Exemplo n.º 1
// Calculates rates of growth, mortality and fecundity for individual with size m. Memory for GMR[5] must be allocated elsewhere
// Env[] contains estimates of light environment  at different depths in the canopy used in calculating production.
void Strategy::Grow_Mort_Repro(vector<double>& GMR, double m, const double Env[], double t) {
	GMR[3]    = Production(Env, m);		// GPP
	GMR[6]    = Respiration(m);				// Maintenance respiration
	GMR[4]    = (*p).Y * (GMR[3] - GMR[6]);	// NPP
	GMR[5]    = Turnover(m);				// Tissue turnover
	double dmdt = GMR[4] - GMR[5];			// NET PRODUCTION

	GMR[0] = (1 - r_alloc(m)) / dTotalMass_dm(m) * max(0.0, dmdt); // GROWTH   - only positive growth allowed
	GMR[1] = mortality(dmdt, m);								// MORTALITY
	GMR[2] = (*p).Pi_0 * (max(0.0, dmdt) * r_alloc(m)) / ((*p).c_acc * total_mass_at_birth); // REPRODUCTION

// Check for NaN in mortality
	if ((!(GMR[1] >= 0) && !(GMR[1] < 0)))
		cout << "Mort " << lma << "\t" << GMR[1] << "\t" << dmdt << "\t" << m << "\t" << LfAr(m) << "\t" << dmdt / LfAr(m) << "\t" << exp((*p).c_d1 * rho + (*p).c_d2 * dmdt / LfAr(m)) << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
 *	Vm_CopyValid.  Copy a variable's valid structure
 *	return FAIL if out of pooled memory.  If you
 *	pass NULL for pool, then it's ok to ignore 
 *	the return code (because tae_alloc always
 *	returns with memory or aborts).
    FUNCTION CODE Vm_CopyValid(

    FUNINT		type,		/* in: variable type		*/
    GENPTR		in,		/* in: valid structure		*/
    GENPTR		out,		/* out: valid structure 	*/
    GENPTR		pool		/* in: NULL for tae_allocation  */
					/* or pool for r_allocation     */

    FAST struct R_VALID *vin, *vout;	/* use any type to get count	*/
    struct S_VALID *svalidIn;
    struct S_VALID *svalidOut;
    COUNT	i, length;
    TEXT	*s;			/* valid string pointer */

    vin = (struct R_VALID *)in;
    vout = (struct R_VALID *)out;
    bytmov (in, out, Vm_ValidSize (type, (*vin).count));
    (*vout).count = (*vin).count;
    if (type == V_STRING)
	svalidIn = (struct S_VALID *) vin;
	svalidOut = (struct S_VALID *) vout;
	for (i=0; i < (*svalidIn).count; i++)
	    length = s_length ((*svalidIn).slist[i].string);
	    if (pool)
		s = (TEXT *) r_alloc ((ALIGN *)pool, length+1);  /* pooled allocation */
		if (s == NULL)
		    return (FAIL);
		s = (TEXT *) tae_alloc (1, length+1);	/* free allocation */
	    s_copy ((*svalidIn).slist[i].string, s);
	    (*svalidOut).slist[i].string = s; 
Exemplo n.º 3
void r_hash_init(struct r_hash_table *ht, uint32_t order)
	R_PRE(order < 32);
	ht->ht_chain = r_alloc((1 << order) * sizeof ht->ht_chain[0]);
	ht->ht_order = order;