Exemplo n.º 1
template<typename PointT> void 
pcl::CropHull<PointT>::applyFilter3D (std::vector<int> &indices)
  // see comments in applyFilter3D (PointCloud& output)
  for (size_t index = 0; index < indices_->size (); index++)
    size_t crossings[3] = {0,0,0};
    Eigen::Vector3f rays[3] = 
      Eigen::Vector3f(0.264882f,  0.688399f, 0.675237f),
      Eigen::Vector3f(0.0145419f, 0.732901f, 0.68018f),
      Eigen::Vector3f(0.856514f,  0.508771f, 0.0868081f)

    for (size_t poly = 0; poly < hull_polygons_.size (); poly++)
      for (size_t ray = 0; ray < 3; ray++)
        crossings[ray] += rayTriangleIntersect
          (input_->points[(*indices_)[index]], rays[ray], hull_polygons_[poly], *hull_cloud_);

    if (crop_outside_ && (crossings[0]&1) + (crossings[1]&1) + (crossings[2]&1) > 1)
      indices.push_back ((*indices_)[index]);
    else if (!crop_outside_)
      indices.push_back ((*indices_)[index]);
Exemplo n.º 2
template<typename PointT> void 
pcl::CropHull<PointT>::applyFilter3D (PointCloud &output)
  // This algorithm could definitely be sped up using kdtree/octree
  // information, if that is available!

  for (size_t index = 0; index < indices_->size (); index++)
    // test ray-crossings for three random rays, and take vote of crossings
    // counts to determine if each point is inside the hull: the vote avoids
    // tricky edge and corner cases when rays might fluke through the edge
    // between two polygons
    // 'random' rays are arbitrary - basically anything that is less likely to
    // hit the edge between polygons than coordinate-axis aligned rays would
    // be.
    size_t crossings[3] = {0,0,0};
    Eigen::Vector3f rays[3] = 
      Eigen::Vector3f (0.264882f,  0.688399f, 0.675237f),
      Eigen::Vector3f (0.0145419f, 0.732901f, 0.68018f),
      Eigen::Vector3f (0.856514f,  0.508771f, 0.0868081f)

    for (size_t poly = 0; poly < hull_polygons_.size (); poly++)
      for (size_t ray = 0; ray < 3; ray++)
        crossings[ray] += rayTriangleIntersect
          (input_->points[(*indices_)[index]], rays[ray], hull_polygons_[poly], *hull_cloud_);

    if (crop_outside_ && (crossings[0]&1) + (crossings[1]&1) + (crossings[2]&1) > 1)
      output.push_back (input_->points[(*indices_)[index]]);
    else if (!crop_outside_)
      output.push_back (input_->points[(*indices_)[index]]);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Vec3f v0(-1, -1, -5);
    Vec3f v1( 1, -1, -5);
    Vec3f v2( 0,  1, -5);
    const uint32_t width = 640;
    const uint32_t height = 480;
    Vec3f cols[3] = {{0.6, 0.4, 0.1}, {0.1, 0.5, 0.3}, {0.1, 0.3, 0.7}};
    Vec3f *framebuffer = new Vec3f[width * height];
    Vec3f *pix = framebuffer;
    float fov = 51.52;
    float scale = tan(deg2rad(fov * 0.5));
    float imageAspectRatio = width / (float)height;
    Vec3f orig(0);
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
            // compute primary ray
            float x = (2 * (i + 0.5) / (float)width - 1) * imageAspectRatio * scale;
            float y = (1 - 2 * (j + 0.5) / (float)height) * scale;
            Vec3f dir(x, y, -1);
            float t, u, v;
            if (rayTriangleIntersect(orig, dir, v0, v1, v2, t, u, v)) {
                // [comment]
                // Interpolate colors using the barycentric coordinates
                // [/comment]
                *pix = u * cols[0] + v * cols[1] + (1 - u - v) * cols[2];
                // uncomment this line if you want to visualize the row barycentric coordinates
                //*pix = Vec3f(u, v, 1 - u - v);
    // Save result to a PPM image (keep these flags if you compile under Windows)
    std::ofstream ofs("./out.ppm", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
    ofs << "P6\n" << width << " " << height << "\n255\n";
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) {
        char r = (char)(255 * clamp(0, 1, framebuffer[i].x));
        char g = (char)(255 * clamp(0, 1, framebuffer[i].y));
        char b = (char)(255 * clamp(0, 1, framebuffer[i].z));
        ofs << r << g << b;


    delete [] framebuffer;

    return 0;