(st, x1-6, y1-14); } /* ----- Plot vertical theta-e profile ----- */ setlinestyle(1, 2); setcolor(2); x2 = 999; if (sndg[numlvl-1][pIndex] < 500) { for (i=0; sndg[i][pIndex] >= 500; i++) { /*printf ("i = %d, PRES = %.1f\n", i, sndg[i][pIndex]);*/ if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) { x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((thetae(sndg[i][pIndex], sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex])-cthe)*2.5)); y1 = vert_coords(agl(sndg[i][zIndex]), tophgt, tly); if(x2 == 999) { x2=x1; y2=y1; } moveto(x1, y1); lineto(x2, y2); x2=x1; y2=y1; } } } /* ----- Plot Vertical Legend ----- */ setlinestyle(1, 1); setcolor(1); set_font(5); x2 = 999; for(i=1000; i >= 600; i -= 100) { x1 = tlx; y1 = vert_coords(agl(i_hght(i, I_PRES)), tophgt, tly); moveto( x1, y1); lineto( x1+5, y1); sprintf(st, "%d", i); if (i<1000) outgtext(st, x1+6, y1-5); } setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght); copytodisplay(); /* plot theta-e index */ setcolor(19); set_font(4); sprintf( st, "TEI = %s", qc2( ThetaE_diff(&ix1), "", 0)); outgtext( st, tlx + 80, tly + 50); }