int main(){ int A1, A2, w0, w1; int R; time_t t; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); // A1 = rand() % lim + 1; // A2 = rand() % lim + 1; // w0 = rand() % lim2 + 1; // w1 = rand() % lim2 + 1; A1 = 150; A2 = 250; w0 = 25; w1 = 50; R = 250; writeSample("./data/sig1.dat", A1, w0, R); plot("./data/sig1.dat",1,"Signal 1"); writeSample("./data/sig2.dat", A2, w1, R); plot("./data/sig2.dat",1, "Signal 2"); printf("Actual f for Signal 1: %lf\n",w0/6.283); printf("Observed f for Signal 1: %lf\n", freq("./data/sig1.dat",R)); printf("\nActual f for Signal 2: %lf\n",w1/6.283); printf("Observed f for Signal 2: %lf\n", freq("./data/sig2.dat",R)); rFile(A1,w0,1000,3000); return 0; }
static bool compare_files_internal(const char* filename_1, const char* filename_2) { std::ifstream lFile(filename_1, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); std::ifstream rFile(filename_2, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!lFile.good() || !rFile.good()) { return false; } std::streamsize lReadBytesCount = 0; std::streamsize rReadBytesCount = 0; const int bufferSize = 100; char p_lBuffer[bufferSize]; char p_rBuffer[bufferSize]; do {, bufferSize);, bufferSize); lReadBytesCount = lFile.gcount(); rReadBytesCount = rFile.gcount(); if (lReadBytesCount != rReadBytesCount || std::memcmp(p_lBuffer, p_rBuffer, lReadBytesCount) != 0) { return false; } } while (lFile.good() || rFile.good()); return true; }
/// helper function to test writing into output file bool isFilesEqual(const char* lFilePath, const char* rFilePath) { std::ifstream lFile(lFilePath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); std::ifstream rFile(rFilePath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!lFile.good() || !rFile.good()) return false; std::streamsize lReadBytesCount = 0; std::streamsize rReadBytesCount = 0; int bufferSize = 8192; char* p_lBuffer = new char[bufferSize]; char* p_rBuffer = new char[bufferSize]; do {, bufferSize);, bufferSize); lReadBytesCount = lFile.gcount(); rReadBytesCount = rFile.gcount(); if (lReadBytesCount != rReadBytesCount || std::memcmp(p_lBuffer, p_rBuffer, (size_t)lReadBytesCount) != 0) { delete[] p_lBuffer; delete[] p_rBuffer; return false; } } while (lFile.good() || rFile.good()); delete[] p_lBuffer; delete[] p_rBuffer; return true; }
void main(){ int over = 1; WORD* oneword = NULL; // output stream pointer stream = fopen("e:\\newoutput.txt", "w+"); //WORD* oneword = new WORD; printf("Enter Your words(end with #))"); // read the source code into buffer , end with # , multiline is avaliable // scanf("%[^#]s", input); rFile(); p_input = 0; printf("Your words:\n%s\n", p); // analysis the source code end with # while(over<1000 && over!=-1){ // get a new word oneword = scanner(); if(oneword->typenum < 1000){ // print the typenum and word fprintf(stream, "(%d, %s)\n", oneword->typenum, oneword->word); } over = oneword->typenum; } printf("\npress # to exit:"); scanf("%[^#]s", input); fclose(stream); free(p); }
int fileParse(int argc,char* argv[]){ if (argc!=5) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " " << argv[1] <<" <language> <input-file> <output-file>" << std::endl; return -1; } std::ifstream rFile(argv[3]); std::ofstream wFile(argv[4]); if (!rFile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Could not open input file" << std::endl; return -1; } if (!wFile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Could not open output file" << std::endl; return -1; } char c = 0; while (rFile.get(c)) { if (c!= '$') wFile.put(c); else { if (rFile.get(c) && c == '<') if (rFile.get(c) && c == 'L') if (rFile.get(c) && c == 'A') if (rFile.get(c) && c == 'N') if (rFile.get(c) && c == 'G') { std::string input; while (rFile.get(c) && c != '>') { input += c; } Parser parser; std::string output; try{ output = parser.parse(argv[2],input); } catch(ParseException& e){ std::cerr << e; return -1; } wFile << output; }else wFile << "$<LAN" << c; else wFile << "$<LA" << c; else wFile << "$<L" << c; else wFile << "$<" << c; else wFile << "$" << c; } } return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[ ], char *env[]) { int n; char* result; char ** myargv; char line[MAX], ans[MAX]; int x , y; if (argc < 3){ printf("Usage : client ServerName SeverPort\n"); exit(1); } client_init(argv); printf("******** processing loop *********\n"); while (1){ printf("CMD: "); bzero(line, MAX); // zero out line[ ] fgets(line, MAX, stdin); // get a line (end with \n) from stdin line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; // kill \n at end if (line[0]!=0) // exit if NULL line { if ( !strcmp( line , "quit") ){ exit(0);} if ( line[0] == 'l' && line[1] != 's' ) // Local command? { printf("Local command! %s\n" , &line[1]); myargv = getInput(&line[1]); runLocal(myargv, env); bzero(line, MAX); } else if(line[0] != '0'){ // Send ENTIRE line to server n = write(sock, line, MAX); printf("client: wrote n=%d bytes; line=(%s)\n", n, line); myargv = getInput(line); pArgv(myargv); if( !strcmp(myargv[0], "get" ) ) { wFile(sock, myargv[1]); } else if( !strcmp(myargv[0], "put") ){ rFile(sock, myargv[1]); } else{ // Read from sock and print till end command is received while( strcmp(line, "END STREAM") ) { n = read(sock, line , MAX); printf("%s\n" , line); } } } } } }
ApolloStoryProducer :: ApolloStoryProducer (string dir) { ifstream rFile(dir+string("/task_info.json")); if (!rFile) { cout << "task_info.json does not exist." << endl; candidate = false; return; } string line; getline (rFile, line); Reader reader; Value metaData; reader.parse(line, metaData); Value query = metaData["query"]; Value analysisType = query["analysis_types"]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<analysisType.size(); i++) { if (analysisType[i].asString() == string("Diversity")) { candidate = true; break; } } Name nRoot = Name("Apollo"); nRoot.append(Name(query["dataset"].asString())); this->storyName = query["dataset"].asString(); this->producer = new InfoMaxProducer(nRoot); vector<Name> nameList; vector<Data> dataList; string subdir = string(dir+string("/analysis/Diversity")); if (readDirintoNameAndData(subdir, &nameList, &dataList)) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<nameList.size(); i++) { producer->add(nameList[i], dataList[i]); } } if (!candidate) { cout << "This folder doesn't have Diversity folder." << endl; candidate = false; return; } }
void treeFromAscii(const char* filen) { // Read data from an ascii file and create a root file with a tree std::string rFile( filen ) ; rFile += ".root" ; TFile *f = new TFile( rFile.c_str() ,"RECREATE"); TTree* ntuple = new TTree("ntuple","") ; ntuple->ReadFile( filen ) ; f->Write() ; f->Close() ; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns true, if the filename is part of the archive. bool Q3BSPZipArchive::Exists(const char* pFile) const { ai_assert(pFile != NULL); bool exist = false; if (pFile != NULL) { std::string rFile(pFile); std::map<std::string, ZipFile*>::const_iterator it = m_ArchiveMap.find(rFile); if(it != m_ArchiveMap.end()) { exist = true; } } return exist; }
int main (){ std::ifstream rFile("1-string-stream.txt"); std::map<std::string,int> word_count; std::set<std::string> exclude_word = {"a","an","the","The","or","of","on","On"}; read_text(rFile, word_count, exclude_word); std::ofstream wFile("output.txt"); display(word_count, wFile); return 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns true, if the filename is part of the archive. bool Q3BSPZipArchive::Exists( const char* pFile ) const { ai_assert( NULL != pFile ); if ( NULL == pFile ) { return false; } std::string rFile( pFile ); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find( m_FileList.begin(), m_FileList.end(), rFile ); if ( m_FileList.end() == it ) { return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "cstester", 0, KLocalizedString(), 0, KLocalizedString()); KCmdLineOptions options; options.add("create", ki18n("create verification data for file")); options.add("indir <dir>", ki18n("directory to read the data from")); options.add("outdir <dir>", ki18n("directory to save the data to")); options.add("roundtrip", ki18n("load/save/load and check the document is the same after load and save/load")); options.add("verbose", ki18n("be verbose")); options.add("!verify", ki18n("verify the file")); options.add( "+file", ki18n("file to use")); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); QApplication app(argc, argv); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); bool create = false; bool roundtrip = false; bool verify = false; int optionCount = 0; if (args->isSet("create")) { create = true; optionCount++; } if (args->isSet("roundtrip")) { roundtrip = true; optionCount++; } if (args->isSet("verify")) { verify = true; optionCount++; } if (optionCount > 1) { kError() << "create, roundtrip and verify cannot be used the same time"; exit(1); } else if (optionCount < 1) { kError() << "one of the options create, roundtrip or verify needs to be specified"; exit(1); } QString outDir; if (args->isSet("outdir")) { // check if it is a directory QDir dir(args->getOption("outdir")); if (!dir.exists()) { kError() << "outdir" << args->getOption("outdir") << "does not exist"; exit(1); } outDir = dir.path(); } QString inDir; if (args->isSet("indir")) { // check if it is a directory QDir dir(args->getOption("indir")); if (!dir.exists()) { kError() << "indir" << args->getOption("indir") << "does not exist"; exit(1); } inDir = dir.path(); } bool verbose = args->isSet("verbose"); int exitValue = 0; int successful = 0; int failed = 0; for (int i=0; i < args->count(); ++i) { QString filename(args->arg(i)); QFileInfo file(filename); QString checkDir; if (!args->isSet("indir")) { checkDir = filename + ".check"; } else { checkDir = inDir + '/' + file.fileName() + ".check"; } // this is wrong for multiple files in different dirs if (!args->isSet("outdir")) { outDir = file.path(); } qDebug() << "filename" << filename << "path" << file.path() << file.completeBaseName() << checkDir << file.absoluteFilePath(); qDebug() << "inDir" << inDir << "outDir" << outDir << "checkDir" << checkDir; // filename must be a absolute path KoDocument* document = openFile(file.absoluteFilePath()); if (!document) { exit(2); } QList<QImage> thumbnails(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800))); qDebug() << "created" << thumbnails.size() << "thumbnails"; if (create) { saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir); } else if (verify) { if (args->isSet("outdir")) { saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir); } if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, checkDir, verbose)) { ++successful; } else { ++failed; exitValue = 2; } } else if (roundtrip) { QString rFilename = saveFile(document, filename, "cstester-roundtrip"); delete document; QFileInfo rFile(rFilename); qDebug() << roundtrip << "rFilename" << rFilename << rFile.absoluteFilePath(); document = openFile(rFile.absoluteFilePath()); QList<QImage> others(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800))); if (args->isSet("outdir")) { saveThumbnails(file, others, outDir); saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir + "/before"); } if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, others, verbose)) { ++successful; } else { ++failed; exitValue = 2; } } delete document; } if (verify || roundtrip) { qDebug() << "Totals:" << successful << "passed" << failed << "failed"; } QTimer::singleShot(1, &app, SLOT(quit())); app.exec(); return exitValue; }
int CGenethonDoc::ReadGenbankFile( CPtrList *CommentList, CPtrList *SequenceList, const char * PathName ) { // Determine File Type. CString LOCUS; CString DEFINITION; CString ACCESSION; CString NID; CString PID; CString Trans; CString Origin; TRY { CString tString; SeqNameStruct *tSNS; int i; CStdioFile rFile(PathName, CFile::modeRead ); int EOFFLAG = 0; int gettingorigin = 0; int gettingtrans = 0; int Loc; // Now we are looking for data do { // clear out temp string. tString.Empty(); char *tStr = tString.GetBuffer(1024); if ( rFile.ReadString( tStr, 1024 ) == NULL ) { // Done .. break out EOFFLAG = 1; } tString.ReleaseBuffer(); tString = tString.SpanExcluding("\n\r"); if ( !tString.GetLength() ) continue; if ( gettingtrans == 1 ) { Trans += tString; if ( Trans.Find( "\"" ) != -1 ) { gettingtrans = 0; } } else if ( gettingorigin == 1 ) { if ( Trans.Find( "//" ) != -1 ) { gettingorigin = 0; } else { Origin += tString; } } if ( tString.Find("LOCUS") != -1 ) { char *pc = LOCUS.GetBuffer(128); sscanf( (const char *)tString.Mid( 12 ), "%s", pc ); LOCUS.ReleaseBuffer(); } else if ( tString.Find("DEFINITION") != -1 ) { DEFINITION = tString.Mid( 12 ); } else if ( tString.Find("ACCESSION") != -1 ) { char *pc = ACCESSION.GetBuffer(128); sscanf( (const char *)tString.Mid( 12 ), "%s", pc ); ACCESSION.ReleaseBuffer(); } else if ( tString.Find("NID") != -1 ) { char *pc = NID.GetBuffer(128); sscanf( (const char *)tString.Mid( 12 ), "%s", pc ); NID.ReleaseBuffer(); } else if ( tString.Find("PID") != -1 ) { char *pc = PID.GetBuffer(128); sscanf( (const char *)tString.Mid( 12 ), "%s", pc ); PID.ReleaseBuffer(); } else if ( (Loc = tString.Find("/translation=")) != -1 ) { Trans = tString.Mid( Loc + 14 ); if ( Trans.Find( "\"" ) == -1 ) { gettingtrans = 1; } } else if ( (Loc = tString.Find("ORIGIN")) != -1 ) { gettingorigin = 1; } // Loop until end of file now. } while ( EOFFLAG == 0 ); rFile.Close(); gMaxStrSize = 0; CGenbank Dlg; Dlg.LOCUS = LOCUS; Dlg.ACCESSION = ACCESSION; Dlg.NID = NID; Dlg.PID = PID; if ( Dlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) return 0; tSNS = new SeqNameStruct; switch (Dlg.m_Locus) { case 0: tSNS->Name = LOCUS; break; case 1: tSNS->Name = ACCESSION; break; case 2: tSNS->Name = NID; break; case 3: tSNS->Name = PID; break; } // Lets check if name exists .. POSITION tPos = SequenceList->GetHeadPosition(); while ( tPos != NULL ) { SeqNameStruct* tSNS1 = (SeqNameStruct*)SequenceList->GetNext(tPos); if ( CString(tSNS1->Name) == tSNS->Name ) { char ErrBuff[256]; sprintf ( ErrBuff, "Sequence Name Duplicate Found!: %s", (const char *)tSNS->Name ); delete tSNS; AfxMessageBox( ErrBuff ); return 0; } } tSNS->Descr = DEFINITION; tSNS->Len = 0; tSNS->Start = 1; tSNS->Check = 1234; tSNS->Weight = 1.0; CString *data; switch ( Dlg.m_Trans ) { case 0: data = &Trans; break; case 1: data = &Origin; break; } CString dString; i = 0; int End = data->GetLength(); while ( i < End ) { char tChar = toupper((*data)[i]); if ( tChar >= 'A' && tChar <= 'Z' ) dString += (*data)[i]; i++; } if ( dString.GetLength() ) { tSNS->Len = dString.GetLength(); tSNS->hText = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FLAG, tSNS->Len); char *pRes = (char *)GlobalLock(tSNS->hText); char *pnRes = dString.GetBuffer(tSNS->Len); int MoveCount = tSNS->Len; while (MoveCount--) { *pRes++ = *pnRes++; } GlobalUnlock(tSNS->hText); dString.ReleaseBuffer(); } gMaxStrSize = tSNS->Len; if ( gMaxStrSize == 0 ) { AfxMessageBox("TEXT Data not Found"); return 0; } SequenceList->AddTail( tSNS ); } CATCH (CFileException, e ) { if( e->m_cause == CFileException::fileNotFound ) AfxMessageBox( "File Not Found Error" ); else AfxMessageBox( "File Error" ); return 0; } AND_CATCH (CMemoryException, e ) { AfxMessageBox( "Memory Exception" ); return 0; }