Exemplo n.º 1
bool XferChannel::mainUpdate()
	if (mInternalStatus == _WaitingForRequests)
		mCurrentRequest = mHost->getNextXferRequest(mSudo);
		if (mCurrentRequest == NULL)
			return false;
			mInternalStatus = _SendingRequestHeader;
			return true;

	if (mInternalStatus == _SendingRequestHeader)
		//	If uploading, make sure the data to be uploaded is encoded.
		if (mCurrentRequest->isUploadRequest() && mCurrentRequest->getEncodedData().isEmpty())

		SendResponse r = sendData(mCurrentRequest->getRequestHeader());
		if (r != SendSucceed) return (r == SendAgain);

		mInternalStatus = (mCurrentRequest->isUploadRequest() ? _WaitingForReady : _ReadingDownloadHeader);

	if (mInternalStatus == _ReadingDownloadHeader)
		ReadReply r = readUntil("\n");
		if (r.readAgain) return false;
		if (r.data.isEmpty()) throw(tr("Invalid response to download header"));

		if (r.data.startsWith("Error: "))
			if(r.data.contains("File not found"))
				mCurrentRequest->handleFailure(QString(mCurrentRequest->getFilename()) + " - " + tr("File not found"), 0);
				mInternalStatus = _WaitingForRequests;
				return true;

		if (r.data.endsWith('\r'))
			SSHLOG_WARN(mHost) << "Warning: Stray carriage-return after xfer header";

		QList<QByteArray> parts = r.data.split(',');

		mLeftoverEscape = false;
		mInternalStatus = _DownloadingBody;

	if (mInternalStatus == _DownloadingBody)
		ReadReply r = readBinaryData(mCurrentRequest->getDataSize());
		if (r.readAgain) return false;

		//	Check the checksum.
		QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
		QByteArray checksum = hash.result().toHex().toLower();

		if (checksum != mCurrentRequest->getChecksum())
			mCurrentRequest->handleFailure(tr("Checksum failure: %1 vs %2").arg(QString(checksum)).arg(QString(mCurrentRequest->getChecksum())), 0);

		mInternalStatus = _WaitingForOk;

	if (mInternalStatus == _WaitingForReady)
		ReadReply r = readUntil("\n");
		if (r.readAgain) return true;

		if (r.data != "Ready")
			criticalError("Failed to upload file");

		mInternalStatus = _UploadingBody;

	if (mInternalStatus == _UploadingBody)
		QByteArray encoded = mCurrentRequest->getEncodedData();

		SendResponse r = sendData(encoded);
		if (r != SendSucceed) return (r == SendAgain);


		mInternalStatus = _WaitingForOk;

	if (mInternalStatus == _WaitingForOk)
		ReadReply r = readUntil("\n");
		if (r.readAgain) return true;

		if (r.data.endsWith('\r'))
			SSHLOG_WARN(mHost) << "Warning: Stray carriage-return after xfer OK";

		if (r.data != "OK")
			criticalError("Did not receive OK at the end of transmission. Got: " + r.data);

		mInternalStatus = _WaitingForRequests;
		return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
ExporterVTK<MeshType>::readVTUFiles ( exporterData_Type& dvar )
    ASSERT ( this->M_numImportProc, "The number of pieces to be loaded was not specified." );

    UInt numPoints, numCells;
    std::vector<Real> inputValues;
    std::vector<Real> globalIDs;

    const UInt start        ( dvar.start() );
    const UInt numGlobalDOF ( dvar.numDOF() );

    // Each processor will read all the files, and fill just its own component of the vectors
    for ( UInt iProc = 0; iProc < this->M_numImportProc; ++iProc )
        std::string filename ( this->M_postDir + this->M_prefix + "_" + dvar.variableName() +
                               this->M_postfix + "." + iProc + ".vtu" );
        std::ifstream inputFile ( filename.c_str() );

        if (this->M_procId == 0)
            std::cout << "\tfile " << filename << std::endl;

        ASSERT (inputFile.is_open(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );

        // file parsing: line by line
        std::string line;
        size_t found;
        std::stringstream parseLine;

        while ( inputFile.good() && getline ( inputFile, line ) )
            // this is essentially a consistency check: the number of DOF is explicitly
            // written in the VTK files. We will check that the number of values read
            // from file matches this number
            found = line.find ( "NumberOfPoints" );
            if ( found != std::string::npos )
                // place the get pointer at the first " after NumberOfPoints
                found = line.find ( "\"", found, 1 );
                // after the " we'll find the number: parse the substring
                parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 1) );
                parseLine >> numPoints;

                // do the same for NumberOfCells
                found = line.find ( "NumberOfCells" );
                found = line.find ( "\"", found, 1 );
                parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 1) );
                parseLine >> numCells;

            // load all PointData arrays
            if ( line.find ( "<PointData" ) != std::string::npos )
                while ( inputFile.good() && getline ( inputFile, line ) )
                    if ( line.find ( dvar.variableName() ) != std::string::npos )
                        inputValues.resize ( dvar.fieldDim() *numPoints );

                        if ( line.find ( "binary" ) != std::string::npos )
                            UInt numBitsFloat;
                            found = line.find ( "Float" );
                            parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 5) );
                            parseLine >> numBitsFloat;
                            ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                            getline ( inputFile, line );
                            readBinaryData ( line, inputValues, numBitsFloat );
                            ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                            getline ( inputFile, line );
                            readASCIIData ( line, inputValues );
                    if ( line.find ( "GlobalId" ) != std::string::npos )
                        globalIDs.resize ( numPoints );
                        ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                        getline ( inputFile, line );
                        readASCIIData ( line, globalIDs );