Exemplo n.º 1
bool groupman_t::parse_line(
    psupergroup_t sg,
    char *line)
  for (char *saved_ptr, *token = qstrtok(line, ";", &saved_ptr); 
       token != NULL;
       token = qstrtok(NULL, ";", &saved_ptr))
    char *val = strchr(token, ':');
    if (val == NULL)

    // Kill separator and adjust value pointer
    *val++ = '\0';
    val = skip_spaces(val);

    // Set key pointer
    char *key = skip_spaces(token);

    if (stricmp(key, STR_ID) == 0)
      sg->id = val;  
    else if (stricmp(key, STR_GROUP_NAME) == 0)
      sg->name = val;
    else if (stricmp(key, STR_NODESET) == 0)
      if (!parse_nodeset(sg, val))
        return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  bool split_chooser_caption(qstring *out_title, qstring *out_caption, const char *caption) const
    if ( get_embedded() != NULL )
      // For embedded chooser, the "caption" will be overloaded to encode
      // the AskUsingForm's title, caption and embedded chooser id
      // Title:EmbeddedChooserID:Caption

      char title_buf[MAXSTR];
      const char *ptitle;

      static const char delimiter[] = ":";
      char temp[MAXSTR];
      qstrncpy(temp, caption, sizeof(temp));

      char *ctx;
      char *p = qstrtok(temp, delimiter, &ctx);
      if ( p == NULL )
        return false;

      // Copy the title
      char title_str[MAXSTR];
      qstrncpy(title_str, p, sizeof(title_str));

      // Copy the echooser ID
      p = qstrtok(NULL, delimiter, &ctx);
      if ( p == NULL )
        return false;

      char id_str[10];
      qstrncpy(id_str, p, sizeof(id_str));

      // Form the new title of the form: "AskUsingFormTitle:EchooserId"
      qsnprintf(title_buf, sizeof(title_buf), "%s:%s", title_str, id_str);

      // Adjust the title
      *out_title = title_buf;

      // Adjust the caption
      p = qstrtok(NULL, delimiter, &ctx);
      *out_caption = caption + (p - temp);
      *out_title = title;
      *out_caption = caption;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * String Tokenizer
 * @param str           source string
 * @param delimiters    string that specifies a set of delimiters that may
 *                      surround the token being extracted
 * @return qlist container pointer otherwise returns NULL.
 * @code
 *   qlist_t *tokens = qstr_tokenizer("a:b:c", ":");
 *   char *str;
 *   while((str = tokens->popFirst(tokens, NULL)) != NULL) {
 *     printf("%s\n", str);
 *   }
 *   tokens->free(tokens);
 * @endcode
qlist_t *qstrtokenizer(const char *str, const char *delimiters)
    qlist_t *list = qlist();
    if (list == NULL) return NULL;

    int i;
    char *dupstr = strdup(str);
    char *token;
    int offset = 0;
    for (i = 1, token = qstrtok(dupstr, delimiters, NULL, &offset);
         token != NULL;
         token = qstrtok(dupstr, delimiters, NULL, &offset), i++) {
        list->addlast(list, token, strlen(token) + 1);

    return list;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool groupman_t::parse_nodeset(
      psupergroup_t sg,
      char *grpstr)
  // Find node group bounds
  for ( /*init*/ char *p_group_start = NULL, *p_group_end = NULL;
        /* cond*/(p_group_start = strchr(grpstr, '(')) != NULL
             && (p_group_start = skip_spaces(p_group_start+1), (p_group_end = strchr(p_group_start, ')')) != NULL);
    // Terminate the string with the closing parenthesis
    *p_group_end = '\0';

    // Advance to next group
    grpstr = skip_spaces(p_group_end + 1);

    // Add a new group
    pnodegroup_t ng = sg->add_nodegroup();

    for (/*init*/ char *saved_ptr, 
                  *p = p_group_start, 
                  *token = qstrtok(p, ",", &saved_ptr);
         /*cond*/ p != NULL;
         /*incr*/ p = qstrtok(NULL, ",", &saved_ptr))
      p = skip_spaces(p);

      int nid;
      ea_t start = 0, end = 0;
      if (qsscanf(p, "%d : %a : %a", &nid, &start, &end) <= 0)

      // Create an ND
      nodedef_t *nd = ng->add_node();
      nd->nid = nid;
      nd->start = start;
      nd->end = end;

      // Map this node
      map_nodedef(nid, nd);
  return true;