QString QgsWfsCapabilities::NormalizeSRSName( QString crsName ) { QRegExp re( "urn:ogc:def:crs:([^:]+).+([^:]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if ( re.exactMatch( crsName ) ) { return re.cap( 1 ) + ':' + re.cap( 2 ); } // urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:xxxx as returned by http://maps.warwickshire.gov.uk/gs/ows? in WFS 1.1 QRegExp re2( "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:([^:]+).+([^:]+)", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if ( re2.exactMatch( crsName ) ) { return re2.cap( 1 ) + ':' + re2.cap( 2 ); } return crsName; }
int GoogleAppsMailbox::loginRequest() { //const QRegExp moorhuntHashRegex("(<<a[a-h].*>>)"); page = doGet("https://www.google.com/a/"+getMailbox()); int pos = 0; QRegExp re3("GALX\\\".*value=\\\"(.*)\\\"./>"); re3.setMinimal(true); if (re3.indexIn(page, pos) == -1) return 1; //LOG(Log::Info, page); const QString vars = QString("ltmpl=default<mplcache=2&continue=") + escape("https://mail.google.com/a/"+getMailbox()+"/") +"&service=mail&GALX=" + escape(re3.cap(1)) +"&rm=false&hl=pl&Email="+escape(getUser()) +"&Passwd="+escape(getPassword()) +"&rmShown=1"; page = doPost("https://www.google.com/a/"+getMailbox()+"/LoginAction2?service=mail",vars, true); QString username = getUser(); QRegExp re(username); QRegExp re2("&"); QRegExp authre("auth=([\\w\\d-]+)"); // To Do if (re.indexIn(page, pos) != -1) { QString url = re.cap(1); LOG(Log::Info, page + " <f"); if(url.indexOf("answer=40695") != -1) { LOG(Log::Info, "Niestety, konto zostało wyłączone. - " + getMailbox()); return 1; } url.replace(re2, "&"); url = unescape(url); if (authre.indexIn(page, pos) != -1) auth = authre.cap(1); LOG(Log::Info, auth + " <s"); return 0; } else return 1; }
void RockComMailbox::getHeadersRequest() { // LOG_ENTER("RockComMailbox::getHeadersRequest"); std::string url("http://mymail.rock.com/scripts/mail/mailbox.mail?folder=INBOX"),page; // setState(Mailbox::ReadHeadersIP); // request headers totalEmails = 0; pgcnt=0; page=doGet(url + auth); while(1) { //cout << "Read Headers In Progress" << endl; boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> match; // regex mheadre("<a href=\"/scripts/mail/(.*?) onclick=.+?title=\"(?:<B> )(.*?)(?: </B>)\">"); boost::regex mheadre("<a href=\"/scripts/mail/(.*?) onclick=.+?title=\"(?:<B>)*(.*?)(?: </B>)*\">"); std::string::const_iterator pbegin = page.begin(); std::string::const_iterator pend = page.end(); while (boost::regex_search(pbegin, pend, match, mheadre, boost::match_default)) { EmailHeader hdr(match[1], match[2]); //cout << match[2] << endl; // LOG(Log::Debug, "Found header: " + hdr.subject); // cout << hdr.subject << endl; addHeader(hdr); addHeaderLink(match[1]); pbegin = match[2].second; } boost::regex re2("<a href=\"/scripts/[^<>]*\"><img src=\"http://img1.us4.outblaze.com/rock.com/nextPg.gif\""); boost::smatch match2; if (!boost::regex_search(page,match,re2)) { // setState(Mailbox::ReadHeadersDone); break; } else { //cout << match[2] << endl; std::stringstream numstr; pgcnt++; numstr << pgcnt*50+1; std::string url = "http://mymail.rock.com/scripts/mail/mailbox.mail?folder=INBOX&order=Newest&.ob=2013874a6a87e3165de301dc859da6acf78d4520&mview=a&mstart="+numstr.str()+";"; page=doGet(url); } } }
TEST(RegularExpressionTest, extract) { std::string s; Poco::RegularExpression re1("[0-9]+"); Poco::RegularExpression re2("([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)"); EXPECT_EQ(1, re1.extract("123", s)); EXPECT_EQ("123", s); EXPECT_EQ(1, re1.extract("ab12de", 0, s)); EXPECT_EQ("12", s); EXPECT_EQ(0, re1.extract("abcd", 0, s)); EXPECT_EQ("", s); std::vector<std::string> vec; re2.split("123 456", 0, vec); // FIXME: split? EXPECT_EQ("123 456", vec[0]); EXPECT_EQ("123", vec[1]); EXPECT_EQ("456", vec[2]); }
/// Find the most appropriate configuration file for a given run /// @param run :: run number std::string EQSANSLoad::findConfigFile(const int& run) { // Append the standard location of EQSANS config file to the data search directory list std::string sns_folder = "/SNS/EQSANS/shared/instrument_configuration"; if (Poco::File(sns_folder).exists()) Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().appendDataSearchDir(sns_folder); const std::vector<std::string>& searchPaths = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getDataSearchDirs(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = searchPaths.begin(); int max_run_number = 0; std::string config_file = ""; Poco::RegularExpression re1("eqsans_configuration.[0-9]+"); Poco::RegularExpression re2("[0-9]+"); for (; it != searchPaths.end(); ++it) { Poco::DirectoryIterator file_it(*it); Poco::DirectoryIterator end; for (; file_it != end; ++file_it) { if (re1.match(file_it.name())) { std::string s; if (re2.extract(file_it.name(), s)==1) { int run_number = 0; Poco::NumberParser::tryParse(s, run_number); if (run_number > max_run_number && run_number <= run) { max_run_number = run_number; config_file = file_it.path().toString(); } } } } } return config_file; }
static void parseClass(const QString& name, const QString& in) { Class cl; cl.name = name; QStringList sl = in.split("\n"); QStringList methodDescription; QRegExp re("@P ([^\\s]+)\\s+([^\\s]+)(.*)"); // matches Q_INVOKABLE void mops(int a); // comment QRegExp re1("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +([^;]+); */*(.*)"); QRegExp re2("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +([^\\{]+)\\{"); QRegExp re3("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +(\\w+\\([^\\)]*\\))\\s+const\\s*([^\\{]*)\\{"); QRegExp reD("//@ (.*)"); QRegExp re4 ("class +(\\w+) *: *public +(\\w+) *\\{"); QRegExp re4b("class +(\\w+) *: *public +(\\w+), *public"); Q_ASSERT(re1.isValid() && re2.isValid() && re3.isValid()); bool parseClassDescription = true; foreach(const QString& s, sl) { if (re.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { //@P parseClassDescription = false; Prop p; p.name = re.cap(1); p.type = re.cap(2); p.description = re.cap(3); cl.props.append(p); } else if (re2.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re2.cap(1); p.name = re2.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if (re1.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re1.cap(1); p.name = re1.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if (re3.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re3.cap(1); p.name = re3.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if ((reD.indexIn(s, 0) != -1)) { if (parseClassDescription) cl.description.append(reD.cap(1)); else methodDescription.append(reD.cap(1)); } else if (s.startsWith("///")) { QString ss = s.mid(3); if (parseClassDescription) cl.description.append(ss); else methodDescription.append(ss); } else if (re4.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; QString parent = re4.cap(2).simplified(); if (name == re4.cap(1).simplified()) { cl.parent = parent; } else { printf("?<%s>!=<%s> derived from <%s>\n", qPrintable(name), qPrintable(re4.cap(1).simplified()), qPrintable(parent)); } } else if (re4b.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; QString parent = re4b.cap(2).simplified(); if (name == re4b.cap(1).simplified()) { cl.parent = parent; } else { printf("?<%s>!=<%s> derived from <%s>\n", qPrintable(name), qPrintable(re4b.cap(1).simplified()), qPrintable(parent)); } } } classes.append(cl); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------- QString Utils::formatString(const QString filename, const Utils::FormatConfiguration &conf, bool add_mp3_extension) { // works for filenames and plain strings QString formattedName = filename; auto fileInfo = QFileInfo(filename); if(fileInfo.exists()) { formattedName = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().split('/').last(); auto extension = formattedName.split('.').last(); auto extension_id = QString("*.") + extension; bool identified = WAVE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension_id) || MODULE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension_id) || MOVIE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension_id); if (identified) { formattedName.remove(formattedName.lastIndexOf('.'), extension.length() + 1); } } if (conf.apply) { // delete specified chars for (int i = 0; i < conf.chars_to_delete.length(); ++i) { formattedName.remove(conf.chars_to_delete[i], Qt::CaseInsensitive); } // replace specified strings for (int i = 0; i < conf.chars_to_replace.size(); ++i) { auto charPair = conf.chars_to_replace[i]; formattedName.replace(charPair.first, charPair.second, Qt::CaseInsensitive); } // remove consecutive spaces QStringList parts = formattedName.split(' '); parts.removeAll(""); formattedName.clear(); int index = 0; // adjust the number prefix and insert the default separator. // Format 1: 01 ... QRegExp re1("\\d*"); auto re1_match = re1.exactMatch(parts[index]); // Format 2: 1-01 ... QRegExp re2("\\d-\\d*"); auto re2_match = re2.exactMatch(parts[index]); // only check number format if it exists if (re1_match || re2_match) { QString number_string, number_disc_id; if(re1_match) { number_string = parts[index]; } else { auto splits = parts[index].split('-'); number_disc_id = splits.first(); number_string = splits.last(); } while (conf.number_of_digits > number_string.length()) { number_string = "0" + number_string; } if (index != parts.size() - 1) { if(parts[index + 1] != QString(conf.number_and_name_separator)) { number_string += QString(' ' + conf.number_and_name_separator + ' '); } else { parts[index + 1] = QString(' ' + conf.number_and_name_separator); } } if(!number_disc_id.isEmpty() && conf.prefix_disk_num) { number_string = number_disc_id + QString("-") + number_string; } formattedName = number_string; ++index; } // capitalize the first letter of every word if (conf.to_title_case) { int i = index; while (i < parts.size()) { if (parts[i].isEmpty()) continue; bool starts_with_parenthesis = false; bool ends_with_parenthesis = false; bool starts_with_quote = false; bool ends_with_quote = false; int begin_quote_num = 0; int end_quote_num = 0; if(parts[i].startsWith('(') && parts[i].size() > 1) { starts_with_parenthesis = true; parts[i].remove('('); } if(parts[i].endsWith(')') && parts[i].size() > 1) { ends_with_parenthesis = true; parts[i].remove(')'); } if(parts[i].startsWith('\'') && parts[i].size() > 1) { starts_with_quote = true; while(parts[i].at(begin_quote_num) == QChar('\'') && begin_quote_num < parts[i].size()) { ++begin_quote_num; } } if(parts[i].endsWith('\'') && parts[i].size() > 1) { ends_with_quote = true; auto part_size = parts[i].size() - 1; while(parts[i].at(part_size - end_quote_num) == QChar('\'') && end_quote_num < parts[i].size()) { ++end_quote_num; } } if(starts_with_quote || ends_with_quote) { parts[i].remove(QChar('\'')); } if(!isRomanNumeral(parts[i])) { parts[i] = parts[i].toLower(); parts[i].replace(0, 1, parts[i].at(0).toUpper()); } if(starts_with_quote) { while(begin_quote_num > 0) { parts[i].insert(0, QChar('\'')); --begin_quote_num; } } if(ends_with_quote) { while(end_quote_num > 0) { parts[i].append(QChar('\'')); --end_quote_num; } } if (starts_with_parenthesis) { parts[i] = QString('(') + parts[i]; } if (ends_with_parenthesis) { parts[i] = parts[i] + QString(')'); } ++i; } } if(index < parts.size()) { formattedName += parts[index++]; } // compose the name. while (index < parts.size()) { formattedName += ' ' + parts[index++]; } } if(add_mp3_extension) { formattedName += ".mp3"; } // remove any unwanted spaces formattedName = formattedName.simplified(); // check for unwanted unicode chars while(formattedName.toLatin1().contains('?')) { auto index = formattedName.toLatin1().indexOf('?'); switch(formattedName.at(index).category()) { case QChar::Punctuation_InitialQuote: case QChar::Punctuation_FinalQuote: formattedName = formattedName.replace(formattedName.at(index), QString("''")); break; case QChar::Punctuation_Dash: formattedName = formattedName.replace(formattedName.at(index), '-'); break; default: formattedName = formattedName.replace(formattedName.at(index), ' '); } } return formattedName; }
void regexp_pme() { static const char *underline = "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // Match tests { printf("Global matching\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("ba[rz]", "g"); TString m("foobarbaz"); while (re.Match(m)) re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Global matching with back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re1("(ba[rz])", "g"); TString m1("foobarbaz"); while (re1.Match(m1)) re1.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Matching with nested back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re2("([\\w\\.-]+)@((\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+))"); TString m2("[email protected]"); re2.Match(m2); re2.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } // Split tests { printf("Split\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re(":"); TString m("root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with maxfields=5\n%s", underline); re.Split(m, 5); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with empty elements in the middle and at the end\n" "maxfields=0, so trailing empty elements are dropped\n%s", underline); m = "root::0:0:root:/root::"; re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with empty elements at the beginning and end\n" "maxfields=-1, so trailing empty elements are kept\n%s", underline); m = ":x:0:0:root::"; re.Split(m, -1); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with no pattern in string\n%s", underline); m = "A dummy line of text."; re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } { printf("Split with regexp potentially matching a null string \n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re(" *"); TString m("hi there"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } { printf("Split on patteren with back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("([,-])"); TString m("1-10,20"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } // Substitute tests { printf("Substitute\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"); TString m(""); TString r("$4.$3.$2.$1"); TString s(m); re.Substitute(s, r); re.Print(); printf("Substitute '%s','%s' => '%s'\n", m.Data(), r.Data(), s.Data()); printf("\n"); } { printf("Global substitute\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)@[\\w\\.-]+", "g"); TString m("[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]"); TString r("\\u$1 \\U$2\\E"); TString s(m); re.Substitute(s, r); re.Print(); printf("Substitute '%s','%s' => '%s'\n", m.Data(), r.Data(), s.Data()); printf("\n"); } }
int main() { { //! [0] QRegularExpression re("a pattern"); //! [0] } { //! [1] QRegularExpression re; re.setPattern("another pattern"); //! [1] } { //! [2] // matches two digits followed by a space and a word QRegularExpression re("\\d\\d \\w+"); // matches a backslash QRegularExpression re2("\\\\"); //! [2] } { //! [3] QRegularExpression re("a third pattern"); QString pattern = re.pattern(); // pattern == "a third pattern" //! [3] } { //! [4] // matches "Qt rocks", but also "QT rocks", "QT ROCKS", "qT rOcKs", etc. QRegularExpression re("Qt rocks", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); //! [4] } { //! [5] QRegularExpression re("^\\d+$"); re.setPatternOptions(QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); // re matches any line in the subject string that contains only digits (but at least one) //! [5] } { //! [6] QRegularExpression re = QRegularExpression("^two.*words$", QRegularExpression::MultilineOption | QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption); QRegularExpression::PatternOptions options = re.patternOptions(); // options == QRegularExpression::MultilineOption | QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption //! [6] } { //! [7] // match two digits followed by a space and a word QRegularExpression re("\\d\\d \\w+"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abc123 def"); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // true //! [7] } { //! [8] QRegularExpression re("\\d\\d \\w+"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abc123 def"); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString matched = match.captured(0); // matched == "23 def" // ... } //! [8] } { //! [9] QRegularExpression re("\\d\\d \\w+"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("12 abc 45 def", 1); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString matched = match.captured(0); // matched == "45 def" // ... } //! [9] } { //! [10] QRegularExpression re("^(\\d\\d)/(\\d\\d)/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("08/12/1985"); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString day = match.captured(1); // day == "08" QString month = match.captured(2); // month == "12" QString year = match.captured(3); // year == "1985" // ... } //! [10] } { //! [11] QRegularExpression re("abc(\\d+)def"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("XYZabc123defXYZ"); if (match.hasMatch()) { int startOffset = match.capturedStart(1); // startOffset == 6 int endOffset = match.capturedEnd(1); // endOffset == 9 // ... } //! [11] } { //! [12] QRegularExpression re("^(?<date>\\d\\d)/(?<month>\\d\\d)/(?<year>\\d\\d\\d\\d)$"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("08/12/1985"); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString date = match.captured("date"); // date == "08" QString month = match.captured("month"); // month == "12" QString year = match.captured("year"); // year == 1985 } //! [12] } { //! [13] QRegularExpression re("(\\w+)"); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = re.globalMatch("the quick fox"); //! [13] //! [14] QStringList words; while (i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next(); QString word = match.captured(1); words << word; } // words contains "the", "quick", "fox" //! [14] } { //! [15] QString pattern("^(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \\d\\d?, \\d\\d\\d\\d$"); QRegularExpression re(pattern); QString input("Jan 21,"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(input, 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferCompleteMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // false bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // true //! [15] } { QString pattern("^(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \\d\\d?, \\d\\d\\d\\d$"); QRegularExpression re(pattern); //! [16] QString input("Dec 8, 1985"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(input, 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferCompleteMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // true bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // false //! [16] } { //! [17] QRegularExpression re("abc\\w+X|def"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abcdef", 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferCompleteMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // true bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // false QString captured = match.captured(0); // captured == "def" //! [17] } { //! [18] QRegularExpression re("abc\\w+X|defY"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abcdef", 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferCompleteMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // false bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // true QString captured = match.captured(0); // captured == "abcdef" //! [18] } { //! [19] QRegularExpression re("abc|ab"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("ab", 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferFirstMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // false bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // true //! [19] } { //! [20] QRegularExpression re("abc(def)?"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abc", 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferFirstMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // false bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // true //! [20] } { //! [21] QRegularExpression re("(abc)*"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("abc", 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferFirstMatch); bool hasMatch = match.hasMatch(); // false bool hasPartialMatch = match.hasPartialMatch(); // true //! [21] } { //! [22] QRegularExpression invalidRe("(unmatched|parenthesis"); bool isValid = invalidRe.isValid(); // false //! [22] } { //! [23] QRegularExpression invalidRe("(unmatched|parenthesis"); if (!invalidRe.isValid()) { QString errorString = invalidRe.errorString(); // errorString == "missing )" int errorOffset = invalidRe.patternErrorOffset(); // errorOffset == 22 // ... } //! [23] } { //! [24] QRegularExpression re("^this pattern must match exactly$"); //! [24] } { //! [25] QString p("a .*|pattern"); QRegularExpression re("\\A(?:" + p + ")\\z"); // re matches exactly the pattern string p //! [25] } { //! [26] QString escaped = QRegularExpression::escape("a(x) = f(x) + g(x)"); // escaped == "a\\(x\\)\\ \\=\\ f\\(x\\)\\ \\+\\ g\\(x\\)" //! [26] } { QString name; QString nickname; //! [27] QString pattern = "(" + QRegularExpression::escape(name) + "|" + QRegularExpression::escape(nickname) + ")"; QRegularExpression re(pattern); //! [27] } { QString string; QRegularExpression re; //! [28] QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(string); for (int i = 0; i <= match.lastCapturedIndex(); ++i) { QString captured = match.captured(i); // ... } //! [28] } { //! [29] QRegularExpression re("(\\d\\d) (?<name>\\w+)"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("23 Jordan"); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString number = match.captured(1); // first == "23" QString name = match.captured("name"); // name == "Jordan" } //! [29] } { //! [30] // extracts the words QRegularExpression re("(\\w+)"); QString subject("the quick fox"); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = re.globalMatch(subject); while (i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next(); // ... } //! [30] } }
Settings::Settings() { static_assert(TEAM_BLUE == blue && TEAM_RED == red && TEAM_YELLOW == yellow && TEAM_BLACK == black && TEAM_WHITE == white && TEAM_GREEN == green && TEAM_ORANGE == orange && TEAM_PURPLE == purple && TEAM_BROWN == brown && TEAM_GRAY == gray, "These macros and enums have to match!"); if(!loaded) { VERIFY(settings.load()); loaded = true; } *this = settings; #ifdef TARGET_SIM if(SystemCall::getMode() == SystemCall::simulatedRobot) { int index = atoi(RoboCupCtrl::controller->getRobotName().c_str() + 5) - 1; teamNumber = index < 6 ? 1 : 2; teamPort = 10000 + teamNumber; teamColor = index < 6 ? TeamColor(RoboCupCtrl::controller->gameController.teamInfos[0].teamColor) : TeamColor(RoboCupCtrl::controller->gameController.teamInfos[1].teamColor); playerNumber = index % 6 + 1; } headName = bodyName = "Nao"; ConsoleRoboCupCtrl* ctrl = dynamic_cast<ConsoleRoboCupCtrl*>(RoboCupCtrl::controller); if(ctrl) { std::string logFileName = ctrl->getLogFile(); if(logFileName != "") { QRegExp re1("([A-Za-z]*)_([A-Za-z]*)__", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QRegExp re2("([A-Za-z]*)_([A-Za-z]*)_([A-Za-z0-9]*)_([A-Za-z0-9]*)__"); QRegExp re3("_([0-9][0-9]*)(_\\([0-9][0-9]*\\)){0,1}\\."); int pos1 = re1.indexIn(logFileName.c_str()); int pos2 = re2.indexIn(logFileName.c_str()); int pos3 = re3.indexIn(logFileName.c_str()); if(pos2 != -1) { headName = re2.capturedTexts()[1].toUtf8().constData(); bodyName = re2.capturedTexts()[2].toUtf8().constData(); scenario = re2.capturedTexts()[3].toUtf8().constData(); location = re2.capturedTexts()[4].toUtf8().constData(); } else if(pos1 != -1) { headName = re1.capturedTexts()[1].toUtf8().constData(); bodyName = re1.capturedTexts()[2].toUtf8().constData(); } else bodyName = headName = "Default"; if(pos3 != -1) playerNumber = re3.capturedTexts()[1].toUtf8().constData()[0] - '0'; } } #endif }
inline qm_real atsmodel<N>::future(qm_real t, qm_real T1, qm_real T2, qm_real tau) const { REXPONENT re = this->fwdexp(t,T1,T2,1.0); REXPONENT re2(new rexponent(t,T1,0)); m_model->rcumulant(re->b,re2); return (std::exp(re->a+re2->value(m_model->charFactors())) - 1.)/tau; }