Exemplo n.º 1
R_API char *r_cons_hud(RList *list, const char *prompt) {
	int ch, nch, first, n, j, i = 0;
	int choose = 0;
	char *p, buf[128];
	RListIter *iter;
	char *match = NULL;
	void *pos;
	buf[0] = 0;
	r_cons_clear ();
	for (;;) {
		first = 1;
		r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
		n = 0;
		match = NULL;
		if (prompt && *prompt)
			r_cons_printf (">> %s\n", prompt);
		r_cons_printf ("> %s|\n", buf);
		r_list_foreach (list, iter, pos) {
			if (!buf[0] || strmatch (pos, buf)) {
				char *x = strchr (pos, '\t');
				// remove \t.*
				if (!choose || n>=choose) {
					if (x) *x = 0;
					p = strdup (pos);
					for (j=0; p[j]; j++) {
						if (strchr (buf, p[j]))
							p[j] = toupper ((unsigned char)p[j]);
					r_cons_printf (" %c %s\n", first?'-':' ', p);
					free (p);
					if (x) *x = '\t';
					if (first) match = pos;
					first = 0;
		r_cons_visual_flush ();
		ch = r_cons_readchar ();
		nch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
		if (nch == 'j' && ch != 'j') {
			if (choose+1 < n)
		} else if (nch == 'k' && ch != 'k') {
			if (choose>=0)
		} else
		switch (ch) {
		case 9: // \t
			if (choose+1 < n)
			else choose = 0;
		case 10: // \n
		case 13: // \r
			choose = 0;
	//		if (!*buf)
	//			return NULL;
			if (n >= 1) {
				//eprintf ("%s\n", buf);
				//i = buf[0] = 0;
				return strdup (match);
			} // no match!
		case 23: // ^w
			choose = 0;
			i = buf[0] = 0;
		case 0x1b: // ESC
			return NULL;
		case 8: // bs
		case 127: // bs
			choose = 0;
			if (i<1) return NULL;
			buf[--i] = 0;
			if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
				choose = 0;
				buf[i++] = ch;
				buf[i] = 0;
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Display a list of entries in the hud, filtered and emphasized based
// on the user input.
R_API char *r_cons_hud(RList *list, const char *prompt, const bool usecolor) {
	const int buf_size = 128;
	int ch, nch, first_line, current_entry_n, j, i = 0;
	char *p, *x, user_input[buf_size], mask[buf_size];
	int last_color_change, top_entry_n = 0;
	char *selected_entry = NULL;
	char tmp, last_mask = 0;
	void *current_entry;
	RListIter *iter;

	user_input[0] = 0;
	r_cons_clear ();
	// Repeat until the user exits the hud
	for (;;) {
		first_line = 1;
		r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
		current_entry_n = 0;
		selected_entry = NULL;
		if (prompt && *prompt)
			r_cons_printf (">> %s\n", prompt);
		r_cons_printf ("> %s|\n", user_input);
		// Iterate over each entry in the list
		r_list_foreach (list, iter, current_entry) {
			memset (mask, 0, buf_size);
			if (!user_input[0] || strmatch (current_entry, user_input, mask, buf_size)) {
				// if the user scrolled down the list, do not print the first entries
				if (!top_entry_n || current_entry_n >= top_entry_n) {
					// remove everything after a tab (in ??, it contains the commands)
					x = strchr (current_entry, '\t');
					if (x) *x = 0;
					p = strdup (current_entry);
					// if the filter is empty, print the entry and move on
					if (!user_input[0]) {
						r_cons_printf (" %c %s\n", first_line? '-': ' ', current_entry);
					} else {
						// otherwise we need to emphasize the matching part
						if (usecolor) {
							last_color_change = 0;
							last_mask = 0;
							r_cons_printf (" %c ", first_line? '-': ' ');
							// Instead of printing one char at the time
							// (which would be slow), we group substrings of the same color
							for (j = 0; p[j]; j++) {
								if (mask[j] != last_mask) {
									tmp = p[j];
									p[j] = 0;
									if (mask[j]) {
										r_cons_printf (Color_RESET"%s", p + last_color_change);
									} else {
										r_cons_printf (Color_GREEN"%s", p + last_color_change);
									p[j] = tmp;
									last_color_change = j;
									last_mask = mask[j];
							if (last_mask) {
								r_cons_printf (Color_GREEN"%s\n"Color_RESET, p + last_color_change);
							} else {
								r_cons_printf (Color_RESET"%s\n", p + last_color_change);
						} else {
							// Otherwise we print the matching characters uppercase
							for (j = 0; p[j]; j++) {
								if (mask[j])
									p[j] = toupper ((unsigned char)p[j]);
							r_cons_printf (" %c %s\n", first_line? '-': ' ', p);
					// Clean up and restore the tab character (if any)
					free (p);
					if (x) *x = '\t';
					if (first_line) 
						selected_entry = current_entry;
					first_line = 0;

		r_cons_visual_flush ();
		ch = r_cons_readchar ();
		nch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
		if (nch == 'j' && ch != 'j') {
			if (top_entry_n + 1 < current_entry_n)
		} else if (nch == 'k' && ch != 'k') {
			if (top_entry_n >= 0)
		} else switch (ch) {
			case 9: // \t
				if (top_entry_n + 1 < current_entry_n)
				else top_entry_n = 0;
			case 10: // \n
			case 13: // \r
				top_entry_n = 0;
				//		if (!*buf)
				//			return NULL;
				if (current_entry_n >= 1) {
					//eprintf ("%s\n", buf);
					//i = buf[0] = 0;
					return strdup (selected_entry);
				} // no match!
			case 23: // ^w
				top_entry_n = 0;
				i = user_input[0] = 0;
			case 0x1b: // ESC
				return NULL;
			case 8:   // bs
			case 127: // bs
				top_entry_n = 0;
				if (i < 1) return NULL;
				user_input[--i] = 0;
				if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
					if (i >= buf_size) {
					top_entry_n = 0;
					if (i + 1 >= buf_size) {
						// too many
					user_input[i++] = ch;
					user_input[i] = 0;