Exemplo n.º 1
wxString pgFunction::GetSql(ctlTree *browser)
	if (sql.IsNull())
		wxString qtName = GetQuotedFullIdentifier()  + wxT("(") + GetArgListWithNames() + wxT(")");
		wxString qtSig = GetQuotedFullIdentifier()  + wxT("(") + GetArgSigList() + wxT(")");

		sql = wxT("-- Function: ") + qtSig + wxT("\n\n")
		      + wxT("-- DROP FUNCTION ") + qtSig + wxT(";")
		      + wxT("\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ") + qtName;

		// Use Oracle style syntax for edb-spl functions
		if (GetLanguage() == wxT("edbspl") && GetProcType() == 2)
			sql += wxT("\nRETURN ");
			sql += GetReturnType();

			sql += wxT(" AS");
			if (GetSource().StartsWith(wxT("\n")))
				sql += GetSource();
				sql += wxT("\n") + GetSource();
			sql += wxT("\n  RETURNS ");
			if (GetReturnAsSet() && !GetReturnType().StartsWith(wxT("TABLE")))
				sql += wxT("SETOF ");
			sql += GetReturnType();

			sql += wxT(" AS\n");

			if (GetLanguage().IsSameAs(wxT("C"), false))
				sql += qtDbString(GetBin()) + wxT(", ") + qtDbString(GetSource());
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 5))
					sql += qtDbStringDollar(GetSource());
					sql += qtDbString(GetSource());
			sql += wxT("\n  LANGUAGE ") + GetLanguage() + wxT(" ");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4) && GetIsWindow())
				sql += wxT("WINDOW ");
			sql += GetVolatility();

			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2) && GetIsLeakProof())
				sql += wxT(" LEAKPROOF");
			if (GetIsStrict())
				sql += wxT(" STRICT");
			if (GetSecureDefiner())
				sql += wxT(" SECURITY DEFINER");

			// PostgreSQL 8.3+ cost/row estimations
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				sql += wxT("\n  COST ") + NumToStr(GetCost());

				if (GetReturnAsSet())
					sql += wxT("\n  ROWS ") + NumToStr(GetRows());

		if (!sql.Strip(wxString::both).EndsWith(wxT(";")))
			sql += wxT(";");

		size_t i;
		for (i = 0 ; i < configList.GetCount() ; i++)
			if (configList.Item(i).BeforeFirst('=') != wxT("search_path") &&
			        configList.Item(i).BeforeFirst('=') != wxT("temp_tablespaces"))
				sql += wxT("\nALTER FUNCTION ") + qtSig
				       + wxT(" SET ") + configList.Item(i).BeforeFirst('=') + wxT("='") + configList.Item(i).AfterFirst('=') + wxT("';\n");
				sql += wxT("\nALTER FUNCTION ") + qtSig
				       + wxT(" SET ") + configList.Item(i).BeforeFirst('=') + wxT("=") + configList.Item(i).AfterFirst('=') + wxT(";\n");

		sql += wxT("\n")
		       +  GetOwnerSql(8, 0, wxT("FUNCTION ") + qtSig)
		       +  GetGrant(wxT("X"), wxT("FUNCTION ") + qtSig);

		if (!GetComment().IsNull())
			sql += wxT("COMMENT ON FUNCTION ") + qtSig
			       + wxT(" IS ") + qtDbString(GetComment()) + wxT(";\n");

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			sql += GetSeqLabelsSql();

	return sql;
Exemplo n.º 2
wxString dlgFunction::GetSql()
	wxString sql;
	wxString name;
	wxString objType;
	if (isProcedure)
		objType = wxT("PROCEDURE ");
		objType = wxT("FUNCTION ");

	bool isC = cbLanguage->GetValue().IsSameAs(wxT("C"), false);
	bool didChange = !function
	                 || cbLanguage->GetValue() != function->GetLanguage()
	                 || cbVolatility->GetValue() != function->GetVolatility()
	                 || chkSecureDefiner->GetValue() != function->GetSecureDefiner()
	                 || chkStrict->GetValue() != function->GetIsStrict()
	                 || GetArgs() != function->GetArgListWithNames()
	                 || chkLeakProof->GetValue() != function->GetIsLeakProof()
	                 || (isC && (txtObjectFile->GetValue() != function->GetBin() || txtLinkSymbol->GetValue() != function->GetSource()))
	                 || (!isC && txtSqlBox->GetText() != function->GetSource());

	if (connection->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
		didChange = (didChange ||
		             txtCost->GetValue() != NumToStr(function->GetCost()) ||
		             (chkSetof->GetValue() && txtRows->GetValue() != NumToStr(function->GetRows())));

	if (function)
		name = GetName();
		// edit mode
		if (name != function->GetName())
			if (!isProcedure)
				AppendNameChange(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + function->GetQuotedFullIdentifier()
				                 + wxT("(") + function->GetArgSigList() + wxT(")"));
				AppendNameChange(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + function->GetQuotedFullIdentifier());
		if (didChange)
			sql += wxT("CREATE OR REPLACE ") + objType;
		name = qtIdent(cbSchema->GetValue()) + wxT(".") + qtIdent(GetName());

		// create mode
		sql = wxT("CREATE " ) + objType;

	if (didChange)
		if (isProcedure && GetArgs().IsEmpty())
			sql += schema->GetQuotedPrefix() + qtIdent(GetName());
			sql += schema->GetQuotedPrefix() + qtIdent(GetName())
			       + wxT("(") + GetArgs() + wxT(")");

		if (!isProcedure)
			sql += wxT(" RETURNS ");
			if (chkSetof->GetValue() && !cbReturntype->GetValue().StartsWith(wxT("TABLE")))
				sql += wxT("SETOF ");

			sql += cbReturntype->GetValue();

		sql += wxT(" AS\n");

		if (isProcedure)
			sql += txtSqlBox->GetText();
			sql = sql.Trim(true);
			if (!sql.EndsWith(wxT(";")))
				sql += wxT(";\n");
				sql += wxT("\n");
			if (cbLanguage->GetValue().IsSameAs(wxT("C"), false))
				sql += qtDbString(txtObjectFile->GetValue());
				if (!txtLinkSymbol->GetValue().IsEmpty())
					sql += wxT(", ") + qtDbString(txtLinkSymbol->GetValue());
				if (connection->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 5))
					sql += qtDbStringDollar(txtSqlBox->GetText());
					sql += qtDbString(txtSqlBox->GetText());

			sql += wxT("\nLANGUAGE ") + cbLanguage->GetValue();
			if (chkWindow->GetValue())
				sql += wxT(" WINDOW ");
				sql += wxT(" ");
			sql +=  cbVolatility->GetValue();
			if (connection->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2))
				if (!chkLeakProof->GetValue())
					sql += wxT(" NOT");
				sql += wxT(" LEAKPROOF");
			if (chkStrict->GetValue())
				sql += wxT(" STRICT");
			if (chkSecureDefiner->GetValue())
				sql += wxT(" SECURITY DEFINER");

			// PostgreSQL 8.3+ cost/row estimations
			if (connection->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				if (txtCost->GetValue().Length() > 0)
					sql += wxT("\nCOST ") + txtCost->GetValue();

				if (chkSetof->GetValue() && txtRows->GetValue().Length() > 0)
					sql += wxT("\nROWS ") + txtRows->GetValue();

			sql += wxT(";\n");

	name = schema->GetQuotedPrefix() + qtIdent(name)
	       + wxT("(") + GetArgs(false, true) + wxT(")");

	if (function)
		AppendOwnerChange(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + name);
		AppendSchemaChange(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + name);
		if (cbOwner->GetCurrentSelection() > 0)
			AppendOwnerNew(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + name);

	if (isProcedure)
		sql += GetGrant(wxT("X"), wxT("PROCEDURE ") + name);
		wxArrayString vars;
		size_t index;

		if (function)
			for (index = 0 ; index < function->GetConfigList().GetCount() ; index++)

		int cnt = lstVariables->GetItemCount();
		int pos;

		// check for changed or added vars
		for (pos = 0 ; pos < cnt ; pos++)
			wxString newVar = lstVariables->GetText(pos);
			wxString newVal = lstVariables->GetText(pos, 1);

			wxString oldVal;

			for (index = 0 ; index < vars.GetCount() ; index++)
				wxString var = vars.Item(index);
				if (var.BeforeFirst('=').IsSameAs(newVar, false))
					oldVal = var.Mid(newVar.Length() + 1);

			// Reset the vars if they've changed, or the function definition has
			// changed, which will remove them all :-(
			if ((oldVal != newVal) || didChange)
				if (newVar != wxT("search_path") && newVar != wxT("temp_tablespaces"))
					sql += wxT("ALTER FUNCTION ") + name
					       +  wxT("\n  SET ") + newVar
					       +  wxT("='") + newVal
					       +  wxT("';\n");
					sql += wxT("ALTER FUNCTION ") + name
					       +  wxT("\n  SET ") + newVar
					       +  wxT("=") + newVal
					       +  wxT(";\n");

		// check for removed vars
		for (pos = 0 ; pos < (int)vars.GetCount() ; pos++)
			sql += wxT("ALTER FUNCTION ") + name
			       +  wxT("\n  RESET ") + vars.Item(pos).BeforeFirst('=')
			       + wxT(";\n");

		sql += GetGrant(wxT("X"), wxT("FUNCTION ") + name);

	if (isProcedure)
		AppendComment(sql, wxT("PROCEDURE ") + name, function);
		AppendComment(sql, wxT("FUNCTION ") + name, function);

		if (seclabelPage && connection->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			sql += seclabelPage->GetSqlForSecLabels(wxT("FUNCTION"), name);

	return sql;