Exemplo n.º 1
glcpp_preprocess(void *ralloc_ctx, const char **shader, char **info_log,
                 glcpp_extension_iterator extensions, void *state,
                 struct gl_context *gl_ctx)
	int errors;
	glcpp_parser_t *parser =
		glcpp_parser_create(&gl_ctx->Extensions, extensions, state, gl_ctx->API);

	if (! gl_ctx->Const.DisableGLSLLineContinuations)
		*shader = remove_line_continuations(parser, *shader);

	glcpp_lex_set_source_string (parser, *shader);

	glcpp_parser_parse (parser);

	if (parser->skip_stack)
		glcpp_error (&parser->skip_stack->loc, parser, "Unterminated #if\n");


	ralloc_strcat(info_log, parser->info_log->buf);

	/* Crimp the buffer first, to conserve memory */

	ralloc_steal(ralloc_ctx, parser->output->buf);
	*shader = parser->output->buf;

	errors = parser->error;
	glcpp_parser_destroy (parser);
	return errors;
Exemplo n.º 2
   virtual ir_visitor_status visit_leave(ir_dereference_array *ir)
      ir_constant *index = ir->array_index->as_constant();
      int i;

      if (index) {
	 i = index->value.i[0];
      } else {
	 /* GLSL 1.10 and 1.20 allowed variable sampler array indices,
	  * while GLSL 1.30 requires that the array indices be
	  * constant integer expressions.  We don't expect any driver
	  * to actually work with a really variable array index, so
	  * all that would work would be an unrolled loop counter that ends
	  * up being constant above.
		       "warning: Variable sampler array index unsupported.\n"
		       "This feature of the language was removed in GLSL 1.20 "
		       "and is unlikely to be supported for 1.10 in Mesa.\n");
	 i = 0;
      if (ir != last) {
	 this->name = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s[%d]", name, i);
      } else {
	 offset = i;
      return visit_continue;
Exemplo n.º 3
extern "C" const unsigned *
brw_gs_emit(struct brw_context *brw,
            struct gl_shader_program *prog,
            struct brw_gs_compile *c,
            void *mem_ctx,
            unsigned *final_assembly_size)
   struct brw_shader *shader =
      (brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_GS)) {
      printf("GLSL IR for native geometry shader %d:\n", prog->Name);
      _mesa_print_ir(shader->ir, NULL);

   vec4_gs_visitor v(brw, c, prog, shader, mem_ctx);
   if (!v.run()) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, v.fail_msg);
      return NULL;

   vec4_generator g(brw, prog, &c->gp->program.Base, &c->prog_data.base,
                    mem_ctx, INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_GS);
   const unsigned *generated =
      g.generate_assembly(&v.instructions, final_assembly_size);

   return generated;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
shader_error(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_program *prog, const char *msg)
   struct gl_shader_program *shader;

   shader = _mesa_lookup_shader_program(ctx, prog->Id);

   if (shader) {
      ralloc_strcat(&shader->InfoLog, msg);
      shader->LinkStatus = GL_FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
extern "C" const unsigned *
brw_gs_emit(struct brw_context *brw,
            struct gl_shader_program *prog,
            struct brw_gs_compile *c,
            void *mem_ctx,
            unsigned *final_assembly_size)
   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_GS)) {
      struct brw_shader *shader =
         (brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];

      brw_dump_ir(brw, "geometry", prog, &shader->base, NULL);

   /* Compile the geometry shader in DUAL_OBJECT dispatch mode, if we can do
    * so without spilling. If the GS invocations count > 1, then we can't use
    * dual object mode.
   if (c->prog_data.invocations <= 1 &&
       likely(!(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_NO_DUAL_OBJECT_GS))) {
      c->prog_data.dual_instanced_dispatch = false;

      vec4_gs_visitor v(brw, c, prog, mem_ctx, true /* no_spills */);
      if (v.run()) {
         return generate_assembly(brw, prog, &c->gp->program.Base,
                                  &c->prog_data.base, mem_ctx, v.cfg,

   /* Either we failed to compile in DUAL_OBJECT mode (probably because it
    * would have required spilling) or DUAL_OBJECT mode is disabled.  So fall
    * back to DUAL_INSTANCED mode, which consumes fewer registers.
    * FIXME: In an ideal world we'd fall back to SINGLE mode, which would
    * allow us to interleave general purpose registers (resulting in even less
    * likelihood of spilling).  But at the moment, the vec4 generator and
    * visitor classes don't have the infrastructure to interleave general
    * purpose registers, so DUAL_INSTANCED is the best we can do.
   c->prog_data.dual_instanced_dispatch = true;

   vec4_gs_visitor v(brw, c, prog, mem_ctx, false /* no_spills */);
   if (!v.run()) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, v.fail_msg);
      return NULL;

   return generate_assembly(brw, prog, &c->gp->program.Base, &c->prog_data.base,
                            mem_ctx, v.cfg, final_assembly_size);
Exemplo n.º 6
glcpp_warning (YYLTYPE *locp, glcpp_parser_t *parser, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;

	ralloc_asprintf_append(&parser->info_log, "%u:%u(%u): "
						  "preprocessor warning: ",
	va_start(ap, fmt);
	ralloc_vasprintf_append(&parser->info_log, fmt, ap);
	ralloc_strcat(&parser->info_log, "\n");
Exemplo n.º 7
 * For GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects
_mesa_CreateShaderProgramEXT(GLenum type, const GLchar *string)
   const GLuint shader = create_shader(ctx, type);
   GLuint program = 0;

   if (shader) {
      shader_source(ctx, shader, _mesa_strdup(string));
      compile_shader(ctx, shader);

      program = create_shader_program(ctx);
      if (program) {
	 struct gl_shader_program *shProg;
	 struct gl_shader *sh;
	 GLint compiled = GL_FALSE;

	 shProg = _mesa_lookup_shader_program(ctx, program);
	 sh = _mesa_lookup_shader(ctx, shader);

	 get_shaderiv(ctx, shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);
	 if (compiled) {
	    attach_shader(ctx, program, shader);
	    link_program(ctx, program);
	    detach_shader(ctx, program, shader);

#if 0
	    /* Possibly... */
	    if (active-user-defined-varyings-in-linked-program) {
	       shProg->LinkStatus = GL_FALSE;

	 ralloc_strcat(&shProg->InfoLog, sh->InfoLog);

      delete_shader(ctx, shader);

   return program;
Exemplo n.º 8
preprocess(void *ralloc_ctx, const char **shader, char **info_log)
	int errors;
	glcpp_parser_t *parser = glcpp_parser_create ();
	*shader = remove_line_continuations(parser, *shader);

	glcpp_lex_set_source_string (parser, *shader);

	glcpp_parser_parse (parser);

	if (parser->skip_stack)
		glcpp_error (&parser->skip_stack->loc, parser, "Unterminated #if\n");

	ralloc_strcat(info_log, parser->info_log);

	*shader = ralloc_strdup(ralloc_ctx, parser->output);

	errors = parser->error;
	glcpp_parser_destroy (parser);
	return errors;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * All Mesa program -> GPU code generation goes through this function.
 * Depending on the instructions used (i.e. flow control instructions)
 * we'll use one of two code generators.
brw_codegen_wm_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct gl_shader_program *prog,
                    struct brw_fragment_program *fp,
                    struct brw_wm_prog_key *key)
   struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
   struct brw_wm_prog_data prog_data;
   const GLuint *program;
   struct brw_shader *fs = NULL;
   GLuint program_size;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   if (prog)
      fs = (struct brw_shader *)prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT];

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   /* Use ALT floating point mode for ARB programs so that 0^0 == 1. */
   if (!prog)
      prog_data.base.use_alt_mode = true;

   assign_fs_binding_table_offsets(brw->intelScreen->devinfo, prog,
                                   &fp->program.Base, key, &prog_data);

   /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
    * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
    * by the state cache.
   int param_count = fp->program.Base.nir->num_uniforms;
   if (fs)
      prog_data.base.nr_image_params = fs->base.NumImages;
   /* The backend also sometimes adds params for texture size. */
   param_count += 2 * ctx->Const.Program[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT].MaxTextureImageUnits;
   prog_data.base.param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.pull_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.image_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param,
   prog_data.base.nr_params = param_count;

   if (prog) {
      brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(fp->program.Base.nir, prog, &fp->program.Base,
                                  &prog_data.base, true);
   } else {
      brw_nir_setup_arb_uniforms(fp->program.Base.nir, &fp->program.Base,

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_WM))
      brw_dump_ir("fragment", prog, fs ? &fs->base : NULL, &fp->program.Base);

   int st_index8 = -1, st_index16 = -1;
      st_index8 = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &fp->program.Base, ST_FS8);
      st_index16 = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &fp->program.Base, ST_FS16);

   char *error_str = NULL;
   program = brw_compile_fs(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx,
                            key, &prog_data, fp->program.Base.nir,
                            &fp->program.Base, st_index8, st_index16,
                            brw->use_rep_send, &program_size, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      if (prog) {
         prog->LinkStatus = false;
         ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);

      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile fragment shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug) && fs) {
      if (fs->compiled_once)
         brw_wm_debug_recompile(brw, prog, key);
      fs->compiled_once = true;

      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("FS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);

   if (prog_data.base.total_scratch) {
      brw_get_scratch_bo(brw, &brw->wm.base.scratch_bo,
			 prog_data.base.total_scratch * brw->max_wm_threads);

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_WM))
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_FS_PROG,
		    key, sizeof(struct brw_wm_prog_key),
		    program, program_size,
		    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
		    &brw->wm.base.prog_offset, &brw->wm.prog_data);


   return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
static const unsigned *
brw_cs_emit(struct brw_context *brw,
            void *mem_ctx,
            const struct brw_cs_prog_key *key,
            struct brw_cs_prog_data *prog_data,
            struct gl_compute_program *cp,
            struct gl_shader_program *prog,
            unsigned *final_assembly_size)
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   struct brw_shader *shader =
      (struct brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
      brw_dump_ir("compute", prog, &shader->base, &cp->Base);

   prog_data->local_size[0] = cp->LocalSize[0];
   prog_data->local_size[1] = cp->LocalSize[1];
   prog_data->local_size[2] = cp->LocalSize[2];
   unsigned local_workgroup_size =
      cp->LocalSize[0] * cp->LocalSize[1] * cp->LocalSize[2];

   cfg_t *cfg = NULL;
   const char *fail_msg = NULL;

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &cp->Base, ST_CS);

   /* Now the main event: Visit the shader IR and generate our CS IR for it.
   fs_visitor v8(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw,
                 mem_ctx, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, key, &prog_data->base, prog,
                 &cp->Base, 8, st_index);
   if (!v8.run_cs()) {
      fail_msg = v8.fail_msg;
   } else if (local_workgroup_size <= 8 * brw->max_cs_threads) {
      cfg = v8.cfg;
      prog_data->simd_size = 8;

   fs_visitor v16(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw,
                  mem_ctx, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, key, &prog_data->base, prog,
                  &cp->Base, 16, st_index);
   if (likely(!(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_NO16)) &&
       !fail_msg && !v8.simd16_unsupported &&
       local_workgroup_size <= 16 * brw->max_cs_threads) {
      /* Try a SIMD16 compile */
      if (!v16.run_cs()) {
         perf_debug("SIMD16 shader failed to compile: %s", v16.fail_msg);
         if (!cfg) {
            fail_msg =
               "Couldn't generate SIMD16 program and not "
               "enough threads for SIMD8";
      } else {
         cfg = v16.cfg;
         prog_data->simd_size = 16;

   if (unlikely(cfg == NULL)) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, fail_msg);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile compute shader: %s\n",
      return NULL;

   fs_generator g(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw,
                  mem_ctx, (void*) key, &prog_data->base, &cp->Base,
                  v8.promoted_constants, v8.runtime_check_aads_emit, "CS");
      char *name = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s compute shader %d",
                                   prog->Label ? prog->Label : "unnamed",

   g.generate_code(cfg, prog_data->simd_size);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug) && shader) {
      if (shader->compiled_once) {
         _mesa_problem(&brw->ctx, "CS programs shouldn't need recompiles");
      shader->compiled_once = true;

      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("CS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);

   return g.get_assembly(final_assembly_size);
Exemplo n.º 11
static bool
brw_codegen_cs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct gl_shader_program *prog,
                    struct brw_compute_program *cp,
                    struct brw_cs_prog_key *key)
   struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
   const GLuint *program;
   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
   GLuint program_size;
   struct brw_cs_prog_data prog_data;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   struct brw_shader *cs =
      (struct brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
   assert (cs);

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   if (prog->Comp.SharedSize > 64 * 1024) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      const char *error_str =
         "Compute shader used more than 64KB of shared variables";
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to link compute shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;
   } else {
      prog_data.base.total_shared = prog->Comp.SharedSize;

   assign_cs_binding_table_offsets(brw->intelScreen->devinfo, prog,
                                   &cp->program.Base, &prog_data);

   /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
    * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
    * by the state cache.
   int param_count = cp->program.Base.nir->num_uniforms;

   /* The backend also sometimes adds params for texture size. */
   param_count += 2 * ctx->Const.Program[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE].MaxTextureImageUnits;
   prog_data.base.param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.pull_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.image_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param, cs->base.NumImages);
   prog_data.base.nr_params = param_count;
   prog_data.base.nr_image_params = cs->base.NumImages;

   brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(cp->program.Base.nir, prog, &cp->program.Base,
                               &prog_data.base, true);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
      brw_dump_ir("compute", prog, &cs->base, &cp->program.Base);

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &cp->program.Base, ST_CS);

   char *error_str;
   program = brw_compile_cs(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx,
                            key, &prog_data, cp->program.Base.nir,
                            st_index, &program_size, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile compute shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug) && cs) {
      if (cs->compiled_once) {
         _mesa_problem(&brw->ctx, "CS programs shouldn't need recompiles");
      cs->compiled_once = true;

      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("CS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);

   if (prog_data.base.total_scratch) {
      brw_get_scratch_bo(brw, &brw->cs.base.scratch_bo,
                         prog_data.base.total_scratch * brw->max_cs_threads);

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_CS_PROG,
                    key, sizeof(*key),
                    program, program_size,
                    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
                    &brw->cs.base.prog_offset, &brw->cs.prog_data);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
static bool
brw_codegen_gs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct brw_program *gp,
                    struct brw_gs_prog_key *key)
   struct brw_compiler *compiler = brw->screen->compiler;
   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
   struct brw_stage_state *stage_state = &brw->gs.base;
   struct brw_gs_prog_data prog_data;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   assign_gs_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &gp->program, &prog_data);

   /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
    * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
    * by the state cache.
    * Note: param_count needs to be num_uniform_components * 4, since we add
    * padding around uniform values below vec4 size, so the worst case is that
    * every uniform is a float which gets padded to the size of a vec4.
   int param_count = gp->program.nir->num_uniforms / 4;

   prog_data.base.base.param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.base.pull_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.base.image_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param,
   prog_data.base.base.nr_params = param_count;
   prog_data.base.base.nr_image_params = gp->program.info.num_images;

   brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(gp->program.nir, &gp->program,
   brw_nir_analyze_ubo_ranges(compiler, gp->program.nir,

   uint64_t outputs_written = gp->program.info.outputs_written;

                       &prog_data.base.vue_map, outputs_written,

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, &gp->program, ST_GS, true);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = brw->batch.last_bo && brw_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo);
      start_time = get_time();

   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
   unsigned program_size;
   char *error_str;
   const unsigned *program =
      brw_compile_gs(brw->screen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx, key,
                     &prog_data, gp->program.nir, &gp->program,
                     st_index, &program_size, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      ralloc_strcat(&gp->program.sh.data->InfoLog, error_str);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile geometry shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      if (gp->compiled_once) {
         brw_gs_debug_recompile(brw, &gp->program, key);
      if (start_busy && !brw_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("GS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);
      gp->compiled_once = true;

   /* Scratch space is used for register spilling */
   brw_alloc_stage_scratch(brw, stage_state,

   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_GS_PROG,
                    key, sizeof(*key),
                    program, program_size,
                    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
                    &stage_state->prog_offset, &brw->gs.base.prog_data);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
static bool
brw_codegen_tes_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                     struct brw_program *tep,
                     struct brw_tes_prog_key *key)
   const struct brw_compiler *compiler = brw->screen->compiler;
   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
   struct brw_stage_state *stage_state = &brw->tes.base;
   struct brw_tes_prog_data prog_data;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);

   nir_shader *nir = nir_shader_clone(mem_ctx, tep->program.nir);

   brw_assign_common_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &tep->program,
                                           &prog_data.base.base, 0);

   brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(mem_ctx, nir, &tep->program,
   brw_nir_analyze_ubo_ranges(compiler, nir, NULL,

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, &tep->program, ST_TES, true);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = brw->batch.last_bo && brw_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo);
      start_time = get_time();

   struct brw_vue_map input_vue_map;
   brw_compute_tess_vue_map(&input_vue_map, key->inputs_read,

   char *error_str;
   const unsigned *program =
      brw_compile_tes(compiler, brw, mem_ctx, key, &input_vue_map, &prog_data,
                      nir, &tep->program, st_index, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      tep->program.sh.data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE;
      ralloc_strcat(&tep->program.sh.data->InfoLog, error_str);

      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile tessellation evaluation shader: "
                    "%s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      if (tep->compiled_once) {
         brw_debug_recompile(brw, MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL, tep->program.Id,
                             key->program_string_id, key);
      if (start_busy && !brw_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("TES compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);
      tep->compiled_once = true;

   /* Scratch space is used for register spilling */
   brw_alloc_stage_scratch(brw, stage_state,

   /* The param and pull_param arrays will be freed by the shader cache. */
   ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.base.param);
   ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.base.pull_param);
   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_TES_PROG,
                    key, sizeof(*key),
                    program, prog_data.base.base.program_size,
                    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
                    &stage_state->prog_offset, &brw->tes.base.prog_data);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
static bool
brw_codegen_cs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct gl_shader_program *prog,
                    struct brw_program *cp,
                    struct brw_cs_prog_key *key)
   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
   struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
   const GLuint *program;
   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
   GLuint program_size;
   struct brw_cs_prog_data prog_data;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   struct brw_shader *cs =
      (struct brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
   assert (cs);

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   if (prog->Comp.SharedSize > 64 * 1024) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      const char *error_str =
         "Compute shader used more than 64KB of shared variables";
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to link compute shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;
   } else {
      prog_data.base.total_shared = prog->Comp.SharedSize;

   assign_cs_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, prog, &cp->program, &prog_data);

   /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
    * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
    * by the state cache.
   int param_count = cp->program.nir->num_uniforms / 4;

   /* The backend also sometimes add a param for the thread local id. */
   prog_data.thread_local_id_index = param_count++;

   /* The backend also sometimes adds params for texture size. */
   param_count += 2 * ctx->Const.Program[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE].MaxTextureImageUnits;
   prog_data.base.param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.pull_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   prog_data.base.image_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param, cs->base.NumImages);
   prog_data.base.nr_params = param_count;
   prog_data.base.nr_image_params = cs->base.NumImages;

   brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(cp->program.nir, prog, &cp->program,
                               &prog_data.base, true);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
      brw_dump_ir("compute", prog, &cs->base, &cp->program);

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &cp->program, ST_CS);

   char *error_str;
   program = brw_compile_cs(brw->screen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx, key,
                            &prog_data, cp->program.nir, st_index,
                            &program_size, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      prog->LinkStatus = false;
      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile compute shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug) && cs) {
      if (cs->compiled_once) {
         _mesa_problem(&brw->ctx, "CS programs shouldn't need recompiles");
      cs->compiled_once = true;

      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("CS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);

   const unsigned subslices = MAX2(brw->screen->subslice_total, 1);

   /* WaCSScratchSize:hsw
    * Haswell's scratch space address calculation appears to be sparse
    * rather than tightly packed.  The Thread ID has bits indicating
    * which subslice, EU within a subslice, and thread within an EU
    * it is.  There's a maximum of two slices and two subslices, so these
    * can be stored with a single bit.  Even though there are only 10 EUs
    * per subslice, this is stored in 4 bits, so there's an effective
    * maximum value of 16 EUs.  Similarly, although there are only 7
    * threads per EU, this is stored in a 3 bit number, giving an effective
    * maximum value of 8 threads per EU.
    * This means that we need to use 16 * 8 instead of 10 * 7 for the
    * number of threads per subslice.
   const unsigned scratch_ids_per_subslice =
      brw->is_haswell ? 16 * 8 : devinfo->max_cs_threads;

   brw_alloc_stage_scratch(brw, &brw->cs.base,
                           scratch_ids_per_subslice * subslices);

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_CS))
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_CS_PROG,
                    key, sizeof(*key),
                    program, program_size,
                    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
                    &brw->cs.base.prog_offset, &brw->cs.base.prog_data);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
shader_cache_read_program_metadata(struct gl_context *ctx,
                                   struct gl_shader_program *prog)
   /* Fixed function programs generated by Mesa are not cached. So don't
    * try to read metadata for them from the cache.
   if (prog->Name == 0)
      return false;

   struct disk_cache *cache = ctx->Cache;
   if (!cache)
      return false;

   /* Include bindings when creating sha1. These bindings change the resulting
    * binary so they are just as important as the shader source.
   char *buf = ralloc_strdup(NULL, "vb: ");
   prog->AttributeBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, "fb: ");
   prog->FragDataBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, "fbi: ");
   prog->FragDataIndexBindings->iterate(create_binding_str, &buf);

   /* SSO has an effect on the linked program so include this when generating
    * the sha also.
   ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "sso: %s\n",
                          prog->SeparateShader ? "T" : "F");

   /* A shader might end up producing different output depending on the glsl
    * version supported by the compiler. For example a different path might be
    * taken by the preprocessor, so add the version to the hash input.
   ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "api: %d glsl: %d fglsl: %d\n",
                          ctx->API, ctx->Const.GLSLVersion,

   /* We run the preprocessor on shaders after hashing them, so we need to
    * add any extension override vars to the hash. If we don't do this the
    * preprocessor could result in different output and we could load the
    * wrong shader.
   char *ext_override = getenv("MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE");
   if (ext_override) {
      ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "ext:%s", ext_override);

   /* DRI config options may also change the output from the compiler so
    * include them as an input to sha1 creation.
   char sha1buf[41];
   _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, ctx->Const.dri_config_options_sha1);
   ralloc_strcat(&buf, sha1buf);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) {
      struct gl_shader *sh = prog->Shaders[i];
      _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, sh->sha1);
      ralloc_asprintf_append(&buf, "%s: %s\n",
                             _mesa_shader_stage_to_abbrev(sh->Stage), sha1buf);
   disk_cache_compute_key(cache, buf, strlen(buf), prog->data->sha1);

   size_t size;
   uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) disk_cache_get(cache, prog->data->sha1,
   if (buffer == NULL) {
      /* Cached program not found. We may have seen the individual shaders
       * before and skipped compiling but they may not have been used together
       * in this combination before. Fall back to linking shaders but first
       * re-compile the shaders.
       * We could probably only compile the shaders which were skipped here
       * but we need to be careful because the source may also have been
       * changed since the last compile so for now we just recompile
       * everything.
      compile_shaders(ctx, prog);
      return false;

   if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
      _mesa_sha1_format(sha1buf, prog->data->sha1);
      fprintf(stderr, "loading shader program meta data from cache: %s\n",

   struct blob_reader metadata;
   blob_reader_init(&metadata, buffer, size);

   bool deserialized = deserialize_glsl_program(&metadata, ctx, prog);

   if (!deserialized || metadata.current != metadata.end || metadata.overrun) {
      /* Something has gone wrong discard the item from the cache and rebuild
       * from source.
      assert(!"Invalid GLSL shader disk cache item!");

      if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Error reading program from cache (invalid GLSL "
                 "cache item)\n");

      disk_cache_remove(cache, prog->data->sha1);
      compile_shaders(ctx, prog);
      return false;

   /* This is used to flag a shader retrieved from cache */
   prog->data->LinkStatus = linking_skipped;

   /* Since the program load was successful, CompileStatus of all shaders at
    * this point should normally be compile_skipped. However because of how
    * the eviction works, it may happen that some of the individual shader keys
    * have been evicted, resulting in unnecessary recompiles on this load, so
    * mark them again to skip such recompiles next time.
   char sha1_buf[41];
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) {
      if (prog->Shaders[i]->CompileStatus == compiled_no_opts) {
         disk_cache_put_key(cache, prog->Shaders[i]->sha1);
         if (ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_CACHE_INFO) {
            _mesa_sha1_format(sha1_buf, prog->Shaders[i]->sha1);
            fprintf(stderr, "re-marking shader: %s\n", sha1_buf);

   free (buffer);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
brw_codegen_vs_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct gl_shader_program *prog,
                    struct brw_vertex_program *vp,
                    struct brw_vs_prog_key *key)
   GLuint program_size;
   const GLuint *program;
   struct brw_vs_prog_data prog_data;
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *stage_prog_data = &prog_data.base.base;
   void *mem_ctx;
   int i;
   struct brw_shader *vs = NULL;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   if (prog)
      vs = (struct brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   /* Use ALT floating point mode for ARB programs so that 0^0 == 1. */
   if (!prog)
      stage_prog_data->use_alt_mode = true;

   mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);

                                           prog, &vp->program.Base,
                                           &prog_data.base.base, 0);

   /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
    * prog_data associated with the compiled program, and which will be freed
    * by the state cache.
   int param_count = vp->program.Base.nir->num_uniforms;
   if (!brw->intelScreen->compiler->scalar_vs)
      param_count *= 4;

   if (vs)
      prog_data.base.base.nr_image_params = vs->base.NumImages;

   /* vec4_visitor::setup_uniform_clipplane_values() also uploads user clip
    * planes as uniforms.
   param_count += key->nr_userclip_plane_consts * 4;

   stage_prog_data->param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   stage_prog_data->pull_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, const gl_constant_value *, param_count);
   stage_prog_data->image_param =
      rzalloc_array(NULL, struct brw_image_param,
   stage_prog_data->nr_params = param_count;

   if (prog) {
      brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(vp->program.Base.nir, prog, &vp->program.Base,
   } else {
      brw_nir_setup_arb_uniforms(vp->program.Base.nir, &vp->program.Base,

   GLbitfield64 outputs_written = vp->program.Base.OutputsWritten;
   prog_data.inputs_read = vp->program.Base.InputsRead;

   if (key->copy_edgeflag) {
      outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_EDGE);
      prog_data.inputs_read |= VERT_BIT_EDGEFLAG;

   if (brw->gen < 6) {
      /* Put dummy slots into the VUE for the SF to put the replaced
       * point sprite coords in.  We shouldn't need these dummy slots,
       * which take up precious URB space, but it would mean that the SF
       * doesn't get nice aligned pairs of input coords into output
       * coords, which would be a pain to handle.
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
         if (key->point_coord_replace & (1 << i))
            outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_TEX0 + i);

      /* if back colors are written, allocate slots for front colors too */
      if (outputs_written & BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_BFC0))
         outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_COL0);
      if (outputs_written & BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_BFC1))
         outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_COL1);

   /* In order for legacy clipping to work, we need to populate the clip
    * distance varying slots whenever clipping is enabled, even if the vertex
    * shader doesn't write to gl_ClipDistance.
   if (key->nr_userclip_plane_consts > 0) {
      outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0);
      outputs_written |= BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST1);

                       &prog_data.base.vue_map, outputs_written,
                       prog ? prog->SeparateShader : false);

   if (0) {
      _mesa_fprint_program_opt(stderr, &vp->program.Base, PROG_PRINT_DEBUG,

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_VS))
      brw_dump_ir("vertex", prog, vs ? &vs->base : NULL, &vp->program.Base);

   int st_index = -1;
      st_index = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, prog, &vp->program.Base, ST_VS);

   /* Emit GEN4 code.
   char *error_str;
   program = brw_compile_vs(brw->intelScreen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx, key,
                            &prog_data, vp->program.Base.nir,
                            st_index, &program_size, &error_str);
   if (program == NULL) {
      if (prog) {
         prog->LinkStatus = false;
         ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, error_str);

      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile vertex shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug) && vs) {
      if (vs->compiled_once) {
         brw_vs_debug_recompile(brw, prog, key);
      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("VS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);
      vs->compiled_once = true;

   /* Scratch space is used for register spilling */
   if (prog_data.base.base.total_scratch) {
      brw_get_scratch_bo(brw, &brw->vs.base.scratch_bo,
			 prog_data.base.base.total_scratch *

   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_VS_PROG,
		    key, sizeof(struct brw_vs_prog_key),
		    program, program_size,
		    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
		    &brw->vs.base.prog_offset, &brw->vs.prog_data);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
static bool
brw_codegen_wm_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
                    struct brw_program *fp,
                    struct brw_wm_prog_key *key,
                    struct brw_vue_map *vue_map)
   const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
   void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL);
   struct brw_wm_prog_data prog_data;
   const GLuint *program;
   bool start_busy = false;
   double start_time = 0;

   nir_shader *nir = nir_shader_clone(mem_ctx, fp->program.nir);

   memset(&prog_data, 0, sizeof(prog_data));

   /* Use ALT floating point mode for ARB programs so that 0^0 == 1. */
   if (fp->program.is_arb_asm)
      prog_data.base.use_alt_mode = true;

   assign_fs_binding_table_offsets(devinfo, &fp->program, key, &prog_data);

   if (!fp->program.is_arb_asm) {
      brw_nir_setup_glsl_uniforms(mem_ctx, nir, &fp->program,
                                  &prog_data.base, true);
      brw_nir_analyze_ubo_ranges(brw->screen->compiler, nir,
                                 NULL, prog_data.base.ubo_ranges);
   } else {
      brw_nir_setup_arb_uniforms(mem_ctx, nir, &fp->program, &prog_data.base);

      if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_WM))
         brw_dump_arb_asm("fragment", &fp->program);

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      start_busy = (brw->batch.last_bo &&
      start_time = get_time();

   int st_index8 = -1, st_index16 = -1, st_index32 = -1;
      st_index8 = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, &fp->program, ST_FS8,
      st_index16 = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, &fp->program, ST_FS16,
      st_index32 = brw_get_shader_time_index(brw, &fp->program, ST_FS32,

   char *error_str = NULL;
   program = brw_compile_fs(brw->screen->compiler, brw, mem_ctx,
                            key, &prog_data, nir,
                            &fp->program, st_index8, st_index16, st_index32,
                            true, false, vue_map,

   if (program == NULL) {
      if (!fp->program.is_arb_asm) {
         fp->program.sh.data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE;
         ralloc_strcat(&fp->program.sh.data->InfoLog, error_str);

      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Failed to compile fragment shader: %s\n", error_str);

      return false;

   if (unlikely(brw->perf_debug)) {
      if (fp->compiled_once) {
         brw_debug_recompile(brw, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT, fp->program.Id,
                             key->program_string_id, key);
      fp->compiled_once = true;

      if (start_busy && !brw_bo_busy(brw->batch.last_bo)) {
         perf_debug("FS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);

   brw_alloc_stage_scratch(brw, &brw->wm.base, prog_data.base.total_scratch);

   if (unlikely((INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_WM) && fp->program.is_arb_asm))
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

   /* The param and pull_param arrays will be freed by the shader cache. */
   ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.param);
   ralloc_steal(NULL, prog_data.base.pull_param);
   brw_upload_cache(&brw->cache, BRW_CACHE_FS_PROG,
                    key, sizeof(struct brw_wm_prog_key),
                    program, prog_data.base.program_size,
                    &prog_data, sizeof(prog_data),
                    &brw->wm.base.prog_offset, &brw->wm.base.prog_data);


   return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
static void
lower_sampler(nir_tex_instr *instr, struct gl_shader_program *shader_program,
              const struct gl_program *prog, void *mem_ctx)
   if (instr->sampler == NULL)

   /* Get the name and the offset */
   instr->sampler_index = 0;
   bool has_indirect = false;
   char *name = ralloc_strdup(mem_ctx, instr->sampler->var->name);

   for (nir_deref *deref = &instr->sampler->deref;
        deref->child; deref = deref->child) {
      switch (deref->child->deref_type) {
      case nir_deref_type_array: {
         nir_deref_array *deref_array = nir_deref_as_array(deref->child);

         /* XXX: We're assuming here that the indirect is the last array
          * thing we have.  This should be ok for now as we don't support
          * arrays_of_arrays yet.

         instr->sampler_index *= glsl_get_length(deref->type);
         switch (deref_array->deref_array_type) {
         case nir_deref_array_type_direct:
            instr->sampler_index += deref_array->base_offset;
            if (deref_array->deref.child)
               ralloc_asprintf_append(&name, "[%u]", deref_array->base_offset);
         case nir_deref_array_type_indirect: {

            instr->src = reralloc(mem_ctx, instr->src, nir_tex_src,
                                  instr->num_srcs + 1);
            memset(&instr->src[instr->num_srcs], 0, sizeof *instr->src);
            instr->src[instr->num_srcs].src_type = nir_tex_src_sampler_offset;

                                  &instr->src[instr->num_srcs - 1].src,

            instr->sampler_array_size = glsl_get_length(deref->type);

            nir_src empty;
            memset(&empty, 0, sizeof empty);
            nir_instr_rewrite_src(&instr->instr, &deref_array->indirect, empty);

            if (deref_array->deref.child)
               ralloc_strcat(&name, "[0]");

         case nir_deref_array_type_wildcard:
            unreachable("Cannot copy samplers");
            unreachable("Invalid deref array type");

      case nir_deref_type_struct: {
         nir_deref_struct *deref_struct = nir_deref_as_struct(deref->child);
         const char *field = glsl_get_struct_elem_name(deref->type,
         ralloc_asprintf_append(&name, ".%s", field);

         unreachable("Invalid deref type");

   instr->sampler_index += get_sampler_index(shader_program, name, prog);

   instr->sampler = NULL;