Exemplo n.º 1
  adjust altitude target depending on mode
void Plane::adjust_altitude_target()
    Location target_location;

    if (control_mode == FLY_BY_WIRE_B ||
        control_mode == CRUISE) {
    if (landing.is_flaring()) {
        // during a landing flare, use TECS_LAND_SINK as a target sink
        // rate, and ignores the target altitude
    } else if (landing.is_on_approach()) {
        landing.setup_landing_glide_slope(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc, current_loc, target_altitude.offset_cm);
        landing.adjust_landing_slope_for_rangefinder_bump(rangefinder_state, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc, current_loc, auto_state.wp_distance, target_altitude.offset_cm);
    } else if (landing.get_target_altitude_location(target_location)) {
    } else if (reached_loiter_target()) {
        // once we reach a loiter target then lock to the final
        // altitude target
    } else if (target_altitude.offset_cm != 0 && 
               !location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc)) {
        // control climb/descent rate
        set_target_altitude_proportion(next_WP_loc, 1.0f-auto_state.wp_proportion);

        // stay within the range of the start and end locations in altitude
        constrain_target_altitude_location(next_WP_loc, prev_WP_loc);
    } else {

    altitude_error_cm = calc_altitude_error_cm();
Exemplo n.º 2
  update the total angle we have covered in a loiter. Used to support
  commands to do N circles of loiter
void Plane::loiter_angle_update(void)
    static const int32_t lap_check_interval_cd = 3*36000;

    const int32_t target_bearing_cd = nav_controller->target_bearing_cd();
    int32_t loiter_delta_cd;

    if (loiter.sum_cd == 0 && !reached_loiter_target()) {
        // we don't start summing until we are doing the real loiter
        loiter_delta_cd = 0;
    } else if (loiter.sum_cd == 0) {
        // use 1 cd for initial delta
        loiter_delta_cd = 1;
        loiter.start_lap_alt_cm = current_loc.alt;
        loiter.next_sum_lap_cd = lap_check_interval_cd;
    } else {
        loiter_delta_cd = target_bearing_cd - loiter.old_target_bearing_cd;

    loiter.old_target_bearing_cd = target_bearing_cd;
    loiter_delta_cd = wrap_180_cd(loiter_delta_cd);
    loiter.sum_cd += loiter_delta_cd * loiter.direction;

    if (labs(current_loc.alt - next_WP_loc.alt) < 500) {
        loiter.reached_target_alt = true;
        loiter.unable_to_acheive_target_alt = false;
        loiter.next_sum_lap_cd = loiter.sum_cd + lap_check_interval_cd;

    } else if (!loiter.reached_target_alt && labs(loiter.sum_cd) >= loiter.next_sum_lap_cd) {
        // check every few laps for scenario where up/downdrafts inhibit you from loitering up/down for too long
        loiter.unable_to_acheive_target_alt = labs(current_loc.alt - loiter.start_lap_alt_cm) < 500;
        loiter.start_lap_alt_cm = current_loc.alt;
        loiter.next_sum_lap_cd += lap_check_interval_cd;
Exemplo n.º 3
  adjust altitude target depending on mode
void Plane::adjust_altitude_target()
    if (control_mode == FLY_BY_WIRE_B ||
        control_mode == CRUISE) {
    if (flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL) {
        // in land final TECS uses TECS_LAND_SINK as a target sink
        // rate, and ignores the target altitude
    } else if (flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH ||
            flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE) {
    } else if (reached_loiter_target()) {
        // once we reach a loiter target then lock to the final
        // altitude target
    } else if (target_altitude.offset_cm != 0 && 
               !location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc)) {
        // control climb/descent rate
        set_target_altitude_proportion(next_WP_loc, 1.0f-auto_state.wp_proportion);

        // stay within the range of the start and end locations in altitude
        constrain_target_altitude_location(next_WP_loc, prev_WP_loc);
    } else {

    altitude_error_cm = calc_altitude_error_cm();
Exemplo n.º 4
bool Plane::verify_loiter_time()
    bool result = false;
    // mission radius is always aparm.loiter_radius

    if (loiter.start_time_ms == 0) {
        if (reached_loiter_target() && loiter.sum_cd > 1) {
            // we've reached the target, start the timer
            loiter.start_time_ms = millis();
    } else if (condition_value != 0) {
        // primary goal, loiter time
        if ((millis() - loiter.start_time_ms) > loiter.time_max_ms) {
            // primary goal completed, initialize secondary heading goal
            condition_value = 0;
            result = verify_loiter_heading(true);
    } else {
        // secondary goal, loiter to heading
        result = verify_loiter_heading(false);

    if (result) {
        gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Loiter time complete");
        auto_state.vtol_loiter = false;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
  work out target altitude adjustment from terrain lookahead
float Plane::lookahead_adjustment(void)
    int32_t bearing_cd;
    int16_t distance;
    // work out distance and bearing to target
    if (control_mode == FLY_BY_WIRE_B) {
        // there is no target waypoint in FBWB, so use yaw as an approximation
        bearing_cd = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
        distance = g.terrain_lookahead;
    } else if (!reached_loiter_target()) {
        bearing_cd = nav_controller->target_bearing_cd();
        distance = constrain_float(auto_state.wp_distance, 0, g.terrain_lookahead);
    } else {
        // no lookahead when loitering
        bearing_cd = 0;
        distance = 0;
    if (distance <= 0) {
        // no lookahead
        return 0;

    float groundspeed = ahrs.groundspeed();
    if (groundspeed < 1) {
        // we're not moving
        return 0;
    // we need to know the climb ratio. We use 50% of the maximum
    // climb rate so we are not constantly at 100% throttle and to
    // give a bit more margin on terrain
    float climb_ratio = 0.5f * SpdHgt_Controller->get_max_climbrate() / groundspeed;

    if (climb_ratio <= 0) {
        // lookahead makes no sense for negative climb rates
        return 0;
    // ask the terrain code for the lookahead altitude change
    float lookahead = terrain.lookahead(bearing_cd*0.01f, distance, climb_ratio);
    if (target_altitude.offset_cm < 0) {
        // we are heading down to the waypoint, so we don't need to
        // climb as much
        lookahead += target_altitude.offset_cm*0.01f;

    // constrain lookahead to a reasonable limit
    return constrain_float(lookahead, 0, 1000.0f);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void Plane::update_loiter(uint16_t radius)
    if (radius <= 1) {
        // if radius is <=1 then use the general loiter radius. if it's small, use default
        radius = (abs(aparm.loiter_radius) <= 1) ? LOITER_RADIUS_DEFAULT : abs(aparm.loiter_radius);
        if (next_WP_loc.loiter_ccw == 1) {
            loiter.direction = -1;
        } else {
            loiter.direction = (aparm.loiter_radius < 0) ? -1 : 1;

    if (loiter.start_time_ms != 0 &&
        quadplane.guided_mode_enabled()) {
        if (!auto_state.vtol_loiter) {
            auto_state.vtol_loiter = true;
            // reset loiter start time, so we don't consider the point
            // reached till we get much closer
            loiter.start_time_ms = 0;
    } else if ((loiter.start_time_ms == 0 &&
                (control_mode == &mode_auto || control_mode == &mode_guided) &&
                auto_state.crosstrack &&
                current_loc.get_distance(next_WP_loc) > radius*3) ||
               (control_mode == &mode_rtl && quadplane.available() && quadplane.rtl_mode == 1)) {
          if never reached loiter point and using crosstrack and somewhat far away from loiter point
          navigate to it like in auto-mode for normal crosstrack behavior

          we also use direct waypoint navigation if we are a quadplane
          that is going to be switching to QRTL when it gets within
        nav_controller->update_waypoint(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);
    } else {
        nav_controller->update_loiter(next_WP_loc, radius, loiter.direction);

    if (loiter.start_time_ms == 0) {
        if (reached_loiter_target() ||
            auto_state.wp_proportion > 1) {
            // we've reached the target, start the timer
            loiter.start_time_ms = millis();
            if (control_mode == &mode_guided || control_mode == &mode_avoidADSB) {
                // starting a loiter in GUIDED means we just reached the target point
            if (quadplane.guided_mode_enabled()) {
Exemplo n.º 7
void Plane::update_loiter(uint16_t radius)
    if (radius <= 1) {
        // if radius is <=1 then use the general loiter radius. if it's small, use default
        radius = (abs(g.loiter_radius) <= 1) ? LOITER_RADIUS_DEFAULT : abs(g.loiter_radius);
        if (next_WP_loc.flags.loiter_ccw == 1) {
            loiter.direction = -1;
        } else {
            loiter.direction = (g.loiter_radius < 0) ? -1 : 1;

    if (loiter.start_time_ms != 0 &&
        quadplane.available() &&
        quadplane.guided_mode != 0) {
        if (!auto_state.vtol_loiter) {
            auto_state.vtol_loiter = true;
            // reset loiter start time, so we don't consider the point
            // reached till we get much closer
            loiter.start_time_ms = 0;
    } else if (loiter.start_time_ms == 0 &&
        control_mode == AUTO &&
        !auto_state.no_crosstrack &&
        get_distance(current_loc, next_WP_loc) > radius*2) {
        // if never reached loiter point and using crosstrack and somewhat far away from loiter point
        // navigate to it like in auto-mode for normal crosstrack behavior
        nav_controller->update_waypoint(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);
    } else {
        nav_controller->update_loiter(next_WP_loc, radius, loiter.direction);

    if (loiter.start_time_ms == 0) {
        if (reached_loiter_target() ||
            auto_state.wp_proportion > 1) {
            // we've reached the target, start the timer
            loiter.start_time_ms = millis();
            if (control_mode == GUIDED) {
                // starting a loiter in GUIDED means we just reached the target point
            if (quadplane.available() &&
                quadplane.guided_mode != 0) {
Exemplo n.º 8
bool Plane::verify_RTL()
    if (g.rtl_radius < 0) {
        loiter.direction = -1;
    } else {
        loiter.direction = 1;
	if (auto_state.wp_distance <= (uint32_t)MAX(g.waypoint_radius,0) || 
        reached_loiter_target()) {
			gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Reached RTL location");
			return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
  update the total angle we have covered in a loiter. Used to support
  commands to do N circles of loiter
void Plane::loiter_angle_update(void)
    int32_t target_bearing_cd = nav_controller->target_bearing_cd();
    int32_t loiter_delta_cd;
    if (loiter.sum_cd == 0 && !reached_loiter_target()) {
        // we don't start summing until we are doing the real loiter
        loiter_delta_cd = 0;
    } else if (loiter.sum_cd == 0) {
        // use 1 cd for initial delta
        loiter_delta_cd = 1;
    } else {
        loiter_delta_cd = target_bearing_cd - loiter.old_target_bearing_cd;
    loiter.old_target_bearing_cd = target_bearing_cd;
    loiter_delta_cd = wrap_180_cd(loiter_delta_cd);

    loiter.sum_cd += loiter_delta_cd * loiter.direction;
Exemplo n.º 10
void Plane::update_navigation()
    // wp_distance is in ACTUAL meters, not the *100 meters we get from the GPS
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint16_t radius = 0;
    switch(control_mode) {
    case AUTO:
        if (home_is_set != HOME_UNSET) {
    case RTL:
        if (quadplane.available() && quadplane.rtl_mode == 1 &&
            nav_controller->reached_loiter_target()) {
        } else if (g.rtl_autoland == 1 &&
            !auto_state.checked_for_autoland &&
            reached_loiter_target() && 
            labs(altitude_error_cm) < 1000) {
            // we've reached the RTL point, see if we have a landing sequence

            // prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
            // on every loop
            auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
        else if (g.rtl_autoland == 2 &&
            !auto_state.checked_for_autoland) {
            // Go directly to the landing sequence

            // prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
            // on every loop
            auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
        radius = abs(g.rtl_radius);
        if (radius > 0) {
            loiter.direction = (g.rtl_radius < 0) ? -1 : 1;
        // fall through to LOITER

    case LOITER:
    case GUIDED:

    case CRUISE:

    case MANUAL:
    case STABILIZE:
    case TRAINING:
    case ACRO:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_A:
    case AUTOTUNE:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_B:
    case CIRCLE:
    case QSTABILIZE:
    case QHOVER:
    case QLOITER:
    case QLAND:
    case QRTL:
        // nothing to do
Exemplo n.º 11
void Plane::update_navigation()
    // wp_distance is in ACTUAL meters, not the *100 meters we get from the GPS
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint16_t radius = 0;
    uint16_t qrtl_radius = abs(g.rtl_radius);
    if (qrtl_radius == 0) {
        qrtl_radius = abs(aparm.loiter_radius);
    switch(control_mode) {
    case AUTO:
        if (ahrs.home_is_set()) {
    case RTL:
        if (quadplane.available() && quadplane.rtl_mode == 1 &&
            (nav_controller->reached_loiter_target() ||
             location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc) ||
             auto_state.wp_distance < MAX(qrtl_radius, quadplane.stopping_distance())) &&
            AP_HAL::millis() - last_mode_change_ms > 1000) {
              for a quadplane in RTL mode we switch to QRTL when we
              are within the maximum of the stopping distance and the
            set_mode(QRTL, MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN);
        } else if (g.rtl_autoland == 1 &&
            !auto_state.checked_for_autoland &&
            reached_loiter_target() && 
            labs(altitude_error_cm) < 1000) {
            // we've reached the RTL point, see if we have a landing sequence
            if (mission.jump_to_landing_sequence()) {
                // switch from RTL -> AUTO
                set_mode(AUTO, MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN);

            // prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
            // on every loop
            auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
        else if (g.rtl_autoland == 2 &&
            !auto_state.checked_for_autoland) {
            // Go directly to the landing sequence
            if (mission.jump_to_landing_sequence()) {
                // switch from RTL -> AUTO
                set_mode(AUTO, MODE_REASON_UNKNOWN);

            // prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
            // on every loop
            auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
        radius = abs(g.rtl_radius);
        if (radius > 0) {
            loiter.direction = (g.rtl_radius < 0) ? -1 : 1;
        // fall through to LOITER

    case LOITER:
    case AVOID_ADSB:
    case GUIDED:

    case CRUISE:

    case MANUAL:
    case STABILIZE:
    case TRAINING:
    case ACRO:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_A:
    case AUTOTUNE:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_B:
    case CIRCLE:
    case QSTABILIZE:
    case QHOVER:
    case QLOITER:
    case QLAND:
    case QRTL:
        // nothing to do