void rbtreeInsert(RBTree tree, void *data) {
	/* ============ Phase 1 : ajout classique ============ */
	Node added = (Node)malloc(sizeof(struct _node));
	added->key = data;
	added->left = added->right = tree->nil;
	added->color = red;
	rbtreeClassicTreeInsert(tree, added);
	Node uncle;
	/* ============ Phase 2 : gestion des clashs ============ */
	while(added->father->color == red) { /* on remonte deux generations à chaque fois */
		if(added->father == added->father->father->left) { /* ==== CAS GAUCHE ==== */
			uncle = rbgrandpa(added)->right;
			/* ============ Cas 1 : l'oncle est rouge, on recolorie ============ */
			if(uncle->color == red) { 
				added->father->color = uncle->color = black;
				rbgrandpa(added)->color = red;
				added = rbgrandpa(added); /* on remonte de deux generations car c'est clean */
			else {
				/* ============ Cas 3 : l'oncle est noir, on revient sur Cas 2 ============ */
				if(added == added->father->right) {
					added = added->father;
					rbtreeRotateLeft(tree,added); /* added est de nouveau petit fils */
				/* ============ Cas 2 : l'oncle est noir, coloriage+rota============ */
				added->father->color = black; /* on echange les couleurs */
				rbgrandpa(added)->color = red;
		else { /* ==== CAS DROIT ==== */
			uncle = rbgrandpa(added)->left;
			if(uncle->color == red) {
				added->father->color = uncle->color = black;
				rbgrandpa(added)->color = red;
				added = rbgrandpa(added); /* on remonte de deux generations car c'est clean */
			else {
				if(added == added->father->left) {
					added = added->father;
				added->father->color = black;
				rbgrandpa(added)->color = red;
	rbfirst(tree)->color = black;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Look for a node matching key in tree.
 * Returns a pointer to the node if found, else NULL.
struct rbnode *
rbfind(struct rbtree *tree, void *key)
    struct rbnode *node = rbfirst(tree);
    int res;

    while (node != rbnil(tree)) {
	if ((res = tree->compar(key, node->data)) == 0)
	    return node;
	node = res < 0 ? node->left : node->right;
    return NULL;
void rbtreeMapDebug(RBTree tree) {
	Node node;
	QUEUE queue;
	printf("\033[01;35m==== Début de l'arbre ====\n\033[0m");
	do {
		node = queueRemove(queue);
		if(rbExists(node->left) || rbExists(node->right) || rbfirst(tree)==node) {
			if(node->father != tree->root) printf("(pere: %d)",keyPut(node->father->key));
			if(node->color==red) printf("\033[01;31m");
			if(rbfirst(tree)==node) printf("\033[01;32m");
			printf("Noeud %d\033[0m",keyPut(node->key));

			if(rbExists(node->left))  {
				if(node->left->color==red) printf("\033[01;31m");
				printf(", ");
				if(node->left->father != tree->root) printf("(pere: %d) ",keyPut(node->left->father->key));
				printf("%d fils gauche\033[0m",keyPut(node->left->key));
			if(rbExists(node->right))  {
				printf(", ");
				if(node->right->color==red) printf("\033[01;31m");
				if(node->right->father != tree->root) printf("(pere: %d) ",keyPut(node->right->father->key));
				printf("%d fils droit\033[0m",keyPut(node->right->key));

		if(node->left != tree->nil)
		if(node->right != tree->nil)

	} while(!queueEmpty(queue));
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Look for a node matching key in tree.
 * Returns a pointer to the node if found, else NULL.
struct rbnode *
rbfind(struct rbtree *tree, void *key)
    struct rbnode *node = rbfirst(tree);
    int res;
    debug_decl(rbfind, SUDO_DEBUG_RBTREE)

    while (node != rbnil(tree)) {
	if ((res = tree->compar(key, node->data)) == 0)
	node = res < 0 ? node->left : node->right;
void rbtreeToDot(RBTree tree, const char* racine, const char* dossier) {
	static int numerofichier=0;
	char final[30];
	FILE*fd = fopen(final,"wt");
	fprintf(fd,"digraph G { \n");
	Node node;
	QUEUE queue;
	do {
		node = queueRemove(queue);

			fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=red];\n",keyPut(node->key));
			fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=black];\n",keyPut(node->key));

		if(node->left != tree->nil) {
			fprintf(fd,"\t%d -> %d;\n",keyPut(node->key),keyPut(node->left->key));
				fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=red];\n",keyPut(node->left->key));
				fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=black];\n",keyPut(node->left->key));
		if(node->right != tree->nil) {
			fprintf(fd,"\t%d -> %d;\n",keyPut(node->key),keyPut(node->right->key));
				fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=red];\n",keyPut(node->right->key));
				fprintf(fd,"\t%d [color=black];\n",keyPut(node->right->key));

		if(node->left != tree->nil)
		if(node->right != tree->nil)

	} while(!queueEmpty(queue));

Exemplo n.º 6
 * Delete node 'z' from the tree and return its data pointer.
void *rbdelete(struct rbtree *tree, struct rbnode *z)
    struct rbnode *x, *y;
    void *data = z->data;

    if (z->left == rbnil(tree) || z->right == rbnil(tree))
	y = z;
	y = rbsuccessor(tree, z);
    x = (y->left == rbnil(tree)) ? y->right : y->left;

    if ((x->parent = y->parent) == rbroot(tree)) {
	rbfirst(tree) = x;
    } else {
	if (y == y->parent->left)
	    y->parent->left = x;
	    y->parent->right = x;
    if (y->color == black)
	rbrepair(tree, x);
    if (y != z) {
	y->left = z->left;
	y->right = z->right;
	y->parent = z->parent;
	y->color = z->color;
	z->left->parent = z->right->parent = y;
	if (z == z->parent->left)
	    z->parent->left = y; 
	    z->parent->right = y;
    return data;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Destroy the specified tree, calling the destructor destroy
 * for each node and then freeing the tree itself.
rbdestroy(struct rbtree *tree, void (*destroy)(void *))
    _rbdestroy(tree, rbfirst(tree), destroy);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Insert data pointer into a redblack tree.
 * Returns a NULL pointer on success.  If a node matching "data"
 * already exists, a pointer to the existant node is returned.
struct rbnode *
rbinsert(struct rbtree *tree, void *data)
    struct rbnode *node = rbfirst(tree);
    struct rbnode *parent = rbroot(tree);
    int res;

    /* Find correct insertion point. */
    while (node != rbnil(tree)) {
	parent = node;
	if ((res = tree->compar(data, node->data)) == 0)
	    return node;
	node = res < 0 ? node->left : node->right;

    node = (struct rbnode *) emalloc(sizeof(*node));
    node->data = data;
    node->left = node->right = rbnil(tree);
    node->parent = parent;
    if (parent == rbroot(tree) || tree->compar(data, parent->data) < 0)
	parent->left = node;
	parent->right = node;
    node->color = red;

     * If the parent node is black we are all set, if it is red we have
     * the following possible cases to deal with.  We iterate through
     * the rest of the tree to make sure none of the required properties
     * is violated.
     *	1) The uncle is red.  We repaint both the parent and uncle black
     *     and repaint the grandparent node red.
     *  2) The uncle is black and the new node is the right child of its
     *     parent, and the parent in turn is the left child of its parent.
     *     We do a left rotation to switch the roles of the parent and
     *     child, relying on further iterations to fixup the old parent.
     *  3) The uncle is black and the new node is the left child of its
     *     parent, and the parent in turn is the left child of its parent.
     *     We switch the colors of the parent and grandparent and perform
     *     a right rotation around the grandparent.  This makes the former
     *     parent the parent of the new node and the former grandparent.
     * Note that because we use a sentinel for the root node we never
     * need to worry about replacing the root.
    while (node->parent->color == red) {
	struct rbnode *uncle;
	if (node->parent == node->parent->parent->left) {
	    uncle = node->parent->parent->right;
	    if (uncle->color == red) {
		node->parent->color = black;
		uncle->color = black;
		node->parent->parent->color = red;
		node = node->parent->parent;
	    } else /* if (uncle->color == black) */ {
		if (node == node->parent->right) {
		    node = node->parent;
		    rotate_left(tree, node);
		node->parent->color = black;
		node->parent->parent->color = red;
		rotate_right(tree, node->parent->parent);
	} else { /* if (node->parent == node->parent->parent->right) */
	    uncle = node->parent->parent->left;
	    if (uncle->color == red) {
		node->parent->color = black;
		uncle->color = black;
		node->parent->parent->color = red;
		node = node->parent->parent;
	    } else /* if (uncle->color == black) */ {
		if (node == node->parent->left) {
		    node = node->parent;
		    rotate_right(tree, node);
		node->parent->color = black;
		node->parent->parent->color = red;
		rotate_left(tree, node->parent->parent);
    rbfirst(tree)->color = black;	/* first node is always black */
    return NULL;
void rbSolveUnbalancedTree(RBTree tree, Node replace, Node replacefather) {
	/* Soient :
	 * y : replace, le noeud remplacé 
	 * p : replacefather, le pere du noeud remplacé 
	 * f : frere de y 
	 * g : fils gauche de f
	 * d : fils droit de f
	 * */
	int isdoubleblack = 1; /* etat de replace */
	while(replace != rbfirst(tree) && isdoubleblack) { /* on s'arretera à la racine */

		if(replace == replacefather->left) { /* CAS GAUCHE */
			if(replacefather->right->color == black) { /* f est noir */
				if(replacefather->right->right->color == black && replacefather->right->left->color == black) {/* CAS 1.A */ /*(g et d sont noirs)*/
					//printf("Cas 1.A gauche\n");
					replace->color = black; /* y devient simple noir */
					replacefather->right->color = red; /* f devient rouge */
					addBlack(replacefather,&isdoubleblack); /* p devient double noir */					
					replace = replacefather; /* y devient p */
					replacefather = replace->father;
				else if(replacefather->right->right->color == red) { /* CAS 1.B */
					//printf("Cas 1.B gauche\n");
					swapColors(replacefather,replacefather->right); /* f prend la couleur de p */
					replacefather->right->right->color = black; /* d devient noir */
					replacefather->color = black; /* p devient noir */
					rbtreeRotateLeft(tree,replacefather); /* rotation gauche en p */
					isdoubleblack = 0; /* y devient noir */
				else if(replacefather->right->left->color == red && replacefather->right->right->color == black) { /* CAS 1.C */
					//printf("Cas 1.C gauche\n"); /* f est noir, g est rouge, d est noir */
					swapColors(replacefather->right->left,replacefather->right);/* g devient noir, f rouge */
					rbtreeRotateRight(tree,replacefather->right); /* rotation droite en f */
					/* la prochaine boucle retournera sur 1.B */
			else { /* f est rouge */
				//printf("Cas 2 gauche\n");
				swapColors(replacefather,replacefather->right); /* on echange les couleurs de p et f */
				rbtreeRotateLeft(tree,replacefather); /* rotation gauche en p */
				/* on revient au cas 1 */

		else { /* CAS DROIT */
			if(replacefather->left->color == black) { /* f est noir */
				if(replacefather->left->left->color == black && replacefather->left->right->color == black) {/* CAS 1.A */ /*(g et d sont noirs)*/
					//printf("Cas 1.A droit\n");
					replace->color = black; /* y devient simple noir */
					replacefather->left->color = red; /* f devient rouge */
					addBlack(replacefather,&isdoubleblack); /* p devient double noir */					
					replace = replacefather; /* y devient p */
					replacefather = replace->father;
				else if(replacefather->left->left->color == red) { /* CAS 1.B */
					//printf("Cas 1.B droit\n");
					swapColors(replacefather,replacefather->left); /* f prend la couleur de p */
					replacefather->left->left->color = black; /* d devient noir */
					replacefather->color = black; /* p devient noir */
					rbtreeRotateRight(tree,replacefather); /* rotation gauche en p */
					isdoubleblack = 0; /* y devient noir */
				else if(replacefather->left->right->color == red && replacefather->left->left->color == black) { /* CAS 1.C */
					//printf("Cas 1.C droit\n"); /* f est noir, g est rouge, d est noir */
					swapColors(replacefather->left->right,replacefather->left);/* g devient noir, f rouge */
					rbtreeRotateLeft(tree,replacefather->left); /* rotation droite en f */

					/* la prochaine boucle retournera sur 1.B */
			else { /* f est rouge */
				//printf("Cas 2 droit\n");
				swapColors(replacefather,replacefather->left); /* on echange les couleurs de p et f */
				rbtreeRotateRight(tree,replacefather); /* rotation gauche en p */
				/* on revient au cas 1 en ne changeant rien */
/* retourne si le noeud supprime etait rouge ET le noeud remplacant*/
void rbtreeRemove(RBTree tree, void* data) {
	Node replace, replacefather;
	Node node = rbfirst(tree);
	while(!(*tree->equal)(node->key,data)) { 
		node = (*tree->cmp)(node->key,data)?node->right:node->left;
	/* node est le noeud à supprimer */
	if(rbIsLeaf(node)) {
		if(node->father->right == node) 
			node->father->right = tree->nil;
			node->father->left = tree->nil;
		replacefather = node->father;
		replace = tree->nil;
	else { /* Ce noeud n'est pas une feuille */
		if(node->left == tree->nil) { /* unique noeud à droite */ /* FIXME */
			if(node == node->father->right) /* droit en premier pour le cas de la racine */
				node->father->right = node->right;
				node->father->left = node->right;
				node->right->father = node->father;	/* XXX AJOUTE */
			replacefather = node->father;
			replace = node->right;
		else if(node->right == tree->nil) { /* unique noeud à gauche */
			if(node == node->father->right) /* droit en premier pour le cas de la racine */
				node->father->right = node->left;
				node->father->left = node->left;
				node->left->father = node->father;	/* XXX AJOUTE */	
			replacefather = node->father;
			replace = node->left;		
		else { /* ==== deux noeuds  ==== */
			Node temp = node->right;
			while(temp->left != tree->nil) /* une fois à droite puis tout à gauche */
				temp = temp->left;
			node->key = temp->key; 
			if(temp->father->left == temp) {
				temp->father->left = temp->right; /* on raccroche l'hypothetique fils droit de temp */
				if(rbExists(temp->right)) temp->right->father = temp->father;
			else {
				temp->father->right = temp->right; /* si temp est juste à droite de node, on raccroche */
				if(rbExists(temp->right)) temp->right->father = temp->father;
			replacefather = temp->father;
			replace = temp->right;
			node = temp; /* histoire d'avoir le meme node que dans le reste du code */
	/* (x) node est le noeud qui a ete supprime, il devra etre free() XXX */
	/* (y_father) node->father == replacefather == replace->father (à tous les coups) */
	/* (y) replace est le noeud qui remplace celui qui a ete supprime */
	replacefather = node->father;
	if(node->color == black) {
		if(replace->color == red)
			replace->color = black;