Exemplo n.º 1
 * Initialize cells based on input file, otherwise all cells
 * are DEAD.
void init_grids (struct life_t * life) 
	FILE * fd;
	int i,j;

	if (life->infile != NULL) {
		if ((fd = fopen(life->infile, "r")) == NULL) {
			perror("Failed to open file for input");

		if (fscanf(fd, "%d %d\n", &life->nrows, &life->tcols) == EOF) {
			printf("File must at least define grid dimensions!\nExiting.\n");

	// resize so each process is in charge of a vertical slice of the whole board
	life->ubound = (((life->rank + 1) * life->tcols / life->size) - 1); // we want 1 col of (overlap?)
	life->lbound = life->rank * life->tcols / life->size;
	life->ncols = (life->ubound - life->lbound) + 1;

	printf("[Process %d] lower bound is %d upper bound is %d width is %d random seed is %d.\n", life->rank, life->lbound, life->ubound, life->ncols, life->randseed);


	for (i = 0; i < life->nrows+2; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < life->ncols+2; j++) {
			life->grid[i][j]      = DEAD;
			life->next_grid[i][j] = DEAD;

	if (life->infile != NULL) {
		while (fscanf(fd, "%d %d\n", &i, &j) != EOF) {
			if (j <= life->ubound && j >= life->lbound){
				fprintf(stderr, "[Process %d] %d %d -> %d %d.\n", life->rank, i, j, i, j - life->lbound);
				life->grid[i+1][j - life->lbound + 1]      = ALIVE;
				life->next_grid[i+1][j- life->lbound + 1] = ALIVE;
	} else {
		randomize_grid(life, INIT_PROB);

	if (life->print){
		printf("[Host %d] printing initial slice.\n", life->rank);
		print_grid (life);
Exemplo n.º 2
  Pointless Idea, it'd be cool to run a '###' across the grid, in such a way
  that it moved one block at a time, or something.
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  //add options later
  sigaction(SIGTERM, &interupt_act, NULL);
  world *w = init_world(term_rows, term_cols);
  draw_world(w, stdscr);
    wmove(stdscr, 0, 0);
    setup_initial_conditons(w, stdscr);
    run_life(w, stdscr);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main() {
  int i = 0;

  struct tms before, after;

  int start = (950 / sizeof(int))  * 1000;
  int end = (1050 / sizeof(int)) * 1000;
  int step = (end - start) / 50;

  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen("datas", "w");
  for (i = start; i < end; i += step) {
	int a, b, k, j, runtime, overall;
	int** testgrid;
	int** neighbor;

	a = b = (int) sqrt(i);

	testgrid = make_grid(a, b);
	neighbor = make_grid(a, b);

	for(k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
	  randomize_grid(testgrid, &a, &b);
	  zero_grid(neighbor, a, b);
	  for(j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
		next(testgrid, neighbor, a, b);
	  runtime = (int)  (after.tms_utime + after.tms_stime) -
		(before.tms_utime + before.tms_stime);
	  overall += runtime; 
	free_grid(testgrid, a);
	free_grid(neighbor, a);
	fprintf(fp, "%d \t %d \n", i, overall);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Randomize the current grid in a perfectly parallel fashion.
void gol_randomize(void)
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Programme principal
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  struct ctx_s ctx;
  int i;
  int *recopy;
  double timer_start, timer_end;
  double runtime;
  char output[256];

  /* Initialisation MPI */
  initalize_mpi(argc, argv, &ctx);

  /* Initialisation de la taille du domain (grille carree) */
  ctx.X = GRIDSZ / ctx.size;
  ctx.Y = GRIDSZ;
  ctx.grid = init_grid(&ctx);
  randomize_grid(&ctx, ctx.grid);
  ctx.grid_next = init_grid(&ctx);
  fprintf(stderr, "Starting task %d (%dx%d)\n", ctx.rank, ctx.X, ctx.Y);

  /* Initialisation affichage */
  sprintf(output, "output/Rank%d", ctx.rank);
  display_init(&ctx, output, GRIDSZ,GRIDSZ,0 ); // taille 0 pour la 3ieme dimension signifie une grille 2D

  /* Mettre la case au milieu du sous-domaine de la tache 0 en feu ! */
  if (ctx.rank == 0) {
    ctx.grid[(ctx.X+2)/2][(ctx.Y+2)/2] = burning;

  recopy = recopy_grid(&ctx, ctx.grid);
  gather_grid(&ctx, recopy);

  timer_start = get_timer();
  for (i=0; i < MAX_STEPS; ++i) {
    int **swap;
    /* Nombre de cellules mises à jour depuis le pas
     * de temps precedent */
    int nb_updated_cells;
    /* Si la simulation est terminee */
    int leave;


    nb_updated_cells = update_cells(&ctx);

    leave = check_final_conditions(&ctx, nb_updated_cells);
    if (leave) break;

    swap = ctx.grid;
    ctx.grid = ctx.grid_next;
    ctx.grid_next = swap;

    recopy = recopy_grid(&ctx, ctx.grid);
    gather_grid(&ctx, recopy);
    if (ctx.rank == 0 && i%10 == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "..[%d]", i);
  timer_end = get_timer();

  if (ctx.rank == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  runtime = diff_time(timer_end, timer_start);
  print_time (&ctx, runtime);

  /* Fin de la simulation */
Exemplo n.º 6
int main( int argc, char* args[] )

	//get a random seed.

    //mouse variables and cell types
    int x, y, sleepTime = 0, countVar = 0;

    //mouse is held variables
    int mouseStatusLeft = 0, mouseStatusRight = 0;

	//make sure the program waits for a quit
	int quit = false;

    if( init() == false ) return 1;

    //Load the files
    if( load_files() == false ) return 2;

    //Update the screen
    //if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 ) return 3;
    //if(SDL_RenderPresent( screen ) == -1 ) return 3;

    //initialize the cell stuff. This gets the cell system up and running. This also sets all cells to m_air and all the saturation to m_no_saturaion
	int i;//
	//putting test materials into grid

    for(i=0; i<GRID_WIDTH; i++){
			grid[i+camera_x][GRID_HEIGHT-1-get_rand(7,15)+camera_y].mat = m_plant_root;
			grid[i+camera_x][camera_y+get_rand(20,35)].mat = m_spring;
		grid[i+camera_x][camera_y+get_rand(30,34)+30].mat = m_earth;
		grid[i+camera_x][camera_y+get_rand(30,34)+30].mat = m_earth;
		grid[i+camera_x][camera_y+get_rand(30,34)+30].mat = m_earth;
    CELL_SIZE = 8;
    sleepTime = 0;
	//int i;//
	//putting test materials into grid

    for(i=7 ; i<GRID_WIDTH ; i+=15){
		for(j=26 ; j<GRID_HEIGHT ; j+=20){
			grid[i][j].mat = m_anti_scurge;

	//for(i=0 ; i<GRID_WIDTH*GRID_HEIGHT / 2 ; i++)
	//	grid[get_rand(0,GRID_WIDTH-1)][get_rand(0,GRID_HEIGHT-1)].mat = m_plant;

	//int keyw=0, keya=0, keys=0, keyd=0;
	//unsigned lastPanTime = 0;
	bool alt = 0; // this keeps track of the state of the alt key
	//these variables store the position of the user's cursor at the moment that the user decided to pan the screen
	int mouse_x_when_pan=0;
	int mouse_y_when_pan=0;
	// these are for keeping track of the motion of the mouse when the user is panning. these keep the panning from being really jumpy.
	// without them, there is a truncation error when adjusting the camera_x and camera_y materials and re-setting the mouse coordinates to its original state.
	// these keep track of the truncation error and add it to the next operation so that the mouse motion feels fluid.
	int remainder_panning_motion_x=0;
	int remainder_panning_motion_y=0;

	//last minute verification that the initial start up values for the grid size and the camera positions are valid.

    //While the user hasn't quit

    	//While there's an event to handle
    	while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ){

    		//If the user has Xed out the window
    		if( event.type == SDL_QUIT || quit == true ){
				//Quit the program
				return 0;

            if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ){						/// mouse down
				x = event.motion.x;
				y = event.motion.y;
                if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
                    mouseStatusLeft = 1;
                else if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT ){
                    mouseStatusRight = 1;
            else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL){
				if(event.wheel.y > 0)
				if(event.wheel.y < 0)
            else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP){						/// mouse up
				x = event.motion.x;
				y = event.motion.y;
                if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
                    mouseStatusLeft = 0;
                else if( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT ){
                    mouseStatusRight = 0;
            else if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ){						/// mouse motion
				x = event.motion.x;
				y = event.motion.y;
				// if the alt key (camera panning key) is down and the coordinates have changed, then let the screen be panned!
				if(alt && x != mouse_x_when_pan && y != mouse_y_when_pan){
					// this adjusts the x-axis camera (this scales with the CELL_SIZE)
					camera_x += (x-mouse_x_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_x)/CELL_SIZE;
					camera_y += (y-mouse_y_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_y)/CELL_SIZE;
					//calculate the remainders of the mouse motion.
					// these values represent the motion of the mouse that is not utilized by the discrete nature of the operation on the camera_x and camera_y values.
					remainder_panning_motion_x = (x-mouse_x_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_x) - (int)((x-mouse_x_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_x)/CELL_SIZE)*CELL_SIZE;
					remainder_panning_motion_y = (y-mouse_y_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_y) - (int)((y-mouse_y_when_pan+remainder_panning_motion_y)/CELL_SIZE)*CELL_SIZE;
					// make sure the camera is not out of bounds.

					//reset the user's curcor position to the original position the curcor was in when the user started panning the camera
					SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, mouse_x_when_pan, mouse_y_when_pan);
            else if(event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED ){							/// window resize

				//float new_cell_size = CELL_SIZE * event.resize.h/((float)SCREEN_HEIGHT); // adjust the pixel size.
				float new_cell_size = CELL_SIZE * event.window.data1/((float)SCREEN_HEIGHT); // adjust the pixel size.
				if(new_cell_size - ((int)new_cell_size) >= 0.5f) CELL_SIZE = new_cell_size + 1;
				else CELL_SIZE = new_cell_size;
				//SCREEN_WIDTH = event.resize.w;
				//SCREEN_HEIGHT = event.resize.h;
				SCREEN_WIDTH = event.window.data1;
				SCREEN_HEIGHT = event.window.data2;
				verify_grid_and_cell_size(); // make sure the window isn't too big for the cell size

				//set_window_size(event.resize.w, event.resize.h);
				set_window_size(event.window.data1, event.window.data2);

            if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ){								///keyboard event
                switch( event.key.keysym.sym ){
				case SDLK_UP: break; //change block type up
				case SDLK_DOWN: break; // change block type down
				case SDLK_c: reset_cells();  break;//clear the screen
				case SDLK_p: print_saturation_data(); break; // prints the cellSat[][] array to stdout. this is for debuggin purposes.
				case SDLK_r:  randomize_grid(); break; // randomize grid
				case SDLK_LEFT: if(paused != 1) {sleepTime /= 2;} break; //speeds up the game
				case SDLK_RIGHT: if(paused != 1) {if(sleepTime == 0){sleepTime = 1;} {sleepTime *= 2;} if(sleepTime > 2000) {sleepTime = 2000;}} break; //slows down the game
				case SDLK_SPACE: if(paused == 0) {paused = 1;} else if(paused == 1) {paused = 0;} break; //pause the game
				case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; // quit with escape
				case SDLK_w: gen_world(w_normal,0); break; // generate a world
				case SDLK_w: keyw=1; break; // store key state
				case SDLK_a: keya=1; break;
				case SDLK_s: keys=1; break;
				case SDLK_d: keyd=1; break;
				case SDLK_LALT:
				case SDLK_RALT:
					// store the state of the alt key.
					alt = 1;
					// turn off the cursor
					// store the position of the mouse. this will allow the program to make the cursor stay stationary
					mouse_x_when_pan = x;
					mouse_y_when_pan = y;
					//reset the remainder mouse motion variables for x and y.
					remainder_panning_motion_x = 0;
					remainder_panning_motion_y = 0;
				default: break;
			if( event.type == SDL_KEYUP ){								///keyboard event
                switch( event.key.keysym.sym ){
				case SDLK_w: keyw=0; break;//lastPanTime=0; break; // store key state
				case SDLK_a: keya=0; break;//lastPanTime=0; break;
				case SDLK_s: keys=0; break;//lastPanTime=0; break;
				case SDLK_d: keyd=0; break;//lastPanTime=0; break;
				case SDLK_LALT:
				case SDLK_RALT:
					// show the cursor again.
					alt = 0;
				default: break;

    	} // end while(event)
		//no more events to handle at the moment.
		//this handles time-controlled panning
		if(SDL_GetTicks() - MIN_PAN_INTERVAL > lastPanTime){
			if(keyw) pan(D_UP);
			if(keya) pan(D_LEFT);
			if(keys) pan(D_DOWN);
			if(keyd) pan(D_RIGHT);
			lastPanTime = SDL_GetTicks();
			//#if (DEBUG_GRIDSIM)
			//	printf("\nlastPanTime = %d\n", lastPanTime);
		//checks if the mouse is held or not
        if(mouseStatusLeft == 1 && mouseModifier == 0){
			//make sure the mouse isn't inside either of the two GUIs.
			if(y >= 50 && x < SCREEN_WIDTH - 200)
            setcell(x, y, currentMat);

        else if(mouseStatusRight == 1 && mouseModifier == 0){
            deletecell(x, y, currentMat);

        //speed of gameplay
        if(sleepTime <= 0)
            sleepTime = 0;

        //evealuate cells
        if(countVar >= sleepTime && paused != 1){
            countVar = 0;

        //updates screen with cells

        //displays selection gui
        selectionGUI(x, y, mouseStatusLeft);

        //displays brushes and misc gui
        brushesGUI(x, y, mouseStatusLeft);

        // If the user is not panning, then it is fine to show the cursor.
			//displays cursor
			cursorDisplay(x, y);
		//draw_line(screen, 300, 300, x, y, 1, mats[currentMat].color);		// test the line drawing function
        //updates the screen
        //SDL_Flip( screen );
        //SDL_RenderPresent( screen );
    }// end while(quit == false)

    //Free the surface and quit SDL

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
//interactively read initial conditons from the user
void setup_initial_conditons(world *w, WINDOW *win){
  keypad(win, 1);
  int c,y,x,ymax,xmax;
  getyx(win, y ,x);
  getmaxyx(win, ymax, xmax);
  wmove(win, 0, 0);
  while(c = wgetch(win)){
      case KEY_UP:
        //      case KEY_SUP:
        y = y > 0 ? y-1 : ymax;
      case KEY_DOWN:
        //      case KEY_SDOWN:
        y = y < ymax ? y+1 : 0;
      case KEY_LEFT:
        //      case KEY_SLEFT:
        x = x > 0 ? x-1 : xmax;
      case KEY_RIGHT:
        //      case KEY_SRIGHT:
        x = x < xmax ? x+1 : 0;
      case KEY_BACKSPACE:
        draw_world(w, win);
        x = y = 0;
      case '+':
        wait_time += 0.05;
      case '-':
        wait_time -= 0.05;
      case 'q':
      case 'r':
        draw_world(w, win);
        x = y = 0;
      case 's':
        draw_world(w, win);
      case '\r':
      case '\n':
        waddch(win, '#');
        w->grid[y*w->cols + x] = 1;
      case ' ':
    wmove(win, y ,x);
    //    if(c == KEY_SUP || c == KEY_SDOWN | c == KEY_SLEFT || c = KEY_SRIGHT){
    //      waddch(win, '#');
    //      wmove(win, y ,x);
    //    }
