int quickSelect(vector<int>& nums, int lo, int hi, int kth) {
        if (lo == hi) {
            return nums[lo];
        if (lo + 1 == hi) {
            int smaller = nums[lo] < nums[hi] ? nums[lo] : nums[hi];
            int larger  = nums[lo] > nums[hi] ? nums[lo] : nums[hi];
            return (kth == lo ? smaller : larger);
        //CAUTION: Choosing first element as pivot is bad for sorted or reverse sorted data
        int pivot = nums[lo];
        int plhs=lo+1, prhs=hi;

        while (1) {
            while (nums[plhs] < pivot) {
                if (plhs == hi) break;
            while (nums[prhs] > nums[lo]) {
                if (prhs == lo) break;
            if (plhs >= prhs) break;
            std::swap(nums[plhs++], nums[prhs--]);
        std::swap(nums[lo], nums[prhs]);
        if (kth == prhs) return nums[prhs];
        if (kth > prhs) return quickSelect(nums, prhs+1, hi, kth);
        return quickSelect(nums, lo, prhs-1, kth);
Exemplo n.º 2
    int quickSelect(vector<int>& nums, int lo, int hi, int kth) {
        if (lo == hi) {
            assert(kth == lo);
            return (nums[lo]);

        int pivotind = (rand() % (hi - lo + 1)) + lo;
        std::swap(nums[lo], nums[pivotind]);

        int lp = lo+1;
        int hp = hi;
        int pivot = nums[lo];

        while (lp <= hp) {
            while (nums[lp] <= pivot) lp++;
            while (nums[hp] > pivot) hp--;
            if (lp > hp) break;
            if (lp <= hi) {
                std::swap(nums[lp], nums[hp]);
                lp++; hp--;
        std::swap(nums[lo], nums[hp]);

        //hp is the pivot

        if (kth == hp) { return nums[hp]; }
        if (kth < hp) {
            return quickSelect(nums, lo, hp-1, kth);
        return quickSelect(nums, hp+1, hi, kth);//(kth - (hp-lo+1)));
 int quickSelect(vector<int> &nums, int begin, int end, const int &k){
     if(begin > end) return INT_MAX;
     int idx = partition(nums, begin, end);
     if(idx - begin + 1 == k) return nums[idx];
     else if(idx - begin + 1 < k) return quickSelect(nums, idx + 1, end, k - idx + begin - 1);
     return quickSelect(nums, begin, idx - 1, k);
Exemplo n.º 4
void quickSelect( vector<Comparable> & a, int left, int right, int k )
if( left + 10 <= right )
    Comparable pivot = median3( a, left, right );

        // Begin partitioning
    int i = left, j = right - 1;
    for( ; ; )
        while( a[ ++i ] < pivot ) { }
        while( pivot < a[ --j ] ) { }
        if( i < j )
            swap( a[ i ], a[ j ] );

    swap( a[ i ], a[ right - 1 ] );  // Restore pivot

        // Recurse; only this part changes
    if( k <= i )
        quickSelect( a, left, i - 1, k );
    else if( k > i + 1 )
        quickSelect( a, i + 1, right, k );
else  // Do an insertion sort on the subarray
    insertionSort( a, left, right );
Exemplo n.º 5
 // note this return index rather than value
 int quickSelect(vector<int>& nums, int p, int r, int k) {
     int q = partition(nums, p, r);
     if (k == q-p) {
         return q;
     } else if (k < q-p) {
         return quickSelect(nums, p, q-1, k);
     } else {
         return quickSelect(nums, q+1, r, k-(q-p+1));
Exemplo n.º 6
int quickSelect(int* a, int l, int r, int k) {
  if (l==r)
    return a[l];
  int p=partitionate(a,l,r,k);
  if (k-1==p)
    return a[p];
  else if (k-1<p)
    return quickSelect(a,l,p-1,k);
    return quickSelect(a,p+1,r,k);
 int quickSelect(vector<int>& nums, int left, int right,int k)
     // 1 2-- 21 ..
     if(left==right&&k==1) return nums[left];
     if(left>right) return -1;
     int p=partition(nums, left, right);
     if(right-p==k-1) return nums[p];
     return quickSelect(nums, p+1 ,right, k); 
     else return quickSelect(nums, left, p-1, k-(right-p+1));
Exemplo n.º 8
void quickSelect(int a[],int l,int r,int rank)
	int i=l,j=r,mid=a[(l+r)/2];
Exemplo n.º 9
bool DemoApp::camMouseReleased( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id )
	if (mTrayMgr->injectMouseUp(arg, id))
		return true;

	switch (id)
		case OIS::MB_Left:
				// If visible set to invisible
					mSelecting = false;
			case OIS::MB_Right:

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
void main() {
  int a[5]={4,2,7,6,1};
  int n=5;
  int i=5;
  int x=quickSelect(a,0,n,i);
  printf("The nr %i min element of the array is %i.",i,x);
Exemplo n.º 11
 int quickSelect(int start, int end, vector<int>& nums, int lessNum)
     int mid = (start + end) / 2;
     int pivot = nums[mid];
     int l = start;
     int r = end;
     while( true )
         while(nums[l] < pivot && l < nums.size())
         while(nums[r] >= pivot && r >= 0)
         if(l > r)
         swap(nums, l, r);
     /*Doing this in case the pivot is the minimum or maximum element of the array*/
     if( l <= mid)
         swap(nums, l, mid);
         swap(nums, r, mid);
     if(l == lessNum)
         return pivot;
     else if(l < lessNum)
         return quickSelect(l+1, end, nums, lessNum);    
         return quickSelect(start, l-1, nums, lessNum);
Exemplo n.º 12
 vector<int> majorityElement(vector<int>& nums) {
     if (nums.size() <=1) { return nums;}
     if (nums.size() == 2) {
         if (nums[0] == nums[1]) return vector<int>(1, nums[0]);
         else return nums;
     int n = nums.size();
     int posnby3  = n/3   + ((n%3) ? 1 : 0);
     int posn2by3 = 2*n/3 + (((2*n)%3) ? 1 : 0);
     int nby3  = quickSelect(nums, 0, nums.size()-1, posnby3 - 1);
     int n2by3 = quickSelect(nums, 0, nums.size()-1, posn2by3 - 1);
     int cnby3  = std::count(nums.begin(), nums.end(), nby3);
     int cn2by3 = std::count(nums.begin(), nums.end(), n2by3);
     vector<int> retval;
     if (cnby3 > (nums.size()/3)) { retval.push_back(nby3);}
     if (cn2by3 > (nums.size()/3) && nby3 != n2by3) { retval.push_back(n2by3);}
     return retval;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @param nums: A list of integers.
  * @return: An integer denotes the middle number of the array.
 int median(vector<int> &nums) {
     // write your code here
     // brute force
     // sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
     // return nums[(nums.size()-1) / 2];
     return quickSelect(0, nums.size()-1, nums, (nums.size()-1)/2);
Exemplo n.º 14
// Quick select algorithm: find k th smallest number in the sub-array[l..r]
int quickSelect(int *arr, const int &l, const int &r, const int &k) {

    const int n = r - l + 1;
    // if k is out of range, throw exception
    if (k <= 0 || n < k)
        throw std::invalid_argument("invalid k-th");

    int pivot_i = l + rand() % n; // random pick up a pivot

    // partition arr[l..r] around pivot
    int pos = partition(arr, l, r, pivot_i);

    if (pos - l + 1 == k)     // if the pos is the kth number, return it   
        return arr[pos];
    else if (pos - l + 1 > k) // if position is more than kth, find kth within left sub-array 
        return quickSelect(arr, l, pos - 1, k);
    else                      // if position is less than kth, find kth within right sub-array  
        return quickSelect(arr, pos + 1, r, k - pos + l - 1);
Exemplo n.º 15
 int quickSelect(vector<int> &a, int l, int r, int k)
     if(l == r)  return a[k];
     int pivot = a[l];
     int i = l + 1;
     int j = r;
     while(i <= j)
         while(i <= j && a[i] < pivot)   ++i;
         while(i <= j && a[j] > pivot)   --j;
         if(i <= j)
             swap(a[i++], a[j--]);
     swap(a[j], a[l]);
     if(j == k)  return a[k];
     else if(j < k)  return quickSelect(a, j + 1, r, k);
     else    return quickSelect(a, l, j - 1, k);
Exemplo n.º 16
/* Perform running median filtering */
static void medianFilter
    REAL    *x,     /* Input signal */
    REAL    *m,     /* Output signal buffer */
    REAL    *xic,   /* Initial condition */
    REAL    *xfc,   /* Final condition */
    long    N,      /* Size of input signal */
    long    W,      /* Size of sliding window (odd) W = 2*W2+1*/
    long    W2      /* W2 in above */
    long i, k, idx;

    REAL *w;
    w = (REAL *)mxCalloc(W, sizeof(REAL));   /* Allocate sliding window */

    for (i = 0; i < N; i ++)
        /* Fill up the sliding window */
        for (k = 0; k < W; k++)
            idx = i - W2 + k;

            if (idx < 0)
                /* Need to get values from the initial condition vector */
                w[k] = xic[W2 + idx];
            else if (idx >= N)
                /* Need to get values from the final condition vector */
                w[k] = xfc[idx - N];
                w[k] = x[idx];

        /* Select the median of the sliding window */
        m[i] = quickSelect(w, W);

    /* Clean up */
Exemplo n.º 17
    void wiggleSort(vector<int>& nums) {
        int n = nums.size();
        if (n <= 1) {

        int p = quickSelect(nums, 0, n-1, (n+1)/2);
        swap(nums[p], nums[n-1]);
        partition(nums, 0, n-1);
        p = (n+1) / 2;

        // Note: this is not in-place
        vector<int> dup = nums;
        int i = 0, j = p, k = 0;
        while (i < p && j < n) {
            nums[k++] = dup[i++];
            nums[k++] = dup[j++];
        if (i < p) {
            nums[k++] = dup[i++];
Exemplo n.º 18
//Returns the lower median
int64_t get_median(int64_t* vector)

	if (g_existCalcs[arg1].medianFlag == 1)
		return g_existCalcs[arg1].median;
	g_existCalcs[arg1].medianFlag = 1;

	//Median of a uniform vector is any value in it - as it equals the lower median
	if (g_length == 1 || g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == UNIFORM)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].median = vector[0];
		return vector[0];

	//Calculate middle index
	int64_t n = g_length/2;
	if (g_length % 2 == 0)
		n = g_length/2 - 1;

	//Median of sorted vectors is simply at n
	if (g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == UP || g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == SEQUP || 
			g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == PRIME)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].median = vector[n];
		return vector[n];
	else if (g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == DOWN || g_vec_properties[arg1][0] == SEQDOWN)
		g_existCalcs[arg1].median = vector[n-1];
		return vector[n-1];

	int64_t * result = vector;

	int64_t median = quickSelect(result, 0, g_length, n);
	g_existCalcs[arg1].median = median;
	return median;
Exemplo n.º 19
 virtual Pixel compute()
   return static_cast<Pixel>( quickSelect(pixelValues) );
Exemplo n.º 20
void Gear_MedianFilter::runVideo()
  _image = _VIDEO_IN->type();
  if (_image->isNull())

  _outImage = _VIDEO_OUT->type();
  _outImage->resize(_image->width(), _image->height());
  _sizeY = _image->height();
  _sizeX = _image->width();

  _data = (unsigned char*)_image->data();    
  _outData = (unsigned char*)_outImage->data();

  _medianSize = (int) CLAMP((int)_AMOUNT_IN->type()->value(), 0, 7);


  for (int y=0;y<_sizeY;y++)
    for (int x=0;x<_sizeX;x++)
      _x1 = x - _medianSize;
      _x2 = x + _medianSize;
      _y1 = y - _medianSize;
      _y2 = y + _medianSize;

      _x1 = CLAMP(_x1,0,_sizeX-1);
      _x2 = CLAMP(_x2,0,_sizeX-1);
      _y1 = CLAMP(_y1,0,_sizeY-1);
      _y2 = CLAMP(_y2,0,_sizeY-1);
//       if (_x1 < 0)_x1 = 0;
//       if (_x2 < 0)_x2 = 0;
//       if (_y1 < 0)_y1 = 0;
//       if (_y2 < 0)_y2 = 0;

//       if (_x1 >= _sizeX)_x1 = _sizeX-1;
//       if (_x2 >= _sizeX)_x2 = _sizeX-1;
//       if (_y1 >= _sizeY)_y1 = _sizeY-1;
//       if (_y2 >= _sizeY)_y2 = _sizeY-1;

      int nCols = _y2-_y1+1;
      int nRows = _x2-_x1+1;
      int nextRow = (_sizeX-nCols)*4;
      unsigned char *startIterData = _data + (_y1*_sizeX+_x1)*4;

      for (int z=0; z<4; ++z)
        _iterMedianSelect = _medianSelect;
          _iterData = startIterData + z;
          for (int ySub=_y1; ySub<=_y2; ++ySub)
            for (int xSub=_x1; xSub<=_x2; ++xSub)
              *_iterMedianSelect++ = *_iterData;
            _iterData += nextRow;
        *_outData++ = quickSelect(_medianSelect, nRows*nCols);



Exemplo n.º 21
  * @param nums: A list of integers.
  * @return: An integer denotes the middle number of the array.
 int median(vector<int> &nums) {
     // write your code here
     if(nums.empty())    return 0;
     int length = nums.size();
     return quickSelect(nums, 0, length - 1, (length - 1) / 2);
Exemplo n.º 22
 int findKthLargest(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
     return quickSelect(nums, 0, nums.size()-1, nums.size()-k);
Exemplo n.º 23
int quick_select(int a[],int n,int k)
	return a[k-1];
 int findKthLargest(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
     return quickSelect(nums, 0, nums.size() - 1, k);