Exemplo n.º 1
csQuaternion csQuaternion::SLerp (const csQuaternion& q2, float t) const
  float omega, cosom, invsinom, scale0, scale1;

  csQuaternion quato(q2);

  // decide if one of the quaternions is backwards  
  float a = (*this-q2).SquaredNorm ();
  float b = (*this+q2).SquaredNorm ();
  if (a > b)
    quato = -q2;

  // Calculate dot between quats
  cosom = Dot (quato);

  // Make sure the two quaternions are not exactly opposite? (within a little
  // slop).
  if (cosom > -0.9998f)
    // Are they more than a little bit different?  Avoid a divided by zero
    // and lerp if not.
    if (cosom < 0.9998f)
      // Yes, do a slerp
      omega = acosf (cosom);
      invsinom = 1.0f / sinf (omega);
      scale0 = sinf ((1.0f - t) * omega) * invsinom;
      scale1 = sinf (t * omega) * invsinom;
      // Not a very big difference, do a lerp
      scale0 = 1.0f - t;
      scale1 = t;

    return csQuaternion (
      scale0 * v.x + scale1 * quato.v.x,
      scale0 * v.y + scale1 * quato.v.y,
      scale0 * v.z + scale1 * quato.v.z,
      scale0 * w + scale1 * quato.w);

  // The quaternions are nearly opposite so to avoid a divided by zero error
  // Calculate a perpendicular quaternion and slerp that direction
  scale0 = sin ((1.0f - t) * PI);
  scale1 = sin (t * PI);
  return csQuaternion (
    scale0 * v.x + scale1 * -quato.v.y,
    scale0 * v.y + scale1 * quato.v.x,
    scale0 * v.z + scale1 * -quato.w,
    scale0 * w + scale1 * quato.v.z);
Exemplo n.º 2
        void SIPBuilder::AuRegister( osip_message_t* msg, char** rtmeg, size_t* rtlen,
               std::string &via_branch_num, struct DialogInfo dlg_info,
               struct ReAuthInfo re_au)
            string uas_ip = re_au.uas_ip;
            string uas_listen_port_str = re_au.uas_port_str;
            string local_dev_passwd_str = re_au.passwd;
            string remote_dev_name = re_au.remote_dev_name;
            string from_tag_num = dlg_info.from_tag_num;
            string call_id_num = dlg_info.call_id_num;
            int pos = 0;
            string realm;
            string nonce;
            if( NULL != msg)
                while (!osip_list_eol (&msg->www_authenticates, pos))
                    osip_www_authenticate_t* auth;
                    auth = (osip_www_authenticate_t *) osip_list_get (&msg->www_authenticates, pos);
                    realm = string(auth->realm);
                    nonce = string(auth->nonce);
            string quato("\"");

            string uac_ip = _local_ip_str_;
            string uac_listen_port_str = _local_port_str_;
            string local_dev_name = _dev_name_;
            string protocol = "UDP";

            string request_line;
            stringstream request_stream;
            request_stream<<"REGISTER sip:"<< remote_dev_name<<"@"<< uas_ip<<":"<< uas_listen_port_str<<" SIP/2.0\r\n";
            request_line = request_stream.str();

            string via_header;
            string randnum = _RandomNum();
            via_branch_num = randnum;
            via_header = "Via: SIP/2.0/"+protocol+" "+uac_ip+":"+uac_listen_port_str+";rport;branch=z9hG4bK"+randnum+"\r\n";

            string to_header;
            stringstream stream_to_header;
            stream_to_header << "To: <sip:" << local_dev_name << "@" << uac_ip << ":" << uac_listen_port_str<<">\r\n";
            to_header = stream_to_header.str();

            string from_header;
            string from_tag = string("tag=") + from_tag_num;
            stringstream stream_from_header;
            stream_from_header<< "From: <sip:"<< local_dev_name <<"@"<<uac_ip << ":" << uac_listen_port_str<<">;"<< from_tag<<"\r\n";
            from_header = stream_from_header.str();

            string call_id_header = string("Call-ID: " + call_id_num + "\r\n");
            string cseq_header = string("CSeq: 2 REGISTER\r\n");

            string contact_header;
            stringstream stream_contact_header;
            stream_contact_header<<"Contact: <sip:" << local_dev_name << "@" << uac_ip << ":"<< uac_listen_port_str<<">\r\n";
            contact_header = stream_contact_header.str();

            string uri = quato +"sip:"  + remote_dev_name+ "@"+  uas_ip+":"+uas_listen_port_str + quato;
            string response = _RegisterMd5( local_dev_name, realm, local_dev_passwd_str, 
                    uri, nonce);

            string au_header;
            au_header = "Authorization: Digest username="******",realm="+ realm +",nonce=" +  nonce  
                + ",uri=" + uri + ",response="+ quato + 
                response + quato+",algorithm=MD5\r\n";
            string forwords = string("Max-Forwards: 70\r\n");
            string expires = string("Expires: 3600\r\n");
            string contentlenth = string("Content-Length: 0\r\n");
            string cflr = string("\r\n");

            string sip_msg_str = request_line + via_header + to_header + from_header
                + call_id_header + cseq_header  + contact_header +au_header +  forwords 
                + expires + contentlenth + cflr;
#ifdef DEBUG
            cout<<"check Re Au:"<<endl;
            size_t sip_len = sip_msg_str.length();
            char* sip_msg_c = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* sip_len);
            memcpy( sip_msg_c, sip_msg_str.c_str(), sip_len);
            *rtmeg = sip_msg_c;
            *rtlen = sip_len;
