Exemplo n.º 1
	auto receive(DeserializationManager<ctxs...>* dsm, std::size_t size){
		void* recv[] = {alloca(size)};
		void** _recv = recv;
		std::size_t size_buf[] = {size};
		raw_receive(1 ,size_buf,_recv);
		return from_bytes<T>(dsm,(char*) recv[0]);
Exemplo n.º 2
	void receive(T&... t){
					  "Error: can't do non-POD right now");
		/*std::cout << "yup you called this one" << std::endl; //*/
		void* recv[] = {&t...};
		std::size_t size_buf[] = {sizeof(T)...};
		/*std::cout << "first element in size buf is: " << size_buf[0] << std::endl; //*/
Exemplo n.º 3
int raw_socket_input(struct pbuf * pbuf, struct nic * nic)
	struct socket * sock;
	struct pbuf * pbuf_new;

	if ((sock = nic->raw_socket) == NULL)
		return 0;

	debug_print("socket num : %ld", get_sock_num(sock));

	if (sock->flags & SOCK_FLG_OP_PENDING) {
		int ret;
		/* we are resuming a suspended operation */
		ret = raw_receive(&sock->mess, pbuf);

		if (ret > 0) {
			sock_reply(sock, ret);
			sock->flags &= ~SOCK_FLG_OP_PENDING;
			return 0;
		} else {
			sock_reply(sock, ret);
			sock->flags &= ~SOCK_FLG_OP_PENDING;

	/* Do not enqueue more data than allowed */
	if (sock->recv_data_size > RAW_BUF_SIZE) {
		return 0;

	 * nobody is waiting for the data or an error occured above, we enqueue
	 * the packet. We store a copy of this packet
	pbuf_new = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, pbuf->tot_len, PBUF_RAM);
	if (pbuf_new == NULL) {
		debug_print("LWIP : cannot allocated new pbuf\n");
		return 0;

	if (pbuf_copy(pbuf_new, pbuf) != ERR_OK) {
		debug_print("LWIP : cannot copy pbuf\n");
		return 0;

	 * If we didn't managed to enqueue the packet we report it as not
	 * consumed
	if (sock_enqueue_data(sock, pbuf_new, pbuf_new->tot_len) != OK) {

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
	auto receive(DSM* dsm,
				 int size,
				 make_these_ints<T2>... sizes){
		static_assert(std::is_base_of<ByteRepresentable, T1>::value &&
					  forall_nt(std::is_base_of<ByteRepresentable, T2>::value...),
					  "Error: can't do non-POD right now");
		void* recv[] = {alloca(size),alloca(sizes)...};
		std::size_t size_buf[] = {size,sizes...};
		raw_receive(sizeof...(T2) + 1 ,size_buf,recv);
		return receive_helper<T1,T2...>(dsm,recv);
Exemplo n.º 5
	auto receive_data(std::size_t size, void *data){
		std::size_t sizes[] = {size};
		void* bufs[] = {data};
		return raw_receive(1,sizes,bufs);